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Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:23 am
by dedja
The only relationship between the 2 cases is that both are innocent until proven guilty ...

And agree that mental health is not a laughing matter.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:24 am
by straight talker
dedja wrote:sorry, I forgot you're not edumacated ...

quod erat demonstrandum

stig you are a W ANCHOR! :lol:

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:26 am
by best on hill
Squawk wrote:Best on Hill and Straight Talker - personally I'd prefer it if people avoided describing people with mental health problems as being nutters". A tad insensitive and outdated IMHO."Go and have a look at the beyondblue website sometime.

FWIW - Andrew Robb and Tony Abbott have both said MJF has been experiencing mental health problems and that this will be raised in her defence in court.

Thompson's defence, FWIW, relies on his assertion that the misuse of the credit card was by another person who he has not named.

While the two matters have some parallels, I'm not convinced personally that they are any more alike than apples and oranges.

sorry squawk if i offended you with describing a person with mental health as a "nutter" i have edited it out
my apologies

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:27 am
by straight talker
Squawk wrote:
straight talker wrote:
Squawk wrote:
Sojourner wrote:WTF????


LOL - just as well the photoshoppers put the two ladies in those spots, and not the other way around.

whats all that mean squak?

In the pic Sojourner attached, Julia is in the car (and not on the street). Phew. :lol:

she would certainly go hungry and broke if that was her choice of a job thats for sure.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:22 am
by Gozu
Squawk wrote:While the two matters have some parallels, I'm not convinced personally that they are any more alike than apples and oranges.

Agree totally, one has been charged by police (for assault & shoplifting) the other hasn't been charged.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:27 am
by straight talker
Gozu wrote:
Squawk wrote:While the two matters have some parallels, I'm not convinced personally that they are any more alike than apples and oranges.

Agree totally, one has been charged by police (for assault & shoplifting) the other hasn't been charged.

are you serious gozo? Have you not seen enough evidence that this man is a crook?? Next thing you willbe accusing abbott of pinching his card,phone,signature and dressing up like him!! :oops:

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:30 am
by bulldogproud2
straight talker wrote:
Gozu wrote:
Squawk wrote:While the two matters have some parallels, I'm not convinced personally that they are any more alike than apples and oranges.

Agree totally, one has been charged by police (for assault & shoplifting) the other hasn't been charged.

are you serious gozo? Have you not seen enough evidence that this man is a crook?? Next thing you willbe accusing abbott of pinching his card,phone,signature and dressing up like him!! :oops:

Well, members of the Liberal Party will stoop to any level in politics, ST. The names Godwin Grench and the ship, the Tampa ring any bells? ;)
However, in this case, I don't think there is any Liberal Party involvement. Just let him have his day in court though before running to any 'public hangings'.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:30 am
by bulldogproud2
straight talker wrote:
Gozu wrote:
Squawk wrote:While the two matters have some parallels, I'm not convinced personally that they are any more alike than apples and oranges.

Agree totally, one has been charged by police (for assault & shoplifting) the other hasn't been charged.

are you serious gozo? Have you not seen enough evidence that this man is a crook?? Next thing you willbe accusing abbott of pinching his card,phone,signature and dressing up like him!! :oops:

Well, members of the Liberal Party will stoop to any level in politics, ST. The names Godwin Grench and the ship, the Tampa ring any bells? ;)
However, in this case, I don't think there is any Liberal Party involvement. Just let him have his day in court though before running to any 'public hangings'.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:32 am
by best on hill
straight talker wrote:
Gozu wrote:
Squawk wrote:While the two matters have some parallels, I'm not convinced personally that they are any more alike than apples and oranges.

Agree totally, one has been charged by police (for assault & shoplifting) the other hasn't been charged.

are you serious gozo? Have you not seen enough evidence that this man is a crook?? Next thing you willbe accusing abbott of pinching his card,phone,signature and dressing up like him!! :oops:

Trial by media not sure that this how the judicial system works

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:32 am
by dedja
Again, you're right ... Peter Slipper must also be guilty

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:33 am
by straight talker
thats correct and thats what the people of australia want every one does bar the labor party,gillard,albanese,emerson and some senior union thugs as they know he has and will have done some serious damage to all concerned.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:36 am
by dedja
straight talker wrote:thats correct and thats what the people of australia want every one does bar the labor party,gillard,albanese,emerson and some senior union thugs as they know he has and will have done some serious damage to all concerned.

Really, all 22,691,988 of them?

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:38 am
by bulldogproud2
ST, do you know how many Ministers had to be stood down during the Howard administration years for breaking their Code of Ethics? I know there were at least six.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:42 am
by Gozu
straight talker wrote:
Gozu wrote:
Squawk wrote:While the two matters have some parallels, I'm not convinced personally that they are any more alike than apples and oranges.

Agree totally, one has been charged by police (for assault & shoplifting) the other hasn't been charged.

are you serious gozo? Have you not seen enough evidence that this man is a crook?? Next thing you willbe accusing abbott of pinching his card,phone,signature and dressing up like him!! :oops:

What evidence, the guy hasn't even been charged with anything yet and might not be at all?

All there is to see here is one federal Liberal politician has been charged by police and the federal Labor politician hasn't. I understand the lowlife grubby game your side is playing, make the guy's life so unbearable that he resigns, forcing a by-election and the Libs might win that and possibly get into govt.

I get that's why the Right are getting so hysterically shrill at the moment (st on here, Alan Jones on Mediawatch, News Ltd apologising to PM Gillard today for Glenn Milne's low act etc) but it's dirty and pretty grubby stuff.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:43 am
by Gozu
bulldogproud2 wrote:ST, do you know how many Ministers had to be stood down during the Howard administration years for breaking their Code of Ethics? I know there were at least six.

Until he realised he had set the bar a bit too high and was running out of them ;)

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:52 am
by straight talker
what evidence are you serious or are you having me on? He should be charged surely i mean he has spent funds that were not his he has accused someone of stealing all his id his cards phone signature!! he had to get the labor party to pay his bills so he didnt go bankrupt after he dropped his defamation case against fairfax i believe,as you know if you go bankrupt you are not allowed to sit in parlamnt. He keeps saying it wasnt him who did all these things why wasnt it passed on to police that all this stuff had been stolen? Oh it got given back to him didnt it?! The list goes on and i could post plenty on here but there is no need to as his scams are splashed all over the papers everyday! And gillard hasnt mentioned the lib mp that is going up for stealing a banana and loaf of bread? :oops:

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:59 am
by Gozu
straight talker wrote:what evidence are you serious or are you having me on? He should be charged surely i mean he has spent funds that were not his he has accused someone of stealing all his id his cards phone signature!! he had to get the labor party to pay his bills so he didnt go bankrupt after he dropped his defamation case against fairfax i believe,as you know if you go bankrupt you are not allowed to sit in parlamnt. He keeps saying it wasnt him who did all these things why wasnt it passed on to police that all this stuff had been stolen? Oh it got given back to him didnt it?! The list goes on and i could post plenty on here but there is no need to as his scams are splashed all over the papers everyday! And gillard hasnt mentioned the lib mp that is going up for stealing a banana and loaf of bread? :oops:

Hang on I'm talking about the real world not what you read in some paper or on Bolt's blog. As I understand it the police (with a little bit of prodding from George Brandis) are inestigating it all now to see if as in IF there is enough there to warrant charging the guy.

As has become typical amongst right-wingers on the net, they often try to leave out the Liberal politician's assault charge.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:11 am
by straight talker
the real world you reckon well a lot of the evidence has been shown on news stations around australia the only way you wouldnt have seen it is if yv been living under a rock! Another one of labors failures has been investigating him since 2009!!! FAIR WORK AUSTRALIA! :roll: thats why the union sec has been threatened because she put him in and knows he has done the wrong thing, like she said she will be looking after her 70.000 members not gillard and her bits and pieces of a government.

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:18 am
by straight talker

Re: peoples thoughts on mr thomson?????

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:22 am
by straight talker