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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:16 pm
by Brad

AFL Commissioner Bob Hammond has announced that the “Footy for Gladstone Appeal” will be launched at Gladstone Oval at 5.30pm on Thursday 18th May.

Football Legends are coming out in strength to support the launch.

Ken Cunningham and Graham Cornes will be conducting their top rating sports talkback program from the Oval and Channel 7’s Bruce Abernethy will be presenting his sports report live from the ground.

Following the launch, SANFL Legends Barrie Robran and Russell Ebert will conduct training for the Southern Flinders Football Club at the Oval.

Details of the Appeal and the ways in which the Football community and general public can become involved will be outlined by Mr Hammond at the Launch.

Mr Hammond said “We are launching the Appeal in Gladstone because the whole focus of our efforts is to assist the football families here who have been left in tragic circumstances by the blast at the Ammunitions Factory. The combined strength of the Football community will be coming to the fore in a bid to assist with the rebuilding of the lives of the devastated families. It is important that we make the effort to be in Gladstone to show our support and to assure them that the wider Football family cares about them and intends to support them in every way we can. The Appeal will provide everyone associated with Football through a Club involvement or simply as a spectator to make a contribution, to the cause.”

A number of high profile football and business identities involved with the Appeal will be present at the Launch. All media are invited to attend.

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:56 pm
by Dutchy
Ill be lobbing a lobster in for the cause - close to my heart as I spent 6 good years living in the main street of Gladstone and even played a few games for GFC (now merged)...great days

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:05 pm
by Brad
Yes very worthly cause.

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 4:56 pm
by Dogwatcher
My best player money from last week and if I'm in there again this week will be going to it.

Any paid players out there want to contribute to something????

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 7:43 pm
by duncs7
Dogwatcher wrote:My best player money from last week and if I'm in there again this week will be going to it.

Any paid players out there want to contribute to something????

Where are u playing now? Im not a paid player but i gotta $20 i can put in, not much but i am a pov Uni student, thats about $200 in my eyes. :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:47 pm
by Dogwatcher
I play at Moorook now.

$20 is a great contribution Duncs.

I'd encourage you to get a can and run it around the footy club on Thursday and Saturday night too. Still plenty of time to help this worthy cause.