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Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:07 pm
by mighty hounds

Everyone check this interview out with Milicevic its insane and very spot on

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:25 pm
by OnSong
Good riddance.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:38 pm
by White Line Fever

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:41 pm
by OnSong
For those watching the vid, the last half is probably the juiciest.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:42 pm
by Drop Bear
Who is this bloke? Before I spend 13 minutes watching it....

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:50 pm
by White Line Fever
what a to$$er

cya later don't come back

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:19 pm
by cripple
White Line Fever wrote:what a to$$er

cya later don't come back

Until you become a gun or plead your case on ACA and we will welcome you back with open arms. The above sentiments are what he is talking about and whilst i personally dont agree with all of them we have seen with international aussies such as dokic, tomic etc... that this is what often happens. "Happy to claim the good ones but the rest can just go back to where they come from" seems to be a far to common sentiment IMO.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:27 pm
by mighty hounds
I agreed with majority if not most f the things milicevic said

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:28 pm
by White Line Fever
I can't stand people that blame everyone and everything around them without looking in the mirror.

His attitude stinks and has stereotyped Australians into being racist when in fact he is far worse.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:32 pm
by cripple
White Line Fever wrote:I can't stand people that blame everyone and everything around them without looking in the mirror.

His attitude stinks and has stereotyped Australians into being racist when in fact he is far worse.

It may be a stereotype for many, but you can be sure that there are plenty of people in our community who fit the description he gave.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:53 pm
by Sam_goUUUdogs

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:01 pm
by redden whites
Well his views on the A- league v N.S.L are right on the money.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:12 pm
by OnSong
White Line Fever wrote:I can't stand people that blame everyone and everything around them without looking in the mirror.

His attitude stinks and has stereotyped Australians into being racist when in fact he is far worse.

I'm sure Croatia's history is hardly squeaky clean either.
It's not Mundine's skin colour that people rag him about, it's his dicky character. I don't think anyone wouldn't acknowledge his sporting achievements are remarkable.
Lleyton Hewitt gets the same treatment for being the same sort of cocky dude.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:23 pm
by mighty hounds
OnSong wrote:
White Line Fever wrote:I can't stand people that blame everyone and everything around them without looking in the mirror.

His attitude stinks and has stereotyped Australians into being racist when in fact he is far worse.

I'm sure Croatia's history is hardly squeaky clean either.
It's not Mundine's skin colour that people rag him about, it's his dicky character. I don't think anyone wouldn't acknowledge his sporting achievements are remarkable.
Lleyton Hewitt gets the same treatment for being the same sort of cocky dude.

Isn't that what he's on about? talking about how the Aussies got on the backs of their athletes when they show true character. I personally like seeing athletes cocky if its what there like because there not afriad to hide like alot of AFL players

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:37 pm
by Drop Bear
There's a difference between being cocky, and acting like a cock.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:04 pm
by Pag
Aussies don't bag their own sportspeople based on their last name. They bag them for acting like dickheads. There's plenty of Australian footballers, and other sportspeople, who I can't stand that act like idiots (Kevin Muscat, Joel Griffiths, Brad Hodge) whose names don't finish in '-ic', and aren't Indigenous. I agree with him in saying that character's are being pushed out of professional sport by clubs and the media, but you don't have to be a dickhead to be a character (eg David Boon, Pat Cash). For him to say it's a race thing is a joke.

And is he serious about the name thing? People pronounce my surname wrong and it's not that complicated, can he really expect every person he meets to pronounce his name right 100% of the time? Kidding himself.

If these are your genuine views Ljubo, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out mate.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:06 pm
by redden whites
Pat Cash wasn't a dickhead?????????????????

Female journo......"Pat ,to lose in the 5th set with so many unforced errors is unlike you as you are known as one of the fittest players on tour. Do you think playing Tueday in the heat v your opponent playing a night game made it harder to finish out tonights game".

Cash replies..... "No not really, I am just having my period at the moment."

All Class :roll: :roll:

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:05 pm
by Dogwatcher
Thoughts you might find this interesting: ... the-crowd/

In response to this article written by Roarer Dasilva – Ljubo Milicevic leaves Australia in disgrace - Ljubo himself has responded exclusively on The Roar. And he isn’t happy! Read on to see what he has to say about Australian football and Australian supporters in general.

“To all that seem to care, yes that sums up most of you!

I could go on and rebuke all your comments towards me, but if I do so, I’m wasting my time and energy. You simply do not have the mental capacity to understand where I’m coming from, so why would someone like me bother with most of you?

I don’t, I won’t, and believe me, I don’t give a f— about your opinions! Comprehend that? Ha!

I left Oz in search of good football. No disrespect to the A-League. I think it’s marvelous, so many positives, too many for me to mention here, I have enjoyed being a part of it. I have to thank the FFA and various other people like Brendan Schwab at the PFA for making it viable for all of us!

But …

Until we get rid of the dinosaurs that are stuck in many of the clubs, you will never truly see Australia’s best talent. There are better players out there not being picked because they do not fit the “Anglo” stereotype needed to succeed in this country. Sorry to offend but its true.

The NSL was a better standard because there were more “Wogs” involved. Do not be offended by the names I’m using, they are after all, the labels you gave us!

So just accept the fact that we’ve accepted your monikers and are quite proud of where we came from. Most of you have no idea what you are? What you stand for? Or what you believe in?

Just follow your blood line, you will be more ashamed than any of us (Croats, Serbs, Greeks, Italians, Asians, Africans, Arabs etc).

You so easily ridicule us, with each generation of immigrants, we are to blame for all that is no good in this country.

The funny thing is your quick to eat a kebab, order a pizza, gobble down a souvlaki or admire our talented sons and daughters, such as Mark Viduka, Bernard Tomic, Jelena Dokic, Mark Phillipousis, Alan Didak, Peter Daicos, Nick Giannopoulos, Vince Colossimo, Eric Bana to name but a few!

You pick and choose when to like us! So for lack of better English words: “Jeebus”!

I’m sure you will all voice your opinion now, it’s your god given right, just as it is mine, to look at you and laugh! If only you knew…

Dare to be different.

PS: I love you Iskra Galic!

Lubes, Keeping It Real!”

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:14 pm
by smithy
THe NSL was better because we weren't losing as many players overseas.
It wasn't really until Kewell hit the big time did scouts start taking our country seriously.

As for Ljubo, he's entitled to his opinion but if he hates us as much what he thinks we hate him why doesn't he just live in another country and renounce his citizenship.

Re: Ljubo Milicevic - Interview. Must watch!!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:14 pm
by mickey
He wasnt a nutter before he went to Europe the 1st time, was a fine, upstanding member of the Glory :)

Didnt go nuts til he came back and played for Melbourne Victory