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Re: Things that make you laugh

MW wrote:
HH3 wrote:Its funny because neither club has 30 years of history.

who rattled your cage?

by HH3
Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:16 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

mighty hounds wrote:
HH3 wrote:Its funny because neither club has 30 years of history.

Surely thats photoshopped.

My 1887 Ford Falcon had a Power number plate.
by HH3
Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:19 pm
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Re: Restaurant & Pub Reviews

Connors at the Clare Country Club.

We stayed there Friday night, so had dinner booked there too.

On arrival there was a wine tasting in the foyer area. We both declined. I did catch the winery guy telling a couple how to swill it in their mouths to taste a hint of yadda yadda and had a chuckle at the wankyness of the whole thing. (The male of the presumably hetero couple had his shirt unbuttoned all the way to his belly button, and rolled up khaki shorts. Is this a thing?).

Shown to our table, and given a specials menu. Nothing under $28. I had checked the menu while we were in the room, and it is quite expensive.

The restaurant is presented as a fancier place than expected. I had three forks. The waiter was attentive, but spoke very fancy, which seemed forced, and I caught Mrs HH3 answering him back in the same breathy voice. Hilarious.

Mrs HH3 was asked if she wanted still or sparkling table water, of which she selected the sparkling. When we paid, we were charged $9 for a bottle of Mt Franklin, which she has still not gotten over.

Garlic bread - delicious. (Hard to f**k up)

I had the Kangaroo Fillet. When I asked for medium rare, I was told it comes "rare rare". I responded to that with, "Mine will hopefully be medium rare". It came out and was cooked to my liking. It came with a side of sweet potato slices, and beetroot (an unexpected perfect match for the kangaroo) and a walnut feta salad.

Mrs HH3 had the Chicken Ceaser Salad. Basic salad, with grilled chicken and slices of huloumi. The olives in the salad still had the seeds in them, which is kind of annoying when you're trying to enjoy a nice salad without spitting seeds into your bowl.

I had a coke and Mrs HH3 had a Miss Mollys Cider from the tap.

For the two meals, garlic bread, a cider, a coke, and the sparkling water, it was just over $90.

Fairly expensive for what we got, but the setting and service was nice, so we copped it.

We'll probably go there again.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
by HH3
Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:59 pm
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Re: NFL Season 2018/2019

Live look in at Brod

by HH3
Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:47 pm
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Re: Restaurant & Pub Reviews

The Midway Tavern

My little brothers 16th birthday family dinner was last Wednesday at the Midway. In the past, the MIdway has been good to us, but we hadn't been for a few years.

I got the seafood trio, which was fish, prawns and salt and pepper squid. I had to pull the batter off of the fish because it was a thick, greasy mess. The fish inside was quite nice. The prawns weren't bad. The squid was two big chunks of grey cardboard. It felt like my mouth was coated in flour.

Mrs HH3 got a chicken salad.

Both meals were barely touched when the girl came to collect the plates.

The buffet was pretty good. They made a mistake having tongs to serve the "Seafood" salad. Old mate HH3 picked out all the seafood extender, so the rest of the joint was left to eat the celery. I also ruined the neat distribution of the potato bake by digging out the crispy back corner, as is my MO.

$58 for basically the buffet and two cokes.

Some riff raff kids were practicing WWE moves on the floor near us for most of the night. Decent technique, but not the time or place.

Will not return.
by HH3
Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:28 am
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Re: Soooooo, how's this weather?

Who pays the electricity bill??
This dickhead. Well then you have the right to dictate how it works.

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One would think, I have OCD and I'm very well organised at work and at home, my kids are easy, they know what pisses me off and do what they have to do so I don't get shitty. Step children are hard work, I can just yell or swear at mine and they take it in, I have to go over things 100 times nicely otherwise and don't get listened to.

If they back chat, just say, "Yeah? Well I f**ked your mum!"
by HH3
Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:24 pm
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Re: I need to know....

How have people seen the start to 2019, from a business perspective, what are you forecasting for the year ahead?

I forecast a resignation letter.

They’ll have to shut the doors permanently if you leave.

This will be me on the way out.
by HH3
Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:31 pm
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Re: I need to know....

amber_fluid wrote:
HH3 wrote:Image

Put your shirt back on and get back to work!

Its actually Mary.

The 70's were lit.
by HH3
Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:52 pm
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Re: I need to know....

amber_fluid wrote:
The Bedge wrote:That's not your tat surely HH3??

I wont lie.. i literally cant stop laughing lol. :lol: :oops:

Nah he’s not that classy!

Im more of a "cum dump".

We're lower on the e-cum-nomic totem.
by HH3
Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:18 pm
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Re: I need to know....

Put it this you think cyclists would be happy for me to walk side by side with someone else in the bike lane, while there's heavy traffic and a separate footpath provided?

Not sure what your argument is? Are you Ok with bikes in a bike lane (if there is one)?

Yeah of course I am.

I cant stand the dickheads that ride 5 wide on a Sunday morning.

well we have no beef cause I agree with you
by HH3
Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:02 pm
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Re: I need to know....

amber_fluid wrote:
HH3 wrote:Put it this you think cyclists would be happy for me to walk side by side with someone else in the bike lane, while there's heavy traffic and a separate footpath provided?

Try it mate and report back please!
Ill need to make a friend first.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
by HH3
Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:38 pm
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Re: I need to know....

Everyone rants about rego - I dont think it's so much the rego as such - but more of some sort of identification system so that you can't get away with flouting road rules all the time

People in cars flout the rules all the time.

No shit, but because we have an easy identifcation system in rego plate, it makes it very easy to catch those that don't do the right thing

So please tell me the point of your post

Ok, we put rego plates on bikes, who the **** is going to police it?

Imagine the outcry if our constabulary were seen writing out an expiation notice for a bloke on his bike outside the bike lane and not "catching real criminals", please, that's bureaucracy at it's finest.

Who would police it? :lol:

If I saw a cyclist getting a ticket it would make my day.
by HH3
Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:15 am
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Re: Port Adelaide 2019

Booney wrote:Whose coming to Oktoberfest with me?
5AA might want to send Dave from Alberton as a foreign correspondent.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
by HH3
Sun Feb 03, 2019 8:21 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

I dont get the argument about the abuse suffered in regional communities...

Is it white people abusing aboriginals? Or amongst their own communities?

Why is it racist to call it out? Wouldn't you need to do that first to be able to combat it?
by HH3
Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:58 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Been quiet all day.

Picks up a lot, which coincides with me having to cover the office and warehouse....and Mary decides to have her break. Whole place smells like vomit (her soup) and toast, while she's chatting to he clingy as f**k 26 year old daughter at a volume much too loud for an office.

She's just decided its probably best to move her phone call into the meeting room after some prompting by yours truly.

I’m still trying to work out who the dumb one is, you or Mary :lol:

PS what’s Mary’s daughter like ;)

Not bad, if she doesn't talk.
by HH3
Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:13 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Quick run down.
Going to Bali friday for a week, had a plan with ex that i will drop the girls to her at work because there is no need for the girls to come to the airport... Kids get upset with their mum about not going to the airport, even though they have been fine with me. She then caves and goes on to tell me, that she will bring the girls to the Airport and chill with us and the girls before we fly. Which i personally can't think of anything worse (not the kids being there but her)...
What shits me off the most, i was guilted into this and made to feel like a jerk if i said no... Which isn't the first time. I don't think the girls need to be there and they will be at the airport when i get home. I can give the necessary hugs and kisses at her work...

It just seems every time the kids get sad about a situation she gives them what they want... I am not saying i'd love to have them at the airport, i would but we had a plan and the girls don't need to come all the way down there to be sad. And plus i really don't want my ex there...

That's shit, she's wanting you to get on the plane feeling bad about leaving the girls, don't give her the satisfaction and you know the girls will be fine, by the time you're knocking over a San Miguel with your feet in the sand the girls won't even know you're gone.

spot on... As my mum said it's bloody weird she wants to be there... If the girls were coming with me then fair enough, but they aren't...

I am getting the feeling of late, she bitches and moans how "hard shes got it" but love playing the super mum for all to see...

Well it's kind of her fault she's got it "hard", so suck it...
by HH3
Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:45 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

No doubt impacted by the age of the "kids".

Junior, 22, enjoys a beer or two most nights as I do, Wednesday is his pub night with a mate or three.

Miss, 18, smashes a few ciders or vodka's Thursday or Friday after work depending on her shifts, hit "town" several weeks in a row after turning 18, 5am arrival on Sunday mornings home, Uber Eats about 40 minutes behind.

Mrs Boon, a bottle of rose lasts her the weeknights, a glass while cooking dinner.
We hit the skids as of Sunday week ago, I had been averaging at least a 6 pack per night up until then and whenever I'd get some beers it worked out cheaper to buy the missus 3 bottles of bubbly.

Had two beers last Thursday, a shitload Saturday, none since.

School night are now out for us and I feel far better in the mornings for it, we'll go out for dinner every Thursday night so I'll have one at dinner and maybe one or two when I get home, none Friday nights.

It took until Australia Day to get out of holiday mode, I may even cancel my leave for next festive season.

I drink very rarely. Even at dinners and Super Bowl at the pub, I stuck to Cokes.

I don't drink at home at all.

There's no reason for it, I just don't see the point.
by HH3
Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:35 am
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Re: NFL Season 2018/2019

If you still want to watch american football, the Alliance of American Football (AAF) league started over the weekend.

It's basically a spring league that won't compete directly with the NFL. Players who are trying to get into, or back into, the NFL are playing in it. Decent standard of football, and slightly different rules to the NFL, with bigger hits being allowed.

Its also broadcast live on Youtube and NFL Network (GamePass),

This QB hit was not flagged.

by HH3
Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:18 am
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Re: Married at first sight

It's comedy gold. They're even running with the same script from last season with a 'cheating scandal'.
Don’t think they are scripted it’s just these are the type of people who are single in their 30’s and 40’s (not saying all but a fair portion only have themselves to blame)
Clearly Sam, Mike, Enis, Ning, Virgil, Liz, Melissa, Guru Swami, Mark, Cyrell, Jess and Mick are not cut out to be the relationship type, they are all single for a very good reason.

That's a bit unfair on Mick, he's a farmer that's been paired with an insta model half his age. Given someone better suited to him, he'd probably go ok - his heart is in the right place.

I kinda like him actually :lol:

Shoot em an email. Maybe you could be an "Intruder", Big Brother style.
by HH3
Tue Feb 12, 2019 11:53 am
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Re: Things that make you sad.

I got to work on Tuesday morning to this email from a rep.

Dumb c**t rep wrote:The copier is out of white paper.

Actual f**kin daycare here.
by HH3
Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:49 am
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Re: What Game Are You Playing Now?

Im playing a game at the moment.

The end.
by HH3
Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:53 am
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Re: Port Adelaide 2019

Why are we talking about Port Magpies players in the Port Power thread.

Keep to the topic please boys.


SAFooty Mod
by HH3
Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:10 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

Booney wrote:This time Wednesday morning loading my shit onto a houseboat for 5 nights.

Come at me!

Call me Aeroplane, because Im jelly.
by HH3
Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:34 am
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Re: Port Adelaide 2019

Booney wrote:
HH3 wrote:Why are we talking about Port Magpies players in the Port Power thread.

Keep to the topic please boys.


SAFooty Mod


Thanks for the offer, but I'm good for now.
by HH3
Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:39 am
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Re: I need to know....

I for one wouldn't want too many people looking through my phone data.

If I lose it, I'd rather it stay lost :lol:
by HH3
Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:50 am
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Re: Netflix

mighty_tiger_79 wrote:Couldnt get into the Ted Bundy Tapes.

Abducted in Plain Sight is just really ****** up....worth watching, but just ****** up

by HH3
Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:18 pm
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Re: Netflix

Couldnt get into the Ted Bundy Tapes.

Abducted in Plain Sight is just really ****** up....worth watching, but just ****** up

Its the gift that keeps on giving.

Google image search "Abducted in plain sight memes".
by HH3
Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:31 pm
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Re: I need to know....

Man on bike wearing helmet, with nintendo in tow, who else was it going to be? :lol:

As soon as I saw the photo, it reminded me of the one you posted the other week, plus you were after a game console last week, it was an opportunity not to be passed up :lol:
And two police officers just came to my work!
by HH3
Tue Feb 19, 2019 1:02 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

One of our drivers got back from his run, and while I was outside, he pulled me aside to tell me what happened today.

He'd taken some flowers with a note into a lunch bar and gave them to his favourite lunch lady, trying to sweep her off her feet.

Unfortunately, she's had to let him down because she's married. But its good to hear that he would do that sort of thing. He's a bit rough around the edges, but his hearts in the right place.
by HH3
Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:09 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

I've heard some stories from guys that did that sort of thing.

A few fence jumping incidents :lol:
by HH3
Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:59 pm
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Re: I need to know....

Does anyone know how those new lime scooters work?

Thinking of riding one to footy training tonight.
by HH3
Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:09 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Lightning McQueen wrote:
HH3 wrote:
If you're wifes gonna cheat, you'd want it to be with one of us duds.

An older chick once asked me to give her twelve inches and make her moan, so I banged her twice then punched her in the nose.

I would've had to go at least 4 times.

And she still would've been moaning and groaning about it.
by HH3
Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:13 pm
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Re: I need to know....

I think you have to download the app.

> Google Play store
> Type in G. R. I. N. D. R.
> Download the app
> Set up a profile with a cute picture
> Set up a hookup
> Suck a d**k

Now you're gay enough to ride a lime green electric scooter with matching helmet.
by HH3
Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:15 pm
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Re: I need to know....

I think you have to download the app.

> Google Play store
> Type in G. R. I. N. D. R.
> Download the app
> Set up a profile with a cute picture
> Set up a hookup
> Suck a d**k

Now you're gay enough to ride a lime green electric scooter with matching helmet.
Sweet dude! Thanks for your help! :lol:

Fortunately i have little shame, and I am equally as lazy, so i'm more than happy to look like a giant lime homo cruising down the street. 8) :lol:

Own it girlfriend!
by HH3
Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:25 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Booney wrote:Got rough in here quick.

Been over to the other thread? :lol:
by HH3
Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:02 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

A supplier (who's already on thin ice) coming in here and telling us to sell at cost so he can keep his margins and keep supplying us.

I named dropped a couple of his competitors, and he changed his tune a little bit.
by HH3
Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:40 pm
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Re: I need to know....

Johno6 wrote:I would also just like to thank everyone for their serious replies and the respect I get whenever I ask a serious question here.
it makes me feel like part of the family...…………………….

I feel you, brother...
by HH3
Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:55 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Try everything once.
by HH3
Fri Feb 22, 2019 12:53 pm
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Re: Port Adelaide 2019

North are currently trying to convince him he still plays for Port Power.
by HH3
Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:57 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Jist is, the accounts PC was running slow.

Owner came in, took it, put his in its place, came back with a blank computer, plugged it in, took his.

Now instead of a slow accounts computer, we have a blank computer (no office, no emails), accounts computer is dead and in pieces, and for some reason he took his computer home...

And won't answer his phone....


Start downloading some porn so it’s not blank.

by HH3
Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:23 am
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Re: Things that you don't understand

The 500 have moved the concerts from the CBC main oval to in front of the old Victoria Park Grandstand, WTF have they done that for?

60,000 was uncomfortable and almost unsafe on the expanses of the main oval and surrounds, now there's two foot bridges to get in and out and it's right down Fullarton Road end of the track, how the **** are people getting home from there?
Yep real shit move, would love to know why they've done it, I thought having the concert on CBC's oval was fine. Reckon they can cram more into the concerts now on those lawns with a good view of the stage?

I can't see how. When Kiss and Motley Crue played a couple of years ago and an estimated 60,000 were on hand it was ugly, tough, but manageable. It was also "on the way out" for people back to town, can you imagine post RHCP where there's 40-50,000+ streaming through the walkways before they get to the East Tce end?

I can't see how this venue will work anywhere near as well.

Stick to air flow management, and leave the foot traffic decisions to the qualified experts mate.
by HH3
Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:41 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

I redacted the first comment as its an SAFooty stooge tagging his family, but this comment made me lose my shit. :lol:

by HH3
Thu Feb 28, 2019 3:16 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

woodublieve12 wrote:
HH3 wrote:Bet you've wanked him off a couple of times Wubbsy.

Well he kept saying he needed relief, and i would feel like a bad friend if I didn’t help him...

by HH3
Fri Mar 01, 2019 8:41 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

valleys07 wrote:Girl in my office in conversation with a colleague:

"i'm almost 24....i'm 25 next year"

23. You're 23.


Shes 276 months
by HH3
Fri Mar 01, 2019 8:51 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

Booney wrote:Air conditioned, fully catered, pit exit corporate box tickets for the 500 on Sunday.


Pick me up on the way, or.....?

Im a Ford fan, so we'd be on the same side for a change.
by HH3
Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:40 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

Got contacted by the No.1 gridiron club in Australia to come play safety for them this season.

They called last year too, but this time they seem more set on getting me over to Vic.

It's nice to feel wanted.
by HH3
Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:30 am
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Re: I need to know....

woodublieve12 wrote:
HH3 wrote:
woodublieve12 wrote:Anyone stayed at the Lake Albert Caravan park in Meningie? wondering if it's any good.

Staying there this weekend with the GF and her kids...


When did this happen?

It's just been F up til now as far as I knew.

just kept it low key...

by HH3
Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:01 pm
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Re: Married at first sight

Booney wrote:
Spangas wrote:
HH3 wrote:Wouldn't surprise me.

Its all a load of bullshit anyway.

Don't ruin it for me.

Forget what they say mate.

It's all true, it's One Club, it's all real.
by HH3
Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:19 pm
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