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Club Champion Determination

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:44 am
by EldersUniSA
As we come to the end of the season the question of who will be your Club's Champion is probably something being discussed around your club.

I'm interested to know how different clubs determine their champions, whether through the useful calculation tools on MyCricket or some voting system per game (aka brownlow) or some other way.

if using a calculation I'm specifically interested on peoples opinions on incorporating T20 games, i'm of the opinion that clubs should only include regular saturday games.

Also weighting scores from 1-day/2-day comps, should they be different/how much by?

Should significant performances receive bonus points?

Interested to hear peoples thoughts.

Re: Club Champion Determination

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:03 pm
by Lightning McQueen
We used to use the following criteria.
1 point per run scored.
12 points per wicket taken.
5 points per catch taken.
5 points for involvement in a run out.
10 points for a direct hit run out.
5 points for a "not out".

I do however think that there should be bonus points for 5 or 7 fa's along with 50's and tons.

Re: Club Champion Determination

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:07 pm
by Trader
Geez, that certainly favours the batsmen with a 12:1 conversion on runs to wickets, plus a bonus 5pts for red ink.

We do a 3:2:1 vote after each game. 1.5:1:0.5 for LO comp.
the 1 day games in the 2-day comp still gets 3:2:1 which is an error in our system if you ask me.
Mean's the 2-day players can get a max 33 votes while the LO lads can only get 27.
Furthermore, when there are heat outs or wash outs, the 3:2:1 still gets applied if one week was played, the LO's then fall further behind.

Then again, our club pushes to 2-day comp over 1-dayers, so I guess that's half the reason.

The biggest issues in cricket with a 3:2:1 is there will be games where you get pumped, and 30 runs might pick up 2pts, and other games where someone hits a 70, but because there was a 90 and 2 4fas, the 70 misses out all together. Not a big deal, but certainly interesting.

Re: Club Champion Determination

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:21 pm
by Senor Moto Gadili
Ingle Farm has two major trophies. Peter Wang Cricketer of the Year is our most prestigious trophy and is awarded to the best performed A Grade cricketer of the year. There is no points system for this - decision is made by Committee/Coach/Captain. We also have the Reg Richards Trophy which covers all Senior cricketers in the 2-Day competitons. This is based on points....1 point per run, 10 points per wicket, 5 points per catch and 5 points per stumping. I believe this points system favours batsmen.....should be 15 or 20 points per wicket.