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Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:44 pm
by cennals05
If only the Catholic church fought as hard to stop child abuse at the hands of their priests as they do fighting against marriage equality. Wouldn't the world be a better place.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:45 pm
by bennymacca
nuggety goodness wrote:
HH3 wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:So a choice of being gay is the same as being a slave or not recognised as even human....... ok..... that fits in this thread.

Its not a choice champion. Are your sexual preferences choices? Or do you just like what you like?

So if someone is sexually attracted to children or animals is it a choice or were they born that way?

Are you saying you are attracted to animals?

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:45 pm
by nuggety goodness
Q. wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:
HH3 wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:So a choice of being gay is the same as being a slave or not recognised as even human....... ok..... that fits in this thread.

Its not a choice champion. Are your sexual preferences choices? Or do you just like what you like?

So if someone is sexually attracted to children or animals is it a choice or were they born that way?

Those questions can be debated separately on their own merits as they have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Thats very true but pertinent IMO.

If we change the constitution for one minority group that has caught media attention (and that is the only thing driving this agenda) then any monority group can lobby the law to have it changed to suit them. slippery slope.

Create an alternate union act or something which recognises rights all the same and leave the current one as it is, simple.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:48 pm
by nuggety goodness
bennymacca wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:
HH3 wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:So a choice of being gay is the same as being a slave or not recognised as even human....... ok..... that fits in this thread.

Its not a choice champion. Are your sexual preferences choices? Or do you just like what you like?

So if someone is sexually attracted to children or animals is it a choice or were they born that way?

Are you saying you are attracted to animals?

No, but if i was you would have to accept it because i was born that way and in fact i want my love for Rover to be recognised so me and my fellow animals lovers can enjoy our love just like you. Who are you to tell me I'm sick and who i can and cant love!

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:52 pm
by cennals05
This is an issue of consent. An animal cannot give you consent to marry it or have sex with it. It's pretty simple. Once again your argument is stupid and flawed.

Serious question, how will your life change if gay marriage is allowed?

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:52 pm
by bennymacca
The difference is animals and children cannot consent. For you to conflate the two is silly.

I don't know why people have a problem with a them getting married. You might say that marriage is for Christians. Well that's clearly not true as people of all faiths and no faith can also get legally married.

You might also say that marriage is for child rearing.

Also completely false as you can get married even though you are past reproductive age.

And you can reproduce without being married. Or get divorced even with kids involved.

So the answer as to why people don't think they can get married?

Prejudice, homophobia and bigotry.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:53 pm
by Q.
nuggety goodness wrote:
Q. wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:
HH3 wrote:[quote="nuggety goodness"]So a choice of being gay is the same as being a slave or not recognised as even human....... ok..... that fits in this thread.

Its not a choice champion. Are your sexual preferences choices? Or do you just like what you like?

So if someone is sexually attracted to children or animals is it a choice or were they born that way?

Those questions can be debated separately on their own merits as they have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Thats very true but pertinent IMO.

If we change the constitution for one minority group that has caught media attention (and that is the only thing driving this agenda) then any monority group can lobby the law to have it changed to suit them. slippery slope.

Create an alternate union act or something which recognises rights all the same and leave the current one as it is, simple.[/quote]

It's not a 'slippery slope' argument as this is far from the first time a minority group sought constitutional recognition, and it won't be the last.

They are separate issues that require debating on their own individual merits, if and when that time arises.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:54 pm
by HH3
nuggety goodness wrote:No, but if i was you would have to accept it because i was born that way and in fact i want my love for Rover to be recognised so me and my fellow animals lovers can enjoy our love just like you. Who are you to tell me I'm sick and who i can and cant love!

Dogs aren't people champion. Marriage is between two consenting adults.

Rover can't consent, and probably doesn't wanna root you, so there's your answer.

Its not hard when you think about it, WITHOUT predetermined outcomes, such as the ones you're aiming for.

*Wrote this at the same time as Benny

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:56 pm
by Booney
Best we get laws changed to ensure churches pay taxes then. That would make for some equality.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:56 pm
by cennals05
Booney wrote:Best we get laws changed to ensure churches pay taxes then. That would make for some equality.

We'd wipe out our budget deficit and have change.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:02 pm
by Booney
Well, they've distinguished themselves as a minority.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:03 pm
by nuggety goodness
HH3 wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:No, but if i was you would have to accept it because i was born that way and in fact i want my love for Rover to be recognised so me and my fellow animals lovers can enjoy our love just like you. Who are you to tell me I'm sick and who i can and cant love!

Dogs aren't people champion. Marriage is between two consenting adults.

Rover can't consent, and probably doesn't wanna root you, so there's your answer.

Its not hard when you think about it, WITHOUT predetermined outcomes, such as the ones you're aiming for.

*Wrote this at the same time as Benny

As Q said these issues are totally separate...

The fact that we accept that LGBT are born that way lends to the idea that we must accept that Paedophiles and those involved in beastiality and other depravity are also born that way. Forget marriage for now.

now you said that these people are 'sick' and 'need psychiatric help' but why? Why is it so wrong that some people dont share the same sexual preference as you or others?

What are the predetermined outcomes im looking for?

I hate the idea that im homophobic and im vilifying people because i am opposed to their way of life and changing laws to accommodate that.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:08 pm
by HH3
YOU brought this shit up. Dont act like I did.

Peados and people involved in beastiality are HURTING people and animals.

Homosexuals aren't hurting ANYONE.

Like I said mate, maybe forget about your preconceived ideas, and look at it like an adult. You're coming off as a very brainwashed individual right now.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:13 pm
by whufc
First rugby union injury!!!!

Fractured my little finger lol

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:31 pm
by Q.
nuggety goodness wrote:
HH3 wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:No, but if i was you would have to accept it because i was born that way and in fact i want my love for Rover to be recognised so me and my fellow animals lovers can enjoy our love just like you. Who are you to tell me I'm sick and who i can and cant love!

Dogs aren't people champion. Marriage is between two consenting adults.

Rover can't consent, and probably doesn't wanna root you, so there's your answer.

Its not hard when you think about it, WITHOUT predetermined outcomes, such as the ones you're aiming for.

*Wrote this at the same time as Benny

As Q said these issues are totally separate...

The fact that we accept that LGBT are born that way lends to the idea that we must accept that Paedophiles and those involved in beastiality and other depravity are also born that way. Forget marriage for now.

now you said that these people are 'sick' and 'need psychiatric help' but why? Why is it so wrong that some people dont share the same sexual preference as you or others?

What are the predetermined outcomes im looking for?

I hate the idea that im homophobic and im vilifying people because i am opposed to their way of life and changing laws to accommodate that.

It doesn't lend any weight to those arguments due to the differentiating factor of consent/non-consent. The 'depravity' of your other examples arises from the non-consensual nature.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:40 pm
by nuggety goodness
Q. wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:
HH3 wrote:
nuggety goodness wrote:No, but if i was you would have to accept it because i was born that way and in fact i want my love for Rover to be recognised so me and my fellow animals lovers can enjoy our love just like you. Who are you to tell me I'm sick and who i can and cant love!

Dogs aren't people champion. Marriage is between two consenting adults.

Rover can't consent, and probably doesn't wanna root you, so there's your answer.

Its not hard when you think about it, WITHOUT predetermined outcomes, such as the ones you're aiming for.

*Wrote this at the same time as Benny

As Q said these issues are totally separate...

The fact that we accept that LGBT are born that way lends to the idea that we must accept that Paedophiles and those involved in beastiality and other depravity are also born that way. Forget marriage for now.

now you said that these people are 'sick' and 'need psychiatric help' but why? Why is it so wrong that some people dont share the same sexual preference as you or others?

What are the predetermined outcomes im looking for?

I hate the idea that im homophobic and im vilifying people because i am opposed to their way of life and changing laws to accommodate that.

It doesn't lend any weight to those arguments due to the differentiating factor of consent/non-consent. The 'depravity' of your other examples arises from the non-consensual nature.

True but taking away from the act itself, is it wrong to be sexually attracted to children and animals? And if someone is that way inclined then how can we tell them it is wrong?

There is right and wrong and this is the issue, we are debating what it is right and what is wrong.

Society has changed dramatically and now what used to be seen as wrong has been accepted and is now embraced.

The problem is we all have our own standards and prejudices, religious or not, and hence the conflict.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:43 pm
by Booney
Bullshit. What is wrong is one person telling another person that they can or can't love or marry another person. What is right is every human being allowed to love and marry, if they wish, any other person on earth.

Don't you lot rabbit on about "Thou shall not judge" or something like that? Which, with a fistful of irony, comes from the most judgmental people in the world.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:01 pm
by nuggety goodness
Booney wrote:Bullshit. What is wrong is one person telling another person that they can or can't love or marry another person. What is right is every human being allowed to love and marry, if they wish, any other person on earth.

Don't you lot rabbit on about "Thou shall not judge" or something like that? Which, with a fistful of irony, comes from the most judgmental people in the world.

Im happy to be judged with the same judgement that i judge with. (Matthew 7:1-2)

Im not telling people who they can or cannot love. Whether thats right or not is another issue. The law is there for a reason, whether you abide by it is up to you.

but just like i get told not to push my view on people, i think its only fair that other peoples choice of lifestyle isnt forced upon me as it is currently and laws changed to suit it.

as i said previously, create an independent altenate union act or something that gives the same rights for those that choose it and leave the current marriage act as it is. Why is that not an option?

From whay ive heard it is all about peoples rights and so if they are given those rights then why cant that be done?

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:12 pm
by Booney
Why does it need to be called something other than marriage just to satisfy a minority?

Law is law, don't confuse it with the church and never the twain shall/should meet.

Re: Things that make you laugh

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:14 pm
by HH3
nuggety goodness wrote:
Booney wrote:Bullshit. What is wrong is one person telling another person that they can or can't love or marry another person. What is right is every human being allowed to love and marry, if they wish, any other person on earth.

Don't you lot rabbit on about "Thou shall not judge" or something like that? Which, with a fistful of irony, comes from the most judgmental people in the world.

but just like i get told not to push my view on people, i think its only fair that other peoples choice of lifestyle isnt forced upon me as it is currently and laws changed to suit it.

Whats being forced on you? How does marriage equality directly effect you and your life? Serious question.