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Re: HFL Central Division

Afterthesiren wrote:Yep but Lobethal has some Board Members in their pockets.

What's that go to do with this issue. It's the clubs that will decide where this goes, not the board.
by cracka
Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:56 am
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Re: Southern Football League

the argument is marion champ. I acknowledge the aldinga juniors dilemma as without it theyd already be in the saafl

secondly, when our div 1 team plays away youll see 10 people max there at the away game showing the support for the away team. if your banking on the revenue of the away supporters revenue to keep your club afloat you really have lost your marbles :)
Doesn't sound like much of a club if you only get 10 supporters at an away game. We would have more kids from our modis sides at away games than that let alone our U13's, J/C's, S/C's & their parents. Maybe that's why a CLUB is willing to battle through the tough times & stay in the SFL, where a team would take the easy road.
by cracka
Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:49 am
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Re: HFL Central Division

What I am saying is these rules should be changed and put in place for this coming season . Mt loftys relegation is a result of last seasons rules not this coming seasons rules.
Fair enough. So Lofty should go to country div for 2014 & the issue of changing central div to an 11 or more team comp should be voted on for the 2015 season.
by cracka
Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:40 pm
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Re: Adelaide Crows Reserves 2014

Why do so many posters on here have a go at the crows for having a reserves side in the SANFL when the AFL club they support (some very passionately) do the exact same thing with the VFL. Are they on the VFL forum saying that Hawthorn, Essendon, Collingwood etc should not be in the VFL & its an absolute disgrace that they are. Hypocrisy is the word that comes to mind.
by cracka
Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:16 pm
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Re: HFL Central Division

Really... I'm ranting... If I am I'm clearly not alone.
Still I haven't heard a solution from you and you seem to be the resident HFL genius.
Which position do you currently fullfill and will i expect to see you at the meeting?
You are definitely not alone in ranting on here. There's too many keyboard warriors on here who hide behind an alias & don't even put the actual club their allegiance is with (unless there has been a major shake up that no one knows about, Wunkar are not in the HFL) but still make comments on how the process should work without having even been involved in the process.
I have posted my solution plenty of times before but will save you the trouble of trying to find it. If there are 2 neighbouring clubs both struggling with junior numbers then a merger could be the solution. The word genius gets bandied around way too much so I cant accept that honour but thanks for the nomination.
I am on the Onkas Junior committee & am the HFL junior rep from Onkas who goes to all the meetings so yes you will see me there. Even went to the AGM & will be going to the 2nd AGM in February. I'll take a wild guess & say you're not on any committee of any HFL club & haven't been to any HFL meetings.
by cracka
Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:21 pm
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Re: Yorke Peninsula League

ricki keen from cougers, will be having a delayed pre season as he has done some serious damage to one of his hand. im led to believe it may be from chronic masterbation. it will be a long slow recovery as he still has no feeling in his hand
Poor bastard.

The 3 worst injuries in football are
1. broken ass wiping hand
2. broken masturbation hand (which is usually the same hand as #1 & yes I'm jealous of those who are ambidextrous)
3. nose picking finger
by cracka
Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:38 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

People who are too lazy to take their shopping trolley to the rack & just leave it in the car park.
by cracka
Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:07 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

This rain.
by cracka
Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:25 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

F@#kn ipods that show the songs are there (are also in iTunes) but skip over them when I try to play them.
by cracka
Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:56 pm
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Re: Worst Movies

JK wrote:Just watching the end of Pacific Rim, which I started on Fri night. God knows why Im still watching, this is bad as Ive seen. Makes Independence Day look good.

Embarrassed to say I watch it all the way through as well.
by cracka
Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:38 am
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Re: Things that you don't understand

Pierce Brosnan playing James Bond in Die Another Day.
Then also using the crappiest pick up lines ever on Halle Berry (in hot bikini) & ends up in the sack with her. WTF. Only in the movies eh.
by cracka
Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:34 am
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

The more bernadi opens his mouth the better off the labor party will be
Yeah but Labor's got Koutsontonis to F@#$ them up so I think that's a draw.
Actually there is something he should get credit for & that is the dual roundabouts at Brittania. IMO they are working well, I do them in a semi & it is a crap load easier now.
by cracka
Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:51 pm
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Re: The South Australian Political Landscape

Jimmy_041 wrote:You bewdy, they've finally worked out WorkCover is fu##ed and how to fix it :YMPARTY:
It's such a simple plan, one wonders why it's taken so long :^o

Love it. Is that the first time a political party have been called spuds.
by cracka
Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:16 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

My daughter seeing Peter Garret dancing on Power & The Passion video clip saying he looks like Lord Voldemort on drugs dancing.
by cracka
Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:05 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

This plot of land we call South Australia must have done something really bad in a past life

We have be dealt the hand of life that includes

Adelaide Crows
Port Power
Adelaide United
Adelaide Rams
I think its because of all the negativity that comes from people who live in SA. Most of what is written on this forum is negative whether it be about the Crows, Power, SA Cricket, SA Soccer etc.
by cracka
Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:10 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

RB wrote:Sanity prevails.

Maybe from the SANFL but not from the Crows, should never have got this far in the 1st place.
by cracka
Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:57 pm
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Re: Crows Disgrace

topsywaldron wrote:The relentless f*ckwitdness of the Crows and Power supporters on this thread reminds me what we've lost when we admitted their f*cktard ilk into the SANFL.

By the looks of the above post (and most of the non crows & power supporters posts) they are no orphans.
by cracka
Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:31 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Torah Bright. Absolutely gorgeous girl. Only thing she was worried about last night was that she almost took out her Aussie teammate.
by cracka
Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:36 pm
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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

The design flaw in husqvarna ride on mowers. The dopey buggers put the drink holder on the same side as the cuttings deflector & I end up with grass cuttings in my can of Jack Daniels.
by cracka
Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:35 pm
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Re: Southern Football League

Only way to get good umpires is if the people complaining about how bad the umpires are, take up umpiring themselves. Especially the loud w@kers on the sidelines, they usually are the best coz they know everything. Unfortunately those people never take up umpiring coz they are too gutless.
by cracka
Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:39 am
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Re: Port 2014 - Pre-Season/General Discussion

the joker wrote:Why do port supporters always say that crows supporters think they're flag favorites. It's utter rubbish. I just can't wait til all your smugness is gone after the showdown

Its not just port supporters.
In saying that I wouldn't put my house on the crows winning the showdown.
by cracka
Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:47 am
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Re: AFL - Round 1 - general discussion (and live scores)

Anyone else notice most Crows and Port supporters lack a sense of humour.
Also have noticed Swans fans don't have a sense of humour, just have to mention how the COLA is equivalent to cheating. :D

On the contrary. I think it's hilarious, especially when it has only become an issue since Sydney won a premiership.
On the contrary to your contrary, I think most people (not west coast & Hawthorn fans obviously) were happy Sydney finally won some flags. It has more been an issue since the dodgy back door recruiting of Tippet & Buddy.
by cracka
Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:58 am
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Re: Eric 2014

daysofourlives wrote:Are the two AFL clubs top up players included in their AFL salary cap?
If not why not? They are an essential part of the AFL clubs development

Probably the same reasons why Box Hill players not on Hawthorns list are not included in their salary cap.
by cracka
Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:56 pm
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Re: Junior Football

Wow I never knew that when the truth gets told it gets removed.
Maybe I should start talking dribble instead.
Good onya's.
Is there a mod tied up with the club I mentioned?

No, but when you make it a personal attack and start calling people knobs (or whatever it was) it will get removed - and it did.

Had you been a bit more careful about how you worded it, fair chance it might have stayed. Have a bit of a think about that.

and instead of being a keyboard warrior and having a crack at everyone like it's your god given right to randomly abuse people on this forum, if you have an issue with your post being removed, how about contacting a mod or admin in future.

Can you moderate the AFL thread as well coz there is a lot of that sort of sh!t let go there, beeroclock only labelled a club knobs, there are far worse personal attacks that don't get removed.

Unfortunately some mods & admins also are trolling/keyboard warrioring so forums users are only following their example.
by cracka
Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:10 pm
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Re: HFL Central Division

Legsman, I doubt you would still be sticking up for Lofty if you were at the AGM & saw how their delegates tried to sway others to vote against Echunga's appeal.
by cracka
Fri May 02, 2014 5:38 pm
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Re: Junior Football

His punishment should be he has to umpire a couple of games himself.
by cracka
Wed May 07, 2014 12:25 pm
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Re: Weirdest thing you have seen on a football field

Ross Gibbs playing at Mt Compass Oval, late 90's..cant remember if he as playing fir his club Victor Harbor or representing the league -from memory he pulled his shorts down to his ankles to put his opponent off who as having a shot for goal.

I think I've heard that story too. Bryce Gibbs told it on Melb radio one day. Apparently Ross got sent off.
I thought Ross was actually having a shot at goals & wanted to be the first person to do it naked. Got sent off for time wasting.
by cracka
Thu May 08, 2014 5:02 pm
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Re: Collingwood 2013

Absolute crap
WTF is going on with this full court press basketball game?
Collingwood fell for the idiot cows game plan of playing U9's football of 18 players on the ball playing keepies off
Only problem is they failed miserably and kept losing their feet and dropping the ball
At one stage Cloke was at CHB with no-one in front of him
Guys were looking up at HBF with no-one to kick to
How can a team play such good football one week and that $hit the next?
Keep serving up that crap Buckley and you can f*** off
I'm glad Tommy Hafey wasn't around to see such a disgraceful performance
Who TF would pay to see that!!! That is NOT football
You're F****** kidding. All 18 teams play that shit. Pretty sure it was the Western Bulldogs that started it in 2000 against the dominant Essendon. Might as well blame global warming & the latest budget on the crows.
by cracka
Fri May 16, 2014 3:50 pm
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Re: 2015 - Divisions for all

Gotta give you credit for persistence.
by cracka
Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:06 pm
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Re: HFL Central Division

Comp is great but having seen Uri , Mt Barker and Lobey over the past 3 weeks Uriadla are 7 goals better than Lobey and 10 Goals better than Barker. The rest make up the numbers and are very even and results will be based on who gets injured etc etc. Most sides cant afford to have 4-5 players out as some clubs have had over the past few weeks. Will be some great footy over the next 6 weeks . 9 wins may get a team a finals spot.
Didn't Loby beat Uraidla. Regardless I think you're right about the top 3 are set & the rest are fighting for 4th & 5th.
by cracka
Tue May 27, 2014 7:06 pm
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Re: Crows 2014

Talia would be a certainty as the AA CHB if the team was chosen today.

Just read that the glove has had 1 goal kicked on him in the past 4 weeks. That's Lachy Henderson, Travis cloke, Tom lynch and some Melbourne player either Dawes pedo or frawls

WTF.....Harry Taylor says hello! Doesn't impact the game enough, yes he stops his opponent from goal, but so does Taylor and look what he does around the ground.

Talia is ahead of Taylor in 2014 IMO. Taylor was average against Port and quite poor against Fremantle the following week. Taylor may still make the side on a flank or in a pocket but Talia would be, IMO, the CHB at this point.
Did you just praise a crows player. Hope your mates don't read this, you'll get shot.
by cracka
Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:31 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

Getting tickets to the New York Giants vs Indianapolis Colts Monday Night NFL game on Nov 3rd at Metlife Stadium NY

CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You mother ****......
If I ever go to the states there's 2 things I would do, visit the Jack Daniels distillery & go to an NFL game. Whenever I see the question "sporting event you would most like to attend" Superbowl would be my answer.

Enjoy the experience.
by cracka
Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:13 pm
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Re: Round 14 - live scores, results & jibber-jabbering.

HTFU cows (we played like cows 2nite) supporters. The umpires didn't cost us the game & neither did the goal that hit the post. We were sh!t. I said before Essendon have had just the sort of week where they will rally together for a gutsy win & that's just what they did.
Is it time for me to change back to supporting the Gold Coast yet, daysie?
by cracka
Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:23 am
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Re: HFL Central Division

Making Central division a 12 team comp will kill country division & most country clubs. Do we really want to do that.
by cracka
Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:46 pm
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Re: Well played North supporters

Is it really the behaviour you want in front of families though. Oh FFS grow up, it's not netball.
WTF has netball got to do with what I posted. You think that abusing crows players, calling them c**** & f***wits in front of children is OK. No wonder schoolyard behaviour is a disgrace if that's the example they follow.
by cracka
Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:06 pm
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Re: Port 2014 - Pre-Season/General Discussion

Anyone want to go today? Got a spare members ticket and none of my mates want to go!

I got offered members tickets today but refused to go. 1 I didn't want to listen to a stupid crow over the loud speaker and 2 I didn't want to listen to stupid crow supporterst yell out ball whenever a player is touched.

Crowd might be down today due to the weather, also a incident on the galwer train line. Trains are only running from mason lakes to the city. So anyone that usually catches a train between gawler to and mason lakes has to catch a bus.
Do only crows fans do that. You're f***ing joking right?
by cracka
Sun Jun 29, 2014 10:43 pm
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Re: Round 15 - live scores, results & shooting the breeze.

I thought as a whole over the weekend the umpiring was alot better.
They blew their whistle and threw it up alot quicker and there was far less of the Impey type holding the balls.
There should be no Impey type holding the ball decisions. I usually stand up for umpires but those holding the ball decisions really give me the sh!ts. F*** knows how anyone can attempt to get rid of the ball when 2 or 3 guys are lying on top of them.
by cracka
Sun Jun 29, 2014 10:54 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

The chick that played in last nights legends game and not for her football ability. I'd slot one through her uprights.
by cracka
Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:47 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

See, we can talk about a good looking girl who plays footy without getting smutty.
by cracka
Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:17 pm
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Re: Crows 2014

Pinarello wrote:wow 57 goals.... that must be some kind of an AFL record??

Not a bad effort from a small forward.
by cracka
Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:51 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

This has been the best 2 pages on SA Footy for a long time. :D
by cracka
Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:45 pm
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Re: Round 16 - live scores, results & conversing.

Why are most of you picking the Cows, its our off week this week.
by cracka
Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:14 pm
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Re: Sydney Swans 2014

Yep- absolute freak, watching him in full flight was akin to a rolls royce.

When its all done- will he be the greatest indigenous player of all time ?

Multiple B&F's, AA's, 2 flags (potentially 3), 2 brownlows...350 games.

What a resume.

i think so, but i'm pretty bias...

Some one was trying to tell me the other day they reckon he's overrated!!! :shock:

Certainly not overrated, I think over his career he probably has got the benefit of the doubt from the men in white and the tribunal. But that takes nothing away from his achievements and contribution to the game. His versatility i dont think will be matched , he started as an undersized ruckman didnt he?
That IMO is why he is a champion, can play any position on the ground & play them as good as if not better than guys who play certain positions permanently.
by cracka
Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:13 pm
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Re: Round 17 Drivel

Hurts Adelaides structure when Betts is missing.

When's he due back?

Come on, I've got to be consistent. :D
I think he comes back around the same time as Westhoff, Wingard & Polec. If those 3 had played today you might have beaten Richmond. Port just needed someone to go forward & kick a couple of goals in the last quarter, like Chaplin did. :D
by cracka
Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:51 pm
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Re: HFL Central Division

Sorry to say Legs Man our canteen has run out of food on more than one occasion this year.

I was surprised how good the oval was though.

Echung have now ( I believe ) beaten all bar Mount Barker and Uraidla this year.
If canteens running out of food is the only complaint about a clubs facilities then I think you're doing OK. We had a heap of food leftover on Saturday as we had expected a bigger crowd against Uraidla, catering is a massive guessing game.
by cracka
Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:48 pm
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Re: Crows 2014

Never Tear Up our Tarps *

Don’t ask us
What we know is true
Don’t have to tell us
We’ve blown our golden start

We were flying
We were there
Top four was calling
I hope they never tear up our Tarps!

We could play
Against any team
Easy to hurt us
Just say One Nineteen

I told you
The Oval’s a hit
But if we don’t have wins
It will all turn to shiiiiit!

We were flying
We were there
Top four was calling
I hope they never tear up our Tarps!



*apologies to INXS
Wrong thread. :oops:
by cracka
Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:19 pm
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Re: Port 2014 - Pre-Season/General Discussion

I think its the cat & dog membership numbers (which every club probably have) that need to not be counted.
by cracka
Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:17 pm
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Re: Round 18 - live scores, discussion & confabbing.

Wow. Just read pages 6 & 7 of this thread. People say crows fans are precious. Farcanal.
by cracka
Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:01 pm
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Re: Round 18 - live scores, discussion & confabbing.

Jarman & Lewis are morons. They've just named 4 guys from the crows who should be in all australian contention, Brodie Smith was one of them. F*** me it was only 1 win & an ugly win at that. No wonder you all think crows supporters are idiots. Please believe me when I say we are NOT all like that.
by cracka
Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:44 pm
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