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Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:18 am
by dedja
It seems two of the Bali Nine who have been sentenced to the death penalty will have their sentence carried out soon.

Is this deserved justice, or an abhorrent injustice?

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:32 am
by Bully
i dont believe it is no. Stupid. The fact of the matter is that if they were not smuggling drugs into this country then they wouldnt be in the situation

But it is that countries rules where you can get away with murder basically yet be sentenced to death for drugs. But we cant control what goes on in that country. They knew the rules before going there, so it is their fault also.

Had this same post on FB pages for newspapers and people saying its stupid yes for not getting worse treatment for murder or the likes, but it is this countries rules and if you set foot on their land you need to abide by them.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:47 am
by Jimmy_041
Bully wrote:i dont believe it is no. Stupid. The fact of the matter is that if they were not smuggling drugs into this country then they wouldnt be in the situation

But it is that countries rules where you can get away with murder basically yet be sentenced to death for drugs. But we cant control what goes on in that country. They knew the rules before going there, so it is their fault also.

Had this same post on FB pages for newspapers and people saying its stupid yes for not getting worse treatment for murder or the likes, but it is this countries rules and if you set foot on their land you need to abide by them.

But you can blow people up and get out in 5 years

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:56 pm
by Bully
again, i agree. Someone blows others up and is free in 5 years

someone smuggles drugs and gets death. It is stupid.

AGAIN - this is this countries rules.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:02 pm
by heater31
Simple answer is don't get involved with the stuff in the first place then you won't be in this shit!

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:33 pm
by RustyCage
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1421557361.759211.jpg (81.54 KiB) Viewed 5100 times

You have to be pretty stupid to even try

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:32 pm
by Bully
or some cant read !

am sure some will blame tony for this....

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:39 pm
by Q.
Bully wrote:am sure some will blame tony for this....

well, it's pretty much his fault

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:22 pm
by gadj1976

I am torn though. I think it's harsh but then it's not like they don't advertise the fact that if you do it, and get caught you're in big trouble.

I just wonder how many other people are scared off trafficking into Bali because of it. If it's none, then it's not working. If it's lots, then it is. We'll never know though.

If you DO take on the risk then get caught, I find it strange that firstly people bleat about being caught and secondly their families going on about how good they are, what great citizens they are and how responsible they now are. Tough! If they didn't traffic in the first place, they wouldn't have to worry about death penalties!

I always believe I'm responsible for my own actions. If I do something and something happens accordingly then that's my fault. Not the governments! If these guys reckon they can get off, then realistically they're saying "no risk, all reward" and it makes a mockery of the Indonesian governments rulings.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:33 pm
by carey
It's a tough one.

Weren't one of them 17 at the time? We all did stupid things at 17 (Granted not smuggling drugs) but to lose your life for doing one stupid thing?
Yes, Rules are rules and I agree on a lot of the above posts but.......

Very tough. I guess Indonesia doing this sets a standard and sends a message especially with a new leader in.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:20 pm
by JK
It is tough, but at the end of the day I dont think it matters what we think as we have no say ({and no right to have a say) in the legislation of another country.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:22 pm
by Failed Creation
JK wrote:It is tough, but at the end of the day I dont think it matters what we think as we have no say ({and no right to have a say) in the legislation of another country.

I agree 100% with this statement.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:02 pm
by Jim05
Dont feel sorry for them, deserve what they get

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:07 pm
by LaughingKookaburra
You're crazy to smuggle drugs in to Indonesia. Been twice in last 12 months as I'm sure many on here have been. Soon as I got past the toll booth in Bali there was security everywhere and they are looking for any suspicious people in the terminal. Security at that airport is head and shoulders above that in any Australian airport.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:36 am
by woodublieve12
Indonesian government is so corrupt its not funny... They are willing to spend a large amount of money to get their own off in saudi arabia but tell other countries to mind there business and respect the law when it comes to their laws...

I don't have an issue with the death penalty, for murderers and child molestors... Touch harsh on drug smuggling...

Saying that they knew the risks when they attempted this and unfortunately have to deal with the consiquences..

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:27 pm
by Psyber
I'm not fond of the death penalty in principle, because of the risk of wrongful convictions.
It may have a place for offenders found guilty repeatedly of serious crimes - like the US "3 time loser" concept.
As drug smugglers are prepared to risk others' lives as well as their own, and it may be a fair thing in their case...

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:34 pm
by Dogwatcher
Drug smugglers aren't risking the lives of others. Those who take the drugs are choosing to risk their own lives.

I don't agree with the death penalty and would actively protest if moves were ever made to introduce it here.
I believe that, in Indonesia, the law states you will die if caught smuggling drugs, so the Bali Nine must wear the consequences.
However, we should not begrudge Australian citizens, nor their families, from receiving whatever help they can from the Australian Government to have these sentences commuted.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:53 pm
by Psyber
Dogwatcher wrote:Drug smugglers aren't risking the lives of others. Those who take the drugs are choosing to risk their own lives.

I don't agree with the death penalty and would actively protest if moves were ever made to introduce it here.
I believe that, in Indonesia, the law states you will die if caught smuggling drugs, so the Bali Nine must wear the consequences.
However, we should not begrudge Australian citizens, nor their families, from receiving whatever help they can from the Australian Government to have these sentences commuted.

I agree with you in general.

However, many drug users I have seen asserted they had been assured by dealer's that the drugs are "perfectly safe" and that the authorities are lying, and of course the dealer's know they are selling a product that can kill or damage the user. Ecstasy is an example of this - it can cause, and has in some cases caused, massive hyper-pyrexia and subsequent brain damage or death.

Then St Johns Wort can do the same if a person takes it on top of an SSRI antidepressant, but the SJW bottles usually say something bland like, ".. may interact negatively with some prescribed medications".

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:15 am
by Dogwatcher
There's enough education around that people know that drugs are not "perfectly safe", despite what their friendly, caring dealer might be telling them. That's just an excuse for them taking a chance on something.

Re: Bali Nine - is the death penalty justice?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:17 am
by Booney
I've changed my view over the years on the death penalty. Previously, I was for it, thinking some crimes befit that penalty. Over time ( in many ways ) I've softened and think that very few crimes, if any, deserve the death penalty.

Having said that, these people made a conscious decision to attempt to smuggle drugs from a country that they know has this penalty in place. So, they bear the consequences.

As DW said, I have no problem with the Australian government applying as much pressure as diplomatically possible to have these people pardoned.