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Re: Things that you rate!

by Psyber
Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:16 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Finally managed to solve the rubiks cube today - as a kid in early 80's I worked out how to get 2 layers.
I got a new cube for my birthday recently, and finally got all 6 colours (without pulling it part or changing the stickers over) :)
I got one from Adam Internet at the Royal Show and had another crack.
I still can't solve it...

There used to be a guide to solving it but I've reisted trying the wimps way out.
I'll keep on having a shot every so often.
by Psyber
Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:53 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

I rate the fact that I found this story about New Zealand on a normally rather dry USA based medical web site, Medscape.
I'm not quite sure where I stand on the NZ decision itself...
... But what if, as a matter of public policy, the government started saying, "You know what? We're not dealing with fat people any more. We're throwing them out of here."

If you think that that's fantasy, New Zealand just had a situation with 2 people who had migrated there 7 years ago from South Africa, a chef and his wife. The chef, when he arrived in New Zealand, weighed about 360 pounds. That was packed onto a 5'6" frame. His wife was not obese. After about 6 years, they applied for a renewal of their right to stay and work and run their restaurant in New Zealand, but they were told that they had to leave. He was too fat.

The government said that he is going to be a burden on their healthcare system. They didn't want him there. He and his wife, who isn't fat, had to get out of there. He has been there for 7 years and no one had said anything. And I have to add something else: He had lost about 50 pounds, so he was moving in the right direction. Still, the New Zealand government said, "No. We are deporting you because you're fat."
by Psyber
Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:14 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

A lady at work complaining about me because I sent an email asking whoever spilt the milk all over the kitchen to clean it up. Apparently that’s bullying because I already knew it was her from checking the security camera and could have told her discreetly. I didn't even name her in the email. Never mind it is the third time she’s has been told to clean up her mess, the first two times she was told discreetly. Now I have to apologise to her.
I'd be tempted to send out and email saying something like, " I hereby formally apologise to xxxx for criticising her in an indirect and non-identifying way for not cleaning up the milk she had spilled in the kitchen."
by Psyber
Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:26 am
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Re: Norwood Senior Coach - Ben Warren appointed

I'd assumed "Dugga" Warren was derived from Warren, and the idea of having dug a warren as rabbits do.
Parallels exist with the origins of nicknames like "Badger" in the UK and "Wombat" here (relating to what they eat)...
by Psyber
Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:27 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

I have no problem letting people in - if they indicate sufficiently and if there's enough space in front of me (but, if there's not enough space in front, they're generally not going to indicate for any great length of time and just take the spot anyway).
Sufficient space is more than a car's length .
In Melbourne the rule was you let them change lane in front of you even if they were only very slightly in front.
In any big city, there will never be a "more than a car's length" between cars so nobody would ever get to change lanes without there being the expectation that you will drop back when someone slightly in front indicates the need to do so.

That rule, and the attitude of courtesy that goes with it, is essential to drivers being able to get anywhere in heavy traffic.
If you don't drive that route everyday you are mot going to be able to anticipate which lane you need to be in kilometres ahead, and you need to be able to change lanes when you see the signs.

The one thing that has annoyed me on my return to SA is the lack of that courtesy and cooperativeness in traffic here.
There seems to be an SA culture of deliberately obstructing anyone who wants to change lanes regardless of how far they are in front.
by Psyber
Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:27 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

I tend to favour Golden North's honey ice cream, but all their flavours are pretty good.
by Psyber
Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:08 am
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

bennymacca wrote:a platform of keeping your head down and not fking up will probably work for the libs, i too think jay handled the abuse stuff extremely poorly. he still has time to turn it around though

On the strength of the Paedophile vote? ;)
by Psyber
Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:20 am
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Re: Australian Car Industry

If Australian people bought Australian cars it would help out the Australia economy and we would not be in this situation, same goes for everything else we buy.

Unfortunately people don't think about our economy when making their purchases.
I was once a loyal Holden man, and my first three cars were holdens, but eventually I wanted something with a bit more style and less of those nagging little problems like boot lights that didn't switch of and drained the battery.

I had to resort to shutting my wife in the boot (briefly) from time to time to check on the damn thing. ;)
by Psyber
Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:05 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

mighty_tiger_79 wrote:I expect non biased opinion

Now there is a mythical creature!
by Psyber
Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:59 am
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Re: Christmas

Started drinking now, unlikely to stop this year.
Merry Christmas, ****!
This guy has it automated:
Turns out his own stomach was brewing booze thanks to a build up of a common yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. When he ate or drank starch heavy food, the yeast in his stomach fermented the sugar into ethanol.
by Psyber
Wed Dec 25, 2013 8:56 am
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Re: White Christmas

Failed Creation wrote: No matter what you decide, a white Christmas is always special.

Yes. Surprisingly I experienced my only white Christmas in Australia - at Olinda in the Dandenong Ranges to Melbourne's east on Christmas Day 2007.
Here is a shot of our back yard on the day:

Snow at Olinda.JPG
by Psyber
Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:08 am
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Re: Death Penalty

In principle I can't support the death penalty for any offence.
However, I can imagine circumstances where I may kill somebody to defend myself or those close to me.
It is the cold blooded decision making that puts me off it in legislation.
by Psyber
Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:58 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

Neither AFL team has any right to cling to an SANFL history. It is all just marketing hype in both cases.
The Crows were invented in 1990, and the Power has only a tenuous clam to the history of the Magpies whom they have attempted to rob of their heritage by sly use of technical paper work regarding registrations and name changes.
by Psyber
Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:25 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

RustyCage wrote:Petrol prices. I don't even know what's cheap anymore
Easy - there is not such thing as cheap petrol any more...
by Psyber
Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:15 pm
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Re: AFL Reserves - Q&A with UK Fan

UK Fan wrote: Thats correct and why didnt the SANFL back Port's entry ????

Better still, why didn't they jettison Port and let them go it alone in the VFL, and then readjust the zones among the remaining teams??
You know it makes sense! ;)
by Psyber
Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:43 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

The decline of manufacturing in Australia has a long and complex history...


1. In 1955 a very basic Holden FJ cost 999 Pounds ($AU 1998.00). My father's annual income that year as a clerk in the pay office at the Islington workshops was 999 Pounds, and he couldn't afford to buy one. My sister was doing better (in Real Estate) and she did. In today's money I estimate that is about $40,000 for a very basic car.

2. In 1967 a Holden HR Premier cost $2700 approximately when I bought one. I was a young doctor about to start working in the RAH on a salary of $5400. That is equivalent to about $ $65000 for the car compared with today's equivalent salary.

3. In 1975 I bought an Australian made Rank Arena 14" colour TV for $450, My annual salary as a young medical specialist in a public hospital was $16000. That price is equivalent to $4500 for an 14" TV in today's money.

It all began to change with the development of our national passion for free trade and gradually phasing out Tariff barriers during the mid to late 1980s. Overseas goods started entering the country more cheaply that we could make them here - production costs are largely proportional to wages. In theory, being "The Clever Country", we were going too offset this disadvantage through innovation and productivity rises. It didn't happen.

Having dropped the Tariffs we can't put them back - as soon as prices started to rise any government that started that process would be thrown out at the next election. So we subsidise our industries that can't make a profit with grants. But for how long, and how big do we allow the grants, and our deficit, to get.

I agree there are other issues like choosing to make cars the people want to buy, for example, but we are never going to be able to manufacture in our environment and be competitive with low wage countries. We may be competitive in technological areas where we have expertise our low wage competitors lack, but for how long? Indian and China are showing signs of outstripping us there too.

Could our car industry compete in the high end market? Saab is gone. Volvo is owned by someone else - I'm not sure whether it is Ford. The British luxury car industry - what is left of it - is not UK owned. VW/Audi/Porsche are a conglomerate starting to make their components in low wage places like the Czech Republic.

I don't have the answer, but I believe we cannot have the cheap goods we have today and expect to make them here.
by Psyber
Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:33 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

I'd suggest the number of obese people with a legitimate disability would be very low, all you have to do is look at people shopping trolleys and its pretty obvious they just eat junk 24/7.
I agree that is generally true about what is seen in people's shopping trolleys.

Some of the plump people I know diet episodically but maintain their sweet tooth because that still like the taste and use artificial sweeteners instead of retraining their palate to less sweet expectations . However, some do have bone and joint issues that inhibit reasonable exercise, or endocrine problems like marginal hypothyroidism, or high Prolactin levels for various reasons. (Endocrinology can be complex.)

I'd have to admit to a certain laziness being a factor in my tendency to be a bit heavier than ideal, but on the bright side I'm not semi-crippled by joint damage from excessive wear and tear either...

However, I do do things like park a little farther back and walk further rather than pay to park right where I want to go.
(Being a tight b...... helps sometimes!)
by Psyber
Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:40 pm
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Re: Survey results confirming what most already knew *grins*

I've always been inclined to the view that the unintelligent tend to embrace, heavily and obsessionally , faiths of one sort or another to give themselves a sense of direction, whether that faith is religious, political, philosophical, or whatever. And, of course there is more to intelligence than performance in an IQ test.

I was once professionally involved with dealing with problems generated by a guy who was a member of Mensa but who couldn't see the connection between his being the national secretary of the Australian Nazi party and his inability to get a lecturing job at a university anywhere in Oz despite his Ph.D. from ANU. He kept going back to, "But it shouldn't make any difference!"

My main "-ism" has always been individualism...
(But with a heart to some degree - the degree depending on the point of view of the observer, of course.)
by Psyber
Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:41 pm
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Re: Alien discussion

Squids wrote:GET OUT OF MY THREAD!

Do you feel INVADED? :lol:
by Psyber
Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:01 pm
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Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

smac wrote:Dad is a carpenter, I don't need another one.

My Dad really was born on Christmas Day.
As kid I felt sorry for him for that unfortunate timing, and always wrapped two presents.
In my teens I was inclined to say, "You were born on Christmas Day and you think you're Jesus b..... Christ!"
by Psyber
Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:13 pm
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Re: Freedom of speech? ... Or a serial pest?

Religion can be handled civilly.
I have a close friend who is a practising Christian, and while we were discussing some social/philosophical issues over coffee the other day he kept stopping to put it into non-religious terms. I appreciated his making the effort to do that, and took the pressure off him by suggesting he could use the religious terms and I'd interpret them more broadly for myself. That made it easier for both of us.
by Psyber
Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:52 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Buying a product that i wanted at a certain supermarket,thought by reading the ticket its on special,scan it at the self serve and find that they are charging full price ask the worker why and the response its only a special for everyday reward customers that have the card.
Yes that is a cunning trick.
When it happened to me, I said, "Then I don't want it, credit it!" , and they gave me the discount anyway.

I've since got their rewards card for the convenience of not having to keep track of that, but have ignored their exhortations to sign up to the allied frequent flyers programme, and usually don't bother to activate their emailed discount offers which require you to spend more than you usually do.

(Despite being a Woolworths shareholder I tend to spend more at Coles because they usually have more of the products I want.)
by Psyber
Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:42 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Joke a lawyer friend sent me:
On their way to get married, a young Catholic couple is involved in a fatal car accident.

The couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter
to process them into Heaven. While waiting, they begin to wonder,

Could they possibly get married in Heaven ?

When St. Peter showed up, they asked him. St. Peter said, 'I don't know.
This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out,' and he leaves.

The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and the couple are
still waiting. As they waited, they discussed that if they were allowed to get
married in Heaven, what was the eternal aspect of it all.

'What if it doesn't work ?’ they wondered, 'Are we stuck together forever ?’

After yet another month, St. Peter finally returns, looking somewhat bedraggled.
'Yes,' he informs the couple, 'you can get married in Heaven.'

'Great!' said the couple, 'But we were just wondering, what if things don't work out?
Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?'

St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard onto the ground.

'What's wrong?' asked the frightened couple.

'OH, COME ON!', St. Peter shouted, 'It took me three months to find a priest up here!
Do you have any idea how long it'll take me to find a Lawyer?!'
by Psyber
Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:44 pm
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Re: You know you're nearing 40 in Adelaide, when you remembe

I could almost guarantee that there are no ads on the telly nowadays that you'd still remember word for word in 30 years time..
I beg the differ..

"Metropolitan Plumbing.. *drip*.. Metropolitan Plumbing.. *drip*.." :lol:
I wonder what effect that advert has.
I found myself bemused by the association of a plumbing company and taps continuing to drip after their name is mentioned.
by Psyber
Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:23 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Bob Carr - 1st class w@nk3r:
In his Diary of a Foreign Minister, Mr Carr complains about not being given pyjamas on a business-class flight and has compared business seats to the "trans-Atlantic slave trade". But he's told reporters at his book launch in Sydney on Thursday that it's not snobbery, "just a view that life is a learning experience".

Tips for Bob:
1. Fly economy and add $200 for an overnight break on long flights.
2. Travel in comfortable casual clothes and change when you get to the hotel at the other end.
3. Don't expect sympathy from people who don't fly Business Class, let alone First, especially when they were paying for your travel!
by Psyber
Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:54 pm
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Re: Norwood calls for fourth interchange player

SANFL footy in the 50s and 60s was hard and tough
They used to have reserves , not interchanges in those days
Some good sides managed to dominate
PA with 6 in a row in the 50s
ST with 4 in a row in the 60-70s
2 reserves, gosh, how did footy survive

This was a period when players would be on the ground for the duration [except for those 2 players subbed or another injury]
Imagine that , seeing players like Lindsay Head and Johnny Cahill on the ground for the whole game

3 is enough
4 is not required

I say
3 interchanges
25 rotations which would be suffice for any injuries
In those days teams often finished the game with one team with 16 fit men in the field and a couple of semi-crippled players in the forward pockets.
(Especially when they were playing against Port Adelaide, or against whomever had Neil Kerley in their team that year.)

That meant concussed players also often went back on.
by Psyber
Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:20 pm
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Re: Norwood calls for fourth interchange player

bennymacca wrote:Yeah nice one, didn't think of basketball.

I never think of Basketball, and tend to confuse it with Netball. ;)
by Psyber
Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:52 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

No one would.

Bloody hell - I can tell you the provenance of every CD in my very large collection, or every t-shirt in my wardrobe.
I reckon if I got a bottle of Grange from some bastard, I'd remember it until the grave.
Heck, I'm still thanking a mate for a bottle of scotch he bought six years ago for helping him with something.
I don't think a Grange from my birth year is something I'd not remember even if constantly showered with gifts (?bribes).

There are things one doesn't forget.
I remember which big Pharma company paid for my only glider flying lesson back in 1993 (and that it made no difference to my prescribing habits), and which one bought me a Grandfather Port from my birth year for speaking at a function they ran. I also still remember the name of the married woman (co-worker) who gave me a bottle of Corvoisier for my birthday in 1976 (quite unexpectedly because I only knew her casually I thought) and then invited me to drop over for dinner next week when her husband would be at his company's head office interstate.
by Psyber
Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:09 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

did you???
Well it was the 70s, I'd just been separated from my first wife a few weeks, and she was attractive, enthusiastic, and persistent... :oops:

I came to regret that moment of weakness - well several moments of weakness over the next 6 months - when her husband was promoted and transferred to head office interstate and she started muttering about not going to join him after he'd already been there a couple of weeks while she stayed back to sell their house in SA and get the furniture packed and moved.

I then had to make it clear that she shouldn't base her decision on any fantasy that I was going to take on her and her kids, as she'd known all along that wasn't on. Then, a few days later, I offered to help out by driving her and the kids to the airport, and she snapped, "You just want to make sure I go!"

What could I say, except silently remind myself to not get into that sort of situation ever again?
by Psyber
Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:45 pm
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Re: Username Tattoo

Perhaps I should have the avatar I use here replicated next to the bar code and USB slot on the back of my neck! ;)
by Psyber
Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:14 pm
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Re: The 2014 season no AFL in the SANFL whinge thread

On Wednesday I was at lunch with several Magpies fans who were saying how great the environment and cheap food at Clare was for the Power and Crows reserves match, and how good playing in a country town was for football and the SANFL.

So, I suggested the best bet would be for the two reserves teams to promote football by playing each other every week in a different country town! :twisted:
by Psyber
Thu May 08, 2014 11:36 am
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Re: HH3

Exactly why in first year high school after two footy training sessions I looked ahead and decided to play Hockey instead.
(And at Uni swapped to Fencing - although the chicks at Fencing Club may have been a factor .)
no doubt :lol:
One did show me the scars where a broken fencing foil went right through the upper part of her thigh despite the protective clothing. ;)
by Psyber
Thu May 15, 2014 3:56 pm
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Re: Hamilton-Smith defects to Labor

LOL, MHS had only ever been about MHS ...

So the Evans, Chapmans, Halls, etc, etc haven't been?
My view is that anyone who wants to be a career politician should NOT be allowed to be a politician at all.
Two terms maximum then go back to your real job with not more benefits than any other worker/employee...

That and ban Lawyers who care only about winning the debating game rather than what constitutes truth or justice. ;)
by Psyber
Sat May 31, 2014 4:42 pm
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Re: Hamilton-Smith defects to Labor

MHS has only ever been about MHS, and an old school friend of mine on the ALP-SA strategy team (a former state Minister) has said so repeatedly.
It will be interesting to see whether he says the same when I see him for coffee next week.
Meanwhile watch for MHS eventually joining the ALP and making a pitch for Jay's job! ;)
Not surprisingly, since he is a politician, he didn't say the same thing this week.
The new line: "MHS was one of the best people in the Liberal Party and the one we feared becoming their leader most."

My response was: "After the previous election you said he was one of the people you were able to use to scare off the swinging voters in the marginal seats."

A quick change of subject followed - "Would you like another beer?"
Me: "If you are not offering Grange."
by Psyber
Sat May 31, 2014 4:25 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

mighty_tiger_79 wrote:but if there is a BBQ and beers, quality control inspection at the workplace, better not invite Psyber - god knows what will happen ;)

I'm good with the BBQ, like a beer or three, and am very good at inspecting female workers - it sounds like my natural habitat... ;)
by Psyber
Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:06 pm
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

Sorry for your loss.
It is over 5 years now, and the passage of time (and building a new lifestyle back in Adelaide) has eased the pain I experienced at the time.
It doesn't distress me these days, and I'm now enjoying the freedom of the single life again.

The amusing thing is that friends' wives have started coming up with ways to introduce me to their single girlfriends.
(Free lunch at Jolley's for meeting one recently.)
by Psyber
Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:54 pm
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

priorities young fella, priorities

you need to start thinking about running the state and you don't want any distractions
I'm focussed and have my priorities right - I went to the Porsche open day today, and I'm test driving the Macan S on June 23rd...

The state can look after itself for while longer. ;)
by Psyber
Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:19 pm
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Re: Krispy Kreme opening - yada, yada, yada.

woodublieve12 wrote:
Wedgie wrote:Krispy Kreme donuts are almost as overrated as Game of Thrones.

as a site admin i would imagine you'd be up to date with all the site rules. And therefore you'd be aware that trolling is against site rules...

He's right though! :lol:
by Psyber
Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:24 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

The English language. F*** its confuses me. Isn't the rule i before e except after c. Well then why the F*** is forfeit spelt like it is.

On the Q.I. programme, Stephen Fry pointed out that there are so many words that contradict the " i before e " rule that the rule is virtually useless.

The correct and more reliable form of the rule is: When the sound is "ee" it is "i" before "e" except after "c".

"Forfeit" is not pronounced "for feet " but more like " for fit". (Except maybe in the USA.)
It as a bit like like de fence in English and dee fence in the US.

Similarly C and G are normally, but not always, soft before Y,
So, "sycle" for cycle and "jyroscope" for gyroscope.

And while we are here, schedule is "shedule" in English and "skedule" only in American.

But there are always exceptions because English as a language is not simply Germanic or Latinate, but a complex blend of words from many sources.
by Psyber
Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:46 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

I'm enjoying the winter in Townsville, getting around in my shirt sleeves while all the locals are rugging up for a frigid 23C or so.
by Psyber
Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:36 pm
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Re: Navy intercepts seventh boat of asylum-seekers in two mo

We have thousands of people coming not millions. Talk about emotional tripe.

And yep I have been to the UK lately, and it seemed like a pretty vibrant place.

Another question - do you believe the Vietnamese have been a blight and a drain on Australia or have they enhanced our culture?
We accepted good and bad Vietnamese people in something of a rush after the embarrassing defeat.
The good ones enhanced our society and some of the bad ones have dominated the Heroin trade in Melbourne for many years.

Earlier immigration processes seemed to have been more measured and careful.

What do we need is effective screening before accepting immigrants from anywhere, and that means an effective and consistent process.
by Psyber
Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:05 pm
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Re: Round 20 and all its trimmings

I tend to agree with benny on this one - Lynch never got the chance to straighten up and so didn't duck - he just hunkered as he saw the impact coming.
He didn't even have time to turn to make the impact a glancing one.

I don't think there was anything intentionally against the rules on either player's part, but just one of those things that can happen in a high impact sport.
(I'd worked that out by the time I was 13. That's why I switched to Hockey - I didn't want to spent a potentially long life semi-crippled.)
by Psyber
Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:26 pm
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Re: Israel/Hamas Conflict

I don't think either the Israeli hard-liners or the Muslim hard-liners like Hamas can be regarded as remotely likely to stick to any truce that is negotiated, unless some third party occupies he land between them and keeps them apart, despite any good will in the generality of the populations.

In my view no one side of this conflict is entirely right or entirely wrong.
by Psyber
Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:17 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

I loved his commentary on the weird and obviously thick young woman.
All us dog lovers know that GOD created DOG in his own image - he just happened to be looking in a mirror at the time. ;)

I went to the show today specifically to see the Irish Wolfhounds and spent a short time helping show off to the public one who is about 93 cm tall at the shoulder, though a little slender at only 78 Kg - that is not bad for one only 19 months old. (My last one was a little shorter but 90Kg at maturity.)
by Psyber
Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:57 pm
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Re: We Need You South

I'm with the Panthers for this coming match.
Keep the SANFL grand final AFL free!
by Psyber
Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:20 am
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Re: Gas and Electricity

I ran a comparison several months ago (using a recent quarterly bill from Origin as my guide) with several other suppliers based on their published supply charges and rates. I calculated what the same bill would have cost me with each supplier.

There wasn't much in it as those with low rates used a higher fixed supply charge, or placed the rate steps differently.
Several who advertise low rates or discounts actually worked out more expensive and the cheapest was less than $10 saving over a quarter.

However, my rate with Origin is lower than their published rate, as they gave me a better deal when I thought about leaving a couple of years ago.
by Psyber
Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:56 pm
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Re: Gas and Electricity

The latest from the USA on energy industry moves:

The rise of solar means utilities "have to price [their] products differently," said David Owens, executive vice president of business operations and regulatory policy at Edison Electric Institute, the association of publicly-traded electric companies. "Rooftop solar panels are recognition that technology, public policy and customer preferences are requiring the utilities to look at this differently," Owens said in an interview.

However, he argued that net-metering was creating a classic "free-rider" economic conundrum, where non-rooftop clients are ultimately paying more for electricity than net-metering clients. Certain costs, such as infrastructure and grid usage, are not being captured in what net-metering customers are charged , Owens said.

For that reason, he thinks power companies-as well as other parties-are justified in challenging some of the presumptions behind solar panel use. Consumers "want choice, but we want to make sure customers at the upper-income bracket are not being subsidized by non-rooftop customers," Owens said. "Utilities are not afraid of competition, but if you're using the grid, you need to pay for it."
by Psyber
Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:44 am
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Re: (Miscellaneous debris)

A friend sent me this recently.
I don't know how accurate it is, or was when first written, but it does make me wonder...

This group’s history will open your eyes...
36 have been accused of spouse abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits and
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year.

Can you guess which organization this is? AFL? NRL?
It's neither, it's the 535 members of the AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT in CANBERRA
The same group of that crank out hundreds of new laws each year, designed to keep the rest of us in line.
by Psyber
Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:12 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

I wouldn't do that personally ...
Correct, an unlikely course of action.
However, you could take the more subtle line that common courtesy dictates that you tell him you are considering an offer you received recently, and, if he then voluntarily expresses interest in matching it to retain you, negotiation could proceed. On the other hand, his response and attitude could help you make up your mind to take the offer.
by Psyber
Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:50 am
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