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Re: US

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:02 am
by Magellan
Booney wrote:Unless, of course, ol Donny Boy can persuade Georgia to "recalculate" and "find" 11,780 votes in his favour.

The threat of legal action against Raffensperger if he failed to do Trump's bidding was a nice touch.

Another day in the life of the president of his own banana republic.

Re: US

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:33 am
by Q.
Magellan wrote:
Booney wrote:Unless, of course, ol Donny Boy can persuade Georgia to "recalculate" and "find" 11,780 votes in his favour.

The threat of legal action against Raffensperger if he failed to do Trump's bidding was a nice touch.

Another day in the life of the president of his own banana republic.

Astonishing audio

Re: US

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:30 am
by DOC

I just listened to it and thought that deranged individual has been the president of a country. It's hard to believe that it's real but there it is.

Re: US

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:40 am
by woodublieve12
That's illegal isn't it?

Re: US

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:44 am
by Booney
woodublieve12 wrote:That's illegal isn't it?

You'd imagine so, yes.

Re: US

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:19 pm
by Q.
Booney wrote:
woodublieve12 wrote:That's illegal isn't it?

You'd imagine so, yes.

It's basically an attempted coup.

Re: US

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:27 pm
by Booney
Q. wrote:
Booney wrote:
woodublieve12 wrote:That's illegal isn't it?

You'd imagine so, yes.

It's basically an attempted coup.

He's just trying to get his votes back. See :

Re: US

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:50 pm
by Magellan
Booney wrote:
woodublieve12 wrote:That's illegal isn't it?

You'd imagine so, yes.

The University of Richmond law professor Carl Tobias said Trump might be “in legal jeopardy after Biden is inaugurated”. In an email to the Guardian, he wrote: “For example, if the justice department or US attorneys believe that Trump violated federal law, or if local prosecutors in states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, where Trump may have engaged in similar behaviour with state or local election officials, believe that Trump violated state election laws, the federal or state prosecutors could file suit against Trump.”

Richard H Pildes, a constitutional law professor at New York University, told the Washington Post: “The president is either knowingly attempting to coerce state officials into corrupting the integrity of the election or is so deluded that he believes what he’s saying.” Trump’s actions may have violated federal statutes, he said.

Michael R Bromwich, a former federal prosecutor in the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, wrote: “Unless there are portions of the tape that somehow negate criminal intent, ‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’ and his threats against Raffensperger and his counsel violate 52 U.S. Code 20511.”

Re: US

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:12 am
by whufc
Q. wrote:
Booney wrote:
woodublieve12 wrote:That's illegal isn't it?

You'd imagine so, yes.

It's basically an attempted coup.

Absolutely it is.

I compared him to Kim Jong-Un earlier in this thread due to his behaviour since losing the election and this is just further evidence that is looking to establish a dictatorship.

I honestly believe in his deluded world he expected the country to be burning now from millions of protestors demanding his reinstatement of presidency,

Re: US

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:06 pm
by Booney
Trump just suggested at his deafly quiet rally that Pence uses his position of President of the Senate to reject the certified results of the election, set aside millions of votes, and install Trump for a second term. On live TV.

Have you ever seen a more desperate, lonely, beaten loser?

Re: US

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:14 pm
by Trader
Booney wrote:Have you ever seen a more desperate, lonely, beaten loser?

This bloke jumps to mind but its hard to come up with too many examples.

Re: US

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:51 pm
by Magellan
Trader wrote:
Booney wrote:Have you ever seen a more desperate, lonely, beaten loser?

Can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but the Little River Band definitely provided the soundtrack.

Re: US

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:09 pm
by cracka
Trader wrote:
Booney wrote:Have you ever seen a more desperate, lonely, beaten loser?

This bloke jumps to mind but its hard to come up with too many examples.

Ah yeah. The Essendon fan getting fired up at a Crows game.

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:37 pm
by Booney
Tonight the United States starts it's descent into Civil War because the President wants it.

We'll wake tomorrow morning to scenes that will astounds us. You watch.

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:47 pm
by Magellan
Warnock is currently 35K votes in front of Kelly Loeffler, with about 95% of the vote counted, and Ossoff is just behind Perdue by less than 500 votes.

US election pundits appear to be calling both run-offs for the Democrats.

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:00 pm
by daysofourlives
Booney wrote:Tonight the United States starts it's descent into Civil War because the President wants it.

We'll wake tomorrow morning to scenes that will astounds us. You watch.

Yep all caused by ANTIFA/Soros, weve seen this before, its becoming tiresome.

By this time tomorrow Trump could very well be the president elect. Along with alot of other things coming to the surface

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:27 pm
by RB
daysofourlives wrote:By this time tomorrow Trump could very well be the president elect.

Wait, what? Now you're saying Trump 'could very well be' president-elect? You were supremely confident before that Biden would concede/Trump would be declared the winner. Now you think that there's merely a chance Trump might be president again?


daysofourlives wrote:Luckily all legitimate ballot papers have a concealed watermark, the Democrats corruption will be exposed big time. Trump has won this election by a very big margin.

daysofourlives wrote:Its not over mate, Trump will win it in the courts and the dems will go to jail

daysofourlives wrote:Trump will win eventually.

daysofourlives wrote:Trump isnt going anywhere, once they recount and audit and go to the supreme court he will be reinstated as President, enjoy it while you can sheep


daysofourlives wrote:Shouldnt be long now until Biden concedes defeat.

daysofourlives wrote:Fraud being proven or not doesnt matter when Joe concedes defeat.

daysofourlives wrote:Biden on very borrowed time.
Trump will be declareed the winner.

Looking forward to all the sooking on here

daysofourlives wrote:All i will say on the matter is we havent heard the end of it just yet.
My money still on Biden to concede or on January 6th when the Senate actually counts the Electoral votes there will be a big surprise.
Pay particular attention to the section Joint Session Challenges to Electoral Vote returns, Trump has the numbers in this case

It should also noted that a hypothetical Biden concession would be meaningless; he has been elected (306 EC votes to 232) and Trump's term expires at noon on 20 January; nothing Biden does or says could make Trump president beyond 20 January.

Should Biden, hypothetically, not be willing to take on the job, the VP-elect (Harris) would be sworn in, or if she were also unwilling, it would be the House Speaker (Pelosi).

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:33 pm
by Q.
Magellan wrote:Warnock is currently 35K votes in front of Kelly Loeffler, with about 95% of the vote counted, and Ossoff is just behind Perdue by less than 500 votes.

US election pundits appear to be calling both run-offs for the Democrats.

Good news for US action on climate change (action which will isolate Australia if we don't meaningfully shift our position).

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:38 pm
by stan
daysofourlives wrote:
Booney wrote:Tonight the United States starts it's descent into Civil War because the President wants it.

We'll wake tomorrow morning to scenes that will astounds us. You watch.

Yep all caused by ANTIFA/Soros, weve seen this before, its becoming tiresome.

By this time tomorrow Trump could very well be the president elect. Along with alot of other things coming to the surface
As I said before, it's all very fascinating.

Re: US

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:59 pm
by mighty_tiger_79
i just love the commentary about how Biden is going to be the best thing since sliced bread.... :D