
Holidays, where, to go, how to get there, travel stories.


Postby Rams52 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:47 pm

Hey everyone, heading to Cambodia & Vietnam in July with the wife (will be hot I know!).
Any must do’s, or suggestions on where to stay or anything would be appreciated.
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Re: Cambodia/Vietnam

Postby Jim05 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:17 pm

Depends what you like doing.
We have been a few times and Vietnam has big weather fluctuations between the South, North and Central parts.
We have been in mid July and HaNoi was pushing 40 and had a heap of rain with humidity at 90% every day. HCMC was low 30’s and much drier humidity wise. Infrastructure is still very much third world so travel can be a bit of a chore but domestic flights are cheap. Most people do the triangle in Vietnam of flying into HaNoi/HCMC and then over to DaNang and/or HaLong bay betfore flying out of HCMC/HaNoi. You can tack on a side tour to Cambodia from HCMC. Where you go depends entirely on what you want to do or see plus your personal interests
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Re: Cambodia/Vietnam

Postby Mr Beefy » Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:18 pm

Rams52 wrote:Hey everyone, heading to Cambodia & Vietnam in July with the wife (will be hot I know!).
Any must do’s, or suggestions on where to stay or anything would be appreciated.
Yes, don't take wife....

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