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Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:12 am
by field of dreams
Previous article said:
“Council CEO Adrian Skull said an independent review of the council's decision would focus on whether correct procedures were followed, rather than the merits of the decision itself.

Mr Skull said a final decision on the club's future would not be made immediately.”

So if they’ve overturned the decision....

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Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:15 am
by Tiger83
field of dreams wrote:Previous article said:
“Council CEO Adrian Skull said an independent review of the council's decision would focus on whether correct procedures were followed, rather than the merits of the decision itself.

Mr Skull said a final decision on the club's future would not be made immediately.”

So if they’ve overturned the decision....

More about saving face and not being seen as the bad guy for forcing kids out of a place to play footy I reckon. Councils get away with a lot of stuff, unless the public rise up and contest it as it was in this case.

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Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:46 am
by field of dreams
If that is the case then it shows just how stupid they are to think that wouldn’t occur.

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Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:51 pm
by vics01
A little story about the Cove issue

My view


Council advised Cove Football Club on 25 September 2019, that it would not be renewing the Cove Football Clubs tenancy at the Cove Sports and Community club.

At the time the council release stated:

• Inappropriate behaviour, disrespectful language and intimidating conduct by numerous CCFC members and associates has resulted in other sporting clubs not using the facility because they feel unwelcome or unsafe.
• Insulting sexist language directed at a female staff member and sexual harassment of female netball players.
• The CCFC has a sense of entitlement and ‘ownership’ of the facility, with other clubs experiencing territorial or unwelcome acts when they attempt to use it.
• The behaviour is widespread and part of a club culture that is condoned and, in some cases, practised by some senior members of the CCFC.

No mention is made in the council release “appears to be a strong drinking culture that exacerbates poor behaviour as well as sexist behaviour.” A similar comment was also made by Ms Harvey on 5 AA radio. These comments allude to intoxicated misbehaviour by persons at the Cove Sports and Community Club. If this is in fact the case what responsibility does the council, or its staff take as the liquor licence holder for the facility?
It is an offence to sell or supply liquor to intoxicated persons, both the licensee and the responsible person are responsible for this action a first offence carries a fine of $20,000.

It is concerning if in fact intoxicated persons were being sold or supplied liquor it continued to happen even though council and staff believed excessive drinking was leading to the unsubstantiated/untested allegations against senior players and members of the of the Cove Football Club. (If in fact the alleged behaviour has occurred this comment is offensive and possibly defamatory to the many senior players and senior members who have done nothing wrong but are now tainted. It is a comment with no evidence to substantiate any allegation.)

What if any action will the council take regarding the sale or supply of alcohol to people who in likelihood were intoxicated? Is the Liquor Licensing Commissioner or SAPOL going to be involved?

At the Special General Council Meetings of 11 June 2019 and 2 September 2019 council invoked Section 90(2) and (3)(f) of the Local Government Act 1999 citing the information relating to the Cove Sports and Community investigation was confidential as it related to information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice the maintenance of law, including by affecting (or potentially affecting) the prevention, detection or investigation of a criminal offence, or the right to a fair trial.

By invoking Section 90(2) and (3)(f) of the Local Government Act 1999 infers that an investigation is being undertaken by SAPOL or some other law enforcement body relating to the allegations. The last behavioural matter prior to 25 September reported to SAPOL was 2.5 years prior and in fact does not clarify which club was involved.

Of concern is at the General Council Meeting of 11 June 2019 is a Councillor participating in the confidential meeting and in fact moving a motion that the documents related to the meeting be kept confidential. Surely the Councillor should have declared a conflict of interest both within the council and with his employer SAPOL.

What of Council members social links to the committee of management at the Soccer club? Wonder if the council will address these links and conflict?
At General Council Meeting of 24 September 2019 council invoked Section 90(2) and (3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1999 citing the investigation related to confidential information relating to personal information. Section 90 (3) (a) states “information the disclosure of which would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of any person (living or dead)”

There is nothing stopping the Council redacting personal information and producing the alleged statements/complaints.
It may appear for the average person reading the minutes that the council is hedging its bets as to reasons to keep the information out of the public arena and not disclose if in fact there have been any substantiated allegations.

Any information which may refer to the council is not confidential as the council is a body corporate.
It certainly smells when the Council appear to hide behind different sections of legislation and when the occasion suits move the goal posts related to that legislation.

The Council also appears to have used a company who is not licenced to carry out the type investigation they did. They (the company) are not recorded on the Office for Consumer and Business Affairs licence data base as enquiry agents (Private Investigator). I understand this has been reported to the OCBA for the breach.

It certainly looks a debacle, and other things are in play. No doubt if a dodgy deal was done with the Soccer club it will come out, now the back flip has occurred.
The venue has a history of mismanagement by the Marion Council.


In 2004/2005 the Cove Sports and Community Club was under the control of a Council appointed board of community representatives. Around this time the Council advised the affiliated clubs of an intention to lease the Cove Sports and Community Club to a Pentecostal church, effectively ceasing the affiliated clubs right to use the facility unless the church agreed to lease use at times not conflicting with the use by the church.

A subcommittee of the Cove Football Club was formed to prevent this happening. Club was involved in meetings with council staff where we were told footballs clubs usually only have a life span of 6 years. Given the football club had been operational since 1983, this type of comment was bemusing to say the least, but it appears to reflect what we see now again in 2019, a complete disregard for the local community and lack of understanding of community clubs and that it takes members from all walks of the community to make up a club.

Subsequently the council backed away from the church takeover of the Cove Sports and Community Club and it continued to run as before.
In late 2000’s the council run Cove Sports and Community Club was found to be around $220,000 in debt with $80,000 of this being a debt to the Australian Tax Office. At this time there was a strong likelihood of the Cove Sports and Community Club ceasing operations.

When the council sent out expressions of interest for people to step and operate the Cove Sports and Community Club, the only interest came from the Cove Football Club as it did not want to lose our home. A group of Cove Football Club Members stepped up to the take positions as Cove Sports and Community Club committee of management. No other affiliated club did so at the time.

The committee worked very diligently for several years to erase the debt caused by the council run committee of management, this included negotiating with the Australian Tax Office to halve the amount of unpaid taxes to $40,000.

At the point in time the Cove Sports and Community Club was again self-sufficient committees of management again returned to being members of affiliated clubs or members of the broader community. I have no hesitation in saying that if the Cove Football Club had not stepped up to the plate there would not currently be a Cove Sports and Community Club.

It is interesting to note that the council appointed (community) committee of management was again disbanded in early 2019, with the council taking over full management and responsibility for the Cove Sports and Community Club. After which problems again rear their head.

In the past Cove Football Club and the affiliated clubs work generally in harmony, especially the football and soccer clubs in order to use the facility around fixturing of teams, both clubs regularly assisted the other in resolving issues and accommodating special needs.

It would appear the current soccer committee of management do not hold the same values as their predecessors.

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:57 pm
by TheAce
Are Cove looking for a new A grade coach ?

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:18 am
by Peter Griffen
No bar from 3 qtr time of the A Grade onwards? They'd want to hope the game is close or it could be a ghost town.

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:10 am
by shoe boy
Peter Griffen wrote:No bar from 3 qtr time of the A Grade onwards? They'd want to hope the game is close or it could be a ghost town.


Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:46 pm
by Peter Griffen
shoe boy wrote:
Peter Griffen wrote:No bar from 3 qtr time of the A Grade onwards? They'd want to hope the game is close or it could be a ghost town.


Just one of the stipulations I've heard. Hopefully it's wrong.

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:53 am
by Barracker1
Are Cove looking for a new A grade coach ?[/quote

YEP !!

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 6:53 pm
by The Farmer
Brad Crabb appointed Cove coach in August...or have I missed something?

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:11 pm
by reppoh_eht
The Farmer wrote:Brad Crabb appointed Cove coach in August...or have I missed something?

Seems the appointment didn't last long... Pretty poor from Crabb.

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:54 am
by Barracker1
reppoh_eht wrote:
The Farmer wrote:Brad Crabb appointed Cove coach in August...or have I missed something?

Seems the appointment didn't last long... Pretty poor from Crabb.

My mail is that Crabb was disapointed that no one at Cove gave him the heads up of what was going on with Council nor the culture problems that have been a part of the Cove footy club so why would any coach stick around !! Don't blame Crabb The Blame lays at the feet of the Cove Footy Club and its administrators.

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:19 am
by shoe boy
reppoh_eht wrote:
The Farmer wrote:Brad Crabb appointed Cove coach in August...or have I missed something?

Seems the appointment didn't last long... Pretty poor from Crabb.

Harsh .

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 3:27 pm
by Down the Hill
So I've just read an article that states Cove must close "its" bar at 3 qtr time in the A grade and stay closed for 2 hours immediately after the A grade match is completed. Does this mean just the small bar that is inside the glass window that faces the oval rather than the main bar (which I assume is considered the Community Club Bar).

Because at the moment the sanctions sounds as though there will be no alcohol served in the complex from about 4.30pm to 7.00pm on a Saturday home game but that would also impact the other users that we keep hearing about i.e. soccer and netball. Surely that can't be a condition because that in itself will kill off the footy club.

Can someone enlighten what the actual sanction means?

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:09 pm
by Dutchy
Ex-South Adelaide captain Brad Crabb quits as coach of Cove Football Club in SFL
Gordon Armstrong, The Messenger
October 22, 2019 1:44pm

Embattled Cove Football Club’s woes are not finished yet after its newly appointed A grade coach quit in the wake of the club’s recent controversy.

Former South Adelaide captain Brad Crabb, who the Cobras announced in August as playing coach for the 2020 season, informed club president Tony Kernahan that he had reconsidered his position.

Crabb, 32, decided that with a newborn child, more responsibility with his plumbing business and publicity and uncertainty about Cove’s football future would have been too much for a new coach.

The club faced eviction from its Lonsdale Highway clubrooms for an alleged culture of “inappropriate and intimidating behaviour’’.

But Marion Council last week gave the Cobras a reprieve and granted Cove a conditional 12-month lease extension.

It is believed it was Crabb’s call to pull the pin on the coaching offer and the playing group was told of the news earlier this month.

Cove president Tony Kernahan said the club was disappointed with Crabb’s decision but understood the circumstances were not ideal.

“There were a few things going on,’’ Kernahan said.

“Brad has his own plumbing business and had to replace someone suddenly there, plus he has a young family.

“With everything going on it would be very tough for a new coach to come in under those circumstances. It is unfortunate but probably not the best situation for Brad to come to.

“I’m not sure what Brad will do. I hope he still plays with us. We would love that. It's up to our football department to sort out what to do. I will leave that to them.’’

When contacted by The Messenger Crabb was noncommittal.

“I haven’t really spoken with anyone but it’s best you speak to Tony about that,’’ Crabb said.

Cove football director Shane Grieve said the club would move on but it would be tough to get its coaching matters sorted soon.

“At this time of season most clubs have filled their positions,’’ Grieve said.

“And with the uncertainty over the club it has been difficult trying to recruit.

“But we will push forward and see who we can follow up.’’

Meanwhile, in a big shake up to how the club’s game days are run Cove will be forced to shut its bars at three-quarter time in every A grade men’s match next season.

Under sanctions imposed by Marion Council, the bar also will stay closed for at least two hours after the end of those games.

Kernahan, who intends to put his hand up for another term as president at the club’s annual general meeting on Sunday, October 27, said the alcohol restrictions were unusual but the club needed to show it was keen to stamp out unruly behaviour.

“I am keen to go on and see through the challenges facing us,’’ Kernahan said.

“The alcohol restrictions are tough but we have to be serious about cleaning up our act.

“There will be a review in about June or July next year and we will be reviewing our code of conduct with the other clubs at the centre and making sure we do the right things.

“There are plenty of things we can do better. It will be ongoing and we have to make sure we are on the same page as the affiliated clubs.

“The SANFL, Glenelg chief executive Glenn Elliott and Marion Cr Matt Shilling have also been very helpful in making sure things are done right by us.’’

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:39 am
by TheAce
Cove FC are screwed bar closed at third qtr and no coach WOW not good out look for Cove FC.

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:47 pm
by sweendog
Dutchy wrote:[b][size=150]

Cove president Tony Kernahan said the club was disappointed with Crabb’s decision but understood the circumstances were not ideal.

“There were a few things going on,’’ Kernahan said.

“Brad has his own plumbing business and had to replace someone suddenly there, plus he has a young family.

“With everything going on it would be very tough for a new coach to come in under those circumstances. It is unfortunate but probably not the best situation for Brad to come to.

“I’m not sure what Brad will do. I hope he still plays with us. We would love that. It's up to our football department to sort out what to do. I will leave that to them.’’

When contacted by The Messenger Crabb was noncommittal.

I haven’t really spoken with anyone but it’s best you speak to Tony about that,’’ Crabb said.


He moved on quick........ Interesting the $hoes were outbid by a G$FL counterpart $-) $-) $-)

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:28 am
by number2
sweendog wrote:
Dutchy wrote:[b][size=150]

Cove president Tony Kernahan said the club was disappointed with Crabb’s decision but understood the circumstances were not ideal.

“There were a few things going on,’’ Kernahan said.

“Brad has his own plumbing business and had to replace someone suddenly there, plus he has a young family.

“With everything going on it would be very tough for a new coach to come in under those circumstances. It is unfortunate but probably not the best situation for Brad to come to.

“I’m not sure what Brad will do. I hope he still plays with us. We would love that. It's up to our football department to sort out what to do. I will leave that to them.’’

When contacted by The Messenger Crabb was noncommittal.

I haven’t really spoken with anyone but it’s best you speak to Tony about that,’’ Crabb said.


He moved on quick........ Interesting the $hoes were outbid by a G$FL counterpart $-) $-) $-)

??? more info

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:25 am
by Barracker1
number2 wrote:
sweendog wrote:
Dutchy wrote:[size=150]

Cove president Tony Kernahan said the club was disappointed with Crabb’s decision but understood the circumstances were not ideal.

“There were a few things going on,’’ Kernahan said.

“Brad has his own plumbing business and had to replace someone suddenly there, plus he has a young family.

“With everything going on it would be very tough for a new coach to come in under those circumstances. It is unfortunate but probably not the best situation for Brad to come to.

“I’m not sure what Brad will do. I hope he still plays with us. We would love that. It's up to our football department to sort out what to do. I will leave that to them.’’

When contacted by The Messenger Crabb was noncommittal.

I haven’t really spoken with anyone but it’s best you speak to Tony about that,’’ Crabb said.


He moved on quick........ Interesting the $hoes were outbid by a G$FL counterpart $-) $-) $-)

[b]Yankalilla with ex SAFC players Gotch Durdin and Liddle is what Im hearing

??? more info

Re: Southern Football League

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:30 am
by The Bedge
reppoh_eht wrote:
The Farmer wrote:Brad Crabb appointed Cove coach in August...or have I missed something?

Seems the appointment didn't last long... Pretty poor from Crabb.

Why the hell would anyone stay with so much uncertainty surrounding their future, and with their reputation clearly in tatters. Few weeks ago they didnt even look like they'd have a club.