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Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:09 am
by gazzamagoo
whufc wrote:
gazzamagoo wrote:
whufc wrote:Looks like Templeton is coming back...…………..what's that his third spell with the club now.

Really not sure about the club continuously bringing back previous players that were 'serviceable' prior. Pretties up our recruiting numbers this year to a total of 6 players now with 3 of them being returning planners. Definitely hoping we recruit a few more because on 'paper' the outs look greater than the ins by a mile. Yeah yeah I know games aren't played on paper but its hardly enough to make the fans come back in the hoards.

Is any other club bringing players as regularly as the Dogs.....I know it worked for North with the Campbell brothers.

In recent times the Dogs have had

-James Boyd (3 stints at the club)
-Ben Nason (4579 stints at the club...……… my fav though and one of the best blokes you will ever meet)
-Jacob Templeton (2-3 stints)
-Sam Hannah (2 stints)
-John Butcher (2 stints)

Screams of lazy recruiting in my opinion especially when considering only Boyd and Butcher have had extended periods of elite SANFL performance. The rest have been serviceable at best all spending time in and out of the league side.

It's not lazy recruiting, I think it's creating depth.
Don't fret though, The Club is doing EVERYTHING it can to secure some "A" Grade recruits.

We would definitely want to snag a few because elite talent is the issue not depth. Especially given how the ressies have performed in recent years.

At present the ins/outs is very ugly even before you take into account a lot of other clubs seemed to have improved their squads.

Surely by now we have secured some pending AFL draft.

well we haven't, you would know by now.......................but there's lots happening to attempt to secure some players, lots of texts & phone calls made yesterday, fingers crossed we'll get some positive news very soon.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:12 pm
by whufc
Fingers crossed but slightly worrying.

Without being too close I would have thought any player worth there salt would know what they are planning to do given the AFL draft is real soon and if not drafted any team picking them would them ready for pre season in very early January.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:27 am
by whufc
Couldn't make it to the AGM last night due to my eldest daughters birthday.

Any news coming out of it?

Anyone ask any serious questions or was it all pretty fluffy?

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:51 am
by southernbulldog
On facebook this morning from AGM a new sponsor to be named soon.Apparently we have a player heading to South and an agreement sorted with Jeff Andrews.Trying to recruit a ruckman,forward & midfielder as well

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:59 am
by whufc
southernbulldog wrote:On facebook this morning from AGM a new sponsor to be named soon.Apparently we have a player heading to South and an agreement sorted with Jeff Andrews.Trying to recruit a ruckman,forward & midfielder as well

Good to see the club finding a sponsor.

Player heading to South...…..League player, fringe league player, junior......any clues as to who?

By agreement do they mean pay out??? Did they delve into a bit more detail as to why he was sacked...was it results driven, off field issues, combination.

Would think we are running out of time to recruit new players. If they don't have employment sorted very soon you would think the players would need to look at other options so they know where their future lies. I'm a bit dubious about this and think maybe there really isn't a whole lot going on. That could just be the inner west ham supporter in me that has seen years of our owners making bluff statements to make it attempt to like they have tried to but decent players.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:48 am
by southernbulldog
Dont know who the player is at this stage.As it was worded re Andrews we have settled with him whatever that means .Totally agree with recruiting no other club seems to have any trouble attracting players and employment not an issue for them .

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:02 am
by whufc
southernbulldog wrote:Dont know who the player is at this stage.As it was worded re Andrews we have settled with him whatever that means .Totally agree with recruiting no other club seems to have any trouble attracting players and employment not an issue for them .

Probably not a bad thing if the club have settled with Andrew so everyone involved can move on. Would be nice to know from the club the exact financial impact of the saga. Rumours suggest it didn't cost the club any money but it would be nice to hear that from the club.

Yeah I would love to hear what the clubs plans are to try and improve their ability to get jobs for players. From an outside perspective it just appears the club has put their hands in the air and complaining rather than trying to find a solution. This could be wrong but we can only go off what we see. I remember a while back they use to email members and place on the website etc. I cant say ive seen any emails in recent times or seen anything on the socials looking for employment opportunities. Maybe that method wasn't successful.

I wonder if the club have partnered or had any connections with employment agencies. I mean even Smithfield Football Club have done this extremely successfully through close connections with RAW recruitment.

As weird as it seems the major aspect holding back our club at the moment is our ability to get recruits jobs. If we could somehow get that sorted we would make big strides for imo.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:49 am
by Big Phil
southernbulldog wrote:Apparently we have a player heading to South...l

I was at the AGM last night and this was not mentioned, to my knowledge.

What was the source of the comment about this? That CDFC2020 page that Adam Slab Knowles "runs" I suppose?

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:52 am
by southernbulldog
Yes it was Big Phil it was mentioned on CDFC 2020 facebook group page

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:53 am
by whufc
Big Phil wrote:
southernbulldog wrote:Apparently we have a player heading to South...l

I was at the AGM last night and this was not mentioned, to my knowledge.

What was the source of the comment about this? That CDFC2020 page that Adam Slab Knowles "runs" I suppose?

Yeah it was put on the CDFC page by Rallysport Camero. I read it as if it was mentioned at the AGM as he wrote it alongside other staff such as the new sponsor etc, obviously not though so maybe he heard it from someone there.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:46 pm
by Big Phil
southernbulldog wrote:Yes it was Big Phil it was mentioned on CDFC 2020 facebook group page

I thought as much but wasn't able to check fro myself as the big man has blocked me from the page, for some reason.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:59 pm
by Wedgie
Well done on receiving your 10 year service certificate from the CDFC BP!

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:08 pm
by whufc
Big Phil wrote:
southernbulldog wrote:Yes it was Big Phil it was mentioned on CDFC 2020 facebook group page

I thought as much but wasn't able to check fro myself as the big man has blocked me from the page, for some reason.

Really???? Maybe you had all the latest news quicker!! I do think he does a good job but he definitely like his position in the role.

Congrats on the ten years as well.

Can I ask on the page why you are blocked....the page needs reliable sources like yourself on there.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:10 pm
by Big Phil
Wedgie wrote:Well done on receiving your 10 year service certificate from the CDFC BP!

Cheers mate, much appreciated.

Time flies when you do something you love.

I have been "hanging around" the club, going to training most nights after school since the early 90's, and then "helping out" is some capacity since about pre-season of 1996 when I befriended the son of then Dogs coach Stevie Wright.

It's not until you get the opportunity to sit back and reflect on how long I've been out there and realise that the club has been like a second home for near on 30 years.

It is sad to see the decline of the competition and the struggles that clubs have had over the journey, but certainly makes you even more appreciative of the success that you get to be a part of.

SANFL clubs form such an indelible part of the community and individuals alike. It really saddens me that my little 2 year old lad probably wont have the same passion and standard of competition to follow in 30 years time.

But, it is what it is and these are the times we live in.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:03 am
by whufc
Any news on the recruiting front?

Surely if we have any decent recruits on the cards they would have already decided who they are playing for in 3 months time, especially if having to move interstate etc. Only hope is the club have signed a couple but just haven't released it yet.

Not looking positive at the moment.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:16 am
by southernbulldog
Hopefully we will find out any news when pre season resumes .Agree though we appear to be a long way behind the other clubs with recruiting any players of note

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:51 pm
by Groucho
Yes but we are ahead of everyone else in terms of players lost.

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:33 pm
by southernbulldog
That is always the case with us

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:55 pm
by Spargo
Boyd now gone to Norwood?
Last year’s B&F - things still going swimmingly out at the Ponderosa...

Re: CDFC 2021

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:06 pm
by whufc
Spargo wrote:Boyd now gone to Norwood?
Last year’s B&F - things still going swimmingly out at the Ponderosa...

Sure you didn’t here Harry Boyd.