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University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:50 pm
by Footy Chick

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:33 pm
by morell
Completed the survey.

Must say some of the questions were a little bit along the along the lines of

"How much of an asshole are you? A lot or just a bit of one?"

Would also be better served not using groupings for the questions. Some of the topics are obviously murky and binary type thinking wouldn't glean appropriate insights.

Also didn't address the classical feminist paradox on consent, eg

"A man and a woman have sex, both are equally drunk, to the point that neither were able to provide the legal definition of consent. Is is possible for both parties to commit sexual assault on eachother?"

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:49 pm
by The Bedge
I completed it, got to say it made me feel bit uncomfortable and almost guilty to be a male involved in a football club.

Going through it gave the impression i should hold no values or respect for women, their involvement in sporting clubs or in a sexual nature. Like if i play footy i'm gonna be a chauvinistic, alcohol fueled rapist pig who treats women like objects.

Also some of the answers it was like choose - are you the biggest pig around, or are you the biggest snitch/goody too shoes.. really was nothing in between.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:53 pm
by Footy Chick
not my survey....Not my circus ;)

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:01 pm
by morell
Zartan wrote:I completed it, got to say it made me feel bit uncomfortable and almost guilty to be a male involved in a football club.

Going through it gave the impression i should hold no values or respect for women, their involvement in sporting clubs or in a sexual nature. Like if i play footy i'm gonna be a chauvinistic, alcohol fueled rapist pig who treats women like objects.

Also some of the answers it was like choose - are you the biggest pig around, or are you the biggest snitch/goody too shoes.. really was nothing in between.
ha! I sent it to my missus who works in this sort of space (market research) and said the exact same thing.

Are you a pig or a saint? Is what it boiled down to.

Unfortunately, with a lot of academia they tend to get caught in their own self reporting social circles and forget that there is a real world out there where peoples experiences and knowledge don't fit into neat and precise categories.

Still. It's a positive thing that it's even being talked about as there is no doubt an issue amongst footballers in regards to respect for women.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:18 pm
by jo172
You can smell the pre-determined conclusions coming a mile away

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:28 pm
by The Bedge
morell wrote:Still. It's a positive thing that it's even being talked about as there is no doubt an issue amongst footballers in regards to respect for women.

I would like to think a lot of those issues and mentality are decreasing given the massive growth of women in sport over the past decade.

I might start walking around night clubs and footy clubs though and finding a couple of people getting friendly and alert them to the dangers of engaging in a sexual encounter whilst intoxicated.

I was also torn with the question "Having casual sex with footy chicks or groupies is a benefit of being a footy player" :oops: :lol:

Or what about this one:

Q: "You are in a bar with a girl who has been flirting with you all night. She has had a lot to drink. You think she wants to have sex with you and you're up for it too, but she is pretty unsteady on her feet. Please select the statements you think are correct."

A: If she's drunk then she can't give consent. Best to leave it for another time

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:29 pm
by morell
Hahahah exactly. Some absolute nonsensical hypotheticals created.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:30 pm
by Trader
morell wrote:Unfortunately, with a lot of academia they tend to get caught in their own self reporting social circles and forget that there is a real world out there where peoples experiences and knowledge don't fit into neat and precise categories.

From the Port Adelaide Thread:

morell wrote:But remember its a scale, not a grouping.
Just like you can have some right wing political opinions and some left wing ones.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:37 pm
by Footy Chick
Zartan wrote:
I was also torn with the question "Having casual sex with footy chicks or groupies is a benefit of being a footy player" :oops: :lol:

Ex-squeeze me? :shock: :-O

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:39 pm
by Executive Member
Footy Chick wrote:
Zartan wrote:
I was also torn with the question "Having casual sex with footy chicks or groupies is a benefit of being a footy player" :oops: :lol:

Ex-squeeze me? :shock: :-O


Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:42 pm
by morell
Trader wrote:
morell wrote:Unfortunately, with a lot of academia they tend to get caught in their own self reporting social circles and forget that there is a real world out there where peoples experiences and knowledge don't fit into neat and precise categories.

From the Port Adelaide Thread:

morell wrote:But remember its a scale, not a grouping.
Just like you can have some right wing political opinions and some left wing ones.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:43 pm
by HH3
I started doing it and stopped after the questions got too vague. This is on par with what I did for Community Studies in Yr 12.

FYI, if you did Community Studies in 2005 you forfeited getting a TER score because it was a bludge.

"Females find footballers more attractive"

1 2 3 4 5?

Depends on the female doesn't it? Some of them like fat hairy dudes. How am I supposed to know?

Also, by saying someone is a footballer, are you insinuating they are better looking, or more in shape?

I've seen some fat, ugly f**ks waddling around the oval in my time.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:02 pm
by morell
Hazard guess that was heading towards a "footballers think they deserve attention because they're narcissistic" type angle.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:10 pm
by morell
I also get the feeling the person organising this has an image in mind of a top gun type change room scene full of athletic ripped mid 20s types with a strong aroma of testosterone and a distinct amount of homo-eroticism. Dudes butt slapping each other and congratulating each other about the chick they just ******.

Might be the case for some clubs but come into the Mitchell Park change room and its mostly Dads, kids, women, trainers and volunteers in their 50s. The conversation is usually about sore knees, organising the kids for Sunday and maybe whose shout for beers it is.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:13 pm
by HH3
morell wrote:Hazard guess that was heading towards a "footballers think they deserve attention because they're narcissistic" type angle.

Yeah I got that jist too.

Some of the most self deprecating people I know play amateur football.

This social trend that's pushing against males at the moment is pretty dangerous. Men are already the most likely to commit suicide. Now we're all rapists, racists, and woman haters too?

IMHO when men are cornered, they'll either do what they have to to make it stop, or lash out. Either way is not good.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:16 pm
by HH3
morell wrote:I also get the feeling the person organising this has an image in mind of a top gun type change room scene full of athletic ripped mid 20s types with a strong aroma of testosterone and a distinct amount of homo-eroticism. Dudes butt slapping each other and congratulating each other about the chick they just ******.

Might be the case for some clubs but come into the Mitchell Park change room and its mostly Dads, kids, women, trainers and volunteers in their 50s. The conversation is usually about sore knees, organising the kids for Sunday and maybe whose shout for beers it is.

That question about the coach using someones sister as motivation at half time was so comical I put other and typed this -

"In 14 years of senior footy, I've never witnessed anything close to this being used as motivation during a game".

They have a very skewed view of men. Vagina is the last thing I'm thinking about when I'm already aching all over and have a whole half to play still.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:48 pm
by morell
HH3 wrote:
morell wrote:Hazard guess that was heading towards a "footballers think they deserve attention because they're narcissistic" type angle.

Yeah I got that jist too.

Some of the most self deprecating people I know play amateur football.

This social trend that's pushing against males at the moment is pretty dangerous. Men are already the most likely to commit suicide. Now we're all rapists, racists, and woman haters too?

IMHO when men are cornered, they'll either do what they have to to make it stop, or lash out. Either way is not good.
I am somewhat conflicted as there is no doubt a bit of a recent trend, especially online, where Men are treated as the enemy at worst or at least by having a penis you're instantly removed from the conversation. It's not healthy and is counter productive.

However, Women are murdered, assaulted and raped at a disgustingly high rate - mostly at the hands of Men they know. I love the Margaret Atwood quote about Men being concerned about Judgement, Women are concerned about Murder (its different but I twisted it to suit)

Something has to change and the people who are the most in control in changing that are... Men. Because of this I consider myself a feminist and try to be acutely aware of the sorts of environments or catalysts that might cultivate a person to head in that direction.

Thus, I do think we have an issue in football. I don't however think its any worse than any other male dominated industry, workplace or culture. I've seen it in Engineering firms, board rooms, basketball clubs et al. I am a recent member of the infamous Blokes Advice Facebook group and before they purged all the questionable content I was absolutely disgusted at some of it.

That's the disappointing thing about this survey. People like yourself that are intelligent and able to form sociable thoughts have removed themselves from it because of the accusational tone and nonsensical nature of the questions. She needed to create more conversations and speak to the community first, then design the survey.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:49 pm
by morell
HH3 wrote:
morell wrote:I also get the feeling the person organising this has an image in mind of a top gun type change room scene full of athletic ripped mid 20s types with a strong aroma of testosterone and a distinct amount of homo-eroticism. Dudes butt slapping each other and congratulating each other about the chick they just ******.

Might be the case for some clubs but come into the Mitchell Park change room and its mostly Dads, kids, women, trainers and volunteers in their 50s. The conversation is usually about sore knees, organising the kids for Sunday and maybe whose shout for beers it is.

That question about the coach using someones sister as motivation at half time was so comical I put other and typed this -

"In 14 years of senior footy, I've never witnessed anything close to this being used as motivation during a game".

They have a very skewed view of men. Vagina is the last thing I'm thinking about when I'm already aching all over and have a whole half to play still.
This is the thing I put "I would laugh it off" because it was so obviously stupid you could only laugh as it would have had to be satire.

Re: University PHD Project - feel free to have your say

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:54 pm
by The Bedge
What about these Very Un-Important - Very Important questions:

"How important do you think that you are, as a footballer, to your community" - Well it's obvious the community would completely shut down and be unable to function if i chose not to play footy :lol:

"How important is being a man to who you are?" - :? :shock: Umm i don't get it..

Then page 6 are the questions where you wish the person conducting the survey would just come out and say what she thinks:
"Rape results from men.."
"Woman are more likely to be raped.."
"A woman cannot be raped by someone she is in a sexual relationship with.."
"Women often make false claims of being raped"
"A man is less responsible for rape if.."
"If a woman is raped..."
"A woman is more likely to accuse a man of rape if.."
"Your friend brags to you that he had sex with an underage girl.."