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Re: SAAFL Division 7 2013

Also congratulations to Ingle Farm and also Angle Vale on their promotion but of course IF for their flag.. Well done to all involved. You now have that special bond together forever and thats something that nobody can take away from you.

I know there is another thread on the forum about the lack of medal presentations after the game and then also discussion on this thread about that final siren feeling not being able to play out - i do feel for IF and the players/supporters of the club. Disapointing that both of these were unable to occur, but that doesnt take away the previous 9 months work on and off field (this year) that goes into premiership win, very much deserved reward for hard work and effort.

Best of luck to both of you next year, heading out to your home grounds will be a formidable task for any side and i wish you well
by happilyretired
Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:38 pm
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Re: SAAFL Division 7 2013

Man i'm so sick of reading this crap about Smithfield already! Just going around in circles.. what's done is done FFS - whether harshly dealt with or not, nothing is going to change what has happened so to those at Smithfield stop your sooking and put your energy into doing what you need to be admitted next season, and everyone else stop adding oxygen to it by arguing already! :roll:
by Phantom Gossiper
Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:08 pm
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Psybers' thread

After reading the 9/11 thread, pysber HAS to have his own thread full of stories, advice and general chat

:lol: :lol:
by whufc
Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:09 pm
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Re: Psybers' thread

I love how virtually every post contains an unrelated comment about how rich/sexy/interesting/well connected/daring/virile he is, AS WELL AS some comment vaguely related to the topic. Eg (something along the lines of...) "...after I ravaged the sweet blonde haired lassie she gasped the question if I enjoyed her as much as her younger fashion model sister. I deem it ungentlemanly to let a lady down, especially one so enraptured, so I merely raised an eyebrow and ravaged her again.
I left her purring between the sheets, then smoothed my full locks down and donned my leather jacket. My vintage Harley had me on time to meet my rich lawyer friend at the Burnside Shops, and I don't care much if passers by found my attire unsuitable."
by therisingblues
Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:50 pm
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Re: 60 Greatest cartoons of all time

What? No Hong Kong Phooey?
by zipzap
Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:07 pm
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Re: Club Songs

Great to have the links to the old songs...

... no copy of the Sturt version of the Carlton song, we sang that for years!

I think I actually prefer that to the Grand Old Flag version.
by csbowes
Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:43 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Moving into our brand spanking new house... everything hurts now after moving all our crap, but its a good hurt. Except for my eye which I stabbed a Yukka frond into it... bastard.... :grin:
by Jase
Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:39 pm
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Re: Have we lost the plot?

No it's not an argument at all.
It's just how it is :)

This is a site that was built around Football, as in Australian Rules Football.
Extending it out to include things like your Football, as in Association Football, is just an added bonus for you.

Since Football is a shortened version of both our sports, we can't obviously use both on here to title forums, it would be silly.
by Dissident
Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:51 am
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Re: 2013 SANFL GRAND FINAL Norwood v Nth Adelaide

Disagree ... it was all about the history of Footy Park, not some singer or performer that no-one ever gives a rats about.

Was a great atmosphere after the game on the ground.

Pity the game was a non event in the last quarter after promising so much in the 3rd.

Norwood too good on the day but will be happy if their new coach changes the game plan.
by dedja
Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:40 pm
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Re: 2013 SANFL GRAND FINAL Norwood v Nth Adelaide

Great day yesterday, loved the legends motorcade, great theatre to have the Port vehicle follow Norwood. The big Norwood cheer squad were giving the old Norwood boys a standing ovation and then the Port boys followed with light hearted boos, credit to the Port guys for hamming it up and winding up the cheersquad. Very large ovation for Jumbo when he went by aswell.
Sad in a way to see AAMI disappear, absolute craphole when empty but days like yesterday really make you appreciate it. Was great getting there early and having a barbie and knocking back some frothies whilst having a kick on Max Basheer, going to lose all that going to AO which will be sad
by Jim05
Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:12 am
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Re: I need to know....

how come whenever there is a crime or some is in trouble/danger or hurt etc
the first thing people do is record it on their phones...

wouldn't helping the person be the number 1 priority?
by Johno6
Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:41 am
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Re: SAAFL Division 6 2013

lol the difference is Wayne delivered you blokes a premiership. Look into your own backyard on why this was able to happen. Simple answer is that you were to big headed to sign Wayne to a contract after him asking numerous times.

Fanning the does not seem like the wisest move.


by Hefty
Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:54 pm
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Re: SAFooty V2

Looks great, good job.
by Columbo
Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:40 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

That's Vincent "Jack" Buckskin, used to play for Kilburn
by test
Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:45 am
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Re: Who xxxxed up The Forum ?

Love all the people who just say they hate it. At least be constructive, otherwise stfu

I am mostly a lurker but it seems ok. Once you get used to it it will be fine
by bennymacca
Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:58 am
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Re: Todays friendly health warning...

There has been a rash of cases lately but details have been spotty at best....


by Rik E Boy
Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:42 pm
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Re: SAAFL division 6 2014

Footy Chick wrote:Shirley you can't be serious?

I am serious, and my names not Shirley 8)
by Phantom Gossiper
Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:50 am
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Re: I need to know....

Means you can't flip your desk when you leave....its an OH&S hazard ;)
by heater31
Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:31 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Yep exactly the same, they have all their catalogue specials as well on line

They charge $10 delivery because we chose a premium time slot, it was between 6.30pm-8.30pm tonight, they arrived at 6.41. Normal prices are about $8.

The delivery guy and girl brought the shopping in and put all the bags on our kitchen bench. We just unpacked it. They took eftpis on deliverey.

The initial first shop takes a tad of time but now we are set up we can set a standard shopping list and then just add the extras we need. The other good thing is during the week if we run out of something we can add it to our list midweek, save the list and then order when we are ready to order later in the week.

The total cost also accumulates as u go so nasty shock when u get to the check out if your on a budget.

Also if they have a product out of stock (we had 3 star mince) they upgrade it at the same price as the lesser quality (we got a four star lean mince)

They send u an email the day of the delivery if there is any products they are going to upgrade. You can email back if u would prefer not to get the product rather than take the upgrade.

Whole prices from doing the online order to unpacking was 1 hour at most, which was done at 10pm at night with the wife, a milo and a piece of cake

Really good first experience, will definatly be shopping on line next fortnight
by whufc
Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:15 pm
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Re: I am trying to restore a vy acclaim to it's former beaut

Try switching on the haiku recognition mode.
by smac
Sat Oct 19, 2013 7:11 am
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Re: Psybers' thread

Happy Birthday for yesterday Psyber old chap.
As for the exercise I recommend a Rocky Balboa suggestion: release a chicken into your back yard and try and catch each morning.
Good for the reflexes and the heart.
by therisingblues
Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:20 pm
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Re: SAAFL Division 7 2013

X Runna wrote:
Q. wrote:Looks as though the proposal is for nine teams in both D6 & D7.

Why............? Surely one of the gurus can work out something better than that. One bye per season is a pain in the bum, let alone 3

I think the extra byes are great. Long season for players and volunteers otherwise.
by Q.
Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:54 pm
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Re: Gay marriage, yes or no...?

Today gay marriage was legalised in the A.C.T.

That's a great start, hopefully it soon follows to the rest of Australia. EVERYONE has the right to be happy .

Well nobody should get married then :lol:
by Brodlach
Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:24 pm
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Re: SAAFL division 5 2014

WOW! Did not expect that announcment!

Will be good for the club!! Carey feel free to bring ya big guns, but can you promise to leave unknown source at Brahma?? ;)
by BenchedEagle
Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:36 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Sitting at a set of lights, behind another car. Waiting to turn right at the intersection. The green arrow goes out, whilst the through traffic light is green. The car in front DOES NOT merge out say half a car length into the intersection where its still safe to do so when the green arrow has gone out. The lights change to red, the driver does not have enough time to make the turn. you are then forced to wait another set of lights change

*sigh* hate of mine
by Bully
Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:19 am
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Re: WEIGHT LOSS + the challenge

So, the Shannan Challenge is now complete. I had my goals set to try and meet over the 8 weeks, and not only met them but SMASHED them. My goals were as follows:

Lose 1kg per week
Build a fitness base to work harder going forward (after the 8 weeks)
Make healthier food decisions
Try and build a better understanding about lifestyle, food and exercise.

I started the 8 weeks at 128.1kgs, and weighed in on Sunday @ 109.7kgs. So it was 19.4kgs and 15.1% of my body weight. I feel more than ready to take everything on now going forward. I still have a while to go, but it is going to be far easier than what it was 8 weeks ago.
by Sorry Dude
Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:31 am
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Re: SAAFL division 6 2014

Is that Former Central District Daniel Schell?
No Daniel has been a player at SW for a long time he then coached there B grade for 2 seasons before going and playing at eliz last season. Very good footy brain will be a very good senior coach, well done Ingle farm in giving this guy a chance will do well for the club. .
by Robran
Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:55 am
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Re: Happy Birthday

Lightning McQueen wrote:Thanks everyone, BTW, Katy is 29.

That makes the 3 of us 29, 39 & 49, one of us is bloody old :oops:

Thanks for the best wishes everyone
by Ian
Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:18 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

I think you're missing the point Wedgie. What Psyber is saying is he is feels there is no prejudice behind the use of the name, as it more so honours those people, as opposed to negatively vilifying them.

I abhor people finding any excuse to play the "racist" card and this is a prime example of that.

I think the word "racist" should only apply when hate or negative discrimination is the main motivator behind it.

Calling your team the "Braves" would be akin to calling your team the "Vikings", or the "Crusaders", to epitomise fighting spirit, as opposed to some sort of negative, hateful discrimination.

Beating up a guy because he's black. That's racist. Naming your team after a race, known for their bravery and honourable traits, I can't fathom how that could be seen as racist or offensive..
by OnSong
Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:35 am
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

I assume you also read the "Popular Opinion" subheading.

Yes I did read that section, which also states why those surveys are unreliable. So you're saying Native American groups haven't been pushing for changes to the names they deem offensive for many many years? They are the only people who count in this debate.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying there's every chance those groups are a vocal minority and other Native Americans don't care. Culturally insensitive to some, I can accept that.

That's all I'm contributing to this topic though. I don't really care either way. Just hate it when the term racist is needlessly bandied about like a bulb of garlic at a vampire.
by OnSong
Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:49 pm
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Re: Adelaide cracks Lonely Planet's Top 10 list

I tend to find the people who moan the most about living here do very little in the way of getting out and looking around.

Experience Fringe shows you wouldn't normally go to see. The Fringe (and other) festivals gives us our international reputation for "arts" (Trust me, I'm not "arty" at all)

Experience a little restaurant on Rundle St, off Rundle St! Dont go to the same pub for a schnitty every meal you go out for.

Take a drive in the Barossa, the hills, the Vales.....

The list is so bloody long of things to do, IF you are prepared to get out there and do them. We might complain about how expensive things are, but book a room in central Sydney or Perth, a high end room at a quality hotel. Then do the same in Adelaide.

Catch a cab from the airport to that hotel.

Drive for an hour from the CBD and enjoy the Adelaide Hills, or drive for an hour from Sydney CBD and be on the fringe of the bloody CBD!!

Lonely Planet has 450 staff on the books, over 200 authors and has printed over 100 million books, but someone in Adelaide thinks they've got it wrong about how good this place is.

Dont let the door hit you......
by Booney
Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:35 pm
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Re: Adelaide cracks Lonely Planet's Top 10 list

I had only myself to please after my wife died.

^ double entendre :lol:

On topic:

A couple of years back I got sat next to a couple of fat boorish yobs on a JetStar flight home from the sunshine coast. I had a few words with them upon arrival in Sydney. Upon learning I was heading to Adelaide, one of them said "don't get off there... you know what Adelaide is? Proof that Tasmanians can swim."

One of the many nice things about Adelaide - and they are legion - is that dickheads like the above steer well clear of it.
And the ones that are here we just corral to the far southern or far northern suburbs . :lol:

Is Darwin a northern suburb?
by Booney
Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:34 am
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Re: I need to know....

You'll need drive to succeed.

But you'll really be going somewhere.

I'm sure you'll deliver the goods.
by smac
Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:19 am
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Re: SAAFL Division 3 2014

Phantom Gossiper wrote:My mail is a MASSIVE player exodus from KFC.. :shock: :(

Maybe TBS could answer this.... Super coach.... Bahahahaha.
by Dols
Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:16 pm
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Re: Adelaide cracks Lonely Planet's Top 10 list

Adelaide is a state that i dont think people can fully appreciate until they go else where.

It may be a bit boring and not have the amusement parks or events other big states do, but i wouldn't live anywhere else!

Reasonably quiet, scenic, good foods/wine, everything is close, no major traffic issues, easy to navigate city layout, still holds major events, affordable living.
by Phantom Gossiper
Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:00 pm
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Re: Good Chiropractor near Marion?

There's no reason to play physios against chiros, both have a place to play and people should use whoever they feel the most comfortable with.
by dedja
Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:21 am
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Re: SAFooty V2

Squids wrote:Is there anyway to make the text bigger? Currently have to zoom into to 150%

Give these guys a call .... Specsavers
by heater31
Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:47 am
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Re: Good Chiropractor near Marion?

That's what physio's do.

Chiro's = quacks
Physio's = professionals

PhysioExtra, Marion Rd opposite the pub
Physio Action Brighton Rd Hove
Physio Solutions Brighton Rd South Brighton

it's interesting isn't it....If it wasn't for chiro's I wouldn't be walking today

IMO it's the type of chiro you get that makes the difference. Yes, 1 might be a shonk but then that will go for any practitioner group.

For what it's worth, I've used physio's to rehabilitate my shoulder after I did it playing footy. I used one on my knee and he was extracting dollars out of my wallet for no good at all. He said that I had muscular issues in the knee when I had torn the cartildge. So I see benefit in physio's for muscular, tendon and ligament problems, chiro's for structural and nerve issues.
by gadj1976
Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:21 am
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Re: Rumours and Player Movement Discussions for 2014

Post deleted in 10, 9, 8 ...
by dedja
Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:11 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

Picking up my new car tonight :D
by valleys07
Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:59 pm
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Re: SAAFL Division 7 2013

tomo wrote:So does anyone know which teams will be in div 7 next season yet??

Don't ask marbles
by Look Good In Leather
Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:06 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

I just went to HR and told them that I'm not apologising. She was apparently really upset and felt shamed. It's like breaking the law and then complaining because you're on the news (which is rather ironic in this case given her occupation). Just don't do it in the first place.

She isn't upset and ashamed because of what you did, she is upset and ashamed because she got caught!

She's upset and ashamed because she's an effing idiot.
by Pseudo
Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:01 pm
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Re: SAAFL division 6 2014

Fitzroy are pleased to welcome back to the club for the 2014 Season

Graham O'Brien - A Grade Coach
Paul Mettner - C Grade Coach
by Roaring Lion!
Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:07 pm
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Re: SAAFL division 5 2014

Congratulations and goodluck to Carey Payne on the appointment of the Elizabeth A grade position. Having played with and worked under this bloke for majority of my senior footy i have nothing but praise for him, took BL from div 6 to div 3 over 5 years which is a fantastic effort! To the boys out at Elizabeth, you have snared a beauty and i guarantee you will love the guy, he is not only a professional on the field but is also a great bloke off it, you will have success on the field and many a great night off it with this guy around the club.
by cossi11
Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:17 pm
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Re: SAAFL division 5 2014

Or the latter could mean...the coaches message / strategies / relationships didnt mesh with the culture of the new club, thus requiring the coach to add strings to his bow in order to develop further as a coach.
by superboot7
Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:56 am
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Re: SAAFL Division 2 2014

marbles wrote:isnt there a point where a club should draw a line in the sand and send kids to struggling clubs

Has your club ever considered that Marbles?
by The Dark Knight
Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:23 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

Missing very important phone calls on a Friday arvo, and having to wait til Monday to call them back
by HH3
Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:29 pm
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Re: SAAFL Division 8 2014

I am surprised that Flinders Park would play in D8 considering they made the finals in D7, and their D's made the GF last year...

Yep that's odd. Only 9 teams in Div 6 as well not 9 teams in Div 8 which is good for Div 8 I guess.

Will be interesting to see which club wins the sandbagger of the year award in this Div.
by wristwatcher
Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:50 pm
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