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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Mate, plandemic has already been thoroughly debunked. Its completely horse shit, so please stop sharing it around.

And i dont think you understand what "free speech" means, and what rules you have to follow on a private businesses website.

But whatever, keep peddling your madeup bullshit as facts

Here ya go apache, a link debunking plandemic, and its not from the msm

Lets see you claim everything in there is fake news ot something
So the 283K dead is fake news too.... fantastic.

Tin Foil Hats!

Finally have a chance to respond to ya comment

Great to see a fellow stats man.

Let me preface by saying any death due to this FLu or under any other circumstance is not nice.

However 283,000 deaths from the FLU when the current world population of almost 7.9 BILLION when you do the percentages very miniscule.

Around 6,000 people die around the world every hour.

I have downloaded a link to some old stats of deaths around the world and causes.

All very interesting stats

So at this point in time this FLU say if ya add your stat to this list its around half way down the list

Very interesting stats.

So with nearly 8 Billion people on the planet very low numbers.

by Apachebulldog
Tue May 12, 2020 11:06 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Question everything.


I would have thought though that on what is largely a scientific issue, the best means by which to reach an understanding of reality would be to consider the consensus amongst virologists, epidemiologists etc.

And that those who lack scientific credentials would attract the most scrutiny.

By all means read 'alternative' websites and non-'mainstream' media'. Some conspiracy theories have turned out to be more or less correct. Skepticism is healthy.

But where somebody makes a claim that the vast majority of experts on a matter are wrong, the first thing I would 'question' is whether there is any evidence for such a claim.

The question is: have any of the websites you've browsed provided any evidence that this is all a hoax?

The other thing about conspiracy theories: the more people and organisations said to be involved, the harder it would be to pull it off and thus the more implausible.

The Moon Landing hoax theory is a great example. It's often noted that given the sheer number of scientists, technicians, officials, clerks, servicemen, broadcasters, politicians, and different agencies across the world that would have to be complicit in such a conspiracy, with absolutely no leaks, it was actually easier to get to the moon than it would have been to stage it in a studio.

With the coronavirus, a staggeringly enormous number of officials, doctors, nurses, politicians, journalists, public servants, you name it would have to be involved. With not one single leak to reveal what's going on.

I mean how many people do you think are involved with this?

Yes, questioning everything is the way to go.

How do we question everything? We start by looking at the evidence.

Ah but with Corona its easy, its all about stats and fear. There is plenty of doctors and nurses out there that have said the amount of deaths is no where near what the media is projecting. Death certificates have been changed to reflect Covid19 as the cause of death. These claims are dismissed by the general population as not coming from MSM and therefore are not true.
If this site is an example of the rest of the population then 95% swallows what is fed to them by MSM. Anything contrary to popular belief is dismissed by the average joe blo on behalf of the so called experts and the "cover up" is done for them.
Now i dont profess to know why and who benefits from this. Safe to say there is some individuals are governments getting rich real quick and lots of countries being brought to their knees. Money is the root of all evil. Governments want control.
I dont think for a minute our government has been complicit in it nor most of the governments in the world. Some may take advantage of it though.

I think in general we have been far too conservative in our approach to getting back our lives. We live on an island, if we had of shut the international flights earlier we potentially couldve escaped unscathed.

On a side note im told it is unconstitutional to make anyone have a vaccine. Im no antivaxer, ive had the flu shot once and never had flu related illnesses as bad as i did that year. I will not be having it again nor any carona flu shot.

I do not know the answers that's why I question things.

We have been told by the scientists over the years that INFLUENZA/VIRUSES are always mutating.

Some articles I have seen states that it is has mutated a least three times already as mentioned by another poster on here .

Possibly next year we will be battling another mutated form of this virus.

So this holy grail CORONA VACCINE if it ever does get manufactured and tested will it work next year or does the battle start all over again ????????
by Apachebulldog
Sun May 17, 2020 12:10 pm
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Re: SANFL 2020 Season

I would’ve thought if we still have 0 cases by June in SA, but it’s still lingering in the eastern states, then we could start having crowds with social distancing in place. It would still be safer than shopping centres, public transport and schools, which have all been opened through this whole pandemic. However, we ‘d still keep borders closed and 14 day quarantine for those returning/entering the state.

It would be brilliant to have a decent portion of the SANFL season happen, with crowds and Port and Crows playing out of their eastern states hubs.

Correct spot on AERIE .

Have ya all you been shopping the last two weeks PFFFT what social distancing.

Any one with common sense would think if SA has another 2 weeks of ZERO new WU HU FLU cases I would then expect SA to open up for business as of Monday the 1ST of June 2020.

However only under the proviso we still keep our borders closed until the other states have caught up and are in the same position as SA.

Northern Territory totally open up for business as of midnight FRIDAY 15th of May.

If this does not happen it will then prove to me we are governed by snowflakes soft dicks and bed wetters.

We cannot keep going on like this.

All citizens livelihoods and mental health is at stake not to mention the economy.

My favourite part of this post is Aerie's initial reference to maintaining social distancing and closed borders, yet the reply starts with 'correct spot on' and then proceeds to pour piss all over social distancing and closed borders.

It narrowly defeated the 'soft dicks and bed wetters' reference, because I have a soft spot for toilet humour, and the fact that Aerie's post was about the resumption of the SANFL, not more overdone hand-wringing about the coronavirus.

Even better is the bit about the NT being totally open for business

We're not. the majority of the NT are no go zones (biosecurity zones) two hour limits in pubs, gyms are on restricted business.

You need to be wary of what you read on various media sources, I 'spose.... \

Correct my friend lets re phrase it the NT is OPEN for business compared to ya snowflake cousins down south.

Quote from below link

" From midday on Friday, most Northern Territory businesses will be able to reopen including pubs, restaurants, cafes, massage parlours, nail salons and yoga studios.
Unlike in other states, there isn’t a restriction on how many patrons a venue can hold, although they will still be required to buy a meal and will be ejected after two hours to make room for the next wave of punters."

No restriction on the number of people.

So will they be enforcing the 2 hour rule ???? who knows ????

Any way back to the footy have been itching for 2 months to get back to real footy SANFL.

Bring it on you snowflakes.
by Apachebulldog
Tue May 19, 2020 5:22 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Just googled that & its exactly what you did to apachebulldog. Talk about hypocrisy

Then you need to re-read your googling. Pointing at that using a wife-beating, neo-nazi apologist's video on a neo-nazi website speaks volumes of the person platforming that source is not whataboutism.

You just do not get it .

You are a DEFLECTOR !!!

The topic at hand was Jimmy boy acting unscrupously /dishonestly and he got caught out just like lots of other GRUBS in the world of media.
by Apachebulldog
Fri May 22, 2020 7:54 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Lightning McQueen wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:
Booney wrote:
Who turns your computer on for you?


Its called SARCASM LOL !!!

Add a bloody emoji then young fella!! ;)

Us old boys are not into emoji's

My mojo is not working LOL
by Apachebulldog
Mon May 25, 2020 11:00 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Geez mate, surely you could see his comment was tongue in cheek, he even added a wink.

Free kick Geelong.

Read the entire part of this thread, and tell me his first post is tongue in cheek.

BC, Daisy, Jimmy and the silly old sausage Apache have differing views to many of us, it doesn't make anyone any more right or wrong.

I respect their views and BC is a smart arse like most of us on here, yeah we carry on like we're on the frontline sometimes and that was the point he was making, I thought it was out of character for you to get worked up over it mate.

I think it's healthy for all of us to have differing views, I've been a bit precious about the virus but eventually the show must go on as f*** knows how long before a vaccine is sourced.

Correct my friend as I have stated in another post opinions are like ARSEHOLES we all have one it does not mean we are right or wrong.

What I hate is when posters start demonising other posters who have different ideas and side track the issue on hand may be we are deep thinkers LOL.

Any way STATS do not lie.

Two cases of WU HU FLU in SA in nearly SIX FAAARKEN weeks and the BEDWETTERS that rule will not open up the state.
by Apachebulldog
Wed May 27, 2020 11:03 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

440 people in SA with COVID. 1.7m people in SA. That means 1 in 3863 people in SA have had COVID.

Now, how many people do you know / deal with on a daily basis? 25, 30?

Most research shows around 150 relationships is the most any person can maintain, the most so it's doubtful you have contact / discussions with that many people. So working on that there is ( at best ) a 1 in 25 chance ( 3863 / 150 ) that you may know someone who has had COVID. More likely a 1 in 100 chance in reality, if not longer.

Then that person has to broadcast it, make it known that they have for you to know.

It's as dumb as dumb gets to think "I dOnT kNoW AnYboDy wHo hAs iT"
Here comes the Cavalry :lol:

Seems as though he doesn't "believe" it because he knows nobody with it, you'd have to be a f*cking moron.....oh....


Yes I believe it but you can not compare Australia to Italy America Britain Brazil etc

The experts got the Australian model so wrong.

Also TUT TUT TUT typical response from some posters here they resort to NAME CALLING and also other posters with their one line JIBES and do not contribute to the discussion.

Funny one line jibes are quite acceptable.

Great STATS Booney Boy.

Here is more food for thought for all the great deep thinkers on here.

Population of Australia approx. 25,500,000 right

WU HU FLU cases to date 7,131

That means 25,492,869 have not had a SNIFF of it yet.

Population of SA 1.700.000

Deaths thus far 4

One in 425,000 have died.

2 Deaths Ex Ruby Princess
1 Death as a result of Swiss tourists in Barossa passing it on.
1 Death as a result of attending a wedding in Victoria.

So where is the transmission coming from ?????????

At this current stage I have more chance of being hit by a bus.

I will probably accept its that bad in Australia after the 1st and 2nd wave hit I hope it never does.

I will finish off by once again reiterating.

95 T0 97 % cases have mild symtoms and fully recover
by Apachebulldog
Wed May 27, 2020 5:31 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Lightning McQueen wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:WU HU FLU cases in Australia 7,193

People who have not contracted WU HU FLU in Australia 24,492,007

Great job every one.

Over reaction possibly ???????

There's a contradiction right there mate.

Love the red matches ya Avatar VROOM VROOM LOL.
by Apachebulldog
Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:03 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

There's a contradiction right there mate.

Love the red matches ya Avatar VROOM VROOM LOL.

Toot toot!!!!

Lets finish off in the key of A Chords A D and E .

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long
by Apachebulldog
Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:34 pm
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Re: Has China Declared War on the ROW?

Your posts are almost poems!

Ohh thanks mate its nice to see some positive feed back. :yawinkle:

You can do better than that Yeatsy ...

As accustomed as Ive become to the constant flak, it's pleasing to receive such positive feedback,

There ya go mate, fixed! :-BD

Thanks Edgar for your assistance it is really appreciated.

So kind Sir with your exceptional wordsmith skills i would like to welcome you to our Dead Poets Society.

Therefore I hope you have the resilience and intestinal fortitude to cope with the harassment from the bicipital cultural progressives. [-o<
by Apachebulldog
Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:02 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

I thought we were just flattening the curve before going back to a bit of normality, when did it ever become a thing that we have to wait 2 months without a case and we still arent opening all business up completely?
We have to accept there is going to be cases but not go into hysterics when it does, which is going to prove hard to do with the way the media and government have trained everyone.

What flattening NAHHHHH !!!!

They just wanna Smash It Faaark It Beat It Root It Pulverise It and Eliminate It.

Then the the powers to be will be extremely :d happy.
by Apachebulldog
Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:45 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Is anyone dying from this anymore?
Only 529,000 so far.
Piss weak, world wars do worse but they were probably a conspiracy too.

oh you mean 0.0066125% of the population, she's a plandemic alright.
**** if we didnt shut down the world it might have been 0.01%
Now the country is going nuts because one state is having 100 people a day come down with a cold that you dont even know you have unless you get tested. That fact alone says theres something not right. And now the lockdown of 5000 people in housing units with 500 police, please, Just think about that for a minute, close your eyes, you could very well be in communist China. Is that what you want for Australia?
You are born, you die, its the cycle, end of.

Great to see another free thinker on here who is not part of the MSM flock too many sheep goats and useful idiots all around the world.


95 TO 97% of cases have mild symptoms and recover

Australia to date

8,449 confirmed cases
7,339 recovered

Influenza 2017 Australia

1,255 DEATHS

Link below
by Apachebulldog
Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:57 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

I caught the tail end of the Front Bar on seven last night had a bit of a laugh.

Lingered around for another 10 minutes before retiring and watched 7 YEAH the MSM where they had a so called expert commenting on COVID.

This is the experts opinion/statements

The WU HU FLU will be around for 3 to 4 years.

It mutates in each person differently

1 in 100 will die.

They must make this stuff up ??

SCAREMONGERING at its finest.

Now you realise why i do not watch or believe anything the MSM comes up with.

To me the two vilest professions in the world are the MSM and Politicians of all persuasions.

I reiterate the experts and stats show that 93 to 95 % of people other experts say up to 99% infected with WU HU FLU have mild symptoms and fully recover

by Apachebulldog
Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:42 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Just seen latest opinion on the COVID APP

With all total costs in advertising promotion and app comes to around 70 Million Dollars.

Usefullness of App Zero.

Accessed around 400 times or so for Zero contacts.

Has given all the youngies a false sense of security

Another white elephant but hang on some one with connections with Liberal party has made Millions.

by Apachebulldog
Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:55 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

MSM Covid Scaremongering at its finest.

Channel 7 Melbourne LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree, why use file footage, surely they can just go into the ICU at Royal Melbourne Hospital for daily crosses from the news desk? Can't be that hard to organise.

Yep correct how hard is it to get permission.

Approx. 1,000 ICU beds in Melbourne and only 31 in use at the moment.

I am sick and tired of the MSM"s SCAREMONGERING a lot of people are very gullible and believe the CRAP they come out with.

MSM not a shred of INTEGRITY. :evil:
by Apachebulldog
Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:40 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

[quote="The Bedge"]I’m still confused Apache.

You raise how “mild” and “low risk” the virus is but you’re ripping shreds off the way it’s been handled?

What would you have liked done? Do you think quarantining and social distancing are worthwhile for such a “low risk” flu?[/quot

These are not my stats these are gleaned off the net.

Once again 95% of cases get mild symptoms and recover.

Yes quarantining the aged care facilities /nursing homes saves lives

Yes quarantining overseas visitors to stop the spread to the elderly like me.

Yes policies and protocols that have worked in SA

Comrade Dan and his health minister were way way behind in implementing good strategies the horse has bolted and he should be sacked.
by Apachebulldog
Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:42 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

The COVID-19 Experiment
I’m not necessarily saying that the coronavirus isn’t real, but the case reports and death rate are falsified, hyper-inflated, and inaccurate — and the governments, healthcare and medical industry, and news media are using the coronavirus pandemic to psychologically terrorize people. It’s nothing less than total global psychological warfare — programming and propaganda — causing mass hysteria.
And you want to be cautious not to fall into it.
In the past 8 months and 3 days (December 1st, 2019 to August 4th, 2020), the average daily death rate associated to the coronavirus has been 2,789deaths per day. And most of those deaths are people dying “with” the coronavirus, not necessarily from it. Most of the people are dying from the same pre-existing health conditions that they already had.
Is an average of 2,789deaths per day a large number?
The World Heath Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), governments, healthcare & medical industry, and primarily The News Media (propaganda) are psychologically terrorizing society with coronavirus death rate numbers and statistics, but without a frame of reference, how would anyone know if the death rate numbers are anything out of the ordinary or unusual? How would you know?
If the current total global estimated population is 7,713,468,000, and if the normal global death rate from any actual cause of death is around 7.612 people per thousand (which is estimated to be approximately 58,714,918 deaths this year) — then the normal average estimated daily death rate is around 160,863deaths per day.
So, is an average of 2,789deaths per day a large number?
The number of deaths “associated to” the coronavirus, “not caused by”, but “associated to” the coronavirus is only 1.7%of the normal average daily deaths. What about the other 158,074deaths per day in this world? Most of them are dying from the exact same pre-existing health conditions that they already had — regardless of the coronavirus. So why are the 1.7% “with” the coronavirus being so heavily promoted and propagandized?
It’s a Fear Campaign.
Almost 50,000people die from cardiovascular disease — every day. Around 26,000people die from cancer — every day. Around 11,000people die from respiratory diseases — every day. Around 7,000people die from lower respiratory infections — every day. Around 3,800people die from diabetes — every day. And around another 63,000people die from a number of other diseases and causes — every single day.
And yet people are terrified of the 2,789 average daily deaths that are “associated” to the coronavirus?
And Why? Because The News Media (The Hiss of The Snake) are psychologically terrorizing society with coronavirus death rate numbers and statistics. It’s the propaganda machine programming fear and negativity into the minds of the collective human consciousness and subconsciousness at full force. And it’s all hype. The News Media are promoting the 1.7% of daily deaths without giving anyone a frame of reference to compare it to.
Without a frame of reference, how can anyone put things into perspective? They can’t.
An average of only 0.00003% — 2,789people — of the total global population are dying “with” the coronavirus every day. Not necessarily “from” it — but “with” it.
A typical average of 0.002% — 160,863people — of the total global population die every single day — primarily from the exact same health conditions that coronavirus cases are dying from.
The coronavirus case fatality rate is only 3.7%, and you can’t even trust the numbers, because the case reports and death rate are falsified, hyper-inflated, and inaccurate, primarily because the healthcare and medical industry receive more government funding based on the number of coronavirus cases they have — and they want statistics.
Meaning that 96.3%of people who contract the virus will survive it. And the case fatality rate is dropping, falsified, hyper-inflated, and inaccurate, meaning that even More Than 96.3% who contract the virus will actually survive it.
Only 0.088%of the total global population are active reported coronavirus cases.
60%of all reported coronavirus cases have already recovered from it.
Meaning that 99.9908%of the total global population are either immune, don’t have it, still recovering from it, or are unreported infections with minor to no symptoms at all.
And yet The News Media are terrorizing society with coronavirus death rate numbers and statistics that only represent 1.7% of the typical global average daily deaths? An average of only 0.00003%of the total global population?
Guess What?
99.99997%of the total global population are not dying from the coronavirus today.
But they don’t want to tell you that. It wouldn’t be as terrifying or threatening.
This is called, “Smoke and Mirrors”. It’s a magic trick creating an illusion to fool you.
The System of Programming and Control wants everyone focussed on the coronavirus pandemic and terrified by a death rate that is only 1.7% of the normal average daily deaths — who were going to die from the exact same conditions that they already had. It’s a distraction. It’s hype. And while people are hypnotized and mesmerized by it — it leaves them blind to all else. And something else is always happening behind the curtain.
I’m not necessarily saying that the coronavirus isn’t real. I’m not necessarily saying that the coronavirus was man-made or planned. I’m cautious of conspiracy theories. But the governments, healthcare and medical industry, news media, and global financial industry are taking advantage of this pandemic to gain more control and push political agendas.
It’s not a conspiracy theory, when it’s happening right outside your door.
They are experimenting to see just how much they can get away with in controlling and manipulating both the economy and the general population. It’s impacting every level of human culture, business, the economy, education, entertainment, human rights, industry, lifestyle, politics, society, and world affairs. And it’s all an experiment. They are either testing a hypothesis in achieving total control and domination over the economy and society, or they are initiating a course of action without knowing the potential outcome, just to see what happens.
The COVID-19 Experiment is the largest psychological, sociological, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical experiment that this world has ever seen. That’s the real global pandemic.
The coronavirus pandemic is a Smokescreen.
They are promoting the coronavirus pandemic at an unprecedented level of mass hysteria to disguise The System of Programming and Control’s real intentions and objectives. They are experimenting to see if they can achieve creating The New Citizen, The New Economy, The New Ideology, The New Society, The New Way of Life, The New Welfare State, and The New World Order — and they are calling it all, “The New Normal”.
There’s Absolutely Nothing Normal About It.

Fantastic info DOOL incorporated with stats but some cannot understand as you have stated.

I posted heaps of similar stats on here that i have gleaned from the net only to be pooh poohed by some on here.

Love this comment

" The News Media (The Hiss of The Snake) are psychologically terrorizing society with coronavirus death rate numbers and statistics. It’s the propaganda machine programming fear and negativity into the minds of the collective human consciousness and subconsciousness at full force. And it’s all hype. The News Media are promoting the 1.7% of daily deaths without giving anyone a frame of reference to compare it to."

Thats been my point from day one some of the MSM must be made accountable for there alarmism and scaremongering how about reporting all the facts and stats like this one [b]96.3% of people who contract this SURVIVE this would allay the fear in ,many naive people out there.

Its all just RONAPHOBIA.
by Apachebulldog
Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:07 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Hydroxychloroquine Showing positive results, god emperor trump was winning again

There have been and still are many many many on going trials and medical reports stating the obvious of HCQ +AZITHROMYCIN + ZINC showing good results.

But because Trump mentioned HCQ he got lambasted by the MSM and they pooh poohed an approved drug that has been around for sixty odd years.

Some governments just were not interested in what a lot of the medical professionals who are using this therapy had to say WHY ???????

From what i have read they based their argument on some faulty trials where patients were given up to 6 times the required dose of HCQ and guess what they overdosed all these poor souls.

The so called experts did not bother researching all the trials

Just imagine how many lives they could of saved if this treatment was allowed and administered in the correct doses in the early stages.
by Apachebulldog
Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:04 pm
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Re: Round 11 Centrals v Norwood Saturday 1410

Yeah not a bad effort except for a a couple of five minute fade outs.

Goody made a few mistakes maybe time to hang up boots.

As gazza says a few more ins next year the Menzel boys and Izzie also the young boys are developing very nicely.

Bring on 2021.
by Apachebulldog
Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:53 am
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Re: US

Ah yes the good old Democrats and their loony radicals have responded.

Ahhh American politics full of LOONIES and fascinating to watch.

Personally if i were Trump i would nominate her replacement after he wins the presidency.

However does it really matter either way the Democrats will still be irate because it will be a conservative judge that will be appointed.
Okay, Apache - two things.

First and foremost, feel free to use throwaway terms in the abstract, but do not make this personal by calling me (or others) 'looney radicals.' There's nothing 'looney' in expecting people in high public office (like the Republican majority senate) to adhere to principles that they themselves have created and put into practice.

Second, since you're not a liberal bleeding heart snowflake, you obviously won't mind if I also call you a 'looney', which by your own standard you must be if you agree that Trump should nominate Ginsburg's replacement after the election result.

No where in my post have I called you a loony mate do not twist my words around.

For your info I am referring to the American Democrats and some of their loony radicals like Crazy Cortez and her squad.

So are you an American Democrat Senator/member/voter or are you just thin skinned ????????

That's up to the serving American president to nominate a judge to SCOTUS as has been the practice for the last 29 instances over the years.

Refer below
Fair enough, I over-reacted. I presumed your reference to 'loonies' extended to included mine and RB's previous posts, given they addressed the same topic that you responded to. Apologies.

Apology accepted mate i do not come on here to antagonise posters i only provide info docos data stas news etc that i have seen and read on the WWW and put it out there for debate.

However some on here love to attack the messenger with disparaging and snide remarks and do not even bother to enlighten themselves not very nice.

Theres heaps and heaps of political analysis and commentary out there but i cannot spend more time to down load all
for our consumption.

Anyway happy debating :supz:
by Apachebulldog
Wed Sep 23, 2020 5:08 pm
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Re: R14 Centrals v Eagles Saturday 1410

Fantastic game best game of the year for us hopefully this will continues in 2021.
by Apachebulldog
Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:30 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Magellan wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:Nah b4 the sports show on the road between 3.30 to 3.50 pm

Cheers mate, but not what I was referring to. ;)

Good one luv it LOL :D :lol:
by Apachebulldog
Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:06 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo everyone has lost the plot out there.

Driving home reports on the radio say all the people who were in queus for the Wu Hu Flu testing have now left the queus and all gone panic shopping LOL.

I will wait until probably Friday to shop when the panic subsides LOL.

Stop the bus i wanna get off :lol:
Who listens to the radio?

Just the wireless or trannie

Nah not into trannies but i have got an old transistor radio. ;)
by Apachebulldog
Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:55 pm
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Re: US

Please explain how trump has **** America

Yep Army get em to please explain.


Obviously no one was interested or read the 3 odd pages from the White House i presented for perusal on this forum some time back of all the good things Trumpy has done for America over the last 4 years.

All everyone has been interested in is his unusual personality.

Why cos he is not a cheating lying corrupt career politician and does to belong to that cess pool of elites.

Reports coming in he has had a couple of court wins in Michigan today apparently further hearing Wednesday morning.

It still keeps giving

Yummeeeeee. :lol:
by Apachebulldog
Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:27 pm
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Re: US

He's a smart guy. I reckon he'll pardon Assange soon and ship him back to Australia, which means he'll made Biden have to jump through hoops to get him back.

Hope all my fellow enemy combatants on here had a nice Xmas :partyman:

If this audio clip is correct Assange warned the US State Department back in August 2011of the impending release of sensitive information that could be damaging to the USA.

To me it now seems he was made the scapegoat for all the ills of the world and the corrupt US government.

The other thing we have had governments in Australia from both sides of the aisle who were too spineless to help an Australian citizen.
by Apachebulldog
Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:22 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Too late if you ask me. NSW seem to have no intention of taking the necessary steps to control spread.

As Marshall and Spurrier proved in SA back in late Nov you have to clamped down hard and early if you want to be able to return to the "new normal" as quickly as possible.

You have to allow for the **** factor who think this doesn't apply to them.

In reality, when you apply a Tukey Post Hoc test to determine the the significant multi variance factor determining the outcome to controlling these outbreaks, Successful management is in the hands of the general populace doing the right thing and being disciplined compared to the treatments put in place by government such as lock downs, contact tracing, testing and medical treatment)

What a load of crap, they jumped at shadows and was proven to be the incorrect approach.
Anyway NZ and Australai to be in lockdown by Jan 15th is what im hearing, time will tell if thats accurate or not.

Looking forward to all the stats coming out on the deaths around the world in the last year compared to other years, that should wake a few more sleepers.
Even some of you guys would have to admit now that there is something real fishy going on.
How is the vaccine going to work if we have a new superstrain? ill tyell you, it wont just the same as it hasnt worked for the flu for the last 70 years
Why is HCQ still banned when it is being used successfully in other parts of the world?

Correct Daisy you forgot to mention Ivermectin look it up great success just like HCQ a lot of medicos around the world swear by it cheap effective proven drugs that have been around for years that kill the virus when the patient is treated early.

But no lets not use it let the elderly die until the magic bullet comes a long so big pharma once again can make BILLIONS.

Its all about GREED and not saving lives.
by Apachebulldog
Fri Jan 01, 2021 2:39 pm
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Re: US

Wow why are you so cruel to Tucker.

This forum is a hot bed of lefty redneck extremists.

Slavery/Racism what i suggest you all check out Dopey Joes thoughts comments connections over the last 50 years to find out who the real racist is. :vom: :vom:
by Apachebulldog
Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:32 pm
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Re: US

Found this while browssing this morning.

The Trumps Administrations First Term Accomplishments

Its a shame that the Trump Derangement Syndrome FAKE MSM did not report all this to American Citizens nightly as all the other crap they pushed.

This outsider who was not part of the established political elites despised by both sides and the FAKE MSM achieved more in four years than sweet talking President Obama did in 8 years.

Now we can close this page and i will start a new one on CUJO Biden.
by Apachebulldog
Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:35 am
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Re: Can CUJO Biden and Democrat policies unite America ??

RB wrote:
Apachebulldog wrote:so which xtreme is the problem in America???? [emoji38]

Definitely not the one that mounted a coup, stormed the Capitol and attempted to lynch the vice president two weeks ago.

Just keep believing the FAKE MSM propaganda BAA BAAA :lol:
by Apachebulldog
Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:35 am
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Re: US

The sheep and goats still do not comprehend that the left of politics fund and control the so called Fact Checkers whos agenda is to discredit all other opinions.

Why is it if anyone from the conservative side of politics who may have a differing opinions and do not agree with the progressive left way of logic they are banned deleted cancelled etc.

What are they scared of ?????

What happened to debate where we all can have a go debate and if need be ridicule each others thoughts and opinions ????

The bigtech monopolies and the FAKE MSM are conditioning the dummies to all think the same way.

This is eerily famiiar of what happened in Germany in 1933 control the narrative and then eliminate all opposition by all means.

What a sad world the Internet has created or is it that man has still not progressed and learnt from the mistakes of the past.

At least we are still able to debate issues on this forum. :supz:
by Apachebulldog
Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:03 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

So who is keen to have the experimental so called WU HU FLU shot;

It seems there are problems with the Johnson and Johnson one as well.

Any one for Astrazeneca ???? some of us knew about the blood clotting issue months and months ago.

The latest reports now say also possible cause of capillaries leaking syndrome

Mate at work his latest squeeze is a nurse she had the AZ last week day after sick as hell in bed for 2 days all the other 7 nurses work mates similar symptoms as well.

So are we all happy to be the human guinea pigs on these new so called vaccines ?????

I have now read many many reports of some people dying within 2 days of a shot.

Ah but the experts say yeah only one in 250,000 might get these side effects are you prepared to roll the dice ??????
by Apachebulldog
Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:23 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Chris Kenny takes on Nicola Spurrier.

Love it.
by Apachebulldog
Thu Jul 01, 2021 12:19 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Chris Kenny makes a fool of himself with Nicola Spurrier.

Love it.


You are so funny altering my original post really says it all you are one of the gullible sheep.

If you watched the vid you would of found Chris Kenny is one of a handful of journos in Australia who asks the hard questions regarding restrictions which are not answered and he is fobbed off.

He is is not like the rest of the gutless so called journos who are soft as butter and follow/ kowtow to the people in power.

PS One of your previous posts on me mate Kenny " just not putting up with f..kwit men questioning her profession..."

Says it all so keep believing all the spin. :? :? :?
by Apachebulldog
Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:16 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

I can understand why we are strengthening the boarder, but why are we once again banning dancing, reducing capacity limits, etc?

Once it gets here increase the local restrictions.
Until it gets here, stick to stopping it getting here.

Is our boarder weak send it to the gym ( border ) :lol:

We are not allowed to have fun anymore cos we might catch the Delta Flu BAAA BAAA BAAA BAAA :lol:
by Apachebulldog
Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:05 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

On a lighter note how is every one coping being at home RUOK ???

This old bloke has dug out his Call of Duty and Battlefield V and is having a great time. :supz:
by Apachebulldog
Thu Jul 22, 2021 3:25 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

So the 15 cases we now have all are either:

The 81 year old returned traveller
His direct family
His guests at The Greek
Those that attended the Winery.

No one else.

All of the above were messaged by Monday night and told to quarantine for 14 days.

No one from the 'general public' has tested positive yet, despite 85,000 test.

Still some things to play out, but for now there hasn't been any cases that justify 1.5m people in lockdown from Tuesday 6pm.

We'll need to get some cases outside of the above groups soon otherwise there would be a fair few small businesses asking the question why we ramped things up to stage 5 lockdowns.

So nearly 100,000 tests its like trying to find those elusive Easter Eggs at the yearly Easter Egg hunt.

Happy hunting :lol:

:lol: :lol:

Has internet hour been extended? Please keep playing!!! :D

Yes free hour also taken my meds this morning :lol:
by Apachebulldog
Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:25 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

I finally have found video vision of the horse supposedly being punched by a protester in Sydney some sites will not show it.

By only the still photo evidence it is definitely not a good look.

I think Daisies assessment on the media is quite correct scum media as per usual they sensationalise a story.

From what i can see in this vid the mans hand was in a formed fist but his left arm was fully extended and looks like he was fending off the horses head i cannot see where he has actually taken a swing at the horse.

Any way my two bobs worth may be it should be referred to the AFL VCR Panel for adjudication. :)
by Apachebulldog
Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:12 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

This is a question to our foreign correspondent in Victoria Corona Man.

Is it correct that as of 11.59 last night in Victoria after some restrictions have been lifted.

You are now allowed to visit Brothels and bang away at hearts content.

However you are not allowed to.

Visit family or friends for a chat coffee and to see how they are all doing.

Please forward your report.
by Apachebulldog
Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:12 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Sounding more and more like Melbourne 3 day lockdown starting this arvo. Meeting this morning to discuss actions

Yep it keeps on going but i guess we all have been programmed to receive

Can you imagine if these current Covid19 and Delta strain policies were in place back in 2017 225,000 infections 1255 deaths 2019 over 300,000 infections 705 deaths Australia would still be in lockdown. :)
by Apachebulldog
Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:36 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

I'm sure he's just an antivaxer it couldn't possibly be happening, our hospitals here have no one in them lol

Great work DOOL have seen similar evidence from other countries where Doctors and Nurses have spoken up what happens in some cases but for some reason they are censored and deleted.

Everyone has been programmed to just accept the MSM narrative and not question it. :(

In this information war today the Truth are lies and the LIES are truth.

Todays conspiracy is tomorrows truth.
by Apachebulldog
Sat Oct 02, 2021 4:01 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Ivermectin versus the recent molnupiravir both antiviral drugs made by Merck.

There are three possible explanations for health regulators’ refusal to allow the use of a highly promising, well-tolerated off-label medicine such as ivermectin:

As a generic, ivermectin is cheap and widely available, which means there would be a lot less money to be made by Big Pharma if it became the go-to early-stage treatment against covid.

Other pharmaceutical companies are developing their own novel treatments for Covid-19 which would have to compete directly with ivermectin. They include ivermectin’s original manufacturer, Merck, which has an antiviral compound, molnupiravir, in Phase 3 clinical trials for COVID-19. That might explain the company’s recent statement claiming that there is “no scientific basis whatsoever for a potential therapeutic effect of ivermectin against COVID-19.

I f approved as a covid-19 treatment, ivermectin could even threaten the emergency use authorisation granted to covid-19 vaccines. One of the basic conditions for the emergency use authorisation granted to the vaccines currently being used against covid is that there are no alternative treatments available for the disease. As such, if ivermectin or some other promising medicine such as fluvoxamine were approved as an effective early treatment for Covid-19, the vaccines could be stripped of authorisation.

Once again follow da money.

Its a shame that the boffins in charge did not approve ivermectin thousands upon thousands of more lives could of been saved.

It appears it might be the same drug re badged money money money profits yeah man.
by Apachebulldog
Sat Oct 02, 2021 4:23 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Great to see my mate big AL Jones back having a go on the stupidity of it all re freedom day in NSW once 80 % of people are vaccinated laughable still restrictions and stipulations in place etc.

No wonder people all around the world are up and about and protesting. The goal posts change every week what a farce it has all become.

Wake up fellow sheep.

Now sacked by Sky News because of persistent Covid misinformation.
Who gets to decide what is "misinformation"? The viewers apparently - they deserted him in droves which is why Sky gave him the boot.

Don't think so mate unfortunately SKY is slowly becoming PC just like the rest of the MSM all following the same narrative and at the same time kowtowing to various sponsors.

Love him or hate him still one of the greatest broadcasters in Australian history.

Well we still have got The Outsiders and The Bolt Report to watch and to a certain extent Paul Murray Live but alas he is becoming another PC stooge.

Just wonder how long before SKY kow tows and axes these shows as well ?

I just love how just the name Alan Jones triggers all the PC lefty loving woke people out there 8) :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS I see now in NSW 95% to be vaccinated before fully opening up. :lol:
by Apachebulldog
Fri Nov 05, 2021 7:21 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Well here it is folks finally found the best fantastic vision of the history making protest in Melbourne on Saturday 20th November 2021 you can all make up your minds what the numbers are.

Jimmy Daisy and all the other like minded on here enjoy.
by Apachebulldog
Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:29 am
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