I'll start if off with three things that happened today.
I was watching TV and there was a trailer for a documentry. The programme was about a British beef farm that bred cattle and processed the meat for the organic food market, and the commentator said the story was "from the cradle to the gravey".

In the local rag tonight, the front page story was about an old guy who was arrested because he was driving his disabled scooter whilst being four times over the limit. The story went to say that he would have been ok if he had kept on the pavement, but when he went on the road to avoid an obstruction and was booked. To top it off, the guy, who can't walk at all received a ban for 3 years from driving a car, even though he hasn't been physically able to drive since 1997. The magistrate said he was banning the old guy from driving a car, because he couldn't ban him from driving a disabled scooter.

Finally, I got a pair of the Homer Simpson slippers for my birthday a month ago, and only found out tonight that if you press on Homers face on one of them, a homer voice says "more beer". Now that in itself is not too funny, but we were all sat having dinner tonight when we started hearing this vioce, "more beer", there it was again, "more beer". Bearing in mind at this point none of us knew it was my slippers. Two of my sons checked their mobile phones.

Anyone else got a funny, everyday story?