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Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:25 pm
by Liquid Confidence
Just curious how each league does it, from number of imports per team, are salary caps involved, points per player on the field etc....

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:44 pm
by The Yetti
Liquid Confidence wrote:Just curious how each league does it, from number of imports per team, are salary caps involved, points per player on the field etc....

GSFL works on a points system. Works OK
I understand there is a move to get a points system the same across all SANFL affiliated leagues in SA.

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:47 pm
by Baron Greenback
RFL on points system.
Ok, but not for the clubs that were already struggling.

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:11 pm
by Pinch Hitter
Chuck, can you explain why it doesn't help the struggling teams and how it works in practice?

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:54 pm
by livefooty
does anyone know what leagues do n dont have the points system in ?

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:01 pm
by GWW
livefooty wrote:does anyone know what leagues do n dont have the points system in ?

The ones that i know of that don't are the Mallee League and I don't think they have a points system in the various South East leagues either.

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:50 pm
by Mythical Creature
APFL has an import rule. I think this works best out of the three systems.

Salary Cap: Too hard to monitor. Would almost be impossible actually.
Points : Confusion, Confusion confusion. From what I've read about there are no provisions for a bloke who has just moved into the district from another league (he may or may not be any good and still attracts the same points even though he is a local). Can only imagine the calculators out around selection table.
Import: Works best in our league. Everyone knows who is new and its not hard to go to electoral office to check address if in doubt. Easier to monitor for opposition clubs than the points system.

Knowing my luck though the league will no doubt change the rules just keep more confusion from within the clubs

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:29 am
by Slapsy
Pinch Hitter wrote:Chuck, can you explain why it doesn't help the struggling teams and how it works in practice?

Pinch, the reason it doesn't work for struggling clubs is it was introduced only a few seasons ago and the RFL drew a line in the sand that year and started all clubs on zero. Clubs that already had imports got them for nothing. Struggling clubs that had none got no advantage. It will even out with time but could take 5-10 years for all those original zero point players to retire or move on.

Our system basically works for guys who have come to the club attract a certain number of points depending on where they have played. You are allowed 14 points on the field each week. Players who played their first junior game at your club and return attract zero, ie Mark Ricciuto when back to waikerie last year and attracted no points. Players who move to the area for work can get an exemption down to sero but this needs to be applied for to the league and is open to opinion. Some players have been exempted (ie coppers, teachers, physios, bakers, bankies) others have not (ie, especially tradies). Guys who have stood out of foooty for a year attract one less point for each year they have not prviously played and if have not played for two consecutive season are exempted regardless of where they have played.

The only gripe I have with it is the exemptions for peoiple transferring for work is too open to opinion - the rest works well and will get better with time once all the original zero players have moved on or retired.

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:01 am
by Pinch Hitter
thanks slapper.

it doesn't appear too different in the end to the import system so long as the weightings for a particular type of player and the points allocation for clubs is sound may even be more beneficial to the competition such as the Ricuitio example.

not sure the clubs in the BLG will cope with it they struggle just ensuring players are eligible to play finals.

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:27 pm
by Benchwarmer
New WAFL system (130 points for 55 players) was received well and seen a bit move evenness. SF will lose Farmer and Bell soon to retirement and SUB have lost their power to flash the cash they get via Subi Oval and AFL game revenue through having to adhere to a points system. Pretty even outside the 'Four and I would suggest that within 2-3 seasons we will have a pretty even comp with crowds continuing to rise

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:20 pm
by pigskin
There is a massive loop hole in the "Imports" way of doing things & that is why most leagues have gone the way of a points system which isn't confusing at all, very simple actually. Like all systems there are pro's & cons, but is it the best way.

Oh yeah, the loop hole- (hope this doesn't give the leagues that have this a heart attack)

A Player can simply purchase a PO Box @ the given teams town & wallah, he LEGALLY is of that address. If a league or opposition club wanted to dispute it, they dont have a leg to stand on if the players club took it further. Believe me have looked into it!!!

Points system the only way to go

Re: Salary Caps, Import Rules, Points Allocations Systems etc...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:58 pm
by Benchwarmer
Mornington Peninsula Nepean FL
This first came in for season 2005 IIRC

38 points is allowed for each senior home and away or finals MPNFL match. The total is based on the aggregate points of players in the match. All players receive a base level of one point. Additional points ratings between 1 & 6 are based on the level of competition that the player has competed at (the higher the level the higher the points rating).

Only that level of football played which results in the highest amount of points awarded to a player will be used to calculate the player’s point rating.

All players including players listed in 2, 3, 4 & 5 receive a basic one point “Base Level” - 21 points per senior team) with additional points to be added to this figure.

All players who have played in the AFL:
1-50 senior games attracts 5 additional points and 51+ senior games attracts 6 additional points

Deduct 2 points if the player is returning to the last MPNFL club at which he played and at which he is seeking registration.

Deduct 1 point if the player has not played AFL level football for three full seasons. Deduct a further one point for each ongoing season until such time as the player is a base one point player.

All players who have played 1st XVIII (seniors) in the following State Leagues
11-20 games attracts 3 additional points, 21-50 games attracts 4 additional points, 51+ games attracts 5 additional points

An MPNFL registered player playing VFL, returning to his MPNFL club, shall not attract any additional points, irrespective of the number of VFL games played.

Deduct 2 points if the player (non-MPNFL registered) is returning to the last MPNFL club at which he played and at which he is seeking registration.

Deduct 1 point if the player has not played State League level football for two full seasons. Deduct a further one point for each ongoing season until such time as the player is a base one point player.

1+ games 2 additional points

Deduct 1 point if the player is returning to the last MPNFL club at which he played and at which he is seeking registration.

Deduct 1 point if the player has not played State League level football for three full seasons. Deduct a further one point for each ongoing season until such time as the player is a base one point player.

(c) TAC Cup Players
An MPNFL registered player playing TAC Cup, returning to his MPNFL club, shall not attract any additional points.

Should a MPNFL Registered Player playing TAC Cup, transfer to another MPNFL club, whilst playing TAC Cup or within one full season after being released from the TAC Competition, shall attract 2 additional points.

All players who have played 1st XVIII (seniors) in the following Major Leagues:-
Ballarat FL, Bendigo FL, Hampden FNL, Ovens & Murray FL, West Gippsland Latrobe FL, Northern FL (Division One), Goulburn Valley FL, Geelong FL, Eastern FL (Division One), Southern FL (Division One) and VAFA A Grade
1+ games 2 additional points

Deduct 1 point if the player is returning to the last MPNFL club at which he played and at which he is seeking registration.

Deduct 1 point if the player has not played Major League level football for three full seasons. Deduct a further one point for each ongoing season until such time as the player is a base one point player.

All registered MPNFL players who have played 1st XVIII.

Players who are transferring from one MPNFL club to another MPNFL club receive 2 additional points, save that, if the player has not played a senior game in the two previous seasons for the club from which he seeks to be cleared, he shall attract no additional points under this section.

Deduct 1 point if the player is returning to the last MPNFL club at which he played and at which he is seeking registration.

a) (i) If a player has remained with his present MPNFL club for 2 years, deduct 1 point.
(ii) If a player has remained with his present MPNFL club for 3 years, deduct 2 points.
(iii) If a player has remained with his present MPNFL club for 4 years, he automatically reverts to a basic one point player.
b) A player shall revert to a base player points rating if he returns to the club at which he was first registered as an MPNFL player. The player will return to the appropriate higher premium points level should he transfer to another MPNFL club within a 3 year period.
c) If a player has been out of the game at any level for over 2 years before resuming playing, the player will automatically revert to a basic one point player.
d) Playing Coach – For the purpose of points allocation, a playing coach is classified as a player.
e) Non playing coach shall not attract any points.
f) “Play” means being named on the match day team sheet in the 1st XVIII.

At the time of registration, each player shall complete a statement in a form to be approved by the league, which shall provide information concerning the player’s previous playing history. The form will require the player and the registering club to “self assess” points to be allocated to the player. All PPS forms must be correctly completed and signed by the player and a senior official of the club. If this is not done, the form will be returned and registration not granted.

The following Automatic Penalties will be imposed for breaching the Player Points System (Exceeding 38 points):-

In the event of a win for the breaching side – Loss of match, nil scoring points allocated to club’s score plus a fine of $1,000.00. The match will be awarded to the opposing team upon any such occurrence. In the event of a loss for the breaching side – A fine of $1,000.00 plus nil scoring points allocated to the club’s score.

Any player providing false or misleading information shall be liable to penalties including, but not limited to, deregistration, suspension or fine. Any official of a club complicit in the submission of a false or misleading information may be liable to fine or disqualification. The club of such player or official may be liable to a fine or loss of competition points. Any penalties hereunder shall be decided upon by an appeal panel appointed by the Board.

An independent review/appeal panel shall be established by the MPNFL. If any player or club is dissatisfied with the points assessed to a player, the club or player may apply for the review/appeal panel to undertake reconsideration of the points assessed.

(a) The Player Points System operates on an annual basis and may be amended on a season-by-season basis (if so considered necessary) thereafter. The footer to this document indicates its operational expanse.
(b) All registered MPNFL players as of 31 August 2004 irrespective of their playing history shall attract a basic (base level) 1 point.