Spent Easter weekend down in Mt Gambier.
Arrived Friday arvo after work in the morning. And had a drive around the town.
Spent a day up in Naracoorte having a gander in the caves.
Sat night at The Barn
Sunday morning walk up and around the rim of Mt Schank....calf's are still feeling it.
Popped into the equestrian.
Went out to the Little Blue Lake and had no idea it was such a popular spot. Sunday arvo it was packed, people lining up to jump off the cliff into it.
Monday on the way back did another local cave walk - Engelbrecht before going onto Tantanoola. I'd say Tantanoola looks the best of the caves but it's also possibly had the most work done inside it.
Fuel and food top up at The Big Lobster.
Drive back was interesting, cruise control on the limit, no cars around and then out of nowhere one just goes whoooooshhka. I'm actually surprised the road toll isn't higher. Cars over taking leading up to a blind bend where you can't see oncoming traffic a couple of close calls.