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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Don't hear anything about how China (or anywhere else except USA really) is going with the virus any more. Is the rest of the world still struggling with it.
Yes they are, but I am reluctant to post anything other than a comprehensive list of world cases, for fear of retribution. ;)
Well when you do, please make sure you've had a few glasses of red. :-BD
by cracka
Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:56 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Wedgie wrote:Has anyone got stats on stupid?
Is it getting worse?
Is it contagious?

My brother was going to paint his house using a toothbrush. It would have taken the contagious 8)
by cracka
Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:26 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

When people comment on something with defiantly instead of definitely.
It defiantly have a laugh at that. :D
by cracka
Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:45 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

"Last Man Standing"
The name of Steven Bradbury's beer company
by cracka
Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:38 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

The unpredictability of finals footy. Hahndorf 43 wins straight lost to Lobethal in the 2nd semi today after beating them by 105 points earlier in the season.
by cracka
Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:45 pm
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Re: Southern Football League

scottroo wrote:It’s definitely on the cards for Blackwood but I don’t think it’ll be next year.

They rate the SANFL junior competition allot higher then the hills comp

I thought they rated having all teams playing at the same venue on a Saturday
by cracka
Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:04 pm
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Re: I need to know....

Has anyone had trouble with insomnia, if so, how did you sort it? I basically go to bed around 9ish and wake up around 1am then sometimes I may fall back asleep by 4 or 5, just in time for the alarm.

I'd rather not use prescription drugs.

Ask your Doc about Melatonin?
Gives me really weird dreams & I end up waking up because of them
by cracka
Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:11 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Jeezus. As much political point scoring going on here as there is in parliament
by cracka
Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:15 am
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

Might be a bit of short term pain but I think its in our best interests not to have so much reliance on trade with China
by cracka
Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:01 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

JK wrote:Mind, Body and Psychic fair had to be cancelled due to unforeseen reasons

Don't know why they even advertise when it's on, shouldn't the psychics just know already :D
I'll see myself out
by cracka
Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:39 am
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Re: Rule Changes Season 2021

The good ol days. Dietrich, Mandemaker, Davies, Plugger, Dunstall, Ablett, Salmon, all kicking bags of goals while a forward pocket/rover (Leigh Mathews) could also snag 5 or 6 or 9
by cracka
Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:16 pm
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Re: The Great Dumboff

All i will say on the matter is we havent heard the end of it just yet.
My money still on Biden to concede or on January 6th when the Senate actually counts the Electoral votes there will be a big surprise.
Pay particular attention to the section Joint Session Challenges to Electoral Vote returns, Trump has the numbers in this case
I have set out what actually happens below
Daisy gets one back to take the lead.
This is now my favourite part of the thread :D
by cracka
Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:37 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Daisy Thomas' comeback to the girl who dobbed him in for having more than a couple of drinks at a charity event a couple of years ago
by cracka
Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:26 am
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Re: US

So lets assume the right set up 15 peaceful 1 man protests, then had their current rally storming the capital as well.

Would they then be allowed to claim 94% of their protests were peaceful?

Lets be honest, both sides behave like babies at various times.
Both sides take protests too far.
Both sides fail to accept outcomes they didn't want.
Etc. Thats exactly what someone said at work this morning. The extreme left and right are as bad as each other.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

That type of polarization isn't helpful, because:

Extreme right = white supremacists who want to oppress minorities ie. PoC, LGBQT
Extreme left = PoC, LGBQT who don't want to be oppressed by white supremacists

This type of 'both sidesing" amplifies Karl Popper's Paradox of Tolerance.
If you honestly think that's all the Extreme left are about then you are way further left than I'd imagined.
You're not a vegan by chance?
by cracka
Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:45 pm
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Re: US

by cracka
Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:52 pm
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Re: US

stan wrote:Daisy, this you? Image

by cracka
Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:20 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Did have a laugh at this
by cracka
Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:25 am
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Re: I need to know....

If daysofourlives is going to take up wedgies offer to go in for a drink & refuse to sign in then sue him & the establishment

Look forward to the result
by cracka
Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:57 pm
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Re: Abbott/Liberal Govt Watch

China now trying to dictate how much Australia can spend on defence. The sooner we reduce/cease trade with them the better
by cracka
Thu May 13, 2021 11:58 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

All it does is gives the government justification for control because of the minority that can't be trusted to do the right thing
by cracka
Fri May 28, 2021 12:38 pm
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Re: Things that you are looking forward to

The Finke desert race this weekend.
by cracka
Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:13 am
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Re: Great Southern Football League

I guess I’ll point out the obvious….

Where’s all the Bulldogs? Pinyon, Ziggy Vitkunas, Nick Mott, Lewis Johnston, Matt Skrypek, Sam Haniford. Could arguably all be walk up starts, but none in the side - all injured? Bet they’re right for round 10. Yes, other Clubs have star players not selected, but not six.

There is no points limit in association lads, get amongst it.

Guess there’s also no player payments though.
No $ either
by cracka
Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:58 pm
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Re: Things that you are looking forward to

Shoulder surgery this Friday, then 6 weeks in a sling & hopefully only 3 months recovery but could be more. Almost 26 years since the first dislocation/fracture.

Goodluck mate. I had shower reconstruction 6 years ago after 4 dislocations.

Did all the rehab and have since being playing rugby union, cricket and a few aussie rules games without any problem whatsoever.
Cheers. Hoping to be able to ride the motorbike again & do the Finke Desert Race next year.

Awesome. Having goals should help keep you on track during the rehab.

All I can say is no matter how pain staking, lame, boring, the rehab is do it correctly and you will be rewarded in the long run.
Yeah, I think that's why my right shoulder is so bad because the first time I did it, it was a preliminary final which we won so instead of doing the right thing I played the following week in the GF. I dislocated my left one 2 years prior in an elimination final but did the rehab & kept it in a sling for a couple of weeks & don't have anywhere near the problems of my right shoulder. The surgeon has said it's 95% likely I'll still need a replacement done on the right in 10 years
by cracka
Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:49 am
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Re: Great Southern Football League

An honest mistake.

What was the mistake? Can you tell us what actually happened? From what I hear (could be severely exaggerated), it was a lot more than a simple mistake.

If it was a mistake, when will Goolwa/Port Elliot Women’s have their points reinstated?
So this is what happened:, McLaren were told that it was fine for the Crows player to play, but were unable to have completed the permit on time. They had hoped to get the OK from Myponga, under mutual agreement, but were unable to do so. So he sat on the bench until 1/4 time. Nothing wrong yet! The issue is when they (McLaren) replaced him with another player after the game had begun (at 1/4 time).
I agree, Goolwa's points loss is an over reach against a developing sport, given the multiple breaches in the league from experienced football people who DO know better.

Told by who ?
Didn't complete the permit on time ? Well in that case that means he CAN'T play
So getting mutual agreement from the other team supersedes completing the permit on time ? Why should that be the case?
Unable to get mutual agreement so with no permit McLaren name him on the team sheet and sit him on the bench anyway ?? :roll:
Then replace him at quarter time and alter the teamsheet ?

Is that all correct?

If so , how could anyone think that's acceptable :? :?
They were probably thinking its acceptable under the Compass Clause of the GSFL By-laws :D
by cracka
Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:51 pm
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Re: AFL 2021

Booney wrote:
Booney wrote:
cracka wrote:Are the Simon Goodwin critics/haters still out there.



Simon waves back :oops:
by cracka
Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:55 pm
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Re: What The F***

McGregors leg. :shock:

I don't necessarily like the bloke and most thought (as I did) he'd lose, but no one saw that coming. That was horrendous. Much like Anderson Silva's some time back.

He's a polarizing character, you love him or hate him, me, I love him. He's laying there with a snapped leg yelling "Your wife's in my DM's!" :lol:

If you haven't seen, Poirier's wife tried to DM McGregor :
by cracka
Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:36 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

So tell me, how do all the football teams manage to get out before a lockdown is announced yet all the businesses in Melbourne had no clue until 5pm tonight. Is Andrews trying to send all business bankrupt?
How bout we shut down all supermarkets and let the butcher shops and fruit and veg shops have a go?

20million cars in Australia
15million visits to service stations per week
pumps, keypads etc are never sterilised
0 cases transmitted at servo's in 18 months
Tell me again how contagious this flu is ?

Not transmitted in supermarkets either.

Im telling ya, it does not add up
Apparently they identified 350 odd close contacts of the Victorian couple who holidayed through NSW & QLD. Not one has returned positive. Highly contagious
by cracka
Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:30 pm
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Re: AFL 2021

Booney wrote:Ahh, its all good. We're only missing Gray, Butters, Rozee, Fantasia, Farrell and Motlop from the front half.

To be fair, Rozee & Motlop have been missing all year :D
by cracka
Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:36 pm
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Re: AFL 2021

Booney wrote:The comment that kicked this all off was "...he's been missing all year", it's not correct, but why bother.

Your sense of humour certainly disappears when its about Port.
by cracka
Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:56 am
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Re: AFL 2021

The comment that kicked this all off was "...he's been missing all year", it's not correct, but why bother.
Your sense of humour certainly disappears when its about Port.

Your comment is ill informed, inaccurate, I countered it and would be happy to discuss it in more detail but there's no point. One of SA Footy's Sam Newman's would walk in in a costume and everyone would look to Trev at the bar for a retort.
Thanks for proving my point. It was a joke in return of all the times you've said virtually the same shit about Crows players.
by cracka
Fri Jul 16, 2021 11:43 am
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Looks like Stan is on the cans posting. Be interesting to see what the quality is like in a couple more hours :D
by cracka
Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:47 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Dr Psyber this vid for you and your medical expertise.

A prominent Doctor/Specialist in Texas who has reported his finding/opinions to a Senate Committe on Health and Human Services and if you have time to watch it please do and i want your honest opinion of Dr Peter McCullough.

"Within two days of this testimony (March 10) the Texas Senate introduced legislation to mandate information on early treatment be provided to every positive covid-19 patient. The key now is for doctors to act.

But of course on cue we then have the lefty driven fact checkers already discrediting him.

Why is it that so many proffessionals Doctors Therapists in the medical field with degrees and years of experience and in some cases proven treatments banned deleted and stopped from getting the message out on certain platforms for providing their medical opinions ??????
He probably hasn't paid the peer review fee
by cracka
Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:17 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Hey Daisy i forgot to mention if you read the article re Indias Herd Immunity you would of seen this statement.

"There were 10.073 million all-cause deaths in India last year, only 1.49 percent or roughly 147,000 more than the previous year’s 9.926 million. "

You can draw your conclusions from this stat very very interesting.
its the same all over the world, there is no pandemic

Bingo and even more so this year 2021. SA had 1 positive case from 23k of testing. And this person was from the vinery with that group and was already isolating.

These super duper spreading virus isn't really getting around now is it.

I said earlier Queen Nicola needed a few positve cases, for her 6 the other day and now a couple more. The gang of 3 are once again justified in there actions, but if you look at the numbers in the last few days 1/23000. I just can't see why we need to cripple the state for that sort of numbers.

In Sydney, how many people have been hospitalized right now?

I get we need to protect the elderly and other people at risk, but I do worry about the otherside of this in terms of DV and mental health and where this will lead us.
Stan, doesn't the one case detected show that the lockdown is working ? That is the point of it, so we didn't turn into Sydney. Because of their decision, most of us will be back out of the house and at work on Wednesday. Not a bad result?
Not really because the 1 case came from the close contacts who were already in isolation. As mentioned before, lockdown should have only been for the close contacts & their contacts not the entire state.
by cracka
Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:44 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

We need differing opinions by different posters otherwise it’s as boring as bat shit on here.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. I'm all for differing opinions on subjective matters, it's part of learning and living. Arguing against facts is another matter, the worst part of conspiracy theorists ( for want of a better term here ) is they can't substantiate a counter argument with fact, its all Facebook, Youtube and anytime you offer them facts it's fake or formulated to appease the masses. It's a cop out from actually providing evidence, fact based evidence, the contrary. It's easy being a conspiracy theorist because you just call everything bullshit and it suits your narrative. Don't have to be very smart to do that.

But as I have said before deciphering between fact and fiction is getting so much harder today due to fake news.

Even harder to understand is Covid ‘facts’ as the goal posts are changing as data and new knowledge comes to light.
Exactly. When covid first came out we had to stop using cash, paper, pens etc because the virus could hang around on surfaces for days. Now they can set it to a specific 2 hour window of when an infected person was at a site.
I remember we had to stop using paper con notes because of the threat of contagion, could only use pens which were sterilised after each use (some places the staff had to sign in & out their pen for the day), weren't even allowed out of the truck to go to the toilet on some sites. If this new delta strain is 5 times more contagious, why aren't all the original protocols in place.
by cracka
Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:52 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

MW wrote:Getting bogged down in semantics...the f..kwit shouldnt have been there in the first place.

Yet they let 10's of thousands out uninterrupted for black lives matter marches last year.
by cracka
Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:35 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Good man is, Rob, can smell bullish!t a mile away and doesn’t get involved in the politics of health. Just calls it as it is for his patients.

Couple of queries.

He said SARS & MERS are actually worse than Covid (28 second mark), that's not what the experts have been saying.

Also said the virus came out in January 2019 (1 minute mark). I thought it was in November
by cracka
Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:13 pm
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Re: Things that you rate!

Good stuff mate.
You’ve mastered this parenting thing.
Can you come to my joint and sort out my son and daughter as well?
Ha, I don't know that we ever master parenting, I don't argue with my kids or people in general at all, I point out the difference in opinions and move on.

It used to shit me to tears hearing the kids argue, I'd move one to other end of the house and they weren't allowed to cross the border unless they were doing something nice for other one.

I still get the odd phone call or text where one is upset about the other, I just tell them because they are so close that the smallest issues hurt a bit more, I don't take sides or tell the other one off, I simply listen without prejudice.

What are the ages of your kids?

Daughter is 13 and son is 10.
I’m like you as I tend not to argue and definitely pick my battles here.
My daughter is 22, we often clash on issues & both being pigheaded sometimes it doesn't end well. I am learning to let things go a bit better now so we don't have as many arguments. When she was about 3 she had a discussion/argument with the next door neighbour about what I can't remember. At the end of it he was laughing at her & said "gee I pity the man that ends up marrying you" quick as a flash she snapped straight back "well I pity the man that ends up marrying you"
My 20 year old son is as laid back as they come.
by cracka
Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:45 pm
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Re: 2021 Finals Round 1

Can someone check on Wedgie please..
Weird night. My ex is 6 rows back, my high school sweet heart who I haven't seen since 1987 is 3 rows back and my current missus is abusing the shit out of me at the same time.
Doesn't matter what the result of this game is because I'm ****** anyway! :lol:
by cracka
Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:16 pm
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Re: Port Adelaide 2021

Kochie to make a request to wear the prison bars in the grand final will be made today
I hope you are as accurate as you usually are.

My mail is solid, no one wants to see them wear the grey guernsey in the gf
Would hope their focus is on other issues than what jumper they want to wear. Richmond were happy to win in yellow in 2017.
by cracka
Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:06 pm
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Re: Survivor: Season 22- Redemption Island *WITH SPOILERS*

Been binge watching the NZ editions on Ten Play. After a tribe swap on tribe ended up with 2 males & 4 females while the other tribe had the 5 males & 1 female. The next reward challenge was a physical one where one person had to hang on to a pole while 2 opposition tribe members had to try & get them off the pole & drag them back to a mat through mud, first to do it 3 times wins. The tribe with only 2 males sent a female to hang on to the pole. After the first brutal win by the male dominant tribe they asked the other tribe to put one of the males out to hang on to the pole for the remainder of the challenge, the female dominant tribe said they'd do it for 1 round only so the male dominant tribe decided to forfeit the challenge. #respect
by cracka
Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:19 pm
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Re: AFL Preliminary Finals

Pretty hard task for the Dogs.
Fly to Tasmania then to Brisbane then to Perth then to Adelaide while Port Adelaide lead a normal life back in SA the whole time, have one less game and almost a full list to choose from.
All things being equal I'd give the Dogs a chance but hard to see them overcoming their leadup.
Port should be shorter IMHO.

And this is why if Port don’t win, it will be one of the all time chokes.


Deep down you know it, all Port supporters know it.

I don't think most people truly appreciate what choke, in a sporting sense, means.

Think day 4 of the Masters, you're 5 shots in front going into Sunday, you go birdie, par, birdie for a 6 shot lead and then go 8 over on the back 9 to lose it with a 4 putt on the 18th. That's a choke. Adelaide in 2017, that's a choke. Top all year , two home finals where they belt the opposition then lose the GF.

Winning the last minor round game by 2 points to go from 5th to 2nd isn't what you'd call a 7 shot lead with 9 to play.
U sure you're not thinking of Port last year. Crows weren't top all year in 2017. Port were actually top after round 2 in 2017.
by cracka
Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:30 pm
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

Ivermectin side effects:

However there are report on how it makes you shoot blanks:

Have cited the pubmed source rather than ladbible
That will be a good thing if all the anti vaxxers take it. They won't be able to breed :D
by cracka
Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:27 am
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Re: Port Adelaide 2021

Bit harsh on Motlop. Statistically having his 2nd best year at the club.
by cracka
Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:11 am
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19)

BREAKING: Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR "test" is implanting a microchip.

A FEMA representative told Reuters via email that the agency “has no record of a Celeste Solum having ever been a FEMA employee.”
That's exactly what a FEMA Representative would say for the cover up ;)
by cracka
Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:52 pm
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Re: Things that make you laugh

Chad Sayers comment on the batters walking off from Karen Rolton oval due to the pitch.
by cracka
Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:34 pm
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Re: Celebrity Casualties

Lightning McQueen wrote:
cracka wrote:
Jim05 wrote:Betty White falls just short of her century.
Has been a US icon on screen

Beat me by 3 minutes while I was trying to work out how to post the youtube link

That's what she said.

The best rolling joke from The Office
by cracka
Tue Jan 04, 2022 11:06 am
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Re: Things that make you sad.

I miss apachie and his out there views and crazy ass links he would send through.
I also miss him telling me how much he hates Biden and all that stuff as well.

People achieved what they wanted. Abused him personally until he left
Pretty sure he got a "last warning" in one of his rant threads
by cracka
Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:49 am
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Re: Things that you rate!

Mismatch Session ale, my fav beer now and I rate that the Royal has it on tap and sells cartons of it.
Going down a bloody treat iced cold atm after walking for an hour in that hear/humidity today to drop off and pick up the missus car for a service.
I rate the air con in her car too! Puts my old car to shame!
I also rate my countery coming out now too! :D
I'm not much of an Ale drinker, their lager is pretty good too. Went to Lot 100 the Monday after Xmas, brilliant food, wine, beer & gin if you're into that
by cracka
Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:14 pm
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