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Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:12 pm
by Tony Clifton
rainbow warrior wrote:
Tony Clifton wrote:
rainbow warrior wrote:
Tony Clifton wrote:Clubs wouldn't take it that seriously and nor do they need to. The serious cricket is Saturdays. They're usually friendlies in England.

I never got the concept o friendly match when I was playing over there in the UK but maybe that is just me. I took every game too seriously.

Friendlies is just a name!

It just means not playing for premiership points. You're right that often these games are taken quite seriously by the participants and that's a good thing.

I remember them getting quite concerned with me sledging Pakistani teams for some reasons and saying it is just a friendly, unfortunately I knew no other way and am hot headed when I bowl and compete and couldn't help myself. Got them quite concerned, and I was thinking "This is a cricket match isn't it?"


Social sport is an oxymoron for Australians!

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:25 pm
by heater31
Tony Clifton wrote:
heater31 wrote:
Tony Clifton wrote:
rainbow warrior wrote:[quote="Tony Clifton"]
Clubs wouldn't take it that seriously and nor do they need to. The serious cricket is Saturdays. They're usually friendlies in England.

I never got the concept o friendly match when I was playing over there in the UK but maybe that is just me. I took every game too seriously.

Friendlies is just a name!

It just means not playing for premiership points. You're right that often these games are taken quite seriously by the participants and that's a good thing.

The poms use it as match practice......

No they don't. Barely any A Graders choose to play. They've got Sunday leagues if they want extra games.

And for the veterans it's their one playing outlet[/quote]
Well their overseas players do.....and their kids. Played against 1 pom one day his club was Premier Kent league and the bastard decided to score runs against us with his first significant score for 3 seasons!

Also played against South African's mid week with First Class system experience, that one made nearly 2000 runs in all forms that season (I had him caught at point for 38. After the game the club tried to recruit me ;) )

Different system in the UK and with the daylight hours over there you can play up 50 matches a season if you wish. Blokes that can't play Saturday play mid week (can fit a 40/40 over starting at 2pm and have daylight to spare) or Sundays. Doesn't matter if it's a Monday or a Thursday if you can get 22 blokes to meet at the cricket ground at 1.30 pm there will be a game of cricket played!

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:48 pm
by EldersUniSA
I think the LO competition is a good option for clubs. It served us well for many years and there are something like 8 clubs that just play this. The game is different but the standard has improved and an LOA premiership is nothing to be scoffed at, even something to aspire to. Obviously not the prestige or standard of the higher 2 day A grade Divs. Typically it can be said that clubs top LO team is better than their 2 day B grade team.

I don't think offering more cricket would increase the number of people playing or increase the time people play. I certainly give credence to the idea of transferring more games to Friday nights when permissible. Opens up peoples weekends and allows players of the same club to be able to spectate the games. On that, another idea could be to schedule a number of A grade games to start later and end later or other games to start earlier or finish earlier (Less overs/no second innings), that way clubs could regularly come back to their home club and watch the ending of games.. Eventually you would witness a thriller.. was lucky enough to have our game finish early on the second day, Got back to the club and saw our A's get their score 9 down.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:50 pm
by EldersUniSA
Shark_Hunter wrote:Just putting it out there. Is it time to consider a season long T20 only comp? Not a fan of it myself, but it might keep older blokes with families involved longer and be more attractive for young guys coming out of juniors. Even if it was played fortnightly rather than weekly. Easier to get fill-ins etc. I think there will always be a demand for both the 2 and 1 day comps, but is this the next step to keep more people playing cricket?

Possibly a mixed LO/T20 Friday night / Saturday day Competition. For the Part Time Cricketer. Has the benefits as mentioned above.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:21 pm
by Jetters
thevoice wrote:A dedicated T20 comp will just put further nails in 2 day Crickets coffins and we should avoid any more nails at all costs. I reckon the marginal non-committed players might chose T20 over 2 day. Most clubs efforts for T20's on Tuesday nights are terrible. From what I've seen (haven't been out north/south much) only three teams Grange, Pembroke & Fulham actually use these games to benefit their club ie. open bar, get supporters down, bbq, music etc. Use Tuesday nights as an opportunity to get the families, kids training and bbq on! People are time poor these days, so you won't get the same blokes playing Friday and Saturdays. Tuesday nights are good as you would be training anyway.

This attitude is the biggest threat to cricket imo. You might not like it, but what the BBL is doing for cricket in Australia is remarkable, its bringing a whole new audience and generation of cricket lovers to the game and will see cricket prosper into the future.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:34 pm
by Jetters
EldersUniSA wrote:I think the LO competition is a good option for clubs. It served us well for many years and there are something like 8 clubs that just play this. The game is different but the standard has improved and an LOA premiership is nothing to be scoffed at, even something to aspire to. Obviously not the prestige or standard of the higher 2 day A grade Divs. Typically it can be said that clubs top LO team is better than their 2 day B grade team.

I don't think offering more cricket would increase the number of people playing or increase the time people play. I certainly give credence to the idea of transferring more games to Friday nights when permissible. Opens up peoples weekends and allows players of the same club to be able to spectate the games. On that, another idea could be to schedule a number of A grade games to start later and end later or other games to start earlier or finish earlier (Less overs/no second innings), that way clubs could regularly come back to their home club and watch the ending of games.. Eventually you would witness a thriller.. was lucky enough to have our game finish early on the second day, Got back to the club and saw our A's get their score 9 down.

It might be a good option for clubs, but not for a lot of players. Playing a season of LO cricket can still be expensive for the player and is a 20+ week Saturday afternoon commitment.

I certainly think it would bring a lot of people back/keep people in the game. If I want to try to slog 10 balls for six, bowl a couple of overs, have a laugh with my mates, call the opposition batsman useless, drink piss after the game, and do it for 6-8 weeks where do I go?? This is what a huge amount of cricket lovers want to do. We should offer this product and not resist because it doesn't fit with our traditionalists views of a cricket season.

I think this new membership would revitalise cricket clubs by attracting new members. A few would no doubt go on to play full season cricket and get more involved in the club.

Thinking about my footy and cricket club, only a couple of us do both, it's asking a lot for players to commit all year round. Yet, most of the footy players love their cricket, but wont make that level of commitment, especially on the back of their footy commitments. Lets give them a product that they want!

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:59 pm
by Jimmy Recard
Looking for a sea change? Thrive as a leader and mentor... well Willunga Cricket Club wants you!!! Either email or PM for more details.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:01 pm
by whufc
Personally I would like to see my comp (pdca) offer an over 40's t20 Comp on say Thursday or Friday nights

Thursday nights on a selection night would be great for the club, would have our a grade train in the nets while the older guys get a t20

Our club Atco is thinking of just organising it's own friendlies by inviting opposition clubs a game time to come down and just play a game against our oldies

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:52 pm
by Tony Clifton
whufc wrote:Our club Atco is thinking of just organising it's own friendlies by inviting opposition clubs a game time to come down and just play a game against our oldies

That's the way to do it I reckon. Just need a couple of nearby like-minded clubs to be on board and you can do it yourselves.

Start small and it can grow from there.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:57 pm
by Computer Crashed
whufc wrote:Personally I would like to see my comp (pdca) offer an over 40's t20 Comp on say Thursday or Friday nights

Thursday nights on a selection night would be great for the club, would have our a grade train in the nets while the older guys get a t20

Our club Atco is thinking of just organising it's own friendlies by inviting opposition clubs a game time to come down and just play a game against our oldies

Couldn't see any ATCA clubs getting fully behind it due to the fact they couldn't have any home games themselves.
Curators wouldn't allow it.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:01 am
by whufc
Computer Crashed wrote:
whufc wrote:Personally I would like to see my comp (pdca) offer an over 40's t20 Comp on say Thursday or Friday nights

Thursday nights on a selection night would be great for the club, would have our a grade train in the nets while the older guys get a t20

Our club Atco is thinking of just organising it's own friendlies by inviting opposition clubs a game time to come down and just play a game against our oldies

Couldn't see any ATCA clubs getting fully behind it due to the fact they couldn't have any home games themselves.
Curators wouldn't allow it.

Yeah we are lucky being a hard wicket club and having two ovals at the one venue, the smaller oval being the perfect size for an oldies t20 match and its at the furthest part away from our training nets so the a grade could train as usual and then stay back and watch while selection is on

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:39 pm
by Lightning McQueen
whufc wrote:
Yeah we are lucky being a hard wicket club and having two ovals at the one venue, the smaller oval being the perfect size for an oldies t20 match and its at the furthest part away from our training nets so the a grade could train as usual and then stay back and watch while selection is on

I used to run a 4 team T20 comp for a few years a while back, it was a great money spinner for all the clubs involved, each club got to host a T20 double header and all supporters were instructed to not take their own alcohol, each home club were advised to sell cheap p!ss though, it worked really well and it bought all the clubs closer together.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:30 pm
by whufc
Lightning McQueen wrote:
whufc wrote:
Yeah we are lucky being a hard wicket club and having two ovals at the one venue, the smaller oval being the perfect size for an oldies t20 match and its at the furthest part away from our training nets so the a grade could train as usual and then stay back and watch while selection is on

I used to run a 4 team T20 comp for a few years a while back, it was a great money spinner for all the clubs involved, each club got to host a T20 double header and all supporters were instructed to not take their own alcohol, each home club were advised to sell cheap p!ss though, it worked really well and it bought all the clubs closer together.

Yep was a good comp, as was the old Sunday comp there for a while

Personally though I think Thursday nights is perfect as it's generally considered part of the cricket week for most players and families etc

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:31 pm
by tigerpie
whufc wrote:
Lightning McQueen wrote:
whufc wrote:
Yeah we are lucky being a hard wicket club and having two ovals at the one venue, the smaller oval being the perfect size for an oldies t20 match and its at the furthest part away from our training nets so the a grade could train as usual and then stay back and watch while selection is on

I used to run a 4 team T20 comp for a few years a while back, it was a great money spinner for all the clubs involved, each club got to host a T20 double header and all supporters were instructed to not take their own alcohol, each home club were advised to sell cheap p!ss though, it worked really well and it bought all the clubs closer together.

Yep was a good comp, as was the old Sunday comp there for a while

Personally though I think Thursday nights is perfect as it's generally considered part of the cricket week for most players and families etc

Playing on Thursdays would be a curators nightmare!
Hard wicket, no worries.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:13 pm
by The Bedge
whufc wrote:
Lightning McQueen wrote:
whufc wrote:
Yeah we are lucky being a hard wicket club and having two ovals at the one venue, the smaller oval being the perfect size for an oldies t20 match and its at the furthest part away from our training nets so the a grade could train as usual and then stay back and watch while selection is on

I used to run a 4 team T20 comp for a few years a while back, it was a great money spinner for all the clubs involved, each club got to host a T20 double header and all supporters were instructed to not take their own alcohol, each home club were advised to sell cheap p!ss though, it worked really well and it bought all the clubs closer together.

Yep was a good comp, as was the old Sunday comp there for a while

Personally though I think Thursday nights is perfect as it's generally considered part of the cricket week for most players and families etc

Thursday night can be a bit difficult though due to the natural light and not many clubs would have adequate lights to play past say 8-8:30pm

LM - should revive the old Sunday T20 stuff 8)

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:15 pm
by Computer Crashed
Zartan wrote:
whufc wrote:
Lightning McQueen wrote:
whufc wrote:
Yeah we are lucky being a hard wicket club and having two ovals at the one venue, the smaller oval being the perfect size for an oldies t20 match and its at the furthest part away from our training nets so the a grade could train as usual and then stay back and watch while selection is on

I used to run a 4 team T20 comp for a few years a while back, it was a great money spinner for all the clubs involved, each club got to host a T20 double header and all supporters were instructed to not take their own alcohol, each home club were advised to sell cheap p!ss though, it worked really well and it bought all the clubs closer together.

Yep was a good comp, as was the old Sunday comp there for a while

Personally though I think Thursday nights is perfect as it's generally considered part of the cricket week for most players and families etc

Thursday night can be a bit difficult though due to the natural light and not many clubs would have adequate lights to play past say 8-8:30pm

LM - should revive the old Sunday T20 stuff 8)

I'm in.
Fishing commitments taken into consideration of course.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:18 pm
by Dogwatcher
Lightning McQueen wrote:
whufc wrote:
Yeah we are lucky being a hard wicket club and having two ovals at the one venue, the smaller oval being the perfect size for an oldies t20 match and its at the furthest part away from our training nets so the a grade could train as usual and then stay back and watch while selection is on

I used to run a 4 team T20 comp for a few years a while back, it was a great money spinner for all the clubs involved, each club got to host a T20 double header and all supporters were instructed to not take their own alcohol, each home club were advised to sell cheap p!ss though, it worked really well and it bought all the clubs closer together.

At Loxton, about 15 years ago, we did a thing called the Candlelight Cup. Four teams - two games, then a final/consolation final. Each innings consisted of six overs - max of 2 batting pair or per bowler. Done and dusted in a night, good competition, great fundraiser. We made it for social cricketers, so blokes not playing A grade cricket in the Riverland. Made some good money.
Seems really old-fashioned now, given T20.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:08 am
by Lightning McQueen
Computer Crashed wrote:
Zartan wrote:Thursday night can be a bit difficult though due to the natural light and not many clubs would have adequate lights to play past say 8-8:30pm

LM - should revive the old Sunday T20 stuff 8)

I'm in.
Fishing commitments taken into consideration of course.

It was spaced out with 3 or week gaps so it didn't become a chore, I tried to squeeze the first 2 rounds in pre-Christmas which made it easier to find two Sundays to appease all clubs in the new year, the weather was pretty much guaranteed to be better for that time of the year also.
We had coloured tops and was a great carnival astmosphere.
One day a team got bundled out for bugger all so we had a 3rd game for the day involving wives, kids and those who didn't feature in any team for the day, that was just as entertaining.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the memories!!

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:53 am
by Shark_Hunter
The vote was held last night to formally wind up AHOSCC and was approved. Great memories from a club that at its peak was one of the leaders in ATCA. Thanks to all of our past players, officials, supporters opponents and umpires for the great contests and times on and off the field. Thanks also to all involved in ATCA and the organisation of the competition. If anyone would like to reminisce about better times, we are planning a official club farewell at the Prince Albert Hotel on the evening of Friday 11th September, which is also the 37th anniversary of our foundation - all are welcome.

Re: ATCA 2014/15.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:33 pm
by helicopterking
Shark_Hunter wrote:The vote was held last night to formally wind up AHOSCC and was approved. Great memories from a club that at its peak was one of the leaders in ATCA. Thanks to all of our past players, officials, supporters opponents and umpires for the great contests and times on and off the field. Thanks also to all involved in ATCA and the organisation of the competition. If anyone would like to reminisce about better times, we are planning a official club farewell at the Prince Albert Hotel on the evening of Friday 11th September, which is also the 37th anniversary of our foundation - all are welcome.

Sad times. No one likes to see sporting clubs have to make decisions like this.