The 2795 players so far....

Anything to do with the history of the SANFL

The 2795 players so far....

Postby spell_check » Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:56 pm

As always, corrections and missing club spots are welcome here.

Gordon Abbott Glenelg
John Abbott Central
Rick Abbott Norwood
Roy Abbott South
Bruce Abernethy Port
Ryan Ablett West
John Abley Port
Kevin Abley Glenelg
Ian Abraham Woodville
Paul Abraham Torrens
Cain Ackland Port
Syd Ackland Norwood
Troy Ackland West
Fred A'Court West
Gregory Adams Glenelg
Lee Adams Central
Malcolm Adams Norwood
Brian Adamson Norwood
Brenton Adcock Sturt
Bill Adey North
Peter Adey Norwood
Paul Adler Norwood
Merv Agars West
Ross Agius Port
Corey AhChee Port
Dudley AhChee Sturt
Ben AhMat Glenelg
Joe Ahmat Norwood
Robbie AhMat Norwood
Craig Ainslie Norwood
Andrew Aish Norwood
Michael Aish Norwood
Peter Aish Norwood
Graham Aitken South
Wayne Aitken South
Alan Aldenhoven North
Mark Aldridge South
Bob Alexander Torrens
Doug Algate North
Robbie Algate Sturt
Jeff Allan Woodville
Keith Allan Central
Nigel Allan North
John Allen South
Rodney Allen Woodville
Paul Allison Eagles Glenelg
Stephen Almond Torrens Norwood
Chris Altman North
Richard Ambrose Port
Les Amery Norwood
Peter Ames Torrens
Barry Amos Central West
Colin Anderson Glenelg
Greg Anderson Port
Peter Anderson North Glenelg Woodville
Richard Anderson Norwood
Ron Anderson Glenelg
Stephen Anderson Central
Chris Andrew Central
Derek Andrew Torrens
Lyn Andrews Central
Ron Andrews West
Jamie Andriske West
Bob Anesbury Glenelg
Daniel Angove Port
Simon Angove Glenelg
James Angus Eagles
Lawrence Angwin Glenelg
Adam Ansell West
Anthony Antrobus North
Gavin Appleton Torrens
Gary Argus Sturt
Michael Armfield Glenelg
Roy Armfield Glenelg
Ben Armstrong North
Jody Arnol Sturt
Damien Arnold Central
Paul Arnold North
Simon Arnott Central
Bob Ashby Norwood
John Ashby Central
Ron Ashby Torrens
Jack Ashley Port
Phil Ashmead Central
Des Askin West
Len Atkins South
Brodie Atkinson North Sturt
Kevin Atkinson Woodville
Jeremy Aufderheide Central
Ben Aulich Glenelg
Noel Avery Glenelg
Michael Axon Eagles
Kevin Ayliffe Central
Mark Azzopardi Torrens
Andrew Bachmann South
Lindsay Backman South
Brett Backwell West Glenelg
Guy Bagshaw Sturt
John Bagshaw Sturt
Paul Bagshaw Sturt
Doug Bailey Eagles
Renz Bais South
Mark Bajcic West
Brendon Baker Sturt
David Baker Port South
David Baker Woodville
Keith Baker Torrens
Noel Baker South
Colin Bald Port
Tim Baldwin West
Andrew Balkwill Central
Bob Ball South Torrens
Doug Ball West
Reginald Ball South
Shaun Ballans Eagles
Fred Ballantyne South
Craig Balme Norwood
Neil Balme Norwood
Greg Bamber Woodville
Barry Bamford North South West
Max Bamford South
Scott Bamford North
John Bandy West
Peter Banfield West
Anthony Banik West
Aldo Baraglia South
Stephen Barbaro Central
Barry Barbary North
Craig Barbary Sturt
Tano Barilla Central
Michael Barker Sturt Eagles West
Trevor Barker West
Bobbie Barnes West
John Barnes Glenelg
Ray Barnes Central Torrens
Trevor Barnes Glenelg
Derek Barr Central
Kym Barr North
Darryl Barratt Norwood
Stephen Barratt Glenelg
Steven Barratt Torrens North
Chris Barrett West
Dennis Barron Central
Bill Barrott Torrens
Frank Barry South
Matthew Bartemucci Norwood
Alan Bartlett Glenelg
Kym Bartlett Sturt
Maurice Bartlett Torrens
John Barton Glenelg
Michael Barton Glenelg
Robert Barton Sturt Norwood
Darren Bartsch West
John Baruzzi North
Brenton Bascombe Port
Nathan Bassett Norwood
Scott Bassett Norwood
Adrian Battiston Glenelg
David Baverstock Norwood
Mike Bavey Torrens
Aaron Bayliss West
Geoff Baynes South
Brian Beal Glenelg
Darryl Beale Central
Reg Beaufoy Port
Barry Beckman Sturt
Mark Beech West
Brendan Beeching Norwood
Bob Beecroft Woodville
Brett Beecroft Sturt
Bryan Beinke Port
Chris Bell South
Corey Bell Central
Trevor Bell Norwood
David Bellchambers Central
Michael Bellman Glenelg
Marco Bello Central
John Belton Port
Paul Belton Port
Eddie Bencic Woodville
Andrew Bennett South
Bill Bennett South
Greg Bennett Glenelg
Michael Bennett South
Peter Bennett North
Randall Bennett West
Shane Bennett Norwood
Craig Bennetts West
Jeff Bennetts West
Matthew Benson Sturt
Roy Bent Norwood
Jim Bentley Central
Ron Benton West
Peter Berbakov Glenelg
Steve Berggren Torrens
Jeff Berry Torrens
Justin Berry South
David Bertelsmeier West
Neil Besanko Central
Kevin Beswick West
Reg Betts Port
Jason Bevan South
Wayne Bevan Central
Andrew Beveridge Eagles Sturt
Aaron Bevis Central
Peter Beythien Central
Shayne Biacsi Port
Kym Bickley Woodville
Mark Bickley South
Ted Biggs Sturt
Brenton Bills Torrens
John "Fred" Bills Torrens
Craig Binder Norwood
Daryl Bird Central
Peter Bird West
John Birt Torrens
Aaron Bishop Sturt
Alan Bitmead West
Douglass Blackburn Glenelg
Lionel Blackmore Norwood
Alan Blagrove Port
Lee Blake Norwood
Dave Bland Norwood
Ron Bland Norwood
Geoff Blethyn Port
George Blight Torrens
Malcolm Blight Woodville
Fred Bloch North
Lucas Block Glenelg
Peter Blood Norwood
Don Blows Sturt
Norman Blum South
John Blunden North
Peter Blunden North
William Blunden North
Sean Blythe West
Greg Blythman Norwood
Jeff Blythman Norwood
Michael Boase Norwood
Jace Bode Sturt
Matthew Bode Glenelg
Olaf Bode Norwood
Scott Boden Norwood
Mervyn Boehm Glenelg
Stephen Boehm Central
Mark Boettger Central
David Bolton Woodville
Ashley Bond North
Shane Bond Port
Troy Bond Port
Randall Bone South
Richard Bone Glenelg
Derek Bonner South
Zeb Bonney Glenelg
Dean Bonutto Central
Ian Borchard West
Scott Borlace Norwood
Daryl Borlase Port
Ryan Borowski West
Bob Boston West
Lynden Bow Glenelg
Brian Bowe Norwood
Darren Bower Sturt
Glen Bowes Torrens
Brian Bowler Sturt
Lachlan Bowman Norwood
Stuart Bown Norwood
Dean Bowtell West
Marcus Boyall Glenelg
Ray Boyanich Woodville
Dave Boyd Port
Greg Boyd Port
Russell Boyd Port
Lance Boyle Glenelg
Steven Bozicevic Norwood
Gary Bracegirdle South
Craig Braddy Central
Craig Bradley Port
David Bradley Glenelg
Lionel Bradley Woodville
Phillip Bradley Glenelg
Ian Bradmore Port Woodville
Terry Braidwood Torrens
Chris Brain North
Kerry Brain South
Darren Brakenridge North
Greg Brand Sturt
Michael Bratton Norwood Sturt
Geoff Bray West
John Brealey North
Mark Brebner West
Greg Brehaut Woodville
Peter Brenchley Norwood
Justin Brereton West
Ian Brewer Norwood
Robert Brice Torrens
Robert Briedis Woodville
Shayne Broad North
Robert Broadbent Glenelg
Jack Broadstock West
Mel Brock Glenelg
Andrew Brockhurst South
Mike Broderick West
Patrick Broderick Torrens
Peter Broderick West
Robert Brodhurst North
Jason Bromilow Glenelg
Graham Bronson Glenelg
Matthew Brookes South
Barry Brooks North
Clive Brooks Sturt
Justin Brooks Sturt
Stephen Brooks Central
Graham Brooksby South
Phillip Brooksby South
Steven Brosnan Port
Anthony Brown Port
Colin Brown West
Darryl Brown Sturt
Max Brown North
Michael Browne West
Nigel Browning Eagles
Matthew Bruhn West
Peter Bryan North
John Bubner North
Peter Bubner Central Sturt
David Buckley Central
Jim Buckley West
Mark Buckley Norwood
Nathan Buckley Port
Ray Buckley Woodville
Shaun Buckley Torrens
Craig Budarick Glenelg
Haydn Bunton Jr Norwood
Haydn Bunton Sr Port
Michael Burford North
Tony Burgan Sturt
Alistair Burke Glenelg
Frank Burke Sturt
Gar Burkett West
John Burkett West
David Burns North
Ronnie Burns Port
Scott Burns Norwood
Geoff Burt West
Brett Burton Eagles
Craig Burton West North
Rod Burton Port
Shayne Burton Central
Sid Burton North
James Bury Glenelg
Kevin Busbridge North
Gil Butchart Norwood
Des Butler Norwood
Ricky Butler Central
Sam Butler Central
Shane Butler South
Neil Button Norwood
Ray Button Glenelg
Richard Buzzacott Glenelg
Aaron Byerlee North
Alan Byers North
Gregory Byrne South
James Byrne Glenelg
Simon Byrne West
David Byrnes West
Mark Caesarowicz South
Darrell Cahill Port
John Cahill Port
Laurie Cahill Port
Rodney Cahill Glenelg
Lou Cailotto Woodville
Kevin Caire Torrens
Carlo Calabrese Norwood
Dean Caldow Glenelg
Neville Caldwell Glenelg
Alan Calyun Torrens
Gary Cameron South
Peter Cameron Central
Jamie Cammarano Eagles
Bryce Campbell Norwood
Ian Campbell West
Joel Campbell North
Matt Campbell North
Matthew Campbell North
Russell Campbell Glenelg Woodville
Wayne Campbell Central
Xavier Campbell Sturt
Scott Camporeale Eagles
Clarrie Cannon West
Sean Cantwell Glenelg
John Cappo West
Maurie Cappo West
Andrew Carey South
Peter Carey Glenelg
Roger Carlaw North
Darren Carlson West
Ron Carlson North
Phil Carman Norwood
Paul Carpenter South
Josh Carr Glenelg
Stephen Carr West
Tom Carr Port
Keith Carroll North
Scott Carslake Eagles Norwood
Peter Carter Torrens
Stephen Carter Port
Wayne Carty Woodville South
Colin Casey Sturt
Tom Casey North
Alan Casserly Central
Justin Casserly Central
Tony Casserly Central
John Cassin Torrens
Jarad Cattermole Eagles
Paul Caust Sturt
Peter Caven Sturt
Silvano Cece Sturt
Sam Chadwick West
Tom Chadwick West
Bob Chalken Norwood
Brett Chalmers Port
Brant Chambers Sturt
Sean Chambers Central West
Richard Champion Woodville
Wade Champion West
Peter Chant Port
Clay Chaplin Sturt
Gavin Chaplin Central
Greg Chapman Eagles
Paul Chapman Eagles
Ricky Chapman South
William Chapman Norwood
Josh Charles West
Kim Chatfield Norwood
Alan Cheek North
Paul Chenoweth Central
Keith Chessell Sturt
Nick Chigwidden Glenelg
Michael Chirgwin South
Gene Chiron Central
Martin Christensen Eagles
David Christie Woodville
Gary Christie South Glenelg
Graham Christie South
Ross Christie Eagles
Chris Chubb West
Colin Churchett Glenelg
Daryl Chynoweth Port
Max Chynoweth West
Robert Cichowski Eagles
Justin Cicolella Eagles
Garry Clarke South
Joe Clarke Torrens
John Clarke Norwood
Lenny Clarke West
Trevor Clarke Sturt
Troy Clarke Torrens
Tony Clarkson Sturt
Peter Clasohm Woodville
Jeremy Clayton Port
Mark Clayton Port
Troy Clements Norwood
Stephen Clifford Port
Roger Clift Port
Marty Clifton South
Mick Clingly Torrens
Trevor Clisby North
Darren Clohessy Central
Peter Cloke North
Brian Close Woodville
Brian Clune West
Kym Cobb South
Gerald Cobiac Sturt
Vin Cobiac Norwood
Bill Cochrane Central
Richard Cochrane Central
Stuart Cochrane Central
Craig Cock South
Jack Cockburn South
Grant Coffee Central
Steven Coghill West
Ugo Colasante Norwood
Andrew Colbey Woodville Eagles
Brian Colbey Glenelg
Michael Colbey West
Brenton Cole Port
Andrew Coleman South
Brian Coleman Torrens
Brad Coles Eagles
Mike Coligan Norwood
Jeff Collier Torrens
Matthew Collins North
Phil Collins South West
Terry Collins North
Ben Colreavy Sturt
Andrew Colsey Torrens
Gavin Colville Eagles
Sean Comer South
Vernon Commane Torrens
Bernie Conlen West
Matthew Connell West
Stephen Connelly Central Norwood
Daryl Conrad North
Dennis Conroy Torrens
Josh Contin Glenelg
Brett Cook Norwood
Sudjai Cook Norwood Glenelg
Tim Cook Central North
Mark Coombe South
Adam Cooney West
Matthew Cooper Sturt
Brett Copping South
Stephen Copping Glenelg
Jamie Coppins North
Brian Cordy West
Gerard Cornelius North
Darren Cornell Central
Chad Cornes Glenelg
Graham Cornes Glenelg South
Kane Cornes Glenelg
Stan Costello West
Craig Cotter Central West
Jarrod Cotton Central Norwood
John Coudraye Woodville
Roger Coudraye Woodville
Josh Coulter Central North
Craig Cousins
Kevin Cousins Norwood
Peter Cousins Torrens
Richard Cousins Central
Edward Coverlid Torrens
Simon Cowham North Norwood
Darryl Cowie Central
Greg Cowling South
John Cowling Torrens
Damian Cox South
Darcy Cox North
Doug Cox Torrens
Greg Cox Woodville
Phil Cox South
Simon Cox Glenelg
Stephen Cox Woodville
Allan Crabb Glenelg
Nick Crabb Glenelg
Terence Crabb Glenelg
Neil Craig Norwood Sturt North
Phil Cramey Sturt
Graham Crammond Woodville
Ken Crane Woodville
Rian Crane West
Trevor Cranston Glenelg
Paul Crate South
Simon Crawshay South
Phil Cronan Woodville
James Cronin North
Greg Croser Glenelg
Adrian Cross South
Troy Crossley West
Shane Crothers Port
Adam Crouch Norwood
Frank Crouch North
Hugh Cumberland Sturt
Trent Cummings Central
John Cummins Woodville
Brian Cunningham Port
John Cunningham Norwood
John Cunningham Torrens
Leslie Cunningham North
Scott Cunningham Glenelg
Chris Curcio Port
Greg Curnow Torrens
Brad Currie Central
Kym Curtis Port Torrens
Michael Curtis Port
Steve Curtis Port
Haydn Cutting South
Brad Dabrowski West
Henry Dabrowski Torrens
Peter Daish Sturt
Chris Dalkin Port
Grant Dalwood Norwood
Peter Dalwood Norwood
Charles Daly South
John Daly Torrens
John.W Daly South
Mick Daly Central
Shaun Daly Sturt
Brenton Daniel Central
Stephen Daniels Norwood
Neil Dansie Norwood
Jerry D'Antiochia Norwood
Dave Darcy South
Luke Darcy South
Norm Dare Torrens
Gerald Darley South
Peter Darley South
Bart Darmody Woodville Torrens
Leo Darveniza Sturt
Spiros Darzanos Eagles
Aaron Davey Port
Alwyn Davey Port South
Todd Davey Norwood
David David Sturt
Rick Davies Sturt South
Bill Davis Woodville
Brad Davis West
Chad Davis North Port
Geoff Davis Woodville
Matthew Davis North
Tim Davis North Central
Kym Davison Glenelg
Denis Davoren West
Matthew Davoren West
Roly Daw Sturt
Chad Dawe Eagles
John Dawkins South
Ken Dawson Torrens
Ian Day West South
Robert Day West
Chris Daykin Port
Simon Dean West
Brett Deane Glenelg
Jim Deane South
Ian Dearaugo Central
Ken Deards West Woodville
Allan DeBrenni Woodville
Brian DeBroughe West
Maurice DeCure Glenelg
Dirk DeJong West
Danny Del Re South
Michael Delahunty Sturt
Roger Delaney Port
Ian Della-Polina Norwood
George Dellar Norwood
Tim Delvins North
Greg Dempsey West
Darryl Dennes Woodville
Simon Dennis Norwood
Matthew Dent Sturt
Danny Deptula West
Jack Dermody Port
Troy Deron Sturt
Jim Derrington Sturt
John Deslandes Glenelg
Ian Dettmann Woodville
Des Deuter Central
Stewart Devlin Norwood
Stuart Dew Central
Peter Dewar Glenelg
Craig Dewhirst South
John Dewhirst Port
Graham Dewhurst Norwood
Michael DiBiase Eagles
Brian Dick Woodville
Donald Dickie Norwood
David Dickinson Norwood
Brian Dickson Central
Alan Didak Port
Grenville Dietrich North Torrens
Carl Dilena Sturt
Hamish Dillon Norwood
Kym Dillon North Torrens
Ross Dillon Norwood
Colin Dinning Port
Ashley Dinning Glenelg
Robert Diorio North
Scott Direen Norwood
Sean Disbury Central Norwood Torrens
Ian Disher Glenelg
Mark Dittmar Glenelg
Michael Dittmar South
Wally Dittmar Port
Eric Dix Torrens
Jason Dixon Central
Malcolm Dixon North
Simon Dixon Sturt
Graham Dodd Sturt
Peter Dohnt Glenelg
Billy Dolan Norwood
Alex Donaldson Sturt
Phillip Donaldson Sturt
Robbie Donaldson West
Daniel Donati West
John Donkersley Glenelg
Mark Donovan Glenelg
Sam Donovan Central
Mark Dougall Norwood
Don Douglas Sturt
Andrew Downes Sturt
Geoff Downey Torrens
Mark Downie Torrens
Jamie Downs West
Ian Downsborough Norwood
Craig Dowsett Woodville
Robert Doyle South
Doug Drage Norwood
Marc Dragicevic West
Brian Draper South
Clint Draper South
Mark Dreher West
Peter Drennan Torrens
Norm Drew North
Des Drogemuller Central
Paul Drogemuller Torrens
Ian Dry South
Alex Drzal West
John Ducker North
Mark Ducker Norwood
Murray Ducker North
John Duckworth Central
Jamie Duhne Eagles
Kevin Dukalsis West
Scott Duncan Port
Dean Dunhill West
Darcy Dunlevy Norwood
Alan Dunlop West
Alan Dunn South
Keith Dunn Sturt
Ralph Dunn North
Roger Dunn Sturt
Graeme Dunstan Norwood
Chris Duthy Glenelg
Mark Dutton Sturt
Geoff Dyke Norwood
Jon Eagleton West
Jon Eagleton West
Michael Eagleton West
Anthony Eames Norwood
David Earl South
Jason Earl Eagles
Craig Earnshaw Central
Geoff Eason Woodville
Simon Eastaugh Norwood
Laurie Eaton Norwood
Ray Ebel North Port
Brett Ebert Port
Craig Ebert West
Daniel Ebert North
Jeff Ebert Port
Ricky Ebert North
Russell Ebert Port
Dennis Eblen Glenelg
Andrew Eccles Norwood
Ben Eckermann Sturt
Ivan Eckermann Torrens Port
Grant Eckert Torrens
John Economou Torrens
John Ede Port
Michael Edmonds Norwood
Robert Edmonds Central
Doug Edwards North
Greg Edwards Central
Mark Edwards North
Rory Edwards West
Tyson Edwards West
Kevin Egan Port
Ken Eglington West
Dale Eichner Torrens
Michael Eichner North
Steven Eichner Port
John Elder Norwood
Craig Elias Glenelg
Bob Elix Port
Shane Ellen South
Ron Elleway Port
Bernie Elliott Norwood
Glenn Elliott Torrens
Angus Ellis Sturt
Dale Ellis Eagles
Gary Ellis Central
Malcolm Ellis North
Peter Endersbee Sturt
Bob Enright Torrens
Dennis Errey Port
Michael Errey Port
Peter Esselbach Sturt
Trevor Ettridge Torrens Woodville
Ken Eustice West Central Glenelg
David Evans Sturt
John Evans Glenelg
Russell Evans Port West
Tim Evans Port
John Everingham Woodville
David Ey Sturt
Grant Eyles Torrens
James Ezard West
Bob Fabian Port
Brian Faehse West
Alwin Faggotter North
Leo Fahy Torrens
David Fairclough South
Lyndon Fairclough Central
Milan Faletic Torrens Port
John Falting West
James Fantasia Norwood Woodville
Shane Farley North
Ken Farmer North
Robert Farmer West
Dean Farnham Central
Greg Farquhar South
Michael Farquhar Glenelg
John Farrer South
Michael Faulkhead Eagles
Simon Feast Sturt
Karl Fedke Glenelg
Jeff Fehring Norwood
Wes Fellowes Port
Kym Feltus Central
Todd Ferguson Sturt
Ashley Fernee South
George Fiacchi Port
Peter Fiacchi Eagles
Robert Fiacchi Eagles
John Fidge Glenelg
Nigel Fiegert Port
Scott Field Sturt
Anthony Fielke West
Craig Fielke Sturt
Grantley Fielke West
Lyn Fielke Torrens
Chris Fiennemann Norwood
Alec Fimeri West
Ben Finnin Port
Aaron Fiora Port
Kevin Fischer Norwood
Ben Fisher West
Samuel Fisher West
Clem Fitzgerald Norwood
Len Fitzgerald Sturt
Ryan Fitzgerald South
Peter Fitzpatrick Woodville
Shane Fitzsimmons West
Greg Flanagan Torrens
Des Flavell Norwood
Dale Fleming Norwood
Tim Fleming South
David Flesfadar Eagles
Wayne Fletcher Glenelg
Shane Flett Glenelg
Darren Flew Torrens
David Flintoff Central
David Flood Central
Aldo Floreani Torrens
Jon Floreani Eagles
Campbell Flower Glenelg
Brooke Fogden West Glenelg
David Foote Torrens
Greg Foote Torrens
Michael Foote Torrens
Matthew Footner South
Peter Foott West
Alan Forbes Torrens
Glenn Forbes South
Murray Forbes Torrens
Bob Ford North Woodville
Gary Ford Sturt
Phil Forster West
Robert Forster-Knight Port
Jim Forsyth Torrens
Bob Fosdike Norwood
Duncan Fosdike Norwood
Nic Fosdike Norwood
Simon Fosdike Norwood
Richard Foster Port
Domenic Fotia Torrens
Paris Fowden North
Stephen Fowles Woodville
Brian Fox Norwood
Gavin Fox Torrens
Carl Fragomeni Port
Fabian Francis Port
Tony Francis Norwood
Josh Francou North
Maurie Francou North
Martyn Fraser Glenelg
Robert Fraser Central
Simon Fraser West
Glenn Freeborn Eagles
Scott Freeborn Eagles
Eric Freeman Port
Barnaby French Sturt
David French Norwood
Robert French Norwood
Harry Freundt Sturt
Michael Friebel Sturt
Peter Friedrichs Sturt
Rudi Frigo Eagles
David Frost Glenelg
Eddie Fry South Sturt
Geoff Fuller North
Mark Fuller South
Michael Fuller Woodville
Ron Fuller Woodville Eagles
Ian Fullwood South
Percy Furler North
Pepe Fusco Glenelg
Matthew Gade West
Michael Gaffney Port
James Gallagher Norwood
Martin Gallagher Norwood
Phil Gallagher Norwood
Sam Gallagher Norwood
Alan Galloway North
Rodney Galt Torrens
Brian Gambling North
Keith Garnett North
Paul Garnett West
John Garrard North
Adam Garton Glenelg
Jeremy Gask Sturt
Jason Gaskin South
Max Gasparoni West
Malcolm Gaston Torrens
Gordon Gatti South
Andrew Geddes Sturt
Bruce Gehling North
Russell Gehling North
Max George Central Torrens
Shane Gepp Glenelg
Richard Gerke Woodville North
Randall Gerlach Port
Scott Geyer Eagles
Steve Geyer Torrens Eagles
Saade Ghazi Central
Bob Gibson Torrens
Damien Gigney Glenelg
Jason Gilbert West
Peter Gilbert Torrens
Don Gilbourne North
Clinton Giles Torrens
Jack Giles Sturt
Noel Giles Sturt
Tony Giles Port
Alan Gill Port
Nick Gill North
Alan Gillespie Glenelg
Geoff Gillies Central
Charlie Gilligan Woodville
Tom Gilligan Port
Tim Ginever Port
John Girardi Woodville
Ross Glover West
Luke Godden Norwood
Michael Godden West
Tibor Godrick Woodville
Alan Goldfinch Sturt
Matthew Golding Glenelg
George Golin Torrens
Peter Goodale Norwood
Tony Goodchild Sturt
Brett Goodes Port
Jason Goodes West
Barry Goodingham Woodville
Dean Goodwin West
Simon Goodwin South
Terry Goodwin South
Glen Goss West
Chris Gowans Central
James Gowans Central
Andrew Gowling Glenelg
Colin Graham Sturt
Jeff Graham Torrens Eagles
John Graham Torrens
Michael Graham Sturt
Philip Graham Central
Stuart Graham Sturt
Tony Graham Sturt
Shane Grambeau Torrens
Dave Granger Port
Darren Grant Woodville Eagles
Danny Grantham North
Corey Gray Sturt
Keith Gray West
Troy Gray West
Anton Grbac Torrens
Alan Green Torrens
Albert Green Norwood
Ashley Green West
Jack Green Sturt
Peter Green Central
Malcolm Greenslade Sturt
Malcolm Greenwood West Glenelg
Robin Greenwood South
Alan Greer Torrens
John Gregerson Norwood
Michael Gregg Norwood West
Trevor Grenfell North
David Grenvold Glenelg
Andrew Gribble West
Lyall Griffen North
Chris Grigg Norwood
Trevor Grimwood West
Barry Grinter Torrens
Nigel Grivell Sturt
Tom Grljusich Central
Chris Groom South
Leon Grosser West
Will Grosser West
Trevor Growden Norwood Glenelg
Mcgregor Grummett South
Heath Grundy Norwood North
Donald Guerin South
Michael Guerin Norwood
David Guest Woodville
Garry Gum North
Tristan Gum North
Stephen Gumley Sturt
Ben Gunning Norwood
David Gurney West
Bill Guthrie South
Geoff Guy Glenelg
Robert Haines Norwood
John Halbert Sturt
Warren Halfpenny Norwood
Bradley Hall Sturt
Chris Hall South
John Hall Norwood Port
Pat Hall Norwood
Rick Hall Woodville
Ricky Hall Glenelg
Ron Hall Port
Steven Hall Eagles
Tony Hall Glenelg
Paul Hallahan Glenelg
Murray Hamblin West
Alex Hambour Norwood
Kerry Hamilton Glenelg
Peter Hamilton West
Richard Hamilton West
Snowy Hamilton North
Stuart Hamish Glenelg
Mick Hammill Torrens
Bob Hammond North Norwood
Tim Hammond
John Hamra West
David Hams Glenelg
Stanley Hancock North
Brett Hand Norwood
Jim Handby Glenelg
Michael Handby Glenelg
Barry Hank Torrens
Bob Hank Torrens
Ray Hank Torrens
Tom Hank Torrens
Ian Hanna Torrens
Don Hannaford Port
Ian Hannaford Port
Shaun Hannam Eagles
Tony Hannan Port
George Hanrahan Torrens
Mark Hanrahan Torrens
Raymond Hanrahan Torrens
Fred Hansch Woodville
Brian Haraida Central
Frank Harby North
Gary Hardeman Sturt
Damien Hardwick Glenelg
Clyde Hardy Woodville
Daniel Hargraves North
Peter Hargraves Sturt
Tim Harkness Glenelg
John Harper Torrens
Phil Harper Woodville
Paul Harradine South Woodville
Daniel Harrington Central
Ben Harris Port
Brenton Harris South
Daniel Harris West
Kevin Harris Woodville
Neville Harris Norwood
Gerry Harrison Norwood
Phil Harrison Port
Richard Harrison South Eagles
Ben Hart North
Darel Hart North
Darren Hart Norwood
Royce Hart Glenelg
Peter Harten Sturt
Brenton Hartfield North Norwood Glenelg
John Harvey Port
Mark Harwood Glenelg
Ross Haslam Port
Mike Hasledine North
Salim Hassan West
Ron Hateley South
Phil Haughan Central
Trevor Haupt West
Keith Haussen South
Stephen Hauth Norwood
Harold Hawke North
Neil Hawke Port Torrens
Robb Hawkins South
Steven Hay North
Tyson Hay Norwood
Neville Hayes Port
Ray Hayes West
Garry Haylock Woodville Eagles
Hans Haystraten West
Tim Hazell Norwood
Dick Head Port
Lindsay Head Torrens
Richard Head West Glenelg Sturt
Daniel Healy Central
Simon Heaney Woodville
Kevin Heard West
Barry Hearl North
Wally Hearn Norwood South
Byron Hearne Woodville
Darryl Heath South
Lindsay Heaven Woodville
Thomas Hedge South
Anthony Hehir Torrens
Neil Hein Norwood
Kenneth Heinrich Central
Mark Heinrich Sturt
Peter Heinrich Sturt
Phil Heinrich Sturt
Simon Hele Glenelg
Rohan Helyar Norwood
Ned Hender Port
Teghan Henderson North
Murray Henningsen North
Wayne Henwood Glenelg
Malcolm Heppell Norwood
Martin Heppell Norwood
Chris Herbert West
Des Herbert West
Lucas Herbert North Glenelg
Chris Hercock Glenelg
Joe Hermanson West
Bill Herron Glenelg
Adam Heuskes Norwood North
Ian Hewett Torrens
Mark Hewett Torrens Glenelg
Ron Hewett North
Shane Hewish West Sturt
Darryl Hewitt West Woodville
Glynn Hewitt West Woodville
Max Hewitt West
Peter Heylen Central
Damian Hicks Central
Daryl Hicks Sturt
Des Hicks Sturt Woodville
Joe Hicks Sturt Central
Ben Higgins Eagles
Brett Higgins Glenelg
Andrew Hill Norwood
Bob Hill Torrens
Kevin Hill Torrens
Len Hill North
Malcolm Hill Sturt
Richard Hill Sturt
Trevor Hill North Torrens
John Hillman Norwood
Bruce Hines Norwood
Peter Hines South
Jim Hinson Glenelg
Michael Hobby Norwood
Mark Hochuli Norwood
Eddie Hocking Central
Ian Hockridge Glenelg
Kym Hodgeman Glenelg
Scott Hodges Port
Shane Hodges West North
Travis Hodgson Eagles
Greg Hodson Torrens
Kevin Hoefel Woodville
Jan Hoekman North
Steve Hoffman Norwood
Peter Hofner Port
Colin Hogan Sturt
Frank Hogan West
Michael Hogarth Sturt
Pauk Hogarth Sturt
Allan Hogg West
Timothy Hoile Norwood
Darren Holland Eagles
Eddie Holland Woodville
Luke Holland North
Greg Hollick West
Paul Hollis Sturt
Mark Hollitt North
Clement Holmes South
Shane Holmes Port
David Holst Glenelg
Terry Homan Torrens
Brenton Honor South
Adam Hooper West
Juan Hooper West
Matthew Hopkins West
Chris Horwood Sturt
Shine Hosking Port
Troy Hosking Glenelg
Trent Hotton South
Peter Hoult West
Alan Howard North
Brendon Howard Sturt
Frank Howard Glenelg
Phil Howard Woodville
Phil Howlett South
Bradley Hoye West
Ben Hudson North
Brentley Hughes Woodville
Danny Hughes Port
Gavin Hughes Norwood
Graham Hughes Norwood
Trevor Hughes North West
Wayne Hughes Central
Mark Hull Central
Troy Hull Port
Lyn Humphrey Central
Adrian Hunt Torrens Central
Brian Huppatz North
Ray Huppatz Woodville
Peter Hurley Glenelg
Shannon Hurn Central
William Hurn Central
Evan Hurse Sturt
Steve Hutchings South
Bill Hutchinson Norwood
David Hutton Port
Russell Hutton Sturt
Graeme Hyde West
David Hynes Port
Pat Hynes Port
Steve Hywood Woodville Glenelg
Denis Iljcesen Eagles
Matthew Illman West
Anthony Ingerson Central
Dirk Inglis Torrens
John Inglis(Jnr) Norwood
John Inglis(Snr) Norwood
Tim Inkster Eagles
Barry Ion Woodville
Anthony Ippindo Norwood
Brenton Ireland West
Nathon Irvin Sturt Norwood
Barry Irvine Sturt
Michael Irvine South
Bill Isaac Norwood North
Brian Isaac Torrens
Gerry Iseger South
Guiseppe Iuliano Norwood
Peter Ivanoff South
Trevor Jacka Woodville
Ian Jackman Torrens
Matthew Jackman Eagles
Nick Jackman South
Brennan Jackson South
David Jackson Woodville
Dick Jackson South
Kent Jackson South
Syd Jackson Glenelg
Wayne Jackson Torrens
Steve Jacquier Woodville
Stan Jaffer South
Allen Jakovich Woodville
Brett James Norwood
Max James Port
Paul James Norwood
Roger James Norwood
Rod Jameson Glenelg
Neil Jamieson West
Jeremy Jaques Port
Luke Jarjoura Sturt
Andrew Jarman North Norwood
Barry Jarman Torrens
Darren Jarman North
Bruce Jarrett Sturt
Andrew Jarvis Norwood
Paul Jarvis West Sturt
Bohdan Jaworskyj North
Peter Jeffrey Torrens
Danny Jenkins Norwood
Kyle Jenner Port
Steve Jensen Woodville
Luke Jericho West
Dale John Glenelg
Graham Johncock Port
Andrew Johns Sturt
Gary Johns South
Kevin Johns Central
Rex Johns Port
Bertie Johnson West
Brian Johnson Norwood
Bruce Johnson Norwood
Ian Johnson Woodville
Kane Johnson Glenelg
Neill Johnson Sturt
Blue Johnston Glenelg
Peter Johnston Torrens
Russell Johnston Port
Wayne Johnston Sturt
Adrian Jolly West
Randall Jolly Woodville
David Jonas West
Peter Jonas Central
Dick Jones Torrens
Don Jones South
Emmy Jones Sturt
Gary Jones Central
Geoff Jones North
Ian Jones Woodville
Malcolm Jones Sturt
Sam Jones Eagles West
Glenn Joyce West
Bruce Joycey Central
Ben Judd Sturt
John Judd South
Peter Judd South
Tate Kaesler North
John Kalleske Sturt
John Kantilaftas West
David Kantilla South
Darren Kappler South
David Kappler South
Merv Kartinyeri Sturt
John Katavich Port
Alex Katsaros Sturt
Greg Kazuro Glenelg
Steve Keam South
John Keane Torrens
Glenn Keast Glenelg
John Keast Torrens
Aaron Keating Norwood
Bob Keddie West South
Anthony Keenan Norwood
Joshua Keller Sturt
Chris Kellett West Torrens
David Kellett Central
Graeme Kellett North
Craig Kelly Norwood
Kevin Kelly Woodville
Kieran Kelly Norwood
Matthew Kelly Norwood
Peter Kelly Torrens
William Kelly Woodville
Ben Kemp Norwood
Paul Kemp Port
Arlen Kennedy West
Dexter Kennedy West Port
John Kennedy Central
Paul Kennett North
Toby Kennett Sturt
Dylan Kent West
Neil Kerley West South North
Stephen Kerley Norwood
David Kernahan Glenelg
Harry Kernahan Glenelg
Stephen Kernahan Glenelg
Roger Kerr Port
Rod Kersten Woodville
Ryan Key Norwood
Derek Kickett Central
Robin Kidney Glenelg
Glenn Kilpatrick West
Brian King Glenelg
Damian King Norwood
Jamie King West Port
Josh King Eagles
Paul King Glenelg
Adam Kingsley Port
Bob Kingston Norwood Port
Geoff Kingston Torrens
Kym Kinnear Port
Mat Kinnear North
Ron Kitchen South
Robert Kite Norwood
Damien Kitschke Sturt
Brenton Klaebe Norwood
Peter Kleinig Central
Darren Klemm Woodville Eagles
Troy Klemm West
Greg Klenjans South
Kim Klomp North
Robbert Klomp Sturt
Alby Klose North
John Klug Woodville Eagles
Adam Klun Sturt
Chris Kluzek Eagles
Matthew Kluzek Eagles
Terry Kluzek Torrens
Ron Kneebone Norwood
Steven Knight Port
Ben Knights Norwood
Chris Knights Eagles
Brett Knowles North
Daryl Koch Norwood
Michael Koch Central
Peter Koerner Norwood North
Doug Koop Woodville
Spiro Kotaros Sturt
Paul Koulouriotis West
Peter Kreig Central North
Dwayne Kretschmer Glenelg
Jens Kreuter West
Matthew Krieg Central North
Ian Kroehn Central
Josh Krueger Glenelg
Leigh Kruger South
Daryl Kruse Torrens
Mark Krzeminski Woodville
Bruce Kuchel West
Greg Kuchel Norwood
Keith Kuhlmann West
David Kupsch North
Russell Kupsch South
Nick Kurzel North
Shane Kuss South
Bill Kutcher Sturt
Brendon Lade South
Don Laffin Glenelg
Nick Laidlaw Sturt
Roy Laird Central
Stephen Lally Central
Clayton Lamb West
Peter Lamb Woodville
Craig Lambert Woodville
Bruce Lancaster Woodville
Damian Lang Port
Ian Lang North
Adam Lange Sturt
Robert Langford Woodville
Ted Langridge Sturt
Len Lapthorne South
Trevor Larkins West
Dale Laube West
Ricky Laube West
Geoff Lauder Sturt
Peter Laughlin Norwood
David Lawless West Torrens
Alby Lawn West
Shane Lawson Port
Bernie Lawton Norwood
Bernard Leahy West South
Gerard Leahy Norwood
Peter Leahy North West
Thomas Leahy North West
Vincent Leahy North West
Murray Leake Sturt
Brett Leal Eagles
Greg Leal Port
Scott Leal North
Bob Lee West
David Lee Torrens
Ron Lee West
Scott Lee Central
Kym Lehmann North
Allan Lennon Woodville
Bruce Lennon Sturt
Alan Leonard Torrens South
Frank Leonard West
Geoff Leonard Sturt
Mike Leonard Torrens
Keith LePage Norwood
Frank Lesiputty West
Martin Leslie Port
Brenton Levitzke Torrens
Brendon Lewis South
Frank Lewis West
Percy Lewis North
Scott Lewis West
Terry Libbis Woodville
Ted Liddy West
John Lidgerwood South
Bruce Light Port
Jim Lihou Glenelg
Alick Lill Norwood
John Lill Norwood
David Lillico Central
Bruce Lindner West
Don Lindner North
Hank Lindner North
Theo Lindner North
Bruce Lindsay Torrens Eagles
Chris Lindsay Torrens
Geoff Linke South
Innes Linke Glenelg
John Lipp Torrens
Matthew Liptak Glenelg
Kevin List Norwood
Brendan Little Central North
Brian Livesey Torrens
Stephen Livesey Central
Don Llewellyn West
Tony Lloyd Sturt
John Lock Torrens
Stanley Lock North
Bowen Lockwood Central
Colin Lodge Torrens
Jimmy Loechel Sturt
Darren Loffler Norwood
Brendan Logan North
Sam Logan Glenelg
Billy Lokan North
John Lokan Norwood
Matthew Lokan Port
Brodie Lomas Eagles
Roy Lonergan Norwood
Doug Long Glenelg
Ian Long North
Michael Long Torrens
Noel Long Torrens
Phil Lounder Central
Richard Lounder Central North
Bob Loveday West
Leon Lovegrove West
Scott Loving West
Dave Low Torrens
Edward Lower Norwood
Nick Lower Norwood
Daniel Lowther West
Roger Luders West
Simon Luhrs Central
Robert Lukosis Eagles
Craig Lum Port
Alex Lunn Woodville
Michael Lunniss Glenelg
L Lush Glenelg
Robin Lutze Sturt
William Lyall North
Brayden Lyle Port
Brian Lynch North
Jack Lynch West
Robert Lynch Woodville Eagles
Tony Lynn Central
Colin Lyons Torrens
Ronald Mabarrack West Sturt
Philip Mabbarack West
John MacFarlane Glenelg
Chris MacGowan Sturt
Rick MacGowan Central North
Dean Machell Sturt
Jack Mack Port
Hubert MacKenzie North
Tom MacKenzie Torrens North
Brett Mackereth Woodville
Justin Mackie West
Anthony MacTavish Glenelg
Colin MacVicar Woodville
Garry Maddison Norwood
Brendon Maguire Central
Wayne Mahney Port
Sam Mahoney South
Josh Mail North
Bill Makinos South
Peter Maksimovic Central North
Spiro Malakellis Port
Tony Malakellis Port
Shane Malcolm West
Stan Malin Port
Nick Malinovski West
Brett Mancini North Eagles
Rudi Mandemaker Central
Matthew Manfield Eagles Glenelg
Nick Manhood South
Richard Manouge Torrens
Clinton Mansell West
Darren Mansell Glenelg
Ken Mansfield Woodville
Mark Manuell Woodville
Trevor Marano Norwood
George Margitich South
Ivan Maric Port
Peter Marker Glenelg
Paul Marrett Port
Craig Marriott Glenelg Torrens
John Marriott Norwood
Ben Marsh West
David Marsh North
Jason Marsh Norwood
Bob Marshall Sturt
David Marshall Glenelg
Marc Marshall North
Brian Martin Sturt
Chris Martin Eagles
Geoff Martin Sturt
Gordon Martin Sturt
John Martin Woodville Eagles
Owen Martin North
Tim Masierowski Central
Jamie Mason North
Duane Massey North
Kris Massie Norwood
Andrew Matheson Woodville Torrens
George Matic Norwood
Scott Matthews Eagles
Alan Mazzini North
David May Sturt
James May Sturt
Josh May Sturt
Peter May North
Wally May Sturt
Phil Maylin Woodville
Brenton Maynard Norwood
Peter Maynard Glenelg Eagles
Rodney Maynard Norwood
Max Mayo Norwood
Stephen Mazey Woodville Norwood
Adrian McAdam North
Gilbert McAdam Central
Greg McAdam North
Sam McArdle Central
Kevin McBride Norwood
Bill McCallum Norwood
Neil McCann North
Pat McCann North
Bernard McCarthy Torrens
Damien McCarthy Eagles
Denis McCarthy South
John McCarthy Eagles
John McCarthy West
Tony McCarthy Sturt Glenelg
Peter McCarty South
Ross McConnell Torrens
Noel McCormack Woodville
Paul McCormack Norwood
Stewie McCully Glenelg
Chris McDermott Glenelg North
Colin McDonald Woodville Eagles
Harold McDonald Port
Scott McDonald Woodville Glenelg
Trevor McDonald Woodville
David McDonnell Glenelg
Nathan McDowall Port
Ben McEntee Norwood
Daniel McEntee Glenelg
John McEntee Torrens
Adam McEvoy Sturt
Alistair McEwin Sturt
Ryan McGahey North
Paul McGann South
Michael McGlashan Sturt
Chris McGown Sturt
Malcolm McGrath Central
Mark McGrath West
Shane McGrath Torrens
Bruce McGregor West
Ken McGregor Eagles
Ken McGregor West
Michael McGuinness Eagles
Phil McGuinness Glenelg Port
Tony McGuinness Glenelg
Peter McIndoe Torrens
John McInerney West
Peter McInerney Glenelg
Paul McInneny Eagles
John McInnes Norwood
Rod McInnes Woodville
Charles McIntosh North
Garry McIntosh Norwood
Jason McIntosh Glenelg
Andrew McIntyre South
David McKay Torrens
Ian McKay Central
Ian McKay North
David McKechnie Sturt
Craig McKellar Woodville
Barry McKenzie Torrens
Bill McKenzie North
Jason McKenzie Central
Mark McKenzie Eagles
Martin McKinnon Central Norwood
Robbie McKinnon West
Bob McLean Port
Kane McLean Norwood
Wade McLean North
Chris McLeay Central
James McLeay Sturt
Andrew McLeod Port
Joshua McLoughlan Eagles
Steven McLuckie West
Glen McMahon Norwood
Geoff McMillan Norwood
Brian McNamara Glenelg
John McNamara West
Tim McNeil Norwood
Jamie McPhee Sturt
Craig McRae Glenelg
Neville McSkimming Glenelg
Kevin McSporran Torrens Woodville
Paul McWilliam Sturt
Damian Meade Eagles
Peter Medhurst Central
Simon Meehan Torrens
Paul Meekins South
John Meesen Norwood
John Mehaffey Torrens
James Meikeljohn Port
Chris Melican Glenelg
Martin Mellody Glenelg
Greg Mellor West
Peter Mellor West
Vic Melville West
Luke Mensforth West
John Menz Norwood
Gary Menzel Norwood
Andrew Merriman Eagles
Peter Meuret Woodville West
Jim Michalanney Norwood
Mark Mickan West
Frank Middleton Central
Brenton Miels Sturt
Leon Milde Port
Ray Mildenhall Woodville
Jason Millar Norwood
Peter Millard Glenelg
Brenton Miller Torrens
Rodney Miller South
Steve Miller West
Wally Miller Norwood
Wayne Miller Torrens
David Milsom West
Peter Milsom West
Peter Milte Sturt
Brett Minchington Central
Leon Minervini Norwood
Maurie Minervini Norwood Port
Peter Minervini Norwood Torrens
Chris Mitch West
Trevor Mitton South
Michael Mjaskalo North Central
Dean Mobbs Central
Dennis Modra Norwood
Tony Modra West
Radlee Moller Central
Glen Molloy Norwood
Graham Molloy Norwood
Seamus Moloney Sturt
Richard Monoghan Port
Ashley Montgomery West
Brett Montgomery Sturt
Andy Moo Norwood
Ben Moore Glenelg
Colin Moore Port
Terry Moore Central
Sonny Morey Central
Bill Morgan Woodville
David Morgan West
Dan Moriarty South
Leo Moriarty South
Andrew Moritz North
Scott Morphett Torrens Eagles
Edward Morris North
Geoff Morris West
Paul Morris Eagles
Phillip Morris West
Danny Morton North
Parker "Bo" Morton Sturt
Adrian Moscheni Sturt
Darryl Moss Glenelg
Shane Moss Glenelg
Brett Motley Norwood
Geoff Motley Port
Peter Motley Sturt
Mark Motlop Glenelg
Paul Motlop Norwood
Andrew Moulds Central
Gary Mousley South Sturt
Mark Mueller West
John Muir Glenelg
Robert Muir Torrens Woodville
George Mulcahy South
Ben Mules Glenelg
Robin Mulholland Central
John Mullins North
Geoff Mulraney Torrens
Jeff Mulraney Norwood
Peter Mulraney Norwood
Brian Mulvihill Torrens Woodville
Bronte Mumford North
Simon Munn West
Ross Munns Norwood
Roger Murdoch Norwood
Brian Murphy Sturt
David Murphy Sturt
John Murphy Glenelg
John Murphy Sturt
Michael Murphy Glenelg
Peter Murphy Norwood
Damian Murray West
Michael Murray Woodville
Phillip Murton South
Gary Mutton Sturt
Dion Myles West
Bill Nalder Norwood
Mark Naley South
John Nash Norwood
Luke Nathan West
Chris Natt Port
Greg Natt Port
Ben Neagle South
Richard Neagle Norwood
Simon Neave Torrens Eagles
Romano Negri Woodville Eagles
Robbie Neill Norwood
Ben Nelson Sturt
Craig Nelson Torrens
John Nelson Norwood
Phil Nelson Sturt
John Nettlefold Norwood
Danny Neve North
Ben Newberry South
David Newbold Torrens
David Newett Eagles
Steven Newman Central
Bill Nicholas Norwood Sturt
Bill Nicholls Torrens
Graham Nicholls Norwood
Paul Nicholls West
Ben Nichols North
Stephen Nichols Woodville
Greg Nicholson Norwood West
Peter Nicks Central
Stuart Nicol Eagles
David Niemann Torrens Eagles
Paul Nikoletos Torrens
Luke Nitschke Norwood
Anton Noack Central
Malcolm Noble Norwood
Tim Noles Torrens
Gerry Noonan Torrens
John Noonan West
Bradley Nordhausen West
Luke Norman West
Barry Norsworthy Central
Mark Norsworthy Central
Colin Northcott Port
Paul Northeast Port
Alan Norton Torrens
Kevin Norton Central
Scott Norton Central
Mike Nunan Sturt North
Tim Nunan North
Russell Nunn Torrens
Damien Nygaard Norwood
Bruce Nyland Port
Travis Oakley North
David Oatey Sturt
Jack Oatey Norwood
Peter Oatey Norwood
Robert Oatey Norwood Sturt
Cristian O'Brien Norwood
Jock O'Brien Central
Michael O'Brien Port Sturt
Warren O'Brien South
Andrew Obst Port
Damian Obst Norwood Sturt
Peter Obst Port Woodville
Trevor Obst Port
Ryan O'Callaghan West
Max O'Connell Port
Peter O'Connor Norwood
Rod O'Connor Central
Ryan O'Connor Port North
Adrian O'Dea West
Gerald O'Dea Torrens
Alan Odgers North
Arthur O'Donnell West North
John O'Donohue West
Leon O'Driscoll West
Jim Ogilvie Woodville
Brett O'Hara Eagles
Brian O'Keefe West
Mark O'Keefe Sturt
Doug Olds Norwood
Frank O'Leary North
Michael O'Leary Norwood
David Oliver West
Don Oliver West
Harold Oliver Port
Michael Olsen Norwood
Troy Olsen Port
Kevin O'Neill Norwood South
Roger Orchard West
Grant O'Reily Central
Red O'Reily West
Andrew Osborn South
Greg Osborn South
Ted Osborne Glenelg
Peter Osbourne Central
John O'Sullivan Central
Brenton Owens Port
William Owens Glenelg
Seb Packer Sturt
Warren Packer Norwood
Tim Paech Sturt
Jeff Page North
Jeff Page Norwood
Paul Page South
Ron Page Woodville
David Palm Norwood
Chris Palmer West
Mark Palmer West
Peter Palmer South
Simon Palmer Norwood
Stuart Palmer South
John Panagaris Torrens West
Darrell Panizza Woodville
Des Panizza South
Ray Panizza South West
Jack Pannenburg West
Trevor Papst West
Denis Parham South
Geoff Parham Torrens
Greg Parke Norwood
Gary Parker South Torrens
John Parker West
Max Parker Woodville
Stephen Parker Sturt
Craig Parry Port
Mike Parsons North
Phil Parsons South
Scott Parsons Woodville
Andrew Pascoe Norwood
Barry Pascoe North
Jeff Pash North
Joel Patfull Norwood
Mike Patterson North
Paul Patterson West
Keith Pattinson Glenelg
Geoff Paull North
Jim Pavli South
Mark Pavlich Torrens
Matthew Pavlich Eagles
Steve Pavlich Torrens
Charile Payne North
David Payne Norwood
Geoff Payne Glenelg
John Paynter Sturt
Andrew Payze Torrens Eagles
Grantley Payze Torrens
Bob Peach Glenelg
Danyle Pearce Sturt
Josh Pearce Glenelg
Randall Pearce South
Neil Pearson Norwood
Joe Pedler Eagles
Leonard Pedler North
Simon Pedler Port
Scott Peek West
Luke Peel Eagles
Chris Pelle North
Jamie Pelling Sturt
Kym Perks Torrens
Ian Perrie South North
Robert Perry Woodville
Robert Perugini West
Nick Pesch Eagles
Brian Peters West
Frank Peters Norwood
Mark Peters Woodville
Noel Pettingill Norwood Sturt
Steve Pettitt Norwood
Simon Peucker North Port
Darren Pfeiffer Norwood
Ian Pfeiffer Sturt
Tony Pfeiffer Sturt
John Pfitzner West
Geoff Phelps Port
Peter Phillipou Torrens
Brenton Phillips North
Kevin Phillips
Ron Phillips North
Dennis "Fred" Phillis Glenelg
Wayne Phillis Glenelg Norwood
Bob Philp Port
Peter Phipps West
Ben Physick Glenelg
George Pickering Norwood
Byron Pickett Port
Anthony Pierri Norwood
Trevor Pierson Woodville Torrens
Martin Pike Norwood
William Pike Glenelg
Barry Pilgrim Port
Glen Pill Torrens
Barry Pilmore Torrens
Paul Pisani Torrens Eagles
Simon Pisani West
Steven Pitt Norwood
David Pittman Norwood
Mark Pitura Sturt
Justin Plapp Port
Chris Platten Central
John Platten Central
Graeme Plew West
Anthony Plim Norwood
Brian Ploenges South
Warren Ploenges South
Michael Polley Glenelg
Max Pontifex Torrens
Darryl Poole Port
Adrian Pope West
Rodney Pope West Norwood
Rob Popplestone Sturt Torrens Eagles
Andy Porplycia Port
Jason Porplyzia West
Ross Porritt Norwood
Grant Porter West
Simon Porter South
Ian Post South
Mike Poulter Norwood
Jared Poulton Port
Luke Powell Eagles
John Power North
Michael Power North
Michael Poynton North
Stephen Presscott Eagles
Barry Pridham West
Chris Prime Norwood
Wayne Primmer Torrens
Matthew Primus Norwood
Mark Prior Central
John Pritchard Glenelg
SImon Prosser North
Anthony Proud West
Bob Proud North
Paul Prymke Torrens Eagles
Harry Puhle Torrens
Andrew Purchase West
Charlie Pyatt Torrens
James Pyke Norwood
John Pym Woodville
Robert Pyman Eagles
David Querzoli Torrens
Nathan Quick Eagles
Bob Quinn Port
John Quinn Port
Simon Quinn South
Chris Radbone Sturt
Shane Radbone Sturt
Tyson Radetti North
Daryl Rady Glenelg
Gary Rae Central
Jason Rae Eagles
David Raggatt Torrens
Damien Raidis Glenelg
Michael Raidis Glenelg
Ian Rainbird Woodville
Nick Raines Port
Warren Ralph Glenelg
Bruce Ramsay West
Brian Ramsey Woodville
Robert Rankin Port
Brent Rankine Torrens
Dennis Rattigan Sturt
Mark Rattley West
Steven Rattray Glenelg
Paul Ravesi West
Lee Ravlich West
Barry Rawson Torrens
Jim Rawson Glenelg
Dennis Raymond Sturt
Darren Read Glenelg
Ashley Reade Norwood
Matthew Reavill Glenelg
Adrian Rebbeck North Glenelg
Steve Rechner West Woodville
Michael Redden North
Peter Redden Norwood
Ron Redford West
Tony Redshaw Glenelg
Peter Reece South
Graham Reed Central
David Reeves Woodville
Shaun Rehn West
John Reid South
Peter Reid Sturt
Robert Reid Woodville
Brent Reilly Sturt
Lance Reilly South Woodville
Phil Reimann South
Hugh Reimers Central
Matthew Rendell Torrens
Steve Rendell Torrens
Dean Renfrey Norwood
Ethelbert Renfrey Sturt
Frank Renfrey Sturt
John Renner North
Mike Rennie West
Trevor Reu West
Grant Reubenicht Glenelg
Allan Reval Port
David Reynolds Sturt
Lou Reynolds West
Mark Ricciuto West
Colin Rice Glenelg
Adam Richardson Central West
B Richardson South
Josh Richardson Sturt
Neil Richardson Sturt
Steven Richardson Norwood
Victor Richardson Sturt
John Richter Sturt
Wayne Riddle Central
Roger Rigney Sturt
Trevor Rigney South
Horrie Riley Sturt
John Riley North
Chad Rintoul Eagles
Barry Riordan Sturt
Jared Rivers North
Mick Rivers South
Paul Rivers Torrens
Greg Rix Norwood
Paul Rizonico Port
Don Roach West Norwood
Darren Robbins North
Brendon Roberson Sturt Central
Alf Roberts Torrens
Brian Roberts South
Daniel Roberts Eagles
John Roberts Woodville Torrens North
Neville Roberts Torrens Norwood
Peter Roberts Norwood
Colin Robertson Port
Geoff Robertson Central
Graeme Robertson West
Ian Robertson West
Phil Robertson Port
Clark Roberts-Thomson Sturt
John Robinson North
Barrie Robran North
Jonathon Robran Norwood
Matthew Robran Norwood
Rodney Robran North
Lee Robson Torrens
Jason Roe North
Jason Roe North
Dick Roennfeldt South
Andrew Rogers Woodville Eagles
Tim Rogers South
Ralph Rogerson North
Callum Rohde North
Darcy Rohrig North
Dane Rolfe Norwood
John Rombotis Glenelg
John Ronaldson South
Michael Roocke West
Wayne Rosenboom North
Aldo Rosetto West
Laurie Rosewarne Glenelg
Jonathon Ross Norwood
Lachlan Ross West
Lester Ross Norwood South
Lester Ross Norwood
Glen Rosser Norwood
Kevin Rowe Glenelg
Stephen Rowe Norwood
Les Rowell South
Thomas Rowley Sturt
Robert Rozee South
Lindsay Ruciack Central
Vinnie Rugolo Eagles
Shannon Rusca West
Dennis Russell Glenelg
Don Russell Torrens
Kym Russell Sturt Norwood
Scott Russell Sturt
Steve Russell South
Aldo Russian West
Bill Ruth Woodville
Grant Rutherford Torrens
Ben Rutten West
Andrew Ryan West
Bradley Ryan North West
Damien Ryan Port Sturt
Gary Ryan North
Graham Ryan Sturt
Grant Ryan West
John Ryan West
Kieran Ryan Norwood
Robert Ryan Sturt
Colin Ryles Woodville
Dennis Sachse North
John Sachse North
Neil Sachse North
Paul Sadler South
Damien Salevic Glenelg
Adam Saliba North
Scott Salisbury Glenelg
Kevin Salmon Port
Kevin Salvermini Port
Clay Sampson South
Jon Sampson Norwood
David Sanders North
Phil Sanders Sturt
Tom Sandery North
Glenn Sandford North Norwood
John Sandland Glenelg
Phil Sandland Glenelg
John Sangster Sturt
Trevor Sapwell Norwood Woodville
Geoff Sara West
Jeff Sarau Torrens
Rod Saunders North
Gerry Savage Central
Russell Sawford Torrens
Brian Sawley Norwood
Dave Saywell Central
James Saywell Central
Joe Scanlon West South
Justin Scanlon Norwood
Laurence Schache Sturt Torrens Eagles
Robert Schaefer Central Sturt
Chris Scheer Woodville
Daryl Schimmelbusch Torrens Woodville
Greg Schlein Norwood North
Wayne Schmaal Norwood South
Bob Schmidt South
Sam Schmidt West
Stephen Schmidt Glenelg
John Schneebichler South
Barrie Schoell Sturt
Rick Schoff Sturt
Rick Schubert North
Shane Schubert West
Graeme Schulz Central
Kevin Schulz Sturt
Mark Schulz South
Dean Schumann West
Leon Schupelius Glenelg
Alan Schwartz Eagles
Brian Schwartz Sturt
Peter Schwarz Woodville Eagles
Pat Schwerdt Central
"Wacka" Scott Norwood
G Scott Torrens
Matthew Scott-Toms Sturt
Justin Scripps Glenelg Norwood
Rick Searle Torrens
John Seebohm Glenelg
Rodney Seekamp Norwood
Jacob Selfe Port
Brett Semmens
Robert Semmens Norwood
Zane Separovich Port
David Serotzki Norwood
Ben Setchell North
Adrian Settre Port
Ralph Sewer Woodville Glenelg
Dean Sexton South
Jack Sexton West
Geoff Seyers West
Michael Shallow Torrens
Paul Shanahan Torrens
Brian Shanks Sturt
Aaron Shattock Eagles
Clint Shaw Eagles
Derek Shaw West
Neville Shaw West
Charles Shea West
Scott Shearer Sturt
Bob Shearman Torrens Sturt
Chris Shee North
Jade Sheedy Sturt
Paul Sheedy Norwood
Brad Shelrick Eagles
Peter Sheppard North
Mike Sheridan North
Paul Sherwood Glenelg
Russell Shields Central
David Shillabeer Norwood
Bob Shipsides South
Robert Shirley Eagles
Terry Short Sturt
Tim Short Sturt
Tom Shrubsole West
Hallett Shueard West
Yves Sibenaler Central
Brenton Sickerdick Central
Tony Signoriello Norwood
Lachlan Sim West
Bruce Simmons Torrens
Hamish Simpson Eagles
Jon Simpson Woodville Port
Matthew Simpson West
Gary Sims West
Phil Sims Sturt
Steven Sims Torrens North
Trevor Sims Sturt
Bob Simunsen Woodville
John Simunsen South
Nathan Sinclair South
Peter Sinclair Norwood
Gavin Sincock West
Balraj Singh West
Matthew Sinkunas Port
Chris Siviour Sturt
Bob Skinner Norwood
Lyle Skinner Central
Hayden Skipworth Eagles
Alf Skuse South
Matthew Slade Central
Grant Slatter Torrens
Bernie Slattery West
Brian Slattery West
Charles Slattery West
Henry Slattery West
Tom Slattery North
Wayne Slattery South
Jim Slaven Torrens
Garry Smallridge Port Norwood
Douglas Smart Norwood
Nathan Smart Norwood
Nigel Smart South
Corey Smelt Glenelg
Barry Smith Norwood
Bernie Smith West
Brad Smith Glenelg
Darren Smith Port
Darryl Smith Sturt Torrens
Gary Smith Central
Greg Smith Central
Ken Smith Glenelg
Kevin Smith Woodville
Lindsay Smith Glenelg
Mathew Smith South
Matthew Smith Sturt
Mike Smith West
Neville Smith Glenelg
Norman Smith Torrens
Phil Smith Woodville
Roger Smith Torrens
Rohan Smith Port
Ryan Smyth Glenelg
Bob Snell West
Ashley Snowden North
Mark Soderstrom Sturt
Peter Sodomka Glenelg
Craig Somerville Torrens
Jack Sorrell South Norwood
Trevor Sorrell Port
Alex Souter West
Brian Souter South
Mark Southwell Torrens
John Spaans Central
Scott Spalding Port
Michael Spanagel Port
Brad Sparkes Glenelg
Jason Spehr Eagles
Luke Spehr Eagles
Barry Spencer Woodville
Keith Spencer Port
Frank Spiel South Sturt Torrens
Jason Spivey Glenelg
Garry Sporn North
Kieren Sporn West
John Spry North
Damian Squire North Sturt
Gary Stableford Torrens
Craig Stanbridge North
Leigh Stanbridge North
Barry Standfield Sturt
Mark Stanton Woodville
Trevor Stanton Central
Cameron Staples North
Alex Staritski Norwood
Justin Staritski Norwood
Ian Stasinowsky Norwood
Craig Statham Glenelg
Alf Steed Port
Todd Steele South
Frank Stemper Woodville Norwood
Alf Stephens West
Haydn Stephens Woodville
Dillon Stephenson South
Damian Stevens South
Danny Stevens Central
Jonathon Stevens Norwood
K Stevens Torrens
Linden Stevens Sturt
Mark Stevens Eagles
Michael Stevens Central
Scott Stevens Central
Bruce Stevenson Central
Jamie Stevenson Sturt
Duane Stewart Norwood
Lynne Stewart Norwood
Mark Stewart West
Ken Stiecke Central
David Stoeckel South
Matthew Stokes Eagles
Vic Stoll West
Leigh Stone Central
Todd Stone North
Trevor Stone Woodville
D'Arcy Stratford West
Roy Stratford Norwood
Steven Stretch Torrens
Alan Stringer North Glenelg
Barry Stringer North
Dean Stringer North
Kelly Stringer North
Paul Stringer Port
Wayne Stringer North Glenelg
David Strooper Glenelg
Hamish Stuart Glenelg
Colin Stutley Central
Ian Sulley Torrens
Frank Sullivan South
Lee Sullivan Woodville
Peter Sullivan South
Greg Summerton West
Jacob Surjan Central Port
Peter Sutherland Sturt
Scott Sutherland North
Dean Sutter Norwood
Simon Sutterby Sturt
Gary Sutton Central
Paul Swanbury Norwood
Laurie Sweeney Port
Julian Swinstead Central
Tim Symes West
Dale Symmons Eagles
Tony Symons Glenelg
Dennis Syvertsen Woodville
Jason Sziller Eagles
Steven Sziller Eagles
Eugene Taheny Woodville
Simon Tait West
Dean Talbot South
Stephen Talbot Glenelg
Trevor Talbot Port
Hamish Tamlin Norwood
Drajan Tankosic Torrens Woodville
Colin Tanner North
Grant Tanner Norwood
Wayne Tanner Norwood
Jamie Tape Eagles
Bob Tardif Glenelg
Sean Tasker North
Michael Tate Port
Rodney Tatterson South
Peter Taverner Sturt
Andrew Taylor Woodville Eagles
Brian Taylor North
Bruce Taylor North
Craig Taylor Port
Don Taylor West Glenelg
Johnny Taylor West
Lawrence Taylor West Glenelg
Michael Taylor Norwood
Rob Taylor West
Ron Taylor Torrens
Stewart Teague Norwood
Alan Teasdale South
Noel Teasdale Woodville
Fred Tee Woodville
Francis Teiserrie South
Paul Temay Glenelg
Michael Templeton Woodville
Joel Tessman Port
Fred Tester Sturt
Jim Thiel Norwood
John Thiele Torrens
Kevin Thiele Torrens
Mark Thiele South
Neville Thiele Port
Stephen Thiele Torrens
Daniel Thomas West
Darryl Thomas West
Doug Thomas West
Greg Thomas Norwood
Ian Thomas Torrens
Jamie Thomas Central
Keith Thomas Norwood
Mark Thomas Torrens
Matthew Thomas Norwood
Paul Thomas Central
Wayne Thomas
Colin Thompson West
Michael Thompson Norwood
Robbie Thompson Glenelg
Adam Thomson Sturt
R Thomson Torrens
Tom Thorn West
Wayne Thornborrow Glenelg
Rowan Thorne Eagles
Jarrod Thorpe Norwood
David Threadgold South
Chris Thredgold Sturt
Glen Thurbon North
Toby Thurstans Sturt
John Tidswell North
James Tierney West
Ken Tierney Port
Phil Tierney Torrens
Jim Tilbrook Sturt
Peter Tilbrook Norwood
David Tiller North
John Timms North
Shane Tipuamantamerri Glenelg
Pat Tocaciu North
Luke Toia Eagles North
Abraham Tomich Norwood West
Shane Tongerie South
Bruce Tonkin Woodville
John Tonkin Torrens
William Tonkin Torrens
Gerard Toohey Torrens
Chris Toome Woodville
Jason Torney South
Stuart Totham Woodville Eagles
Brian Townsend Torrens
Michael Toy Glenelg
Steve Traynor Port
Gary Tredrea Port
Warren Tredrea Port
Leigh Treeby Eagles
Allan Tregenza West
Bob Tregenza Glenelg
Rodney Tregenza South
Simon Tregenza Port
William Trengove South
Ray Trenorden North
Simon Trenorden North
Darren Trevena South
David Trimbell Woodville
Ian Trimboli Central
Joseph Trimboli Central
Marcus Trimboli Sturt
Geoff Tripp Torrens
Darren Troy South
Bob Truelove Norwood
Kevin Tschirpig Woodville
Shane Tuck West
Ian Tuckey North
Roger Tuckwell Sturt
Norm Tull Port
Jonathon Tumes Norwood
Doug Turbill Norwood
Greg Turbill Norwood
Lachlan Turner Sturt
Mark Turner Sturt
Neil Turner Torrens
Peter Turner North
Allan Tutt South
Bruce Twelftree Woodville
Leon Twelftree Woodville Glenelg
Jarrod Twitt Sturt
David Twomey West
Matthew Twomey Norwood West
John Tye Norwood
Mark Tylor Port Glenelg
Barry Tyrell Woodville
Adam Ugrinic Eagles
David Ugrinic Eagles
Andrew Underwood Sturt
Nathan Van Berlo South
John van der Meer Norwood
Nigel van der Zande West
Rene Van Dommele Central
Darren Vanzetta North
Glen Vardanega Norwood
John Vaughan Norwood North
Matthew Vaughan South
Robert Veale Sturt
Chris Veide Glenelg
Paul Veraguth Norwood
George Verco Norwood
Martin Verrall Torrens
Ian Verrier West
Peter Vertudaches Norwood
Carl Vesty Woodville
Josh Vick South
John Vickers Norwood
Matthew Vidic Norwood
Rick Vidovich Central
Bernie Vince Eagles
Chris Vince Woodville
Graham Vincent Woodville
David Virgin Torrens
Russell Virgo Torrens
Mark Viska Glenelg
Peter Vivian Central
Peter Vivian Norwood
Rex Voigt Glenelg
Shane Voigt West
Terry von Bertouch North Norwood
Mark Wade Port Sturt
Julian Wait Port
Brian Wakefield West
Daniel Wakelin Central North
Darryl Wakelin Port
Michael Wakelin Port Central
Shane Wakelin Port
Scott Walden West
Peter Walenski Sturt
Chris Walker Woodville
Phil Walker South
Shaun Walker West
Ian Wallace Torrens
Gary Wallis West
Daniel Walsh North
Darcy Walsh West
Gavan Walsh Glenelg
Matthew Walsh Eagles
Peter Walsh West
Robbie Walter Glenelg
Tom Waltham Sturt
Ben Walton Central
Patrick Walton South
Gavin Wanganeen Port
Kevin Wanganeen Central
Craig Ward West
James Wardle North
Elijah Ware Central
Tom Warhurst Jnr Norwood
Tom Warhurst Snr Norwood
David Wark Sturt
Nigel Wark Sturt
Bradley Warner North
Ben Warren South
Len Warren Port
Eugene Warrior Port Norwood
James Wasley Norwood
Clive Waterhouse Port
Ben Watkins West
Kevin Watson Torrens
Larry Watson West
Fergus Watts Eagles
Rowan Waugh Glenelg
Merv Way North
Taffy Waye Sturt
Mick Weatherald Sturt
Robbie Weatherald Sturt
Tim Weatherald Sturt
Darryl Webb North
Peter Webb Woodville
Scott Webb South
Brian Webber Glenelg
Kent Webber West
Mark Webster North
Denis Weckert Glenelg
Kingsley "Bill" Wedding Norwood
James Weeding Norwood
Tommy Weetra Eagles
Mark Weideman West
Murray Weidemann West
Wayne Weidemann Torrens Eagles
Donald Welch Woodville Sturt
Rodney Welch West
Sean Wellman North
Stephen Wells West
David Welsby Sturt
Stephen Wesselingh South
David West South
Geoff West Woodville
Jim West Norwood Glenelg
Robert West Port
David Westbrook Eagles
Ian Westbrook Woodville
Leigh Westhoff Central
Malcolm Westley North
Lloyd Weston North
Paul Weston Glenelg Torrens South
Lindsay Westphalen Sturt
Mark Wharton Port
Robbie Whatman Port
Gavin Wheaton Norwood West
Ian Wheeler Norwood
Darren Wheildon West
Francis Whelan West
Ken Whelan Sturt
Matthew Whelan Eagles
Ted Whelan Port
Leigh Whicker Sturt
Alan White South
Brett White North
Damon White North
Greg White Torrens
John White Norwood
Lance White North
Robin White South
Scott White Torrens
Stephen White Sturt
Syd White Norwood
Trevor White Torrens
Colin Whitehead Port
Stuart Whitehouse Torrens
Andrew Whiteman Sturt
Brian Whitford Glenelg
Des Whitford Norwood
Malcolm Whitford North
Michael Whitford South
Greg Whittlesea Sturt
Keith Whyatt Sturt
Greg Wickens Glenelg
Stan Wickham Glenelg
Geoff Wiggins Eagles
Pat Wiggins West
Tom Wigley Eagles
Scott Wilcocks Glenelg
Greg Wild Sturt
Bob Wildy Torrens
David Wildy North
Arch Wilkey North
Peter Wilkinson Eagles
Anthony Williams Port
Bradley Williams Eagles
Brent Williams West
Chris Williams Sturt
Craig Williams West
Dennis Williams South
Foster Williams Port
George Williams Norwood Woodville
Glynn Williams West
Mark Williams West Port
Phil Williams South
Stephen Williams Port
Dean Willmott Woodville
Ian Willmott Sturt
Ian Willsmore North
Ben Wilson Norwood South
Dale Wilson Torrens
Darrin Wilson Torrens
James Wilson Port
Marty Wilson Sturt
Paul Wilson North
Peter Wilson Woodville
Ray Wilson Sturt
Wilbur Wilson Central
Gary Window Central
Peter Window Central West
Steven Window West
Ray Windsor Central
Brian Winstanley Woodville
Todd Winstanley Glenelg
Andrew Winter Sturt
Bruce Winter Norwood Sturt
Geoff Winter Sturt
Peter Winter West
Roger Winter West
Darryl Wintle North
Brian Winton West
Geoff Winton Glenelg South
Geoff Wiseman Sturt
Chris Wittman South
David Wittwer West
Nick Wlaker Norwood
Peter Woite Port
Ryan Woite Norwood
Mike Wood Woodville
Terry Woodall Torrens
Brian Woodcock Norwood
Roger Woodcock Norwood
Dale Woodhall West
Craig Woodlands Glenelg South
Graeme Woods Eagles
Brett Woolford Torrens
Chris "Ray" Woolford Norwood
Scott Woolley Norwood
Dean Woosnam West Sturt
Darryl Worden Torrens
Craig Work Torrens
Phillip Would South
Jason Wozniak West
Brian Wright Glenelg
Jim Wright West
John Wright Norwood
Michael Wrigh
Last edited by spell_check on Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:45 am, edited 30 times in total.
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Postby Ian » Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:27 pm

Ray Ebel, North Port
Craig Burton also played for West prior to North
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Postby spell_check » Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:23 pm

I have now updated the list along with the title.
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Postby ELVIS » Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:38 pm

Marco Bello CENTRAL
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:22 pm

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Postby JK » Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:36 pm

Nic Fosdike & Bob Fosdike - Norwood
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:40 pm

Brenton Bascombe -- P.A
Peter Koerner -- NWD/N.A
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:57 pm

Michael Browne (W.A)
John Crouch (PA-NA)
Luke Crouch (Nwd)
Peter Sullivan (S.A)
Frank Sullivan (S.A)
Andrew Ryan (W.A)
Brian Murphy (ST)
Tom Casey (NA)
Chris Altman (NA)
Brian McNamara (GL)
Peter Murphy (NWD)
Vin Cobiac (Nwd)
D'Arcy Stratford (W.A)
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Postby spell_check » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:10 pm

Thanks everyone, esp. LEGS11 with some beauties in there.

I have a question for LEGS11 though, I have Vin Cobiac down as Vic Cobiac (he's not on the list, but he was named by Adelaide Hawk in BigFooty - A fantastic source of player names in the SANFL). Are you sure it is Vin and not Vic?
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:21 pm

Also :
Kevin Cousins (Nwd)
Wally Hearn (Nwd and South)
Is there a limit on how far back you can go ?
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Postby spell_check » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:23 pm

I have noticed you have named a player I am after on the Magarey Medal thread - Michael Browne of West!

However I need to ask you another question because you have named two Sullivans for South. I am missing the first name of a Sullivan in 1956 for South. Is it any one of those you mentioned or a different Sullivan?
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Postby Aerie » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:29 pm

Stuart Nicol Eagles
Jason Sziller Eagles
Stephen Sziller Eagles
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Postby JK » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:34 pm

Pretty sure there was a Zimmerman played for the Legs around the 80's Spelly, maybe Legs 11 can help??
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Postby spell_check » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:41 pm

Cheers, LEGS, no there isn't a limit on how far back you can go, just as long they have played a League game.

CP, there was Andrew Zimmerman who played from 1990 to 1992 - 44 games.
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Postby tigerhutch » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:49 pm

Jim West Plasyed more for Glenelg then Norwood
Chad and Kane Cornes never played for Port, just glenelg
and i am pretty sure Graham Cornes played for South in his first year of coaching them
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Postby spell_check » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:58 pm

Tigerhutch, that's got me asking "Why did I put Chad and Kane Cornes as Port?" :oops:

Oh well, I will now update the list with all of the new additions from today. Keep them coming everyone, it's good to see the list being expanded.
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:42 pm

Peter Sullivan played for SA 56/58, Frank in 58
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:48 pm

Bruce Tonkin -- Woodville
William and John Tonkin - W.T
Frank Leonard -W.A
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:23 pm

George Margitich --SA
Michael J Doherty --SA
Stan Jaffer --SA
Ben Wilson -- SA (as well as Nwd)
Jack Sorrell --SA/NWD
John Vaughan -- NWD/NA
Matthew Vaughan -- SA
Brian Johnson -- NWD
Bruce Johnson -- NWD
Gerald Cobiac -- ST
Bob Ball-- W.T. (as well SA)
Ron and John Hall -- P.A
Alan Dunn -- SA
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Postby LEGS 11 » Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:34 pm

John Power -- NA
Darcy Walsh -- WA
Alec Fimeri -- WA
Kevin List -- NWD
Des Whitford -- Nwd
David David -- ST
Francis Teisserie -- SA
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