The Class War - them versus us

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The Class War - them versus us

Postby Rik E Boy » Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:28 pm

Despite being an avid follower of politics, I rarely venture on to this board. But events over the past few years has seen a fundamental shift of the political landscape of this country. In the past it was 'Labor' verses 'Liberal' with both parties having identifiable strengths and weaknesses. If it's Blue then it's responsible economic management. If it was red it was for the working man. Simplistic perhaps but a core identifiable branding of our major political parties.

I would suggest that Black (i.e. Fascist) has become the new Blue. The LNP are coming after us make no mistake. They don't care if you vote Liberal, Labor, Green or if you are one of those Orange nutters. They want our money. They stand for nothing other than re-election and the feathering of the nests of the elite of this country. In the past swinging voters would have (reasonably accurately) said that they were 'as bad as each other'.

The Black party are following Neo-Liberal policies which are underpinned by the fraudulent economic theory of trickle down economics. They've been trying that shit in America since the Reagan era and this had led to an ever increasing gap between rich and poor. It' s coming soon to a city near you. In the past some rich people manufactured things. They employed people and those people purchased their product. When this is the economic model the rich are getting rich through the efforts of the people who work for them. For the middle class, they earnt wages and were thus participating in the economy. A mass participation in the economy generally leads to better infrastructure, health, education of the nation because more people are paying tax. Middle to lower class people spend their money.

Then the elite (the plutocracy) figured, 'how can we get richer?'. The result of this question was deregulated banking, downsizing, globalisation and privitisation. If you can make a bigger profit by investing off shore than employing people all of a sudden you don't need people to be working for you, the rich no longer have a stake in us working. For the workers what it comes down to is that due to globalisation and downsizing in particular, we are now working in competition with each other. We are no longer working for a greater good of the organisation, we are watching our own arse. Employers then started on the working conditions and aren't that keen on collective bargaining. All of a sudden the working man is afraid, in a precarious financial situation. The term for this the 'Precariat', or proletariat in a precarious position.

Fear is the key. Fear is the key that develops compassion fatigue. They aren't coming after me so it's ok. Fear is the key to how the elite can get people to vote against what is essentially in their best interests. REFUGEES REFUGEES MUSLIMS TERROR WAR!! If you don't want Refugees don't bomb their countries. Have a look at what we are up to overseas. Not only are we bombing Syria we also allies with genocidal states such as Indonesia as well as Saudi Arabia and the Criminal state of Israel. I always thought we were the good guys but these days I'm not so sure. So we pick up the paper and it's right wing nonsense. Rupert Murdoch handpicked our government and our 'leaders' have been slavishly adhering to his doctrine for many years. Why is this relevant to the class war? Because why else would Bogans vote for a party that attacks welfare and social services? What's in it for them...that's right we stopped the boats.

So keep watching as the Black party undermines the social welfare net while they provide corporate welfare. Keep watching while they divest in education...uneducated people can more easily be persuaded to vote against their own interests, provided Rupert points out their enemies for them. Keep watching as our human rights reputation is dissolved, they are tying to make refugees illegal now...if we are going to stand alone against something make it against Corporate Government and not against desperate people who are looking for a better life. Keep watching while the Black party destroys the environment because dirty fuel helped get them elected. Keep watching until every shit idea the United States has ever had comes to our soon before we have privitised prisons where criminals are suddenly in demand and can raise a profit?

The Black party won't stop until the middle class is destroyed, then they will come after the upper middle class. Eventually only the elite will remain and we will all be wondering what happened to the lucky country. We've let bigotry and racism blind us to the fact that the Black party have robbed us blind. Can anyone name a single positive thing that the Black party has done? The LNP are nothing but traitors to our country. Selling us out so the very few have feathered nests and we all get covered in bird shit. Democracy has been destroyed and been traded in for an Oligarchy. Theocracy has replaced good government. We have a government that consistently undermines and targets those most vulnerable, but it's ok because it's not us and we are the lesser nation because of it.


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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby bennymacca » Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:51 pm

A little ranty but i cant really argue with any of it.

And its not just the liberals that are shifting well to the right - labor is doing the same thing.

Centrist pragmatism and constructive relationships between both sides is all but dead.
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Jase » Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:34 pm

Usually if a post is longer than a paragraph, I tend to drift off... but this was a beauty...

Well said young REB... while not a political person, due to the fact I see very few redeeming features in our pollies or their policies, this to me reads as very much how I feel...
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Q. » Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:51 pm

"Let's gather 'round the carcass of the old deflated beast"
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby MatteeG » Tue Nov 08, 2016 4:22 pm

Q. wrote:"Let's gather 'round the carcass of the old deflated beast"

I preferred Flat Earth Society but this one is a ripper... ;)
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Wedgie » Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:22 am

Spot on REB. I voted for the Libs for the first 20 years of my adult life but couldn't bring myself to vote for them there days. I honestly don't know how any intelligent non business owner could.
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Dogwatcher » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:40 am

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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Gozu » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:03 pm

Excellent post REB I agree 100%.

By the 'black' party I gather you mean either the right-wing of the Libs like the libertarian types? Libertarianism is something we all need to be very concerned about to avoid ending up like the US. A few advocates of this extreme school of thought are Cory Bernardi and the now disgraced senator of the Family First party (or should that be Family Last party?) Bob Day.
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Psyber » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:21 am

Rik E Boy wrote: I would suggest that Black (i.e. Fascist) has become the new Blue...

I recall that the classic Fascists were the "National Socialist German Workers Party"
German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

My point is that authoritarianism is not the sole possession of conservatives, but those from both ends of the spectrum can be so sure they are right that they are justified in imposing their will on others.

That said, I would have had to vote against the Liberal Party in the recent election had it remained under Tony Abbott and stuck with the 2014 budget, and extreme middle class welfare policies. I am disappointed Turnbull has had to compromise so much with the conservative wing since he became leader

I am still campaigning for more balanced policy, lobbying acquaintances inside the LCP and the ALP about the balance between real welfare needs and fiscal responsibility, and I have personally argued, face to face, with Cory Bernardi the case for supporting gay marriage and balanced economic policies. We have disagreed, but were able to keep it civil, and hear each other's case politely.

The thing to do is get active and lobby. One federal MP I knew in Melbourne made the point that what makes the difference is not petitions or organisations, which can be dismissed as a bias generated by pressure groups of ideologues, but many non-aligned individuals approaching their local members and making those local members nervous enough to approach the Ministers, as what gets anything reviewed at the Cabinet table is many back-benchers pushing the Ministers and making them nervous too.
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Rik E Boy » Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:16 pm

Psyber wrote:
Rik E Boy wrote: I would suggest that Black (i.e. Fascist) has become the new Blue...

I recall that the classic Fascists were the "National Socialist German Workers Party"
German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

My point is that authoritarianism is not the sole possession of conservatives, but those from both ends of the spectrum can be so sure they are right that they are justified in imposing their will on others.

That said, I would have had to vote against the Liberal Party in the recent election had it remained under Tony Abbott and stuck with the 2014 budget, and extreme middle class welfare policies. I am disappointed Turnbull has had to compromise so much with the conservative wing since he became leader

I am still campaigning for more balanced policy, lobbying acquaintances inside the LCP and the ALP about the balance between real welfare needs and fiscal responsibility, and I have personally argued, face to face, with Cory Bernardi the case for supporting gay marriage and balanced economic policies. We have disagreed, but were able to keep it civil, and hear each other's case politely.

The thing to do is get active and lobby. One federal MP I knew in Melbourne made the point that what makes the difference is not petitions or organisations, which can be dismissed as a bias generated by pressure groups of ideologues, but many non-aligned individuals approaching their local members and making those local members nervous enough to approach the Ministers, as what gets anything reviewed at the Cabinet table is many back-benchers pushing the Ministers and making them nervous too.

The true Socialists of the Weimar Republic were the SPD and you know this. Also, the Black Shirts Facista were active in Italy while Hitler was talking crap in Landsberg prison. The Nazi's were as much for socialism as they were for the Proletariat, it's like saying the Democratic People's Republic of Korea favours Democracy. I also think that the rise of the Nazi party couldn't have happened without the conservative elements of the German electorate, particularly in Bavaria and Prussia. The elimination of the SA pacified the armed forces and the figurehead Hindenburg united conservative elements of the electorate who (mistakenly) believed that they could 'tame' Hitler with the help of Franz Von Papen. I agree with your comment about authoritarianism not being the sole possession of conservatives but perhaps the Nazi party wasn't a great example.

I mentioned Black because to me Liberals aren't Liberals any more. Labor, for their part are weak as piss and failed to take the opportunity presented to them in the last election. They had to go after the Blacks on a gaffe by gaffe basis, not waiting until Murdoch was doing his thing during the excessively long election campaign. It astounds me that a person as obviously intelligent as yourself fell for Turnbull's 'Abbott Lite' act. You are smarter than I am and I could see it was bullshit because the Blacks knew Abbott was on the nose. The Blacks are coming for the middle class right now but they'll come after everyone bar the elite in the future. For that they need the drooling Hansonites whipped into a frenzy to ensure they vote against what is their best interests. It's not 'conservative v socialist' or 'Liberal vs. Labor' any more. It's them versus us and the destruction of social services, tolerance, democracy and the environment is the end result of a collective of right wing nutters (including the Oranges) who aren't even trying to hide the fact that their snouts are in the trough while they grab what they can while they sit high on the hog.

I love your comment regarding activism.


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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Jimmy_041 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:41 pm

I reckon they're all as bad as each other

They are starting to realise they've lost their hold on people now we've had Brexit and US election
Dare I say it but the Nuclear Citizens Jury was another victory against the political elite class.

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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Booney » Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:58 pm

Jimmy_041 wrote:I reckon they're all as bad as each other

They are starting to realise they've lost their hold on people now we've had Brexit and US election
Dare I say it but the Nuclear Citizens Jury was another victory against the political elite class.


It was, however, the findings were based on not being able to make decision on the information put forward at the time. So it wasn't a "No", per se.
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Jimmy_041 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:36 pm

Booney wrote:
Jimmy_041 wrote:I reckon they're all as bad as each other

They are starting to realise they've lost their hold on people now we've had Brexit and US election
Dare I say it but the Nuclear Citizens Jury was another victory against the political elite class.


It was, however, the findings were based on not being able to make decision on the information put forward at the time. So it wasn't a "No", per se.

I am more referring to the comments by the jurists about the process and trust in politicians
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby bulldogproud » Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:03 pm

Rik E Boy wrote:Despite being an avid follower of politics, I rarely venture on to this board. But events over the past few years has seen a fundamental shift of the political landscape of this country. In the past it was 'Labor' verses 'Liberal' with both parties having identifiable strengths and weaknesses. If it's Blue then it's responsible economic management. If it was red it was for the working man. Simplistic perhaps but a core identifiable branding of our major political parties.

I would suggest that Black (i.e. Fascist) has become the new Blue. The LNP are coming after us make no mistake. They don't care if you vote Liberal, Labor, Green or if you are one of those Orange nutters. They want our money. They stand for nothing other than re-election and the feathering of the nests of the elite of this country. In the past swinging voters would have (reasonably accurately) said that they were 'as bad as each other'.

The Black party are following Neo-Liberal policies which are underpinned by the fraudulent economic theory of trickle down economics. They've been trying that shit in America since the Reagan era and this had led to an ever increasing gap between rich and poor. It' s coming soon to a city near you. In the past some rich people manufactured things. They employed people and those people purchased their product. When this is the economic model the rich are getting rich through the efforts of the people who work for them. For the middle class, they earnt wages and were thus participating in the economy. A mass participation in the economy generally leads to better infrastructure, health, education of the nation because more people are paying tax. Middle to lower class people spend their money.

Then the elite (the plutocracy) figured, 'how can we get richer?'. The result of this question was deregulated banking, downsizing, globalisation and privitisation. If you can make a bigger profit by investing off shore than employing people all of a sudden you don't need people to be working for you, the rich no longer have a stake in us working. For the workers what it comes down to is that due to globalisation and downsizing in particular, we are now working in competition with each other. We are no longer working for a greater good of the organisation, we are watching our own arse. Employers then started on the working conditions and aren't that keen on collective bargaining. All of a sudden the working man is afraid, in a precarious financial situation. The term for this the 'Precariat', or proletariat in a precarious position.

Fear is the key. Fear is the key that develops compassion fatigue. They aren't coming after me so it's ok. Fear is the key to how the elite can get people to vote against what is essentially in their best interests. REFUGEES REFUGEES MUSLIMS TERROR WAR!! If you don't want Refugees don't bomb their countries. Have a look at what we are up to overseas. Not only are we bombing Syria we also allies with genocidal states such as Indonesia as well as Saudi Arabia and the Criminal state of Israel. I always thought we were the good guys but these days I'm not so sure. So we pick up the paper and it's right wing nonsense. Rupert Murdoch handpicked our government and our 'leaders' have been slavishly adhering to his doctrine for many years. Why is this relevant to the class war? Because why else would Bogans vote for a party that attacks welfare and social services? What's in it for them...that's right we stopped the boats.

So keep watching as the Black party undermines the social welfare net while they provide corporate welfare. Keep watching while they divest in education...uneducated people can more easily be persuaded to vote against their own interests, provided Rupert points out their enemies for them. Keep watching as our human rights reputation is dissolved, they are tying to make refugees illegal now...if we are going to stand alone against something make it against Corporate Government and not against desperate people who are looking for a better life. Keep watching while the Black party destroys the environment because dirty fuel helped get them elected. Keep watching until every shit idea the United States has ever had comes to our soon before we have privitised prisons where criminals are suddenly in demand and can raise a profit?

The Black party won't stop until the middle class is destroyed, then they will come after the upper middle class. Eventually only the elite will remain and we will all be wondering what happened to the lucky country. We've let bigotry and racism blind us to the fact that the Black party have robbed us blind. Can anyone name a single positive thing that the Black party has done? The LNP are nothing but traitors to our country. Selling us out so the very few have feathered nests and we all get covered in bird shit. Democracy has been destroyed and been traded in for an Oligarchy. Theocracy has replaced good government. We have a government that consistently undermines and targets those most vulnerable, but it's ok because it's not us and we are the lesser nation because of it.



Dear Reb,

I could not have said this better (or even a quarter as good!!). It was like you were reading my mind whilst you were writing this, and then improving on the quality of the material in it. Perhaps the only aspect I would challenge is 'theocracy has replaced good government'. However, given the way Bernardi, Christensen and others 'hijack' religion for their own propaganda, I am not sure I should really even challenge it.
Cheers and very well done, comrade!!

P.S. Have you ever thought of running for political office? You would have my vote if you did! A party formed by Gozu, Q, Bennymacca and you would be unreal! Although I disagree with some of their viewpoints, Psyber and Jimmy should also consider running.
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Booney » Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:06 pm

bulldogproud wrote:P.S. Have you ever thought of running for political office. You would have my vote if you did!

Now that, that is something I'd pay good money to witness. :lol:
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Jimmy_041 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:48 pm

bulldogproud wrote: Psyber and Jimmy should also consider running.

I did look into it after the last State election and was talked out of it - I wouldn't fit in
One of the questions I was asked was "how many people know your views on the poodle?"
Jimmy "anybody who'd listen"

I'm too old now and Psyber is probably of the same thinking. It really is a 24/7 game if you want to succeed
But some seem to thrive in it. Have a look at Koutsantonis who spends all day on Twitter / Facebook / radio / TV
I suspect the Mandarins prefer it like that so they dont have to deal with the feral

I have friends on both sides of politics but my Labor side friends are with the unions.
I'm not friends with any sitting Labor politician........
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby bennymacca » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:22 pm

Psyber would make me vote Libs for the first time
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Gozu » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:37 pm

bennymacca wrote:Psyber would make me vote Libs for the first time

Especially if in his maiden speech he referred to the fairer sex as his 'love slaves' ;)
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby therisingblues » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:00 pm

Gozu wrote:
bennymacca wrote:Psyber would make me vote Libs for the first time

Especially if in his maiden speech he referred to the fairer sex as his 'love slaves' ;)

Or just randomly retold the story of how Aphrodite the cat gave birth to sixteen kittens on his chest after a bottle of vintage Bordeaux and a good night bedding a fair maiden.
I'm gonna sit back, crack the top off a Pale Ale, and watch the Double Blues prevail
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Re: The Class War - them versus us

Postby Jimmy_041 » Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:00 am

therisingblues wrote:
Gozu wrote:
bennymacca wrote:Psyber would make me vote Libs for the first time

Especially if in his maiden speech he referred to the fairer sex as his 'love slaves' ;)

Or just randomly retold the story of how Aphrodite the cat gave birth to sixteen kittens on his chest after a bottle of vintage Bordeaux and a good night bedding a fair maiden.

There used to be an entire thread for Psyberisms but I cant find it (he probably 5th dimensioned its destruction)
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