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Re: Licenses sold- anchors away.

Don't underplay how good Apricot Slice is.
by Ron Burgundy
Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:14 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

I think Daylight savings should finish the weekend after the big festivities - eg Adelaide Cup or V8s
by mighty_tiger_79
Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:21 pm
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Re: Death Penalty

What about mothers that kill their kids?

Life in prison! This has to be one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. Kids are the most innocent in our community and instinctively rely upon parents for protection. For a parent to not only neglect this duty but to defy it through the commit of murder is an horrendous crime and the ultimate betrayal of connatural duty and instinct.
by Roxy the Rat Girl
Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:30 pm
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Re: Navy intercepts seventh boat of asylum-seekers in two mo

Grahaml wrote:and unless you're a died in the wool Labor barracker you'd understand that.

well you obviously havent read anything i have written in this thread, because i am equally pissed off with labor's policy on this issue, and they are as bad as one another.
by bennymacca
Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:00 pm
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Re: Essendon 2014

Dank head
by Ted E Bear
Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:12 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Bob Carr - 1st class w@nk3r:
In his Diary of a Foreign Minister, Mr Carr complains about not being given pyjamas on a business-class flight and has compared business seats to the "trans-Atlantic slave trade". But he's told reporters at his book launch in Sydney on Thursday that it's not snobbery, "just a view that life is a learning experience".

Tips for Bob:
1. Fly economy and add $200 for an overnight break on long flights.
2. Travel in comfortable casual clothes and change when you get to the hotel at the other end.
3. Don't expect sympathy from people who don't fly Business Class, let alone First, especially when they were paying for your travel!
by Psyber
Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:54 pm
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Re: Round 2 - Central v Norwood Post Game

my god you guys are idiots sometimes. surely the reserves debate cant permeate every single thread on this forum can it?

was at home watching it on TV, but i certainly enjoyed the game. centrals just seemed to be able to link up a lot better, their ball movement and pressure was first class.

from a couch potato's point of view, it was great to have a triple header of footy on channel 7. they made the right decision in terms of broadcasts to start the game earlier so it did not clash with the power game, but messing with the timeslots too much might not be a good thing, especially for crowds, as others have mentioned.

was great to see SANFL get prominence on Ch7 though.
by bennymacca
Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:50 pm
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Re: Sydney Swans 2014

Buddy has a premiership hangover like he did in 09, happy we worked out it was just him bringing the whole team down that year ;)
by daysofourlives
Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:41 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Can't blame him for asking. A lot of you that follow the power now are second hand Collingwood supporters remember ;)

Oh no, not this little black duck. Port Adelaide has been in my bloodlines for 4 generations, it was only Jason Dunstall that alerted me to Hawthorn and they were my team in the VFL/AFL until Port Adelaide joined. I never truly followed the Hawks with the passion of the PAFC though.
by Booney
Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:49 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

mighty_tiger_79 wrote:Barry O'Farrel is going to resign.......

i reckon it's buddy franklins fault
by woodublieve12
Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:56 am
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Re: Glenelg vs Crows Reserves - Post Game

Crowd number was very surprising - have to say that the atmosphere wasn't what you'd expect from a 9000+ crowd however.
(I know, I know, whinge, whinge, whinge) - but it's true.

I think it is fair to suggest that the large attendance was due to a number of factors & will be interesting to see the 'return' fixture crowd.
Walker coming back, ANZAC Day Public Holiday, No local AFL games, Night Game.
That said, it was 'pleasing' to see a bumper crowd but in terms of revenue; they didn't have to pay to get in do they?

If there was any doubt about the Cows Reserves Team being about 'development' - taking Walker off toward the end of the 3rd Quarter (I don't recall seeing him in the last) after he kicked his 3rd goal to get them within 3 pts was a significant pointer to the 'Integrity' question.

The point must also be made that the difference in 'top up' players between the Cows & PAPs Reserves is massive.
The Cows have Ammos who clearly have no idea & aren't up to the 'pace' of SANFL, whilst Port have tried & tested players such as Summerton & the like. What the Cows did show was their ability to move the ball out of defence (as a result of many players on the AFL list & their obvious advantage in speed & pace) was significantly better than Glenelg.

Had fun with what Snouts were there - one Cows supporter behind us was very vocal initially but surprisingly he didn't stay around long :roll:
Most Cows supporters appeared reluctant to get behind their team - despite the numbers.
A bit like what Wedgie said about the North game; they appeared somewhat embarrassed to be there.

Great to catch up with Steve & to talk footy with Shane, Dave, Darren & Gerry
Bays looked pretty good actually - they moved the ball well & obviously playing at home helped them.

Is the 'doomsday' idea dead?
I still think we need to wait until 1/2 way through the season to judge, but 9000+ people last night suggests perhaps @ this stage.
by LPH
Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:27 am
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Re: Central v South Post Game

Well done today Dogs snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!
This is the worst Centrals team this century, possibly ever. They are succeeding very well if their mission is to make the other teams supporters very happy. :evil: :twisted:

Now if we can just lose the next 14 games we can win the spoon.

Looking forward to deleting the replay very soon.
by Groucho
Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:03 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Labor should give Abbott his own medicine, label it the deceit tax and mention it a couple of million times before the next election.

Maybe even suspend standing orders a couple of hundred times for good measure.
by dedja
Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:42 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Commission of Audit ... what a politically self driven ideological load of crap.

None of the Audit Commissioners have any idea about social welfare or making sure everyone gets a fair go.

It was just a vehicle to justify a budget, rather then a independent audit report. The Commission Chair is even using the same script as Hockey FFS.

Budget emergency my arse.

Should start by means testing welfare payments and handouts so that only the most need get them.
by dedja
Thu May 01, 2014 8:46 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

There goes 98% of all posts on this site then.....
by Spargo
Fri May 02, 2014 11:01 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

dedja wrote:James Packer and David Gyngell ... pure gold

You want some of this? Really, Gyng? You sure?

by Magpiespower
Mon May 05, 2014 5:37 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Poodle has done all the talking in the 1st 5 mins and has already spectacularly demonstrated that he has no idea outside the elitist bubble that he lives in.

NFI ...
by dedja
Mon May 05, 2014 10:43 pm
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Re: Channel 7 announced by SANFL as preferred telecast partn

I would imagine it had everything to do with the ABC's preferred time for games. Their one and only window for state Football nationally is Saturday afternoons, and there was no flexibility at all with this.

As for the inevitable dig re Crows and Port, (*yawn*) I struggle to see how Centrals v Norwood, Centrals v South, Glenelg v South or this week Eagles v Glenelg relates to Adelaide or Port Adelaide. Some people on here will grasp at anything for a no AFL in the SANFL whinge, even where an argument does not exist!
by matt35
Tue May 06, 2014 11:34 pm
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Re: Channel 7 announced by SANFL as preferred telecast partn

Watched Crows and Port sunday. I thought it was ok, obviously not to AFL standard, but for SANFL pretty good and we should be lucky that we get a telecast
by downspine
Wed May 07, 2014 9:41 am
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SA Football Greatest Team

Rucci, i guess in the same vein as the Herald Sun team, has compiled his greatest SA football team.

Pretty good team, though it astounds me that Andrew McLeod doesnt get into the team. Maybe its my bias, but I honestly think he is a better footballer than Gavin Wanganeen. I think that McLeod missed out on a brownlow, getting close a number of times, kind of tarnishes his record a bit.

Also, some of the older members might be able to correct me, but i thought Rick Davies was a ruck-forward?

He also just seems to have picked out a few from the early 1900s that won a few macgareys and decided they should get into the team.
by bennymacca
Fri May 09, 2014 12:58 pm
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Re: Sydney Swans 2014

Hawks by plenty, Swans struggle at that pathetic ground. Time to bite the bullet and give ANZ the flick
Half that statement I hope you're wrong and the other half I totally agree... We have a ground which suits us and is world class... We don't even fill ANZ... At least we are a chance of filling the scg
by woodublieve12
Thu May 08, 2014 11:30 pm
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Re: The 2014 season no AFL in the SANFL whinge thread

What has that got to so with anything in this thread?

And massive overgeneralisations to justify your own negativity aren't really helpful

Fwiw it's not a bad thing to be negative if combined with rationality.
by bennymacca
Tue May 13, 2014 12:29 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

but if you complain about it you just get labeled anti cyclists, or anti progress or something :roll:
by tipper
Fri May 16, 2014 9:49 am
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Re: AFL Round 9 Discussion

If it wasn't for that goal after the siren we would have won :P
by Q.
Thu May 15, 2014 11:30 pm
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Re: Round 7 - Port Magpies v South @ Alberton inc Post Matc

*Attention Mods*

I thought all AFL reserves talk was suppose to be in the whinge thread? Seriously can't understand how simple it is to keep the crap in 1 thread. Instead week after week we have idiots talking crap in a post game thread.
by kickinit
Sun May 18, 2014 10:00 pm
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Re: AFL Round 9 Discussion

On behalf of the NMFC I would like to say that I believe Stevie J's actions deserved a match and we are thrilled this is what he received.
by Spargo
Wed May 21, 2014 12:55 pm
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Re: Collingwood 2014

Well we paid our first and second rounders for two years and a million dollar fine and had our CEO suspended just so our club could stay Jesse white free

by bennymacca
Tue May 20, 2014 12:33 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

what do you call a collective of knobs? a pack? a herd? a gaggle? a ministry?
by Roxy the Rat Girl
Thu May 22, 2014 8:00 am
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Re: Norwood 2014

Or he could do a Hirdy and bring his club into disrepute, earn a years salary but still he allowed to associate with the club and attend matches, as long as his missus shuts up.
by dedja
Sun May 18, 2014 2:10 pm
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Re: Crows 2014

Of course Betts was better in the second half, the Crows were winning easily.
Massive front runner, struggles to get a kick when the game is in the balance
by Red Rocket
Thu May 22, 2014 6:26 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

pissed off that my youngest has to wait till next year to start kindergarten as he turns 4 in october yet the indigenous boy down the street has already started and is not even 3.........wheres the equal opportunity in that ffs :evil:

it smacks of inequality doesnt it...

i think initially the different rules for indigenous kids was brought in to encourage the parents to put them in education, also because of the transient nature, a lot of indigenous families moved regularly which made it difficult for the children because they missed out on the necessary education and this meant that they had more time to instill some basic principals into the indigenous children. I think another factor is the socialisation, giving the indigenous kids the opportunity to have positive social interraction is paramount in them breaking the cycle of alcoholism, drug dependency and career unemployment.

it is all such a perpetual cycle though and i dont think we'll ever have an answer that everyone will subscribe to.

due to my heritage my kids are indigenous and we have the ability to put our kids into kindy at 3 instead of 4. My kids are more south american than they are aboriginal as Mrs NG is Uruguayan, but if the option is there i'm gonna take it. luckily for me lil miss nugget is pretty clever and fits right in with the older kids, NG Jnr is only 10 months so jury's out on his intellect, i just hope he takes after the missus too!

The other silly part about this is the single admission for schools now. i think the deadline is like May 31 so if your kids are born prior to that they can be enrolled that year, if not then they have to wait until the next year... Surely they can manage 2 intakes a year and if the kids in the second half dont quite adapt to schooling by the end of the year can stay in reception and those that take off and grasp everything in that second half can scoot through to year 1...
by nuggety goodness
Wed May 21, 2014 2:45 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Hmmm well spotted roxy.

Malcy's rubbing his hands together wetting himself laughing i'd imagine.

But its the policies in combination with Abbotts constant f$%k ups that will bring these clowns down.
by tigerpie
Fri May 23, 2014 11:40 am
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Re: Are the Bays Imploding?

Unfortunately after yesterdays game it is quite evident that Glenelg haven't got the skills or the football brain for a successful implosion
by grant j
Sun May 25, 2014 5:27 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

I don't think I can tolerate Christopher Pyne in the media for the full term of this Government. Please Tony, send him to the backbench before he drives us all insane with his poorly constructed arguments, false analogies, and hideous voice. I'd rather listen to someone run their fingernails across a blackboard several dozen times.
by Roxy the Rat Girl
Tue May 27, 2014 12:02 am
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Re: Hamilton-Smith defects to Labor

woodublieve12 wrote:Did Hamilton just do a Tippett??? :)

only if it means that the libs will be banned from the next two elections and their head man can be suspended for 12 months :D
by bennymacca
Wed May 28, 2014 2:23 pm
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Re: Hamilton-Smith defects to Labor

Always amuses how these plods get to be called the "Honorable Mr Spud"

I said to one of them one day "too bad you don't actually earn the title"
by Jimmy_041
Wed May 28, 2014 3:48 pm
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Re: Hamilton-Smith defects to Labor

They are the Glenelg of politics ...
by dedja
Thu May 29, 2014 3:00 pm
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Re: Greatest Football Dynasty

For me Port Power of the 50's is up there (see what i did there huh huh :P )

Haha.. na all seriousness, i think Hawthorn for me in the 80's & 90's.. made something like 14 straight finals series? Won flags regularly including night flags, that is truly a sustained period of success
by Phantom Gossiper
Fri May 30, 2014 12:50 pm
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Re: Crows 2014

Talia would be a certainty as the AA CHB if the team was chosen today.

Just read that the glove has had 1 goal kicked on him in the past 4 weeks. That's Lachy Henderson, Travis cloke, Tom lynch and some Melbourne player either Dawes pedo or frawls

Oh please. I assume so would Danger, Sloan, Eddie and Tex. A certainty is a little bit rich I would think. I have been to every Crows game and he has been consistent and honest but hardly a match winner. That post reeks of Crows bias. its not as if he breaks lines or sets the game alight. He just does a good job blanketing and the list you have mentioned apart from Cloke who was horribly out of form is hardly note worthy.
by wristwatcher
Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:11 pm
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Re: Things that you don't understand

How channel 7 can call the footy "afl live" when it's half an hour delayed
by bennymacca
Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:23 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

OH Jimmy!!
Tony and his clowns will remember you on their xmas list.
by shoe boy
Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:06 am
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Re: Viable Alternatives

gossipgirl wrote:play tiddlywinks instead

The fact that you have 10 likes on SA Footy staggers me.
by UK Fan
Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:23 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Did anyone notice the growth figures today.

Budget emergency my a@#e.

If the government put more time into fair budget policy, than they do with scaremongering tactics and telling anyone who will listen that we are in dire financial strife, Australia would be far better off.
by tigerpie
Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:50 pm
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Re: Crows 2014

Darren Jarman is as good a big game player I have seen. Had a shocker in 91 but in 97/98 finals was an absolute machine and single handedly handed Victoria's arse to them on a silver platter in 93 in the SOO final in the wet on the G.

My company's Managing Director who is based in Melbourne says his skills by foot are the best he's ever seen (Mad Collingwood supporter) and said his effort in the 97 gf in the last was the biggest influence on a match by an individual in the games history in terms of the overall result in such a short amount of time.

**** we were lucky with our top 12 around that time. Probably did good to get 2 flags because if we had good depth we should have won more. The top end was out and out class.
by LaughingKookaburra
Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:26 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Is it just me or do you agree that Abbot makes you cringe every time he is in front of a mic!
by shoe boy
Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:47 am
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Re: Crows 2014

JK wrote:I agree with you mate .. He probably would have been a better addition to a side that was a genuine contender

Yeah but i dont think it would come as a surprise to anyone if the arrogant c**nts at west lakes truly believed they were a genuine premiership threat.

by whufc
Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:02 am
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