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Rules for

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:52 pm
by Wedgie
Here's some rules to help mods know what they can/cant do and keep the users informed as to what is expected of them.
Discussion contents reflect the views of individual participants only. bears no responsibility for accuracy of participant comments and will bear no legal liability for discussion results.
Remember that moderators may have a slightly stricter interpretation of the rules here, so something one person finds OK another might not. The following material is not to be posted on SA Footy:

- material which is defamatory/libellous. This includes material which is libellous against SA Footy moderators and the Site Admin, other SA Footy members, or any third party. As a general rule, saying that someone is a poor footy player or criticising some aspect of their game is not considered libellous, but it'd be nice if you could back up your opinion with fact.

- material which invades the privacy of moderators, Site Admin, other SA Footy members, or any third party. For example, players' private lives are not an appropriate topic for SA Footy, although discussion of articles appearing elsewhere is considered reasonable. Posting personal details of SA Footy members- that is, details they don't choose to reveal via their Profile- is not acceptable.

- material which is obscene or offensive or links to sites/pages that are obscene or offensive. This includes material that is sexually explicit, shows violence or gore, or is otherwise offensive as determined by the moderators.

- photography depicting nudity.

- material which is protected by copyright. Cutting-and-pasting of newspaper articles is especially prohibited; SA Footy does not have permission to reproduce these articles. You may link to articles- cut-and-paste the URL instead of the article. For photography, use the IMG tag to link to the photo on another site.

- nonsense posts or vandalism, this includes any posts that the moderators or Site Admin deem to be making this site look unprofessional.

- advertising which would earn the user a fee. You are more than welcome to post links to other sites, including your own; a regular link to your own site in your signature is acceptable. If you want to add an ad to SA Footy email me and I'll consider your offer.

- any posts written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, L33+$P3@|<, B1FF, igpay atinlay, Mock Chinese (Bork Bork Bork!), StUdLyCaPs, or any language not identifiable as English. We invite foreign users to visit our site to discuss our game, but we can't guarantee much of a discussion if you don't speak English.

- troll posts (posts intended to be offensive or ignorant, setting off a large and pointless argument) as deemed by Site Admin

- racist posts as deemed by Site Admin

- flame posts (posts consisting entirely of abuse towards another member) as deemed by Site Admin.

- reposting a topic that has been deleted by the moderator or locked by Site Admin.

- any other material the moderators or Site Adminconsider problematic. If a moderator is unsure, there is a private forum that only the moderators can access where the issue can be discussed further.

- posts that consist of little more than Woofing, which not only annoys other users, but makes your team much more likely to crash and burn.

- posts which contain obscene language. SA Footy will automatically filter out certain words (as well as particular variations on the spellings of certain words).

The following material may be edited or moved if posted on SA Footy:
- material which is off-topic (for example, a post about favourite TV shows placed in the SANFL forum). This material will be moved to the Entertainment forum. Compromise for discussions that cover two topics (for example, a discussion about the latest SANFL ad could go in the SANFL forum and the Entertainment forum).

If a topic in the moderators/admin's opinion will just promote the same posts, the same arguments as a previous post or is just rehashing a previous topic (especially a topic that's been deleted already) it will be deleted or locked.

- any of the above rules are all sujbect to the no 1 rule: Site Admin and moderators reserve the right to edit or delete any post as they see fit, rest assured if a moderator is seen to be abusing his position a warning will be issued and further abuse of their status may result in them being stripped of that status. Site Admin at anytime can ban/remove people from this site purely at their discretion.

- breaking of any rules will result in anything thing from editting of a post, deleting of a post, locking of a topic, moving of a topic, or especially for continued breaking of the rules banning of a user in both name and their IP number.

No pictures in signatures and no avatars bigger than 100X100.

People posting under different usernames will not be tolerated and will be banned.

People trying to impersenate othes or using spin offs of names that are obvious attempts to upset someone else or impersenate them will be banned.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:33 pm
by -
has there been any amendments to any of this?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:43 pm
by Wedgie
- wrote:has there been any amendments to any of this?

We've probably been lenient on some but no, the main rule "any of the above rules are all sujbect to the no 1 rule: Site Admin and moderators reserve the right to edit or delete any post as they see fit" still reigns.
We try to use common sense and bounce stuff off each other and go with a majority of what the Site Admins/Moderators decide.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:48 pm
by Mr66
Oh poo!, troll posts are usually quite funny, ie Port fans v Central fans :D

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:59 am
by Wedgie
We let the clever and funny trolls go. :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:22 pm
by Mr66
Glad to hear that :D

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:40 am
by Sheik Yerbouti
- troll posts (posts intended to be offensive or ignorant, setting off a large and pointless argument)

Does that include posters who continually shitbag the same football club, whack a smiley thingy after it & claim that ''I was only joking'' after being slaughtered by the rank & file, & repeating it over & over almost to clockwork precision thinking that everyone is like them & has the attention span of a newt ?

If so, you may want to take a good look at your moderating panel Wedginald.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:02 am
by spell_check
I reakon this should be stickied.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:52 am
by Wedgie
Sheik Yerbouti wrote:- troll posts (posts intended to be offensive or ignorant, setting off a large and pointless argument)

Does that include posters who continually shitbag the same football club, whack a smiley thingy after it & claim that ''I was only joking'' after being slaughtered by the rank & file, & repeating it over & over almost to clockwork precision thinking that everyone is like them & has the attention span of a newt ?

If so, you may want to take a good look at your moderating panel Wedginald.

Nah mate, with Jimmy its obsessive jealousy and not trolling, probably a grey area but we give him the benefit of the doubt since he's a mod! ;)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:56 am
by Booney
What about setting up a "Sexual behaviour" or "Anatomy" section,that way the user/users interested in discussing these issues adnauseum can continue to do so?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:07 am
by Wedgie
Booney wrote:What about setting up a "Sexual behaviour" or "Anatomy" section,that way the user/users interested in discussing these issues adnauseum can continue to do so?

Good idea, I could set it up so only - can see it and he could merrily talk to himself voting once in each poll! :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:30 pm
by Sheik Yerbouti
Wedgie wrote:
Sheik Yerbouti wrote:- troll posts (posts intended to be offensive or ignorant, setting off a large and pointless argument)

Does that include posters who continually shitbag the same football club, whack a smiley thingy after it & claim that ''I was only joking'' after being slaughtered by the rank & file, & repeating it over & over almost to clockwork precision thinking that everyone is like them & has the attention span of a newt ?

If so, you may want to take a good look at your moderating panel Wedginald.

Nah mate, with Jimmy its obsessive jealousy and not trolling, probably a grey area but we give him the benefit of the doubt since he's a mod! ;)

Shit eh, her as well, your right, well spotted.

Re: Rules for

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:24 pm
by Wedgie
We don't normally allow the bumping of posts but there may be a few on here that aren't aware of the rules of this site so...

Re: Rules for

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:00 pm
by Wedgie
Some have been breaking rules recently, we've been a bit more lenient than we should be by allowing those people to continue to post and instead I thought I'd just bring this topic to their attention instead.

Re: Rules for

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:09 pm
by Dog_ger
Post offenders... :shock:

Whom is the worst tool of the site..? :-k

Re: Rules for

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:37 pm
by stan
Dog_ger wrote:Post offenders... :shock:

Whom is the worst tool of the site..? :-k

Come on dog_ger mate, I dont think that would be productive. We just want people to be aware of the rules.

Re: Rules for

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:08 pm
by The Big Shrek
Dog_ger wrote:Post offenders... :shock:

Whom is the worst tool of the site..? :-k


Re: Rules for

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:13 pm
by Footy Chick
The Big Shrek wrote:
Dog_ger wrote:Post offenders... :shock:

Whom is the worst tool of the site..? :-k



Re: Rules for

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:21 pm
by Pup
Footy Chick wrote:
The Big Shrek wrote:
Dog_ger wrote:Post offenders... :shock:

Whom is the worst tool of the site..? :-k



I think you will find this was tongue in cheek if you read certain other threads.

Re: Rules for

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:29 pm
by Footy Chick
I think you'll find my post is justified and you have no idea. :roll:

When did your mum join Shrek? :lol: