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Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 6:22 am
by Jase
Still fighting calf issues. Starting on some dry needling next week at the physio. Getting old sucks.... :grin:

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:26 am
by scoob
Gday guys - been awhile due to an enforced holiday, Finished the Barossa Marathon back in May - 3.45, beat my only other marathon by 15 mins which felt good... slowly getting back into the swing of things - hoping for the Yurrebilla next year, something different to the traditional marathon.

Will be popping in asking a few questions of you guys that have done it every now and then... looking forward to upping the training in the new year!

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:29 pm
by MW
pels wrote:
MW wrote:How's everyones running been going lately? I am in a mini rutt at the moment. I guess with nothing to directly train for the motivation is low. Still getting out 2-3 times a week but not putting in as much effort as usual.

Have had 3 weeks off running, body feels good and mentally feel refreshed.
Have done 3 easy runs of 7km at lunch this week.

Its normal your motivation is a bit low so long your still getting out there and running.

Next goal for me will be 6FT marathon, hardest part about that is getting an entry.

That would be awesome

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:31 pm
by MW
scoob wrote:Gday guys - been awhile due to an enforced holiday, Finished the Barossa Marathon back in May - 3.45, beat my only other marathon by 15 mins which felt good... slowly getting back into the swing of things - hoping for the Yurrebilla next year, something different to the traditional marathon.

Will be popping in asking a few questions of you guys that have done it every now and then... looking forward to upping the training in the new year!

I plan on running Barossa Marathon and still do Yurrebilla and possibly Heyson 105 (if body/mind/training permits)

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:40 pm
by scoob
MW wrote:
scoob wrote:Gday guys - been awhile due to an enforced holiday, Finished the Barossa Marathon back in May - 3.45, beat my only other marathon by 15 mins which felt good... slowly getting back into the swing of things - hoping for the Yurrebilla next year, something different to the traditional marathon.

Will be popping in asking a few questions of you guys that have done it every now and then... looking forward to upping the training in the new year!

I plan on running Barossa Marathon and still do Yurrebilla and possibly Heyson 105 (if body/mind/training permits)

Nice one - big year ahead for you! I got so much on next year I think I can only commit to one big one.... Barossa was great this year - quite a nice run - hell of a lot cooler than the Gold Coast too!

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:16 pm
by MW
Yeah not 100% sold on the Heysen order to run Yurrebilla last year I lost a crap load of weight and almost looked gaunt. Hate to think what I will look like training for that!

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:56 pm
by pels
MW wrote:Yeah not 100% sold on the Heysen order to run Yurrebilla last year I lost a crap load of weight and almost looked gaunt. Hate to think what I will look like training for that!

Thats one tough event, a lady at work has completed it 2 times.
A lot flatter course compared to Yurrebilla, but sh*t load longer.
Mentally you need to be really tough to finish.
See how the year goes and then decide

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:46 pm
by MW
How's everyones running going?

I'm still plodding along...not trying to break any land speed records but more maintain at the moment 2-3 runs per week at the 8-12km range. Usually one road and two trail runs.

Key is to keep it up during the Christmas/New Year break when the temptation to have that extra beer of a night might make it hard in the morning.

Also the heat coming up makes it difficult. Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with the heat? (except for the obvious hydrate and go during the cooler times of the day)

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:21 am
by pels
I'm into full training mode for the 6ft marathon, have started hitting the trails again.Never forgiving they are

Coping with the heat, I tend to look at the long range forecast and plan my runs ahead.
e.g this week do my running on Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat & Sun and rest days for Wed & Thur (hot days)
If we get a long streak of heat, you have to get out early or late at night 8ish
Try and get going by 7am and if doing a long run you will finished by 10ish before the heat of the day rolls up.

Its not easy over the holiday period but you have to be disciplined and only have a couple and thats it and keep the running up.
Much easier now that I'm older and have a family and don't get out much.

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:49 am
by MW
which trails are you running pels?

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:01 pm
by pels
Run along parts off the yurrebilla trail.
Starting at Monacute Rd or another start from the mountain bike park on Mt barker rd

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:38 am
by FlyingHigh
MW wrote:How's everyones running going?

I'm still plodding along...not trying to break any land speed records but more maintain at the moment 2-3 runs per week at the 8-12km range. Usually one road and two trail runs.

Key is to keep it up during the Christmas/New Year break when the temptation to have that extra beer of a night might make it hard in the morning.

Also the heat coming up makes it difficult. Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with the heat? (except for the obvious hydrate and go during the cooler times of the day)

Preparing and starting to get excited for my first marathon, Cadbury's in Hobart on Jan 12th. Done two 35-36 runs and hopefully one more this weekend before tapering.

Bit like you, MW, had a bit of an unmotivated time during early spring, only three runs a week and whilst still only doing three runs in total tried to increase my long run, rather than getting a base of at least 4 runs. Knew at the time it was pretty dumb, and think it may have contributed to an Achilles injury that set me back a couple of weeks.

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:13 am
by pels
FlyingHigh wrote:
MW wrote:How's everyones running going?

I'm still plodding along...not trying to break any land speed records but more maintain at the moment 2-3 runs per week at the 8-12km range. Usually one road and two trail runs.

Key is to keep it up during the Christmas/New Year break when the temptation to have that extra beer of a night might make it hard in the morning.

Also the heat coming up makes it difficult. Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with the heat? (except for the obvious hydrate and go during the cooler times of the day)

Preparing and starting to get excited for my first marathon, Cadbury's in Hobart on Jan 12th. Done two 35-36 runs and hopefully one more this weekend before tapering.

Bit like you, MW, had a bit of an unmotivated time during early spring, only three runs a week and whilst still only doing three runs in total tried to increase my long run, rather than getting a base of at least 4 runs. Knew at the time it was pretty dumb, and think it may have contributed to an Achilles injury that set me back a couple of weeks.

Good luck & enjoy the run, its you first so don't put too much pressure on yourself for a time. Just enjoy the day

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:30 am
by FlyingHigh
Thanks pels, a few people have been saying that about the time. Got a bit of a guide, slower than my long-run training, which if I don't achieve I won't be disappointed, but don't want it to blow too far out, ie 10+%

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:38 pm
by pels
How's everyones running going?
The hot weather has made running or training very difficult in January & early February.
Have had to start some of my long runs at 5:30am just to avoid the heat.
The last 2 weeks have been a lot better.
Have been getting plenty of trail runs done in preparation for 6ft this Saturday.
After 6ft will take a break and then get ready for the 10km parklands loop in July and then its Yurrebilla

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:41 pm
by MW
I've been struggling with some tendonitis in both right achillies insertion and hip since just before Christmas but I think finally it's getting better. Last few runs have been relatively pain free. I gave myself 2 weeks off running completely late in Feb and did a bit of strength training, calf raises, heel drops etc and also some swimming to keep the cardio up. Seems to have worked touch wood.

I was going to do the Clare half and Adelaide Marathon but re-thinking them now in light of the injuries but definetly doing YUM again!

Which trails do you do pels? I do a lot of Belair National Park, Brownhill Creek and Sturt Gorge

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:10 am
by pels
I normally go along Yuerrebilla starting at Eagle on the hill or at gorge rd, just out and back depending how many Kms I wanna do

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:32 pm
by MW
I'm 80% Belair National Park with a lot more Cleland in the lead up to YUM. Also Brownhill Creek up the hill and back down again.

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:17 pm
by MW
How's the fellow runners going out there?

My interupted year continues...suffered recently with some Capsulitis on the ball of my foot but that's come good finally.

I'm ramping up training for both City Bay and Yurrebilla 56km Ultra.

Re: Marathon/Half Marathon Running

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:24 pm
by Keefy
MW wrote:How's the fellow runners going out there?

My interupted year continues...suffered recently with some Capsulitis on the ball of my foot but that's come good finally.

I'm ramping up training for both City Bay and Yurrebilla 56km Ultra.

Running 3 sessions a week, sometimes 1 of those sessions is stairs
2 x about 6-8km
1 x 14 km, need to increase that one over the next few weeks

Entering the Adelaide half on August 24 and then of course City-Bay which is 4 weeks later