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Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:59 pm
by RustyCage
I still can't believe it. Just a couple of weeks ago at the Adelaide Oval he was standing on the fence while the Redbacks were batting, for about 30 minutes, just chatting to someone he knew there. I was about 5m away from him. He was so polite to people talking to him, smiling, cheerful. Now he is gone. I can't believe it

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:17 pm
by carey
What are people thoughts on the first test going ahead? The reason I ask this, Last night at assoscation training I simply couldn't get the Hughes incident out of my head. Every ball I bowled was full, I was just that worried of bowling anything short and then when I asked to bat I simply couldn't. We spoke about it before and during training and at times had a huge lump in the throat.

This from just a fan, Imagine the grife Watson, Lyon, Haddin and especially Warner would be going through? IMO, It simply can not be played. I know it's a huge finacal thing to all involved but, Surely some things are just bigger than money. If my mind set was like that just at training, How the hell can these elite sportsman front up probably 2 days after a funeral. Simply can not be played.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:24 pm
by whufc
carey wrote:What are people thoughts on the first test going ahead? The reason I ask this, Last night at assoscation training I simply couldn't get the Hughes incident out of my head. Every ball I bowled was full, I was just that worried of bowling anything short and then when I asked to bat I simply couldn't. We spoke about it before and during training and at times had a huge lump in the throat.

This from just a fan, Imagine the grife Watson, Lyon, Haddin and especially Warner would be going through? IMO, It simply can not be played. I know it's a huge finacal thing to all involved but, Surely some things are just bigger than money. If my mind set was like that just at training, How the hell can these elite sportsman front up probably 2 days after a funeral. Simply can not be played.

Agree, honestly don't think I can get myself up to give up a day with my two daughters to play, I feel like I have lost my competitive edge already

Personally I think the test will go ahead, should it go ahead or not well in my opinion the only right answer is what the eleven cricketers feel they want to do.

Do I think they will be in the right mental space to play, HELL NO but that will not matter one bit as I think they will go out there to pay tribute to there mate and being out there will be the winner

Personally I wouldn't mind if they played the game but didnt keep score as a tribute to just being able to enjoy the game we love

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:47 pm
by Q.
Everybody grieves differently. It would be an individual choice whether to play, but perhaps it wouldn't be right to deny anyone the chance to heal by returning to the field and playing the game they love.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:02 pm
by whufc
Q. wrote:Everybody grieves differently. It would be an individual choice whether to play, but perhaps it wouldn't be right to deny anyone the chance to heal by returning to the field and playing the game they love.

It's a real tough one

Say 6 blokes wanna play 6 don't wanna play what happens

I'm sure no player would want to be gifted a baggy green as a replacement considering Hughesy battle and fight to win his own test selection

R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:07 pm
by bennymacca
Not sure who wrote it, just found it on a mates. Facebook and he got it from somewhere

The batsman was in great form, his strokes both crisp & clean,
He’d battled to his half century – three figures was his dream.

On a wicket he’d grown up on against his mates playing for the Blues,
He was battling for a higher selection – he wasn’t going to lose.

For he’d always been a fighter – the next Bradman they dared to say,
He was unorthodox; they would expose his faults….. but boy could this kid play!

He’d honed his craft in Macksville – a boy playing amongst the men,
He was surely going to wear the green and gold – it was just a case of when.

He’d cut and hooked and slashed his way to get to sixty three,
And then a ball sat up and beat his blade…. Surely it could not be!

He must have thought ‘how’d I miss that chance to smash another four?’
As eleven white clothed angels cradled him on the green SCG floor.

He’s padded up in heaven now – on the best wicket he’s even seen,
Facing up to the worlds best bowlers, he desperately wants that Baggy Green.

For he is forever chasing the thirty seven more runs he needs for that century
And the glory, the mateship, that chance to shine - sadly it cannot be.

We’ve lost a gem in Hughesy – Test cricketer number 408,
He was about to step up once again. This time he’d be great.

Twenty six Tests isn’t enough – we wish you’d had some more,
You’ve left us far too early – our tears wont flow, they’ll pour.

So raise your bat Phillip Hughes – a champion there is no doubt,
Forever in our hearts you remain – 63 not out.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:12 pm
by Q.
whufc wrote:
Q. wrote:Everybody grieves differently. It would be an individual choice whether to play, but perhaps it wouldn't be right to deny anyone the chance to heal by returning to the field and playing the game they love.

It's a real tough one

Say 6 blokes wanna play 6 don't wanna play what happens

I'm sure no player would want to be gifted a baggy green as a replacement considering Hughesy battle and fight to win his own test selection

True. Still too fresh to make any call I guess.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:14 pm
by carey
The New Zealand batsmen have P.H on there playing shirts. Nice touch by the Kiwis.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:45 pm
by Yank Man
carey wrote:The New Zealand batsmen have P.H on there playing shirts. Nice touch by the Kiwis.

I reckon the whole world is in a different place right now carey, just not cricket. I think they play the test and players are professional now and would no doubt like to show their respect on the field. Maybe not all but certainly the majority.

It's a weird thing for me but I lost my Mum last year and the family needed strength and I was able to show little emotion and move on quickly, but when I heard the news of Phillip Hughes yesterday I cried like a baby and frankly still trying to come to grips with it. Guess what I'm trying to say is that every one is different and we all deal with it in our own way. Frankly I can't imagine what Sean is going through. Wish I could just hug him and say hey, that's just sport bud.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:50 pm
by whufc
Relaxing on the lounge, beer in hand and flick on the nz vs pak test to see the kiwis with the PH on their shirts

First two balls I saw were wayward bouncers

I'm not ready yet, switched off

R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:54 pm
by Jim05
whufc wrote:Relaxing on the lounge, beer in hand and flick on the nz vs pak test to see the kiwis with the PH on their shirts

First two balls I saw were wayward bouncers

I'm not ready yet, switched off

Yeah, listening to the commentary and the Kiwis didnt drop any short this morning but the Pakis have bowled close to a dozen bouncers in the first hour and a bit.

On a positive note I drove past Eastern Park tonight and the kids were playing, stopped for a few minutes and watched, they were all giggling and having a good time, brought a smile to my face for sure

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:59 pm
by carey
I've been watching since the soccer finished and hadn't noticed many short balls at all. McCullum batting very well.

It was stated Williamson and Hughes became 'Great mates' at the 2008 U/19 World Cup and remain what they claimed as 'best mates' that's why the shirts, As Williamson wasn't going to continue in this test.

Would now love to see him ton up.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:00 pm
by whufc
carey wrote:I've been watching since the soccer finished and hadn't noticed many short balls at all. McCullum batting very well.

It was stated Williamson and Hughes became 'Great mates' at the 2008 U/19 World Cup and remain what they claimed as 'best mates' that's why the shirts, As Williamson wasn't going to continue in this test.

Would now love to see him ton up.

Agree if he gets closer to the ton I'll try and bring myself to watch

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:05 pm
by carey
It's things like this you just don't realize, How many people are touched by this. You think about it played county cricket, IPL, Big Bash, Shield and one dayers that's a lot of team mates/Friends.

Another one no one has said anything about, Tom Cooper he was at the other end and physically threw up on the ground when Phil collapsed how does he go now? Obviously Abbot as well.

Just tragic, So sad for all involved.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:15 pm
by Yank Man
Sad for everyone mate. Be different if he was an arsehole but he was a great kid, just 25, I've got a son older than him and can't imagine how I would cope with this if it happened to me.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:19 pm
by whufc
carey wrote:It's things like this you just don't realize, How many people are touched by this. You think about it played county cricket, IPL, Big Bash, Shield and one dayers that's a lot of team mates/Friends.

Another one no one has said anything about, Tom Cooper he was at the other end and physically threw up on the ground when Phil collapsed how does he go now? Obviously Abbot as well.

Just tragic, So sad for all involved.

Well said, having spent my last 5 years managing first aid for arguably the busiest pool in SA I have seen many major first aids (fortunately fingers crossed touch wood no deaths) and one thing that standouts out is the major impact it has on all involved including family, friends, spectators and staff.

Every single person will feel this differently and the most important part for me is that whatever any of these people choose to do moving forward they have to be encouraged, if one player decides they want to retire than they should not feel any pressure to continue, some may need longer off than others and some may wanna get in the nets tomorrow whatever they decide is the right decision end of

Without trying to get to caught up in the emotion as it stands I can't remember our nation bonding together like we have for this tradedy. People from all warps of life are shocked and sad even my wife who can't stand cricket had tears in her eyes when we sat down and discussed what I want and should do in regards to cricket for the rest of the season.

Sadly it takes such a traumatic event to bring a nation together

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:13 am
by LaughingKookaburra
Was having a chat down the pub last night. What's going to happen when someone does bowl a short ball today @ amateur level. Some one/people will do it. Could see a couple of emotions boil over @ some games today.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:58 pm
by stan
carey wrote:I've been watching since the soccer finished and hadn't noticed many short balls at all. McCullum batting very well.

It was stated Williamson and Hughes became 'Great mates' at the 2008 U/19 World Cup and remain what they claimed as 'best mates' that's why the shirts, As Williamson wasn't going to continue in this test.

Would now love to see him ton up.

There have been a few.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:32 pm
by Brodlach
Michael Clark WOW!!!!

He really had left a lasting impression on me.

Re: R.I.P. Phillip Hughes

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:18 pm
by Failed Creation
Brodlach wrote:Michael Clark WOW!!!!

He really had left a lasting impression on me.


I've always respected the bloke, but his conduct over the last week as completely won me over.