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Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:20 am
by HH3
People blatantly lying at work when they've made a mistake. Almost lost my shit at someone. Had to just reply in monotone "yep"s while staring directly at my monitor, coz if I looked at her it would've been "on".

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:21 am
by Johno6
guy at my work (not me) never takes responsibility for anything
any time his department has made an error its someone elses fault
he tries to make people fill out things and sign things that he is responsible for so he can blame them afterwards.

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:49 am
by HH3
Johno6 wrote:guy at my work (not me) never takes responsibility for anything
any time his department has made an error its someone elses fault
he tries to make people fill out things and sign things that he is responsible for so he can blame them afterwards.

just had to change an invoice 3 times. the 3rd time was to change it back to what i had originally done.

Very cranky HH3 this morning.

It all kicked off this morning with an Xbox fanboy in the warehouse telling me how CODs better than Killzone, even though he's just traded his 360 so he can get a PS4 to play it.

He's written it off because "COD runs smoother", even though he's never even played the **** game. I couldn't give two shits about his actual opinion. Its just the fact he stood at my desk for 20 ******* minutes first thing this morning arguing about it.

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:10 pm
by tipper
set rant on/

righto, what is giving me the right royal shits at the moment is doctors (no offence to the medical staff amongst us) but it is for a very specific reason.

every time my two kids have gotten sick over the last nearly 5 years (oldest junior tipper turns 5 in just under a month) and we take them to the doctor they check them out and pronounce "cant see anything wrong, its probably viral, bed rest and if they still have a temperature in 2 days bring them back"......

we are not the type of parents to bring them to the doctor when they have a singular cough, or a slightly runny nose. if we take them to the doctor it is because there is actually something wrong. My wife is in the medical profession, so we know what we are dealing with. yet every single time we have taken one of them in it is the above result. and every single time we have to put up with a sick kid for three ******* days (usually a day before we go in, as i said, we dont rush them down at the drop of a hat), so we can take them back and find that miraculously they now have an infection in (insert body part here) and here's a script for antibiotics.......

look at our ******* records, every visit is with the same practice, one which 4 ******* generations of my family use. surely you can see by looking at it that is the pattern. we dont bring them in for nothing, they are actually sick. no one in my family are hypochondriacs. we have taken so many days off work ourselves to look after them (day care wont take them when they are sick), had uncounted sleepless nights looking after them, and all could have been avoided if we were given ******* treatment on the first visit. a few weeks ago it was with the boy. tuesday it was "must be a virus"... which by thursday had turned into "bilateral ear infections"......

im left feeling that it is a rort to just get more money out of us/medicare at the expense of my kids (and others) health. so ******* glad that it wasnt me with my daughter getting told that today (grandma stepped up and took her thankfully), i doubt i would have been welcome back in the practice again after i told them what i felt about yet another diagnosis of "virus"... guarantee ill be back there on monday with a full blown ...somethng... infection.

**** it, in future ill just take her to the emergency dept of the womens and childrens, tell them she has a temperature and a rash, i hear that gets bumped right up the priority list.......

set rant off/

if anyone knows a good practice in the northern suburbs please let me know. ive had enough

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:15 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
that's a justified rant

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:15 pm
by bennymacca
My wife has started going to the small clinic near starplex, they don't seem to very busy, you can pretty much get appointment times whenever you want, and he was very thorough. And he bulk bills.

As opposed to my doctor at Gawler medical clinic, who I have to wait more than 2 weeks to get in to see, and then have to pay $36

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:31 pm
by Spargo
I hear ya tipper - "it's viral" not much can be done seems to be the norm when my kids go to the doctors.

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:40 pm
by tipper
Spargo wrote:I hear ya tipper - "it's viral" not much can be done seems to be the norm when my kids go to the doctors.

its bullshit is what it is.

i understand that they probably get a lot of parents that bring their kids in for the slightest thing. but surely you judge each case on its merits. we have a 5 year history of not making shit up when we say our kids are sick. every time we return within a few days and lo and behold it is an infection. yet still we have to put up with this crap.

watching your kids suffer is bad enough, but when medical professionals refuse to help them it is ******* infuriating. that and im operating on drastically reduced sleep probably isnt helping my mood. good thing im off to the pub for a liquid lunch. that can only make things better surely ;)

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:53 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
reduced sleep
anger management issues
liquid lunch

can only result in bad news!

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:05 pm
by tipper
who said anything about anger management issues ;)

so far so good. i havent punched anything yet. although things might change once i finish work and get to see the little one again if she is still sick :evil:

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:45 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
cost of homebrew going up

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:34 pm
by RustyCage
mighty_tiger_79 wrote:reduced sleep
anger management issues
liquid lunch

can only result in entertainment!

Edited for accuracy ;)

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:43 pm
by tipper
And guess what. My little princess is just as bad as she was thismorning.

Expect my next update to be from the womens and childrens later tonight. ******* useless ****

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:44 pm
by bennymacca
To be honest, you could/should have sought a second opinion at any of the multitude of previous times this has happened.

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:58 pm
by bennymacca
things that give me the shits:

unspeakable tragedies like a plane getting shot down allow the mouth breathing tin foil hat wearers to come out in force again

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:03 pm
by tipper
bennymacca wrote:To be honest, you could/should have sought a second opinion at any of the multitude of previous times this has happened.

Thats what I will be doing when I take her to the hospital shortly. But also, if they did their job properly to begin with it would be totally unnecessary.

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:29 pm
by Psyber
Unfortunately a lot of kids illnesses are viral and there are many minor virus variants that don't even have a specific name.
And generally, antibiotics don't have much effect, if any, on a virus.
So often rest, hydration, and nutrition, along with some pain killers may be all that can be done.

That said, I agree GPs sometimes don't explain enough, and some are better than others in that regard.
(I've never been a GP so I'm not saying that in self-defence.)

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:10 pm
by helicopterking
Worked all day finishing my new backyard, to be asked what I want for dinner. I said "I don't care, you choose". After another 3 " I don't care, you choose", she spits the dummy, says thanks for your help, storms out and locks me outside.
Warming up the backhand as I type this.

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:26 pm
by bennymacca
helicopterking wrote:Worked all day finishing my new backyard, to be asked what I want for dinner. I said "I don't care, you choose". After another 3 " I don't care, you choose", she spits the dummy, says thanks for your help, storms out and locks me outside.
Warming up the backhand as I type this.

Rib eye steak and blowjob is always the answer to that question

Re: Things that give you the sh1ts

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:55 pm
by smac
Good to see you're off the fence with that issue!