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Re: South Australian Churches and Community Cricket Association

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:18 pm
by auto
typewriter wrote:
automaticwicky wrote:Heard a rumour Para Vi$ta are increasing thier average gross income per player to $108,150 as per Reserve Bank inflationary projection of 2.5 %. Also heard the government is considering declaring Para Vi$ta a criminal organisation. Just rumours tho.

one bloke owns a few subways, and we're all blue bloods all of a sudden.

You know its true!

Re: South Australian Churches and Community Cricket Association

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:35 pm
by carey
automaticwicky wrote:
carey wrote:
Lightning McQueen wrote:A couple that you have "apparently" picked up are very quick, I'd love to spend a bit of time with them and utilise their raw pace effectively.

i believe i know who you are talking about his playing football for us this year and yes i personally am going to spend alot of time with him at this stage he doesnt even have a set run up! i dont think it'll take much to shape him up.

there would'nt be anyone in churches comp his pace i would'nt of thought

Ahem........Id be up there for pace. Just outa interest Carey who do you think would be the fastest bowler currently.

bourke springs to mind straight away

a guy from morialta last year was sharpish total wanker tho

when we 1st come in to the comp giggs was a hand full to face

para vista bloke got afew buzzing round mine and frithy's ears only played a couple of games I THINK!

not many others to be honest that i would call quick

baldo is a good bowler i wouldnt say quick but a good bowler

Re: South Australian Churches and Community Cricket Association

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:36 pm
by carey
oh and that snappy young dresser from para vista vinesy he can bowl well on his day

Re: South Australian Churches and Community Cricket Association

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:12 pm
by auto
I think crackers and baldo are pretty quick, and personally find them hard to face as they both use alot of shoulder in thier actions. Barge is always quick and pretty smart too, i think he has me worked out, he always seems to get me the same bloody way everytime. Id be interested for a NEK player to rate baldo and barge in terms of pace as they would face them in the nets alot. Giggs used to be quick but i think im even quicker than him these days. Bourkey can be quick on his day, Hilly and Vines would be the other sharp ones.

Re: South Australian Churches and Community Cricket Association

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:23 pm
by Goat Herder
bloodybouncer wrote:herder - where are ya son??? weather has been shiiiiiiite. Of to west coast end of aug again :D

I'm still here mate. Been busier than a one-legged man in an ar$e-kicking contest, but unfortunately that hasn't been because I've been fishing heaps.. :( Did a trip to Pt Vic a month and a half ago, KG's to 50cm and bags each days. Came back with 2kgs of fillets for the freezer. 8) Mother Nature truly has been a hag this winter, the dirty slag.. :evil:

On a cricketing note, PV had their AGM last night. Big plans for 2009/2010, celebrating 30yrs of existence. And if you're watching this space Ace, I'll have you know that under your sponsorship proposal, I will be donning the cricket gear once again at training most nights when BB's nemesis has the ball in hand, so get your cakehole out there so you can witness the bucks being racked up firsthand.. :lol: