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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:58 am
by Browny25
Tried Miller Hole last week in Pt Lincoln, weather wasnt that great and fishing wasnt at its normal explosive self!


PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:05 am
by saveyourlegs
browny2323 wrote:Tried Miller Hole last week in Pt Lincoln, weather wasnt that great and fishing wasnt at its normal explosive self!

Did you have any bait on your hooks browny?


PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:34 pm
by Mickyj
Trying tomorrow


PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:49 pm
by beeroclock
Main wharf in Lincoln goes nuts at about 5pm when the pilchard boats unload.Anything goes sometimes.Off the cliffs at Redbanks can be very good as long as you have a 30 foot treble gaff to dangle down to retrieve your catch.Dangerous stuff but a great challenge.All team work there.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:41 pm
by Mickyj
Well it must be about six weeks since my last visit to West Lakes and hurting my knee.So with great trepidation etc. I headed forth hoping against hope of catching a fish.(sorry sometimes I get dramatic )

So I arrived about 8.30 am suited up in my waders selected a popper/booby fly and away I went.Yep that's right 6 weeks ago I was on a quest to catch as many different fish and something big (I should be so lucky) on a popper .Given its now winter I wasn't hopeful.
First section of beach I fished nothing I did roughly a dozen casts and moved on .
This continued up the beach until I waded out to what could be called a sandbank with seagrass growing out the top of it .
Now there are so many ways I could fish with a popper fly .And thinking the Bream weren't around I decided to keep the fly moving .
And you guessed it second cast in and I'm moving this fly and I stopped it .Not that far in front of me and suddenly its being followed and POP out of the water this tiny fish .Wasn't a Bream shape so perhaps a small whiting ,mullet or Salmon, all I could see was its head shape .
Suddenly I had hope .Sadly Four more casts in this spot didn't produce anything .
So I fished the entire length or stretch of this beach and I decided to walk to the next beach .But with nil returns half way through this beach at 10am I decided I was thirsty so I drank most of my small bottle of water .And decided to go back to beach number 1 and cast my way back to my car.
And by 11 am I had had enough and headed home .
So no fish but there is something out there that will attack a popper fly in winter .
Hope and a sore knee and hope wins out .
until next flick


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:51 pm
by silicone skyline
What's your strike rate Micky, do you end up with nothing regularly?


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:28 pm
by Mickyj
silicone skyline wrote:What's your strike rate Micky, do you end up with nothing regularly?

This time of year is not designed for my fly fishing .Well that's what I have found in the past.BUT after getting one fish to come up to the top gives me hope . ;)
This year was very hard (perhaps the drought not sure)where I was getting fish the last 2 years I was getting zero's more often .
And I started to go to more spots around the lake in hunt of fish.When times are good I have lost large amounts of fish(Bream tail spit annoying and I am trying to learn as I go with different species) but normally end up with 2 or 3 fish a trip .
Not huge numbers but it keeps me going until the following weekend .
And part way through this mornings session I realised the tide was out :shock: .
So not huge numbers but what does fall, falls to a fly I have tied which makes every fish worth more to me .
Hell the biggest bonus for the wife is I take a picture and put them back :lol:


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:36 pm
by silicone skyline
Yeah, that's cool, I'm one of those people who if they don't catch anything don't go again for a long time. Lol. Where's my heart???


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:13 pm
by Mickyj
silicone skyline wrote:Yeah, that's cool, I'm one of those people who if they don't catch anything don't go again for a long time. Lol. Where's my heart???

Nah your ok your normal .Me I got addicted pitty I'm not as good as I write .You know the top of the of the rod flying off in to the water I think that happened today :roll: .Or the fly hitting me in the head that has happened before more than once or catching my shirt or my back pack or almost hitting a women in the eye.
For me its time to myself getting away from stuff and hopefully catch a fish.Its just that I keep going and going and going .I dont always write when I stuff up . ;)


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:21 pm
by beeroclock
Nor west winds,may as well shut up shop.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:34 pm
by Mickyj
beeroclock wrote:Nor west winds,may as well shut up shop.

Now thats an interesting call .Being a SWFF I am supposed to fear the wind .But I enjoy a little water movement hides the line from the fish .

And my trip today was a lot better than going to work ;)


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:50 pm
by Dog_ger
I gave up fishing long ago.

I caught fish that look so fantastic and threw them back.

What am I doing here...?

Breaking their lips.

Fish with broken lips can't eat... :shock:

And die. :shock:

Great FISH should be Free.

I buy my salmon at Woolies/Coles/IGC,

Who ever is cheapest. ;) :lol:


PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:01 pm
by silicone skyline
Fish with broken lips can eat.


PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:48 pm
by auto
Browns, Browns, Browns Browns................


PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:53 pm
by beeroclock
automaticwicky wrote:Browns, Browns, Browns Browns................

More info please,will be on the yorkes for work on Friday.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:57 pm
by silicone skyline
automaticwicky wrote:Browns, Browns, Browns Browns................

Brown's Well. Popular fishing spot.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:41 pm
by beeroclock
silicone skyline wrote:
automaticwicky wrote:Browns, Browns, Browns Browns................

Brown's Well. Popular fishing spot.

Any particular area,pillies for bait and what species do i target?


PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:43 pm
by Mickyj
beeroclock wrote:
silicone skyline wrote:
automaticwicky wrote:Browns, Browns, Browns Browns................

Brown's Well. Popular fishing spot.

Any particular area,pillies for bait and what species do i target?

Perhaps he means for Salmon .


PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:50 pm
by beeroclock
Mickyj wrote:
beeroclock wrote:
silicone skyline wrote:
automaticwicky wrote:Browns, Browns, Browns Browns................

Brown's Well. Popular fishing spot.

Any particular area,pillies for bait and what species do i target?

Perhaps he means for Salmon .

Your not being sarcastic i hope Micky.Should have said any other species.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:10 pm
by beeroclock
Anybody been dangling?