Got a lump in my throat.
I've spent over a third of my life with the GFC, most of the time under that grandstand.
Can still remember the first time I walked in those rooms as a kid in April 1980 when my cousin, then an injured player, took me in to meet the players and get autographs after we beat Centrals. 10 000 + at the game and in the clubs rooms afterwards you couldn't move. I've still got some of those.
The early days getting players ready for training and seeing my boyhood hero walk in - Cornesy as coach wanting to know who's fit and who's not - will forever be etched in my memory.
Sleeping on the training benches after GF commiserations *sigh*
End of season piss-ups
Fitness sessions and sweat I've lost.
Most of all I'll remember the people especially those no longer with us: Bert Cugley, Simmo, Chas Flook, Freddy, Ol' Doc Duguid.
Grandstands can be rebuilt, the legends of those rooms can't but they'll never be forgotten.
Love my club