WEIGHT LOSS + the challenge

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WEIGHT LOSS + the challenge

Postby mal » Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:14 am

A recent discussion with PunkRooster has given me the inspiration
to tone up.
Punk said " MAL your fatter than me, your as big as MT79 and
almost as big as BAYMAN."
The last statement is my catalyst, almost as fat as BAYMAN :oops:


Im going to lose 9 kilos by December 24th, and then enjoy xmas.
That is my challenge, which I think I can achieve.
I will be known as MALnutrition and then I can jibe the fat stablemates
I weigh 109 kilos, and I am a fataholic.
FOOD AND DRINKS FOR MY 3 STABLEMATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Any advice out there from anyone about weight loss techniques ?
I specifically dont wont to go on a complete diet, that never works, but will
incorporate exercise as the main constituent.
Jokes are ok from all the shitstirrers out there as well, it will only inspire me.

Well Im going to donate my green tee shirt to the boy scouts, they can use
it for a tent :oops:
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Postby Punk Rooster » Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:24 am

ha, I have a 15kg head start on you- I should try & get down to 85 though, just to embarrass you further!
I start this fri night- squash.
I will also try & start up a mixed Netball team, combined with pre-season training- I will be Hunk Rooster! :D
Ralph Wiggum wrote:That's where I saw the leprechaun. He told me to burn things

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Postby mal » Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:28 am


1. MAL...................109
3. WEDGIE.............106
*.BAYMAN.............125 ?

I will regularly edit this and add on fellow campaigners.
Last edited by mal on Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Wedgie » Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:41 am

You should throw me in, Im 106, was up to 109 earlier this year and was down to 95 2 years ago. :oops:
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Postby Punk Rooster » Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:43 am

mal wrote:THE FIELD

1. MAL...................108
3. WEDGIE.............106
*.BAYMAN.............125 ?

I will regularly edit this and add on fellow campaigners.

You've lost a kilo just thinking about it, while I lost 2?
Ralph Wiggum wrote:That's where I saw the leprechaun. He told me to burn things

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Postby Booney » Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:45 am

108.Was 114 6 months ago,man 6 is tough to drop,even with 30 that is surplus to requirements.Good luck mal,my suggestion is walk,walk,walk.Start doing any high impact stuff and the body aches,the mind breaks and it's all over.Walking is low impact and better for you than you think.Hour a day is what you want.

Count me in,I would like to be 100 by Xmas myself,then stack it all back on over the break...
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Postby mal » Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:52 am

Punk Rooster wrote:
mal wrote:THE FIELD

1. MAL...................108
3. WEDGIE.............106
*.BAYMAN.............125 ?

I will regularly edit this and add on fellow campaigners.

You've lost a kilo just thinking about it, while I lost 2?

I have adjusted that thanks Junk Rooster-MAL109...PUNK95...
Welcome to the challenge to WIDEGIE and BALOONEY as well.
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Postby mighty_tiger_79 » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:07 am

i have to get on a set of scales before confirming my final weight, but im also trying to get rid of some excess flesh!!!!!

MAL im looking forward to a feed and a drink on you over x-mas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby JK » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:09 am

Had a mate who just lost 8 kilo's in 8 weeks, can get a copy of his diet for ya if ya like ... He wasn't real big to start with, prob like 92 and is now back to 84 and I believe his regime still included 1 or 2 quiet (legitimately quiet) ales a week.

Either way, good luck with it lads ... I lost a shitload in my final year of school and then again when I was about 23, and once you get the ball rolling, the motivation becomes ingrained!
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Postby mighty_tiger_79 » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:13 am

Constance_Perm wrote:Had a mate who just lost 8 kilo's in 8 weeks, can get a copy of his diet for ya if ya like ... He wasn't real big to start with, prob like 92 and is now back to 84 and I believe his regime still included 1 or 2 quiet (legitimately quiet) ales a week.

Either way, good luck with it lads ... I lost a shitload in my final year of school and then again when I was about 23, and once you get the ball rolling, the motivation becomes ingrained!

i think you need to share that diet with us!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Wedgie » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:14 am

Ive already taken up sport in the summer so watch out.
Mind you, Im not sure lawn bowls will take a lot off me especially if I have a pint every 2 ends! :?
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Postby JK » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:21 am

Wedgie wrote:Ive already taken up sport in the summer so watch out.
Mind you, Im not sure lawn bowls will take a lot off me especially if I have a pint every 2 ends! :?

LOL Our season starts again tonight ... I think I've done pretty well in the gut management stakes after 11 years of drinking, err, bowling ...

Wedgie, trust me, the bowling season doesn't do too many favours to a) waistline, b) wallet, c) the head the next morning :wink:
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Postby Booney » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:29 am

Counter productive I know,but how about for every kg we lose,we throw in a $2 or $5 to a charity we choose to support.Im sure Wedgie could pick one,anything to do with kids is my vote,then we could,in all reality (most of us needing to drop 10kg plus) donate some coin somewhere?

Just a thought,dont have many so I air them when I do.
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Postby JK » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:43 am

I'd be happy to join in sponsoring that, good call mate!!
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Postby TroyGFC » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:51 am

A mate from work was 112kg back in about May and is now 97kg due to no booze, no carbs (only protein) and gym 6 days a week. He was training for a bodybuilding comp though but lost inches in beer guts.
I am 85kg but only this time last year about 69kg so I am trying to lose the footy season guts too. My diet is going to be no cheese, only water in fridge (no juices or beer!! :( ) and no countermeal parmys for about a month. Pure Blonde beer okay in emerency situations. :D

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Postby am Bays » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:53 am

As I posted in the gambling thread, I'm 96 and want to get down to 86 by Christmas, but anything below 90 I'd be happy with. Got down to 94 two weeks ago but work has been shit so exercise has gone out of the window due to a lot of late hours. I'm basically trying to cut out snacks and exercise every day. To stop snacking is a bit hard when working at a hopsital and they provide bicuits and afternoon tea everyday. I need to develop some better self discipline - but I love food!!!.

Need anything to get me motivated, I'd be happy to donate to a charity (my favourite is teh Glenelg Footy Club) to get this adipose tissue off.....
Let that be a lesson to you Port, no one beats the Bays five times in a row in a GF and gets away with it!!!
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Postby another grub » Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:06 pm

lets get a few things straight....... 1. no one is as big as bayman 2. diets dont work 3. HJs isnt fattening 4 I exercise when I run to the TAB........ I way 125 kg
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Postby mighty_tiger_79 » Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:15 pm

I used to excercise when i was in the TAB by running to the counter to get that last bet on before they jumped, and of course to collect, but since ive been punting over the net i run to and from the fridge for choccy bikkies and beer....................
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Postby Zorro » Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:36 pm

Guys, the low carb regime is the quickest way to lose weight. You can debate the pros and cons of it but it works. I lost 20kg (105kg back to 85kg) before my first child was born and recently crept to about 92kg and am now back at 85kg after a solid 4-6 weeks.

Walking every day (at least 30-45 mins) kicks it along nicely as well. I bought a treadmill to make sure I kept walking during winter. It's not too bad watching the footy or something on tv while you're walking instead of sitting on the couch.

The toughest bit is avoiding the grog for at least a few weeks, but it's mainly avoiding bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugar etc etc. I followed the Atkins formula but there are a number of them out there now.

Good luck with it anyway!
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Postby MagicKiwi » Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:40 pm

Well done all you guys for doing this. Motivation should be health I know but that goes out the window with a nice coldie. I recommend everything in moderation that way you don't feel like you're punishing yourselves.

Either way, exercise. And for you older dieters, make sure not all of it is cardio as you need more weight bearing exercise as you age. So hit some weights as well.

Best of luck to you all.
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