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Re: Chopper Read dies

Good riddance. Like Ned Kelly, scumbag and thug. Made famous by their notoriety.

On the other hand, he was able to turn his life around. Better that he makes a crust from the speaking circuit and book royalties than from standing over nightclub owners and cutting toes, wouldn't you think?

I reckon I read somewhere that he donated some or all of the money he made from one of his books to a charity... the "crop a cop" thing where coppers shave their heads for some cause.

I can respect what he did in his later life, if nothing else.
by Pseudo
Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:02 pm
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Re: 2014 SANFL Grand Final underlights on a Friday night?

Leigh Whicker reiterated the idea of having the GF on a Friday night prior to the AFL GF.
What are the main advantages for the SANFL of having the game played at this time?
Whicker is a deadset idiot.

Ideally the SANFL preliminary final would be played on the Friday night before the other league's grand final. This would allow the SANFL Grand Final to be played on the following Saturday afternoon, as the prelim winner would have more than a week's break.

The Grand Final must NEVER be played at night. Playing it in the afternoon leaves time for celebrations afterwards.
by Pseudo
Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:45 pm
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Re: I need to know....

carey wrote:Why the f@#k would someone run a marathon?

Because it's too far to walk?
by Pseudo
Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:03 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

I just went to HR and told them that I'm not apologising. She was apparently really upset and felt shamed. It's like breaking the law and then complaining because you're on the news (which is rather ironic in this case given her occupation). Just don't do it in the first place.

She isn't upset and ashamed because of what you did, she is upset and ashamed because she got caught!

She's upset and ashamed because she's an effing idiot.
by Pseudo
Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:01 pm
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Re: I need to know....

shoe boy wrote:Who the F--k voted for this excuse of a government!!!

A rollercoaster out of control!

It wasn't me. I drew penises all over my ballot slips.
by Pseudo
Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:11 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Recently I indicated while travelling next to another car, slowed down to 50 to let the other car get ahead, and then shifted lanes in behind him.

The other driver began making finger gestures, then changed lanes and let me pass so he could hurl a gobful of abuse at me through his open window.

Sometimes it just doesn't pay to do the right thing!
by Pseudo
Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:25 pm
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

SDK wrote:Jack Oatey also coached West Adelaide but with no success.

Yeah, but only 'coz there was no Foxtel Cup in those days...
by Pseudo
Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:44 pm
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Re: SANFL Draw

A sneak peek at the early part of the draw and chat with the SANFL's Matty Duldig, from the SANFL site...

Edited for purists:


Friday, April 4
Glenelg v Sturt, Gliderol Stadium, 7.20pm

Saturday, April 5
Eagles v Central District, Maughan Thiem Hyundai Oval, 2.10pm
South Adelaide v West Adelaide, Hickinbotham Oval, 7.10pm

BYE: Norwood, North Adelaide
by Pseudo
Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:04 pm
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Re: Benson resigns at Sturt

Why am I being involved in this? Sure you have the correct Phil?

I think the Phil they are referring to is the one that dodges replying with facts on many posts .

....and not the Phil who thought that GANGgajang was best known for a hit entitled "This Is Australia"?

(one from the vaults)
by Pseudo
Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:05 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Towards the mid to late '80's the VFL clubs were going broke from overspending and mismanagement (sound familiar?) so were screaming for a solution, ultimately called expansion. Following Brisbane and WC, the VFL made overture after overture to convince the SA "old boys club" to join. Hell they even renamed the comp the AFL as a final olive branch but the answer remained no. This from a football commission that had delivered such insular, well thought out strategies like the Player Retention Scheme, giving a high value Superannuation to a bunch of footballers that were never going to leave anyway.

The SA Football Commission acts in 3 ways; no decision, handballed decision, or cr@p decision. And you wonder why I have ZERO time for them?

Pop quiz!

You're in charge of a near-bankrupt state football league looking to expand into other states in a bald-faced attempt to resurrect your league at the expense of the sport in every other corner of the nation. One of the major state leagues is steadfastly refusing your demands, costing you a mountain of advertising revenue as it prevents your "product" (as you now call the game) reaching a national audience. What will you do?

A) relent on the four(?) million dollar "license fee", which was only ever a means to extort further money out of the Croweaters to further bolster your coffers, or

B) drop the "V" from the league name.

Come on beeny, you've got a 50% chance, have a crack...
by Pseudo
Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:02 pm
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Re: SANFL to Port - Summerton is a NO go!!!!

The SANFL stood up to Port? :shock:
by Pseudo
Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:09 pm
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Re: SANFL to Port - Summerton is a NO go!!!!

Personally would prefer both AFL reserves teams to sit bottom 2 on the SANFL ladder. This is nothing against either club or their supporters but the day either AFL Reserves team wins the SANFL will truly be the end of the SANFL.
Personally would prefer that both AFL entities piss right off and the SANFL resumes its course as a competition comprising eight dinkum clubs. AFL garbage does not belong in Our League.
by Pseudo
Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:15 pm
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Re: SANFL to Port - Summerton is a NO go!!!!

Personally would prefer both AFL reserves teams to sit bottom 2 on the SANFL ladder. This is nothing against either club or their supporters but the day either AFL Reserves team wins the SANFL will truly be the end of the SANFL.
Personally would prefer that both AFL entities piss right off and the SANFL resumes its course as a competition comprising eight dinkum clubs. AFL garbage does not belong in Our League.

Meanwhile, in the REAL WORLD....

You mean that real world where the VFL dropped the V from it's name to make it easier for SA to join?
by Pseudo
Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:04 pm
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pure 2014 draw

The full 2014 SANFL draw, for purists:

Round 1
Fri April 4
Glenelg v Sturt Glenelg 7:20
Sat Apr 5
Eagles v Central Woodville 2:10
South v West Noarlunga 7:10
Bye North, Norwood

Round 2
Fri Apr 11
West v Eagles Richmond 7:20
Sat Apr 12
Central v Norwood Elizabeth 12:10
North v South Prospect 2:10
Bye Sturt, Glenelg

Round 3
Thu Apr 17
West v North Richmond 7:20
Norwood v Sturt Norwood 7:40
Fri Apr 18
South v Glenelg Noarlunga 5:00
Bye Central, Eagles

Round 4
Fri Apr 25
Norwood v North TBC 3:20
Sat Apr 26
Central v South Elizabeth 2:10
Sun Apr 27
Sturt v Eagles Unley 2:10
Bye: Glenelg, West

Round 5
Fri May 2
Glenelg v Norwood Glenelg 7:20
Sat May 3
North v Sturt Prospect 2:10
West v Central Richmond 6:30
Sun May 4
South v Eagles Noarlunga 2:10

Round 6
Sat May 10
Central v North Elizabeth 2:10
Eagles v Glenelg Woodville 2:10
South v Norwood Noarlunga 7:10
Bye: West, Sturt

Round 7
Sat May 17
Eagles v North Woodville 2:10
Glenelg v Central Glenelg 2:10
Sun May 18
Sturt v West Unley 2:10
Bye: Norwood, South

Round 8
Fri May 23
Norwood v Eagles Norwood 7:40
Sat May 24
Central v Sturt Elizabeth 2:10
West v Glenelg Richmond 2:10
Bye: South, North

State fixture
Sat May 31

Round 9
Fri Jun 6
West v Norwood Richmond 7:20
Sat Jun 7
Sturt v South Unley 2:10
Mon Jun 9
Glenelg v North Glenelg 2:10
Bye Eagles, Central

Round 10
Sun Jun 15
Glenelg v South Glenelg 2:10
Sturt v Norwood Unley 2:10
North v West North 2:10
Bye Central, Eagles

Round 11
Sat Jun 21
South v Central Noarlunga 2:10
Norwood v Glenelg Norwood 2:10
Sun Jun 22
Eagles v Sturt Woodville 2:10
Bye: North, West

Round 12 - split round
Fri Jun 27
Norwood v Central Norwood 7:40
Sat Jul 5
South v North Noarlunga 7:20
Sun Jul 6
Glenelg v Eagles Glenelg 2:10
Bye West, Sturt

Round 13
Sat Jul 12
Central v West Elizabeth 2:10
Eagles v Norwood Woodville 2:10
Sturt v Glenelg Unley 2:10
Bye South, North

Round 14 - split round
Fri Jul 18
Norwood v South Norwood 7:40
Sat Jul 19
West v Sturt Richmond 2:10
Central v Eagles Elizabeth 2:10
Sat Jul 26
North v Glenelg Prospect 2:10

Round 15
Sat Aug 2
Glenelg v West Glenelg 6:30
Sun Aug 3
North v Norwood Prospect 1:10
Sturt v Central Unley 2:10
Bye: Eagles, South

Round 16
Sat Aug 9
Eagles v South Woodville 2:10
Norwood v West Norwood 2:10
Sturt v North Unley 2:10
Bye: Glenelg, Central

Round 17
(weekend of Sat Aug 16)
West v South Richmond
Central v Glenelg Elizabeth
North v Eagles Prospect
Bye: Sturt, Norwood

Round 18
(weekend of Sat Aug 23)
North v Central Prospect
Eagles v West Woodville
South v Sturt Noarlunga
Bye: Norwood, Glenelg

Finals draw TBA, pending allocation of finals byes.
by Pseudo
Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:03 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts



by Pseudo
Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:39 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

dedja wrote:Richard Hadlee for calling for sanctions against Binga for trying to kill Piers Morgan.

Surely you jest Sir Richard?

by Pseudo
Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:30 pm
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Re: Nurses (desk calendar) Jokes, Antidoes, etc (no pics)

Cor! Check out the antidoes on that one!
by Pseudo
Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:08 am
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Re: Damn you auto correct.

I once typed out a message for the missus along the lines of "I'm running late, start dinner without me" and autocorrect changed it to "YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU DIRTY *#$@!". Needless to say I had to camp on the sofa that night. Damn you autocorrect...
by Pseudo
Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:57 pm
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Re: Things that you don't understand

shoe boy wrote:
Do you drink Squids?

You could but you'd have to blend them finely.
by Pseudo
Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:53 pm
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Re: I need to know....

They call them pints also (or 15's)
Their pot = our schooner (10's)
Their glass = our butcher (7's).

Cheers, buying the correct size beer is the hardest part about travelling around Australia :lol:
When I become dictator of this country (after the people's revolution) my first act will be to standardise beer glass sizes across the nation. I won't be using the South Australian nomenclature, either.

Fritz, however, will be known nationwide as fritz. Not bloody devon/stras/german sausage/etc.
by Pseudo
Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:26 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Footy Chick wrote:Yes, I'm already delayed by about 6 months for one reason or another...

My missus was delayed for a few months once or twice, and now I have two kids...
by Pseudo
Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:12 pm
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Re: Soooooo, how's this weather?

Footy Chick wrote:oh no need, I'm sure we can stick our head out the front door to figure out it fugging stinking hot :roll:

You have a front door? ;)
by Pseudo
Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:07 am
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Re: The Magpies Are Now The AFL Power Reserves

Same port, new port, old port, blue port.

Who gives a flying fig which port.

Bottom line is the team running around in the magpies livery from 2014 is not a sovereign SANFL club. The sooner it pisses off to a competition which more befits its nature (taking its cross-town cousin with it), the better.
by Pseudo
Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:10 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

tigerpie wrote:Now we have to put up with playing meaningless games against 2 teams that are not there for the same reason as the established clubs.

No we (the supporters) don't. Four weekends to spend doing the gardening.
by Pseudo
Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:22 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Wait, it's not ok for a club or league to think about it's own best interests? Isn't that what we are all asking to happen? For the SANFL to put themselves before the integrity of the AFL? Why is it one group shouldn't put themselves first and the others should? AFL clubs have done absolutely nothing wrong. Their officials are doing exactly what they should in getting the best they can for their club. I just wish the SANFL directors who voted yes did the same thing.

The Crows stood over the SANFL with veiled threats of withdrawing/limiting financial support and media interest. The Crows mouthpiece lied to the directors ("the vote must be unanimous for it to work"). And this is "absolutely nothing wrong"?

Reckon I'll teach my kid to extort lunch money from his classmates by making physical threats against their welfare. Clearly there is "absolutely nothing wrong" with this; if the other kids give up their lunch money then it's entirely their fault - they could have said no!

There is a nontrivial difference between rational self-interest and blind selfishness. The AFL clubs have pissed in the bed that they wish to sleep in; they might be acting in their own best interests, but without any consideration of the big picture or any long-term vision.
by Pseudo
Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:44 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

the funny thing about this situation is how everyone is still here. If it was that bad and you had been so screwed over like your all carrying on about, then you wouldn't be here, you would of walked away by now. So either walk away or get over it. It's done and won't be change.

Time to invoke Godwin's Law...

By the early 1940s, many denizens of Western Europe had walked away from the situation - i.e. fled before the Panzer divisions rolled over the bridge.

Some who stayed accepted the situation and made the best of it. Consider Marshal Pétain and the collaborationist Vichy Republic.

Some stayed but resisted the occupation.

Likewise many will stay here - but don't expect them to express anything but vitriol for the occupation, the occupiers, and the collaborators.
Vive le SANFL! Vive la Résistance!
by Pseudo
Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:06 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

Macca19 wrote:
Wedgie wrote:What a completely irrelevant piece of prose.

This. I dont think ive ever read such a pile of wank in my life.

Come on Macca, surely you must have read The Creed (tm) once or twice? :lol:
by Pseudo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:46 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

I dont think its regoked yet but f it is, whicker needs to fall on his sword immediately given his dramatic support of this yesterday
Larry, Moe and Curly - sorry, I meant Whicker, Trigg and Olsen - all should have been given the arse last year. I have more moral fibre in my sphincter than those three clowns in entirety.
by Pseudo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:51 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

Just sh*ts me to tears that you mindless sheep who follow the two AFL teams from Adelaide thinks the sun shines out of your collective ar*es.

You know what, I don't give a flying *uck what the Power or the Crowz do, pretend clubs in an artificial league, they do not, and will never, represent South Australian football heritage no matter how many state jumpers or creeds exploited for commercial advantage they flog off to the brain dead twerps who think they barrack for them.

I not only heartily endorse the above sentiment, but extend it to supporters of the other AFL teams as well.
by Pseudo
Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:21 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

RustyCage wrote:Schools that think it's ok to just have one single male toilet for bout 15 male staff. Men shouldn't line up for a toilet!

Go to the women's.

Be sure to leave the seat up.
by Pseudo
Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:18 pm
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Re: Crows In State Jumper - Which is worse?

Dutchy wrote:I used to have a soft spot for the Crows, hard not to with all the Glenelg influence in the early days,

Speak for yourself and yourself alone.

I dispise Port but will be hoping they win the showdown.

I don't hope Port wins the showdown. I just hope that the Crows lose it.
by Pseudo
Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:33 pm
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Re: Crows In State Jumper - Which is worse?

twosheds wrote:
dedja wrote:Quite Smart really ... all that publicity and it didn't cost them a cent.

Hardly; "Smart" isn't the word I would use. Came across as a smug, self aggrandising knob.

more of a Nigel than Smart then...
by Pseudo
Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:15 pm
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Re: I need to know....

dedja wrote:Apart from getting a guaranteed military boot, what's all the fuss with Valentine's Day?

Will your missus be getting one too?
by Pseudo
Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:30 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Fatties should indeed qualify for special parking.

However unlike disabled parking, their parks should be as far away from the shop entrance as possible. Force a little bit of incidental exercise into 'em I say...
by Pseudo
Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:03 pm
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Re: What Are You Listening To Now?

Booney wrote:"Spinning" ( as much as an ipod can "spin" ) this week are :

If your iPod is a Classic model then it contains a hard drive and can thus spin faster than Jay Weatherill. :-B
by Pseudo
Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:03 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Channel ten's winter oympics coverage.

Watching the curling bronze medal game tonight. Channel ten missed the first few stones of every end in order to present a full complement of adverts. This I can understand. What I cannot understand is why they would then cut away to another full set of ads after a couple more stones. smack bang in the middle of a crucial end - and no, this was not wholly during a timeout.

Eff you, channel ten.
by Pseudo
Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:25 pm
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Re: South 2014

Bounce of the ball wrote:I see South as an imp rover

You mean one of their on ballers is a midget?!?
by Pseudo
Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:14 pm
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You are not authorised to read this forum.
by Pseudo
Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:17 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

How ******* dumb are the Corby family - hope she goes back in - that would make me laugh!!!

Is it just me, or does this article just repeat the same thing 3 times to make the article seem longer?
People who are amused by the Corby saga have an intelligence level that requires everything to be explained three times.
by Pseudo
Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:37 pm
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Re: Your 2014 predictions

by Pseudo
Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:14 pm
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Re: I need to know....

Footy Chick wrote:
scoob wrote:Where has footy chick gone?

Too busy emailing your missus to let her know you outsource your head jobs.

There is only one possible way you could know about that ... :oops:
by Pseudo
Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:37 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Spent the morning escorting a couple of cub scouts through suburbia collecting for the Red Cross.

At one house a lady in a headscarf (i.e. apparently muslim) and her two small kids had just come out of their front door when the cubs walked up their drive. On being solicited for cash, the mother replied "oh I'm sorry I don't have any money on me". She then asked her kids, "would you like to give your pocket money to the Red Cross? The money will help people who need it." Both kids enthusiastically agreed. A shiny $2 coin was produced - it appeared to be the only thing in the mother's purse - and both kids bickered over who would be the one who got to put it in the collection tin.

Made my day.
by Pseudo
Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:30 pm
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Re: Eric 2014

stampy wrote:give it a rest ffs

May they never give it a rest. Not until the occupiers have been driven from Our Comp. Long live the resistance.
by Pseudo
Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:42 pm
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Pure SANFL ladder

ladder for purists, after Round 1:

P W F A %
Sturt 1 1 84 41 67.20
South 1 1 100 51 66.23
Eagles 1 1 83 52 61.48
Central 1 0 52 83 38.52
West 1 0 51 100 33.77
Glenelg 1 0 41 84 32.80

Norwood and North yet to play.
by Pseudo
Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:42 pm
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Re: The 2014 season no AFL in the SANFL whinge thread

kickinit wrote:is this thread going to be sponsored by kleenex? I'm sure there will be many poster's using them in this thread.

Why, are you going to post some pr0n?
by Pseudo
Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:12 pm
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Re: The 2014 season no AFL in the SANFL whinge thread

For those that can't or won't move on, who have protested by not buying their club's membership this year, won't go to Port or Crows SANFL games, or for those that just need a place to sook.

Here you go.
by Pseudo
Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:11 pm
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Re: I need to know....

I even get uncomfortable when people ask what I want for my birthday. It seems people don't like 'nothing' as a response to that question.
I feel your pain, brother.

The people in my life are manifestly incapable of giving me what I want for my birthday, which is usually "to be left the f*** alone".
by Pseudo
Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:16 pm
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Re: You know you're nearing 40 in Adelaide, when you remembe

^ you're not old, you young whipersnapper, unless you remember commercials like this:

by Pseudo
Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:20 pm
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Re: Pure SANFL ladder

At the completion of all pure games in Round 2:

P W F A %
South 2 2 216 133 61.89
Eagles 2 2 155 114 57.62
Sturt 1 1 84 41 67.20
Central 2 1 138 127 52.08
North 1 0 82 116 41.41
West 2 0 113 172 39.65
Norwood 1 0 44 86 33.85
Glenelg 1 0 41 84 32.80
by Pseudo
Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:09 pm
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