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PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:34 pm
by Trader
My club's insurance bill last year was roughly $650.
We used roughly 120 players during the season (large number of fill ins).

Effectively our insurance bill will double overnight.
Plus then the IT maintenance fee.

Great job CA.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 6:31 pm
by Jimmy_041
Trader wrote:My club's insurance bill last year was roughly $650.
We used roughly 120 players during the season (large number of fill ins).

Effectively our insurance bill will double overnight.
Plus then the IT maintenance fee.

Great job CA.

PlayHQ has had all sorts of problems for local footy

Good luck!


PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:30 pm
by The Dark Knight
saintal wrote:$18 per player to register is what I've been informed, roughly $10 of that goes on insurance and the rest towards some IT investment/maintenance fund. This season kids paid $5 for insurance, not sure if that will be bumped up.

Will be a bit of a pain in the butt given how many 1-3 game fill ins a typical local/country club would use through a season. Apparently you can play 1 game as a guest without paying the fee but it needs to be paid before you play a second game. Hopefully wont create too much of a mess.

Mycricket was mostly fine for the match day stuff, but some of the registration processes were a little tedious and the site wasn't always laid out too logically. I have zero confidence playHQ will be any better, but time will tell.

Where did you get those prices for registration from?

In the last Email I got from CA/Play HQ on March 16th it will be $22.50 for senior players and $16 for juniors.

I've been meaning to make a topic on here about Play HQ for our community cricket so all the MyCricket guru's from our respective clubs can help each other out with it because I can see everyone running into problems as we transition from MyCricket to Play HQ.

Personally I'm annoyed with the change because I've finally mastered MyCricket in season 21/22 and along with my fellow club statistician and our club secretary we are in control and well organised when it comes to clearances, permits, registrations and of course entering scores.

When I read the email about the registration fee local cricketers will have pay to register and play my immediate thought was it's going to be an absolute pain to get guys to register and pay and knowing how hard it is to get money for fees out of some of our members, it may even be a reason why guys decide to stop playing which would be detrimental to our club.

I'm going to be the one at my club doing all the work for the transition on what needs to be done from our end and I've already expressed my concerns about it to my fellow committee members and that I'll probably need help from them and will probably need help from guys on here too.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:30 am
by whufc
Most of my career was played without Mycricket so im not fussed but the obvious first question I can see a lot of players asking is what happens to their stats, will they transfer across to playHQ.

I'm presuming the answer is NO...….as why would Mycricket bother to assist.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:22 am
by saintal
The Dark Knight wrote:
saintal wrote:$18 per player to register is what I've been informed, roughly $10 of that goes on insurance and the rest towards some IT investment/maintenance fund. This season kids paid $5 for insurance, not sure if that will be bumped up.

Will be a bit of a pain in the butt given how many 1-3 game fill ins a typical local/country club would use through a season. Apparently you can play 1 game as a guest without paying the fee but it needs to be paid before you play a second game. Hopefully wont create too much of a mess.

Mycricket was mostly fine for the match day stuff, but some of the registration processes were a little tedious and the site wasn't always laid out too logically. I have zero confidence playHQ will be any better, but time will tell.

Where did you get those prices for registration from?

In the last Email I got from CA/Play HQ on March 16th it will be $22.50 for senior players and $16 for juniors.

I've been meaning to make a topic on here about Play HQ for our community cricket so all the MyCricket guru's from our respective clubs can help each other out with it because I can see everyone running into problems as we transition from MyCricket to Play HQ.

Personally I'm annoyed with the change because I've finally mastered MyCricket in season 21/22 and along with my fellow club statistician and our club secretary we are in control and well organised when it comes to clearances, permits, registrations and of course entering scores.

When I read the email about the registration fee local cricketers will have pay to register and play my immediate thought was it's going to be an absolute pain to get guys to register and pay and knowing how hard it is to get money for fees out of some of our members, it may even be a reason why guys decide to stop playing which would be detrimental to our club.

I'm going to be the one at my club doing all the work for the transition on what needs to be done from our end and I've already expressed my concerns about it to my fellow committee members and that I'll probably need help from them and will probably need help from guys on here too.

At the TVCA AGM last week (I'm not involved with ATCA) one of the club reps who happens to work with SACA said $18, but you're right..when digging up a recent email CA sent it out states $22.50 for seniors and $16 for kids (a fair jump on $5). I didn't invest much time reading through these emails, last thing I felt like doing at the end of a cricket season..

We used around 70 players this season for 3 senior teams, with insurance being $300. Can see this being a logistical headache.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:40 am
by Tony Clifton
Wouldn't it just be an add on to club fees when people register?

Assume there'll be an online registration form that clubs set up.

I can see clubs creating a few "John Smith" type accounts for ring ins to play under without having to go through the whole process. All fun and games until one of them gets reported or injured or something. Or John Smith wins a trophy at the association awards night!


PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:45 am
by The Dark Knight
whufc wrote:Most of my career was played without Mycricket so im not fussed but the obvious first question I can see a lot of players asking is what happens to their stats, will they transfer across to playHQ.

I'm presuming the answer is NO...….as why would Mycricket bother to assist.

When I was initially contacted by and spoke to a CA customer support officer in December about the transition from MyCricket to Play HQ I asked if all the MyCricket stats will be transferred to Play HQ he said yes they will be. Time will tell.
Tony Clifton wrote:Wouldn't it just be an add on to club fees when people register?

Assume there'll be an online registration form that clubs set up.

These are two things I've briefly brought up and talked about with our committee to try and make life easier for the players and the club.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:52 am
by The Bedge
The Dark Knight wrote:When I was initially contacted by and spoke to a CA customer support officer in December about the transition from MyCricket to Play HQ I asked if all the MyCricket stats will be transferred to Play HQ he said yes they will be. Time will tell..

Yes, but if you don't have all your historical data in MyCricket before it changes, you wont be able to enter into PlayHQ.

I've now got 3 months to try and get the rest of our historical seasons into MyCricket. :(


PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:00 am
by The Dark Knight
The Bedge wrote:
The Dark Knight wrote:When I was initially contacted by and spoke to a CA customer support officer in December about the transition from MyCricket to Play HQ I asked if all the MyCricket stats will be transferred to Play HQ he said yes they will be. Time will tell..

Yes, but if you don't have all your historical data in MyCricket before it changes, you wont be able to enter into PlayHQ.

I've now got 3 months to try and get the rest of our historical seasons into MyCricket. :(

We don't have any historical data beyond when MyCricket started in 2008(?) and have never planned or had the data and scorebooks available to enter it so that won't effect us I don't think, we have our own club stats database that our other club statistician has developed and refined.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:02 am
by whufc
The Bedge wrote:
The Dark Knight wrote:When I was initially contacted by and spoke to a CA customer support officer in December about the transition from MyCricket to Play HQ I asked if all the MyCricket stats will be transferred to Play HQ he said yes they will be. Time will tell..

Yes, but if you don't have all your historical data in MyCricket before it changes, you wont be able to enter into PlayHQ.

I've now got 3 months to try and get the rest of our historical seasons into MyCricket. :(

Yeah that's slightly sad that mycricket was/is a great way to keep historical stats and for most clubs probably the only way they do it these days.

If the data can be transferred across that's great.

You might need to organise a pizza, beer, footy night at the club and btw bring your laptop your helping to add in stats.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:48 pm
by Trader
I entered all the stats from 2008 back to 1993ish for my club. Average of 5 teams per year as well. Took me a little while but was a good break at work between posting on here.
Glad to hear that will make it to PlayHQ.

$22.50, great. Will probably jump to $30 by year two and $50 before we know it.

Cricket Australia is a joke.

Thankfully having done all the data entry in mycricket, I've built up enough credits to walk away. Someone else's problem for season 22/23.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:29 pm
by TheTranzlator
I see the ROCCCS are advertising for a coach for next season. From all reports they haven't had a coach for a couple of seasons. Would be a great gig I think, really young team which has a lot of upside. An experienced coach could guide them back up the divisions where their talent should be.


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2022 12:43 pm
by Bluedemon
New Rule changes for 2022-23

1. Re-introduction of bonus points in the 'C' grade 2-day competition.
2. the LO competition start time to now be 12:30pm
3. 4-piece balls to be used in all LO grades
4. T20 competition groups to increase from 4 to 6


PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2022 5:17 pm
by Shark_Hunter
Given some of the chat on the Premier Cricket thread, does anyone think an ATCA club would have any interest or ambition to try to join Div 2 at some point? It's been a fair while since I've seen any A1 cricket and despite some gun players throughout the teams, assume the depth would be the biggest challenge. When I last played I would say the top ATCA teams might have 1-2 players that could hold their own in Premier 1st grade, middle 5-6 would be fringe 1st graders/solid 2nd graders, last 2-3 picked probably 3rd graders. So with a couple of decent recruits, could any current clubs be competitive in SACA Div 2? Interested to hear any thoughts....


PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2022 8:04 pm
by no_remorse28
Para Hills would give it a crack


PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2022 11:20 pm
by Muleble11
Hearing golden grove signing a few..


PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2022 12:16 pm
by tigerpie
no_remorse28 wrote:Para Hills would give it a crack

Tough gig.
Waaayyy more commitment for the playing group and at committee level, volunteers etc.


PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2022 9:09 am
by Sonofbrowny25
Muleble11 wrote:Hearing golden grove signing a few..

any names? there is no surprise with this


PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2022 11:20 am
by Trader
Shark_Hunter wrote:Given some of the chat on the Premier Cricket thread, does anyone think an ATCA club would have any interest or ambition to try to join Div 2 at some point? It's been a fair while since I've seen any A1 cricket and despite some gun players throughout the teams, assume the depth would be the biggest challenge. When I last played I would say the top ATCA teams might have 1-2 players that could hold their own in Premier 1st grade, middle 5-6 would be fringe 1st graders/solid 2nd graders, last 2-3 picked probably 3rd graders. So with a couple of decent recruits, could any current clubs be competitive in SACA Div 2? Interested to hear any thoughts....

I think playing wise the top few in ATCA would certainly have competitive season in a div 2 grade comp, however, as others have mentioned, the players at ATCA aren't interested in Sat/Sun cricket, 11am starts and taking training overly seriously (some individuals might be but the generalisation that the wider group isn't; is true).

The biggest hurdle however will be aligning the promoted atca club's team structure to fit in with Grade cricket's 4 senior teams.
SPOC, Flinders Park and Trinity OS would have to find a 4th side, as they currently only have 3.
Grange, PAOC and Marion all have 5 at the moment so would need to drop a side.
Goodwood with 8 would be the biggest one impacted.


PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2022 12:18 pm
by the smokey
Trader wrote:
Shark_Hunter wrote:Given some of the chat on the Premier Cricket thread, does anyone think an ATCA club would have any interest or ambition to try to join Div 2 at some point? It's been a fair while since I've seen any A1 cricket and despite some gun players throughout the teams, assume the depth would be the biggest challenge. When I last played I would say the top ATCA teams might have 1-2 players that could hold their own in Premier 1st grade, middle 5-6 would be fringe 1st graders/solid 2nd graders, last 2-3 picked probably 3rd graders. So with a couple of decent recruits, could any current clubs be competitive in SACA Div 2? Interested to hear any thoughts....

I think playing wise the top few in ATCA would certainly have competitive season in a div 2 grade comp, however, as others have mentioned, the players at ATCA aren't interested in Sat/Sun cricket, 11am starts and taking training overly seriously (some individuals might be but the generalisation that the wider group isn't; is true).

The biggest hurdle however will be aligning the promoted atca club's team structure to fit in with Grade cricket's 4 senior teams.
SPOC, Flinders Park and Trinity OS would have to find a 4th side, as they currently only have 3.
Grange, PAOC and Marion all have 5 at the moment so would need to drop a side.
Goodwood with 8 would be the biggest one impacted.

Conceptually it is not a bad idea, but from a practical standpoint really hard to pull off. This would require both associations to work together to achieve this and I just cant see that happening.